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Platelets play a vital role in the progression of atherosclerosis and thrombosis, a major cause of death worldwide. Platelets are activated by many triggers like elevated LDL in blood resulting in aggregation and formation of plaque. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of LDL and signal transduction inhibitor on the activation of platelets in Ischaemic risk subjects. Platelets from IHD and hyperlipidemic subjects were hypersensitive to ADP, as higher levels of platelet aggregation were observed in these groups. LDL from IHD hyperlipidemic subjects was more effective in activating platelets from any other group. Ox-LDL was more effective in activating platelets than native-LDL as monitored by level of platelet aggregation induced by PAF and thrombin. Calcium channel blocker, nifedipine and verapamil inhibited platelet aggregation at micromolar level. Protein kinase inhibitor, staurosporine was effective in inhibiting ADP induced aggregation at nanomolar level.  相似文献   

High plasma concentration of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) is associated with increased risk of atherosclerosis. Modified forms of LDL, especially oxidized LDL play a major role in its pathogenesis. This article gives detailed insight into the kinetics ofin vitro LDL oxidation by copper at different concentrations in normal and high-risk group subjects. Basal level of oxidatively modified LDL was significantly higher in ischaemic heart disease (IHD) and IHD hyperlipidemic subjects compared to normolipidemic and, hyperlipidemic control subjects, respectively. Derivatization of amino groups of apo-lipoprotein as monitored by estimating free amino groups concentration, was significantly higher in high-risk group and established IHD cases. Kinetics of oxidation was studied with two different concentrations of CuSO4 (2.5 mM and 7.5 mM). thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) level increases with time, and up to 95% oxidation was observed in 8 hr. About 60–65% less free amino groups were observed in native-LDL isolated from IHD patients compared to normal subjects. Study also showed an increase in two oxidative products studied, 20α-OH-cholesterol and 4-cholesten-3-one with oxidation time accompanied by corresponding decrease in LDL cholesterol. Increase in oxidative species was more evident in high-risk group and IHD patient. Basal level of oxidatively modified LDL measured in terms of TBARS was significantly higher in present study, strongly support that the extent of LDL oxidation monitored as TBARS and FAG level in circulating-LDL could be used as risk marker for high risk group.  相似文献   

Ten normal subjects (NS) and 28 stone formers (SF) underwent 1 and 2 gm. calcium loading test following three days of calcium restricted diet (400 mg/day). On 4th day first 24-hr. urine sample was collected. An additional 1 and 2 gm. of calcium (Calcium gluconate) was given orally on 5th and 6th day respectively and 24-hr. urine samples were collected on both the days. Before loading, all the NS had normal calcium excretion (<200 mg/day). Calcium loading caused hypercalciuria in 10% and 20% cases respectively. Among SF, 17.9% cases were already hypercalciuric and calcium loading increased it to 42.9% and 46.4% patients respectively. The results indicated that exogenous calcium had only limited capacity to increase urinary calcium and that the magnitude of rise was relatively higher in SF. The increased excretion in SF was primarily due to intestinal hyperabsorption of calcium.  相似文献   

The effects of regular feeding ofPyrus malus whole fruit and its juice on total serum cholesterol, HDL cholesterol, LDL cholesterol, triglycerides and phospholipids have been studied in normal albino rabbits. It was observed that the whole fruit as well as juice caused significant and progressive decrease in total serum cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and triglycerides within a period of 30 days. On the other hand, serum phospholipids and HDL cholesterol showed progressive and significant increase. Apparently, whole fruit appeared to bring about more per cent lowering in total cholesterol, LDL cholesterol and more increase in HDL cholesterol as compared to juice. Whole apple fruit also caused increase in body weight of rabbits on 30th day (p<0.05) while oral administration of juice showed insignificant change in body weight even on 30th day (p>0.05).  相似文献   

Thyroid hormones regulate the renal hemodynamics and basal metabolic rate of most cells. This hospital-based case-control study was done to evaluate the changes in biochemical markers of liver and kidney function in hypothyroid subjects before and after treatment. The study included 176 subjects randomly selected from Thyroid clinics. Serum T3, T4, TSH, Liver and Kidney Function tests were analysed using standard kits. Forty-six hypothyroid patients were re-evaluated 6 weeks after thyroxine substitution therapy. Hypothyroid subjects (n=80) showed significantly raised serum creatinine and uric acid levels as compared to euthyroid subjects (n=96). After 6 weeks of thyroxine replacement, serum creatinine and uric acid decreased significantly and were comparable to euthyroid group. A positive correlation of ALT, AST, uric acid, protein and albumin with TSH levels (p<0.05) and negative correlation of serum T4 levels with ALT, AST, proteins (p<0.05) was observed in the hypothyroid group. Hypothyroidism results in reversible impairment of hepatorenal function.  相似文献   

本文按照风险识别与确认、评估与度量、防范与控制的逻辑顺序对高科技企业的风险管理问题进行了探讨,认为高科技企业风险管理的关键在于实施三个结合,即风险防范控制与生命周期阶段相结合,高新技术研发和市场营销特性相结合,技术专家忠诚和管理专家信任相结合;最后提出了几点相关建议。  相似文献   

运用融入时间因素的动态层次分析方法来尝试对高科技项目企业做出准确风险评价,解决创业投资风险管理过程中风险评估动态性不强的弱点,从而为创业投资项目成功提供保障。  相似文献   

Apolipoprotein E genotypes and lipid and lipoprotein levels were determined in hypercholesterolemic and angiographically vertified CHD subjects and compared against 90 normolipidemic controls. The ε4 allele was significantly prevalent in the hypercholesterolemic and CHD subjects. Significant increase in total cholesterol levels in apo ε4 containing subjects were observed in the hypercholesterolemic and CHD group. The study suggests that the ε4 allele by influencing the lipid levels could act as a risk factor for CHD.  相似文献   

