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在政府、捐助者和社区图书馆员的共同努力下,美国社区图书馆呈现出蓬勃发展的势头,其网站建设也非常优秀。总结了部分美国社区图书馆网站的内容,对我国社区图书馆网站的建设具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

美国的竞争性技术情报及其对我国的启示   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文对美国竞争性技术情报(CTI)的发展现状、特点、实际应用进行了回顾和总结,分析了CTI问世的原因、CTI的基本问题、CTI在美国的应用和发展、CTI发展的重要意义、美国CTI发展对我国的启示,以期对我国CTI专业工作者有所借鉴。  相似文献   

美国科技期刊运行机制和发展环境   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
分析美国科技期刊的出版模式——大型出版集团出版模式、学(协)会出版模式和期刊社出版模式;介绍美国科技期刊的宏观管理模式、法律环境和经济环境——美国整体上实施的是以法律管理为主,经济手段与协会管理为辅,政府干预、社会监督并举的出版管理体制;总结发达的经济基础、先进的科学技术、市场化运作和完善的法律体系是美国科技期刊出版业发达的成因。  相似文献   

The relative performance of science and technology (S&T) in the USA and PRC was compared in terms of quantity and quality, as reflected in their technical literatures. Three databases (Science Citation Index (SCI), INSPEC, Ei Compendex) were selected for the quantity comparison, and citation analysis in the SCI was used for the quality comparison. Thirty technology and research areas were compared for quantity production, and are presented in this paper. These 30 areas were selected based on our previous assessment of PRC S&T output, and represented areas of emphasis by the PRC in physical, environmental, engineering, and life sciences.In almost all technical areas, the USA had the quantity (number of papers) lead (for the period 2002–2007) based on the SCI results, although the PRC has made dramatic strides to overtake the USA. In most of the technical areas, by 2007 PRC had attained parity with, or exceeded, the S&T literature production of the USA in the INSPEC database. The major exceptions were the biomedical field and some aspects of environmental science, where the USA still had a large lead. For most technical areas, by 2007 the PRC had even higher relative S&T literature production, based on the Ei Compendex, compared to the INSPEC results. Moreover, the USA production appears to have peaked (in the Ei Compendex) in the 2005 time frame, despite increasing amounts of funding for S&T research. The PRC challenge in non-biomedical research and technology sectors becomes apparent in those databases that do not contain substantial biomedical research papers, and therefore remove a substantial intrinsic USA advantage.For quality computations, the publication and citation results were normalized to discrete slices of time, and are presented for nanotechnology only (for the period 1998–2003). While the USA held a commanding lead in quality over the PRC (and the other major nanotechnology producer nations as well) during the past decade, the PRC has increased the quality of its publications monotonically, and now appears to be competitive with France, Italy, Japan, and Australia, using the quality metric in this paper.  相似文献   

目的:比较、分析美国几所图书情报学科领域知名大学的研究生与本科生教学的主要模式与重要特征,从实践层面对我国图书情报学科教育的改革与发展决策提供参考.方法:实地调研3所美国图书情报教育知名大学的基本教学情况,比较、归纳其教学模式与特点.结果:美国图书情报学科课程设置兼顾了信息科学、计算机科学和其他学科,并根据学院发展方向有所侧重,设置少量必修课,同时配备丰富的选修课,侧重对学生研究方法与工具使用能力的培养.结论:美国大学图书情报专业的本科生与研究生教育具有选课、上课自由度高,但课外学习、考核都把关严格的特征,各环节倚重、依托互联网平台提升教学工作管理实践效率,值得国内大学借鉴.  相似文献   

Using ‘general trust in institutions’ and ‘conceptsof nature’ as examples, the article analyzes the influenceof cultural factors on sense-making of food biotechnology andthe resulting public attitudes in the USA and Germany. Accordingto the hypotheses investigated, different levels of trust andappreciation of nature explain part of the well-known differencesin attitudes between both countries. The analysis of a cross-culturalsurvey of the general population shows that appreciation ofnature is a predictor of attitudes in both countries. The higherappreciation of nature in Germany partly explains why attitudestowards food biotechnology are more negative in Germany thanin the USA. The relationship between trust and attitudes ismore complex than expected, however. Institutional trust isa moderate predictor of attitudes towards food biotechnologyin the USA but not in Germany. To explain the varying effectivenessof trust in resolving innovation-related uncertainty we referto differences in issue framing in both countries and to thehigher degree of universalism and individualism in the USA.We conclude that the higher relevance of trust and the lowerappreciation of nature make the U.S. culture more apt to assimilatetechnical innovations than the German culture.  相似文献   

