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Dieser Beitrag beleuchtet den Umgang mit Studierendenanliegen iwS an Fachhochschul-Studieng?ngen. Besonderes Augenmerk wird dabei auf die Zust?ndigkeiten der beteiligten „Stakeholder“ im Fachhochschulwesen und deren Interaktion gelegt. Im Zentrum stehen die Rollen der Studiengangsleitung, des Fachhochschul-Kollegiums sowie der Studierendenvertretung. Diese Stakeholder sind ma?geblich beteiligt an der Qualit?tssicherung der Lehre an Fachhochschul-Studieng?ngen. Das Fachhochschulstudiengesetz (FHStG) wurde durch das Qualit?tssicherungsrahmengesetz (QSRG)* umfassend novelliert; dadurch ergeben sich auch ?nderungen in bezug auf den Umgang mit Studierendenanliegen. Dieser Beitrag stellt die neue Rechtslage nach dem QSRG dar. Abschlie?end wird thematisiert, inwieweit die im Fachhochschul-Recht grundgelegten Verfahren und die Aufgabenverteilung zwischen den beteiligten Personen und Organen den Erfordernissen einer effizienten und effektiven Behandlung der Studierendenanliegen entsprechen.  相似文献   

Teaching science is again receiving increased attention in educational science, didactic and political debates. This review article will present the focal points of research concerning the didactics of science and perspectives for the development of science teaching. It will look at the goals of science education, on the one hand, and at the topics of empirical research and studies concerning a substantive development of teaching and lessons in science, on the other. The contribution closes with an outlook on the implementation of new developments and future perspectives for science education.  相似文献   

Kein schwerer Mangel des Prüfungsverfahrens, wenn die Begründung für das negative Ergebnis einer mündlichen Prüfung im Prüfungsprotokoll nicht festgehalten wird. Kein schwerer Mangel des Prüfungsverfahrens wenn nicht der Vorsitzende der kommissionellen mündlichen Prüfung das Prüfungsprotokoll führt.  相似文献   

Children and youth consume pictures in a very loose, often in a sophistic way, nowadays. On the other hand educators and pedagogies faced pictures sceptically and refused iconic representations to be a means of acquiring knowledge.

Only when didactically and methodologically used, they claimed as a professionalized option, pictures could be suitful with regard to learning processes.

Pedagogues suspicially feared to loose control rejecting the irritating totality of pictures. Pointing consequently to the didactic use of pictures and images they better should have abandonned the moralistic point of view. They did not–as the history of the “Bewahrpädagogik” shows ‐, and therefore they presented a stereotype, although professional reaction to the problem of images and pictures “intruding”, “penetrating” children's life.

The article shows examples of the pedagogue's rejecting position towards children, consuming images and pictures, stating that their reaction has been a common reflex and a widespread attitude among eudcators.  相似文献   

Music, visual arts and design instruction has hardly been studied by the educational research community in Switzerland. Beyond a narrow group of specialists, there is little aware-ness of the basic pedagogical premises, subject matter expertise and the theoretical underpinnings of music visual art and design education although these areas of instruction are firmly anchored in the education goals for compulsory public schooling that have been outlined at national level in Switzerland and a generous amount of instructional time appears to be allocated to these subject areas in comparison with curriculum guidelines in other countries. This paper presents the findings of a trend analysis focused on music, visual arts and design instruction in Switzerland. It shows the importance accorded to aesthetic subjects within the scope of compulsory public education, explores differences in the amount of time resources allocated to these subject areas and describes the subject-specific and cross-functional goals and objectives. Teacher education programs are also examined as their current content and structure raise concerns about inadequate teacher qualifications that contradict the ambitious curricular goals. A review of previous research efforts, most of which have explored the transfer effects of creative, artistic subject areas, follows and desiderata with respect to the future development of research activities are presented.  相似文献   

Die Auslandsaktivitäten der Fachhochschulen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland auf studentischer Ebene kann man in die vier Kategorien: Praxisse-mester, Sprachintensivkurse, Studien- und Prüfungsleistungen sowie Studienabschlüsse gliedern, denen sich mehrere Merkmale zuordnen lassen, die für die Förderungswürdig-keit der Programme bedeutsam sind. Aus der Fülle unterschiedlicher Austauschprogram-marten erfolgt das Vorstellen des Reutlinger sowie des Osnabrucker Modells mit dem gemeinsamen Merkmal ‘Doppelqualifikation von zwei national anerkannten Hochschul-graden’.