对高等师范院校数学专业教育实习的再认识   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着全面素质教育的实施,中等数学教育改革已对传统的高等师范教育提出了新的更高的要求。同时,高等师范教育也要适应素质教育的需要,着力培养具有创新精神和实践能力的复合型人才。要实现这个目标,就必须深化高等教育教学改革,加强教育实习这一实践教学环节的工作。  相似文献   

Apart from the biochemical parameters routinely used like Vanillyl Mandellic Acid for the patients with neuroblastoma the parameters like neuron specific enolase, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase, gamma glutamyl transferase were also studied to assess the utility in diagnosing the patients with neuroblastoma. The study involved 40 healthy ambulatory subjects and 30 untreated cases of histologically proved neuroblastoma referred to the Tata Memorial Hospital for further management and treatment. The urinary Vanillyl Mandellic Acid levels and the serum levels of neuron specific enolase, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase had increased significantly, p<0.001 whereas the gamma glutamyl transferase had decreased significantly p<0.001, as compared to the normal. Serum neuron specific enolase, ferritin, lactate dehydrogenase alongwith urinary Vanillyl Mandellic Acid could be of help in diagnosing the patients with neuroblastoma.  相似文献   

针对我国台海地区浅海渔业捕鱼效率低下等问题,将某高校水声科技成果既水平探鱼仪向现实生产力转化,研制出适用于浅海作业的新型浅海水平探鱼仪,并运用STP,4P等理论基础,对该研究成果同台海地区渔业产业化实行对接的可行性与实现路径进行了论述。  相似文献   

知识经济时代,作为竞争激烈的高科技领域,保持财务业绩的可持续增长是企业财务管理者的首要任务,而财务风险控制又成为其核心。本文从对我国高科技企业的新特征进行分析入手,阐述了高科技企业面临的财务风险(包括筹资、投资、资金回收及收益分配等风险),并提出了风险管理的措施。  相似文献   

高新技术产业又被称为“风险产业”,风险性的存在成为影响高新技术产业快速而健康运行的重要制约因素之一,客观上要求政府采取适当的规制措施来化解和降低其风险性。本文在对高新技术产业领域中的技术风险、市场风险、财务风险进行剖析的基础上提出了相关的规制措施。  相似文献   

A number of epidemiologic studies has been published in recent years showing an increase risk of death from cancer in subjects with low plasma cholesterol levels. Although several authors proposed that hypocholesterolemia is predisposing factor for cancer development, no causative relation has been established so far and that it may be that low plasma cholesterol is secondary to malignant disease. Hence, the present study was undertaken to examine the lipid profile in children patients with leukemia and Hodgkin's disease in comparison with age matched controls. The study included 52 normal healthy controls and 105 patients with leukemia and Hodgkin's disease. Lipid profile included serum cholesterol, HDL & LDL cholesterol and triglycerides. Serum cholesterol, HDL & LDL cholesterol were found to be inversely associated with incidence of cancer, whereas triglycerides were significantly elevated in cancer patients. The inverse association between cancer and serum cholesterol may reflect a physiological response to early undiagnosed stages of cancer.  相似文献   

王悦  李晓轩  郑永和 《科研管理》2011,32(3):159-164
摘要:本文分析、比较了国外著名科学资助机构近年来有关高风险探索性项目的典型评议机制,在借鉴其经验的基础上,结合我国科学基金的实际,提出了一种互动启发式评议机制。该机制依托专门的会议论坛为评议平台,通过申请者与评审者现场交流、讨论与交锋,在互动中实时遴选出值得资助的项目。互动启发式评议机制能够克服传统同行评议方式在遴选高风险探索性项目时的保守性缺位等不足,成为传统同行评议方式的扩展与补充。  相似文献   

陈裕国 《科技广场》2007,(5):185-186
本文以WH153PA热敏微型打印机在医院生化分析仪中的应用为实例,设计了与C8051F120单片机间的硬件接口电路。通过修改C51函数库中的putchar()函数,从而实现打印输出程序设计的简化。对于数据、汉字和曲线的打印输出,分别提出了具体的程序设计方法。对其它型号微型打印机的应用具有参考价值。  相似文献   

介绍了∑-Δ模/数转换芯片AD7715的优点和在生化分析仪中的应用。设计了AD7715与单片机间的接口电路和数据采集程序。应用实例实现了高精度的生化检测分析。  相似文献   

Cardiometabolic syndrome is one of the major public health issues of this century which describes a cluster of clinical characteristics. Seventy two patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) and cardiometabolic syndrome and forty healthy age and sex matched normal controls were selected for this study. Detailed clinical epidemiological and anthropometric characteristics were noted. Lipid profile and Cytokinesis-block micronuclei (CBMN) assay using cytochalasin B were carried out in all the subjects. Serum total cholesterol, triglyceride and LDL-cholesterol was significantly higher and HDL cholesterol was significantly lower in patients compared to their normal counter-parts (P<0.05). CBMN frequency of the patients was significantly higher at all ages compared to their normal counter parts (P<0.05). Various risk factors like diabetes, hypertension, dyslipidemia, abdominal obesity, smoking and alcoholism were found influenced the CBMN frequency; but the changes were not significant. From this study it can be concluded that DNA damage was found to be higher in patients with cardiometabolic syndrome which may be attributed to the generation of free radicals associated with alcohol consumption, tobacco use, dyslipidemia and glucose intolerance and the accumulation of free radicals with increase in age.  相似文献   

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