通过对中美两国共7家WAP手机图书馆的检索系统进行调查,分别从检索功能、检索效果、用户负担三个方面分析两国手机图书馆检索系统的特点。调查结果指出,中美手机图书馆检索功能仍需加强,可借鉴主流搜索引擎进行完善;中美手机图书馆检索效果存在较大差距,查准率成主要影响因素;中美手机图书馆检索系统需加强用户友好度;国内手机图书馆检索系统发展水平参差不齐,可采取多种方案提高整体水平。最后,指出完善检索功能、优化检索效果、提高用户友好度成为手机图书馆发展面临的重要课题。  相似文献   

In response to the terrorist attacks of 9/11, the USA PATRIOT Act greatly expanded the ability of the Federal Bureau of Investigation to use National Security Letters (NSLs) in investigations and the contexts in which they could be used by relaxing the standards under which NSLs could be employed. NSLs allow investigators to acquire a significant amount of information about the subject of an investigation, and the range and frequency of uses of NSLs has risen dramatically since the passage of the USA PATRIOT Act. An outstanding question with NSLs is whether they are being used in a manner that violates the First and Fourth Amendments of the Constitution. This article explores the relationships between NSLs, the USA PATRIOT Act, and the Constitution. The paper reviews the legislative history of NSLs, synthesizes the First and Fourth Amendment issues and key judicial decisions related to NSLs, and analyzes the extent to which the USA PATRIOT Act Improvement and Reauthorization Act of 2005 adequately addresses challenges to the constitutionality of NSLs. The paper concludes with an examination of NSLs within the greater information policy context in the United States, as the expanded usage of NSLs—even if entirely constitutional—raises the possibility of chilling the freedom of expression.  相似文献   

美国嵌入式学科服务实践及其启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
国外图书馆近年来纷纷开展嵌入式学科服务,嵌入式学科服务成为国外图书馆学科服务发展的新方向.美国的嵌入式学科服务主要包括嵌入式教学与嵌入式科学研究.图书馆员作为助手嵌入到课堂和网络教学平台,嵌入到教师科研和学生科研.美国的嵌入式学科服务为国内嵌入式学科服务的开展提供了很多启示.  相似文献   

从公共广播运行层面来看,公共广播系统发展的历史及其生存的大环境对其价值实现具有相对独特的诉求。本文因对美国公共广播系统的考察访问而受启发,从美国公共广播系统内、外部治理两个角度来审视公共广播系统的治理特点。总体来看,公共广播系统具有相对独立(非集权化)与长期有效率运行(非官僚化)两个重要特征。这两个特征显然需要一个良好的治理结构。本文拟从其宏、微观等层面来考量分权架构与市场取向的制度安排对于公共广播发展的意义。  相似文献   

民国时期美国对我国图书馆学教育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
中国近代图书馆事业兴起于19世纪末,图书馆学教育则始于20世纪20年代。民国时期中国图书馆学教育处于萌芽时期。受美国影响尤深。如在教育思想、教育经费、教育人才等方面都与美国息息相关。  相似文献   

While technology news has become a major news genre, the coverage of high-tech products has raised concerns regarding the commercialization of journalism. Drawing on salience transfer and exemplification theory, this study explores how The New York Times and USA Today covered Apple products along quantity and quality dimensions. A content analysis documented a landslide in the amount of coverage on Apple products in both newspapers. Both iPhones and iPads were disproportionately over-covered in relation to their market share. Over one-third of the headlines about the iPhone covered the product favorably. The New York Times published more stories about these gadgets than USA Today did, while USA Today was twice as likely to portray iPhones in a positive light. These findings have raised questions about the commercialization of technology news and its impact on journalism.  相似文献   