Structure of Joint-study-programmes in the Federal Republic of Germany and Great Britain. Academic links for students of Fachhochschulen are mainly structured in four categories: industrial training, intensive language courses, examinations, national degrees. The following six characteristics can be attributed to the above mentioned categories: activity with academic or national recognition; activity on an obligatory or voluntary basis; activity that can be done within the normal 4 years period of study or which causes a prolongation of study; activity that works reciprocally; activity with the chance of becoming a normal study course; activity on a binational or even multinational basis. These six characteristics are important for students to be eligible for scholarship through the ERASMUS Bureau or other organisations. Out of the plenty of different joint-study-programmes, which are classified by the categories mentioned, the ‘Reutlinger and the Osnabrücker models’ are presented as courses with double qualifications.  相似文献   

Ohne Zusammenfassung
The position of education confronted as it is by the technical development of the present time

La situation de l'éducation face à la technique contemporaine

Zusammenfassung Die Persönlichkeit, die fast überall positiv verstanden wird, besteht nicht von Geburt an, sondern entwickelt sich unter Einfluß von Anlagen und Umwelt. Die Jugend, die als Übergang zwischen Kindheit und Erwachsenenalter bezeichnet wird, wirft in vielen modernen Industriestaaten Probleme auf, die aus der oftmals schwierigen Suche nach der eigenen Identität resultieren. Identität wird hier als Wechselwirkung zwischen Anlagen und Umwelt verstanden. Der Jugendliche muß auf dem Weg zur eigenen Persönlichkeit vor sich selbst, der Gesellschaft und dem Leben insgesamt bestehen. Die Psychologie definiert die Persönlichkeit als Summe vieler psychologischer Eigenschaften, in denen sich Unterschiede zwischen den Menschen zeigen. Die Entwicklung dieser Eigenschaften ist in Umwelt, Reifung und Handlung des Individuums zu sehen. Sie wird in Ursachen, Bedingungen und Verläufe unterschieden. Als letzten Punkt führt der Artikel verschiedene Aspekte der Bildungsproblematik an. Der Verfasser kommt zu dem Schluß, daß Persönlichkeitsentwicklung zwar Ziel der Bildung sein sollte, dieses Ziel aber aufgrund des heutigen unklaren Bildungskonzeptes nicht erreichbar ist.
Personality, which is a term almost always used in a positive sense, does not exist from the moment of birth, but it develops under the influence of heredity and environment. Adolescence, which is seen as a transition from childhood to adulthood, raises difficulties in many modern industrialized countries as a result of the often arduous search for individual identity. In this context identity is seen as an interaction between heredity and environment. While developing his own personality, the young person has to maintain an integral existence vis-à-vis himself, society and life. Psychology defines the personality as the sum of numerous psychological characteristics, through which differences between people are revealed. The development of these characteristics is to be seen in the environment, maturation and actions of the individual. It can be subdivided into causes, conditions and processes. Finally the article discusses various aspects of the general question of education. The author concludes that the development of the personality should be an aim of education, but that this aim is presently unattainable because of a lack of clarity in the concept of education.