中国、日本、美国的图书馆均对读者隐私权进行了保护,但在保护的程度和方法上差异明显。中国图书馆有必要在学习日本、美国先进管理经验的基础上,根据本国实际情况,依据宪法和法律制定出完善的行业管理规则,建立恰当的服务体系,充分培育隐私权保护意识,让读者隐私权的保护能够真正得以实现。参考文献7。  相似文献   

美国亚里桑那大学图书馆信息共享经验及启示   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
根据笔者最近在美国亚利桑那大学为期一年的访问,介绍了美国亚利桑那大学图书馆数字化建设的一些有益经验,特别是信息资源共享与网络化服务方面的一些先进理念,提出了若干可供借鉴的管理策略和服务方法。参考文献5。  相似文献   

Objectives: This study evaluates malaria vaccine research carried out in different parts of the world during 1972–2004 using different bibliometric indicators. Method: Data have been downloaded from PubMed for the period 1972–2004 using the keywords (malaria* or plasmodium or falciparum) and (vaccine*) in the title and abstract fields. The study examined the pattern of growth of the output, its geographical distribution, profile of different countries in different subfields and pattern of citations using GOOGLE Scholar. Results: Malaria vaccine research output is gradually increasing. The USA, followed by the UK and Australia contributed the highest number of papers. Publication activity has decreased in Switzerland and Sweden, but has increased in Brazil and China. The majority of the countries have focused on the development of asexual blood stage malaria. Citations per paper and incidence of high‐quality papers for the USA, the UK, Papua New Guinea and Denmark are more than the average. The majority of the prolific institutions are located in the USA, the UK, France and Australia. Conclusion: The last two decades have witnessed considerable growth in research output in this field, while a successful malaria vaccine still remains elusive. Interestingly, the countries like the USA, the UK and Australia that lead in the quantity, quality and citation of this output are often not those directly affected by malaria.  相似文献   

从1953年美国《医院(综合)评审标准》第一版标准把医院图书馆的工作列入评审内容以来,随着医学、信息技术以及医疗环境的变化,相关评审标准随之改变,更注重医院图书馆提供知识性信息的功能性。本文详细介绍了该标准有关医院图书馆评审的沿革及其启示。  相似文献   

经过20余年的实践,彩色报纸的设计日益趋向理性和成熟,形成了几类典型风格。本文以中美彩色报纸为对象,依据色彩使用位置及方式进行风格划分,拟将美国报纸划分为质报型、量报型和嫁接前两者特色的中庸型三类,将中国报纸划分为庄重严肃型、浓墨重彩型、清淡典雅型和五彩缤纷型四类。通过展现各类风格在代表性报纸头版的具体表现,比较中美彩色报纸风格类型间的对应性及差异性,并客观分析了差异性产生的原因。  相似文献   

The development of Latino USA, a news and information public radio program about Latino issues, is the focus of this paper. From a Gramscian theoretical framework three primary factors-economics, demographics and technology-are examined which may have contributed to the creation of Latino USA. The need for public radio, at both the network and local level, to increase its funding in the 1980s led to more diverse programming. Simultaneously, a redistribution of income within the Latino community in the U.S. created a segment of the Latino population attractive to public radio managers. Finally, changes in communication technologies made possible the production of a magazine format program at lower costs.  相似文献   

研究技术监测方法在国防科技情报分析中的具体应用,并以美国国防部科技报告(AD报告)为数据源,以导弹技术为研究对象进行实证研究,得出美国导弹技术的相关研究主题、重要研究机构、重要研究人员及其相互关联关系。结果表明:在国防科技情报工作中运用技术监测方法,可以简化情报人员的分析工作,大大提高情报工作的效率,更好地为我国国防科研的发展战略和规划制定提供决策支持。  相似文献   

欧美政府信息资源公益性开发利用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘莉 《档案管理》2011,(3):66-69
首先,对欧美在政府信息资源开发利用过程中的主要信息类型进行介绍,然后,分别从开发主体和开发方式两个方面,对欧美政府信息资源的公益性开发利用情况进行分析和总结,同时,列举出部分典型案例.简要分析了欧盟和美国在政府信息资源公益性开发利用中的相同点和不同点,最后,总结出欧美政府信息资源公益性开发利用的经验以及对我国的启示.  相似文献   

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