Résumé La personnalité, qui est un terme presque toujours employé dans un sens positif, n'existe pas dès la naissance, mais se développe sous l'influence de l'hérédité et de l'environnement. L'adolescence, que l'on considère comme une période de transition entre l'enfance et l'âge adulte, crée des difficultés dans de nombreux pays modernes industrialisés en raison de la recherche souvent ardue d'une identité individuelle. Dans ce contexte, on entend par identité l'interaction entre hérédité et environnement. Tout en développant sa propre personnalité, l'adolescent doit continuer d'exister par rapport à lui-même, la société et la vie. La psychologie définit la personnalité comme la somme de nombreuses caractéristiques psychologiques, à travers lesquelles se dessinent les différences entre les personnes. On peut observer le développement de ces caractéristiques dans l'environnement, la croissance et les actions de l'individu. On peut les classer en causes, conditions et processus. Enfin, le présent article examine les divers aspects de la problématique de l'éducation. L'auteur conclut que le développement de la personnalité devrait être un but de l'éducation, mais que celui-ci n'est pas présentement réalisé en raison du manque de clarté du concept de l'éducation.

Höchstes Glück der Erdenkinder sei nur die Persönlichkeit (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,Westöstlicher Diwan)  相似文献   

The weak educational performance of a noteworthy share of students in Germany is not only a problem in itself, in the sense of a missing capability for self-dependent participation in society. It also has substantial consequences for the economy. This article provides projections of the economic returns that can be expected from hypothetical educational reforms that succeed in effectively reducing the number of at-risk students. We start by discussing existing theoretical and empirical research on the consequences of educational competencies for economic growth. On this basis, we perform projections of the magnitudes of additional economic wealth that can be expected from effective educational investments. Apart from a summary of existing results of long-run projections to 2090, we also report new projections for shorter time horizons. The results, which report the economic returns to effective educational reforms that reduce the number of at-risk students by state (Bundesland) in 10-year intervals from 2020–2050, may prove particularly relevant in political and budgetary discussions. The article closes with a discussion of results from the economics of education literature on which educational reforms might be expected to be successful in reducing the number of at-risk students.  相似文献   

Durch das "Bundesverfassungsgesetz, mit dem das Bundes-Verfassungsgesetz geändert und ein Erstes Bundesverfassungsrechtsbereinigungsgesetz erlassen wird", BGBl I 2008/2, wurden die Verfassungsbestimmungen des FHStG und des UniAkkG über die Weisungsfreistellung der genannten Akkreditierungsorgane in einfache bundesgesetzliche Bestimmungen umgewandelt. Der Beitrag geht der Frage nach, ob diese Umwandlung zu einem verfassungswidrigen Zustand geführt hat.  相似文献   



Aufl?sung der Vorbereitungsfragen zur Facharztprüfung aus Heft 3–4/2009  相似文献   

Evidence-based education aims at improving the effectiveness of educational interventions and programs through knowledge on the basis of rigorous scientific research. However, evidence-based education should not be equated with empirical educational research; nor should it be understood as an independent paradigm of educational science, because of its focus on educational practice. The specific notion of how science and practice relate to each other, which is fundamental to evidence-based education, is exposed to a threefold critique, namely concerning the technological conception of educational practice, the supposed abstinence from theory as frame for educational research, and the disregard of communication as medium of educational effectiveness. The last paragraph of the paper presents a reminiscent sketch of an alternative conception of the relation between science and practice as it can be found with some representatives of educational psychology.  相似文献   

In 1990, the English educational sociologist Phillip Brown argued that the age of meritocracy had been replaced by a mode of allocating life chances following an “ideology of parentocracy”. In a parentocracy, parents’ wishes and resources are decisive for the allocation of life chances of individual pupils. This proposition was taken up many times in the following years. The article argues against the parentocracy proposition and argues that meritocracy has not become weaker as a legitimatory norm of the allocation of life chances and social inequality. However, on the level of the actual operation of the educational system and its interaction with its environment, parentocracy does play a role. This is discussed using on the one hand the way in which Eton College presents itself to its environment and on the other hand how it actually recruits pupils. The article discusses this using a neoinstitutionalist theoretical frame. Finally, the article discusses the ambivalent role of performance data within the uneasy relationship of meritocracy and parentocracy.  相似文献   

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