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Dorothy L.   《Assessing Writing》2009,14(3):157-177
It is widely assumed that the constraints of timed essay exams will make it virtually impossible for students to engage in the major hallmarks of the writing process, especially revision, in testing situations. This paper presents the results of a study conducted at Washington State University in the Spring of 2008. The study examined the occurrence of prewriting and revision in 890 timed essay responses as well as the impact of writing process on student scores. It was found that both prewriting and revision occur more frequently in timed essays than was previously realized. While prewriting corresponded to higher scores, revision corresponded to lower scores. These results encourage composition scholars to reevaluate their assumptions about both the validity of timed writing exams and the efficacy of current practices in teaching the writing process.  相似文献   

基础训练型文体的写作能力、教师专业写作能力、教师专业发展写作能力是高师中文专业学生必备的能力素质。基础训练型文体是正视当下高中毕业生和大学生的写作状况不得不作出的选择,也是教师专业文体写作、教师专业发展写作得以顺利进行的基础和前提;教师专业文体写作能力,从能力层面看,应是语文教师最核心的素质和标志性素质。教师专业发展写作能力,是从语文教师专业化的高度对高师中文专业学生提出的更高要求,也是高师中文专业写作课程面向基础教育语文课程改革应有的回应。  相似文献   

本文着重阐述了英语写作的写前准备、写作阶段及修改阶段的几个步骤,使学生掌握和了解英语写作的技巧和规律,更好地提高学生的英语写作能力和水平。  相似文献   

We studied the processes involved in synthesis writing, focusing on planning, editing and self-regulation strategies. The aims of the study were a) to analyse the temporal distribution of cognitive strategies and self-regulation across the different phases of writing, b) to identify different writing approaches (i.e., profiles), and c) to establish the relationship between writing behavior and writing performance. Twenty-seven humanities students, who were 23 years of age on average, were asked to produce a synthesis. The methodology combined videotaped observations, a think aloud protocol, and an assessment of writing performance, and specific instruments were constructed to collect the data. Algorithms were also calculated to determine the transitions between different types of writing behavior. Results showed that the nature, frequency, and duration of planning, editing, and self-regulation strategies varied according to the phase (prewriting or writing), and the most remarkable changes occurred in the final period of writing. Moreover, although the college students’ functioning generally reflected a novice approach, there were significant differences between the three writer profiles we found, namely precise transcriber, active reviser, and spontaneous writer. Finally, writing performance was positively and significantly correlated with writing strategies such as taking notes and reading drafts.  相似文献   

What is the impact on students' writing samples of such factors as prompt features, prewriting activities, time limits, and examiner practices? How can these variables be systematically reported?  相似文献   

The use of multimedia graphic organizer software and how it influenced the prewriting process for primary school children were evaluated. An analysis of writing samples generated by second-grade students with diverse writing abilities was carried out. Students were given two opportunities to participate in prewriting activities—one without and one with the use of multimedia graphic organizer software. The results indicated that the use of multimedia graphic organizer software can provide some benefits to writing for elementary school children.  相似文献   

英语写作教学模式新探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统大学英语写作教学一般由教师讲解、学生写作和教师批改三个部分组成。但这种写作课难以吸引学生,容易使写作成为负担。采用建构主义提倡的写作教学模式,联系实际问题,强化教师和学生之间的互动,则能化被动为主动,使学生主动参与到写作过程中去。  相似文献   

本文根据相关文献资料和教学实践,提出“模仿练写”的教学方法,研究在大学英语写作训练初级阶段如何使学生较快地入门,以及减轻教师评阅负担的问题。  相似文献   

写作除经历了预写、初稿、修改、重写这样一个显性过程外,写作意义还经历了由自我至读者到文本这一往返交互于作者内心的隐性过程。在隐性过程中的由自我到读者这一往返交互过程中,关注读者、读者顺应,对学习主体的英语写作具有重要意义和积极作用。  相似文献   

过程教学法与英语写作能力——一项写作教学实践研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着语言教学重点的转移,写作教学的中心也由"结果教学法"转向了"过程教学法"。写前阶段、具体写作和文章修改是写作过程的三个基本阶段。本文通过非英语专业学生参加的"课堂小组讨论修改"实践和调查问卷,证明文章修改有助于促进学生英语写作能力的提高,增强学生的学习信心,提高学生的英语水平。  相似文献   

Our understanding of the writing process can be a powerful tool for teaching language-disabled students the “how” of writing. Direct, explicit instruction in writing process helps these students learn to explore their ideas and to manage the multiple demands of writing. A case study of one student, Jeff, demonstrates how we structure the stages of writing: prewriting, planning, drafting, revising, and proofreading. When these stages are clearly defined and involve specific skills, language-disabled students can reach beyond their limitations and strengthen their expression. The case study of Jeff reveals the development of his sense of control and his regard for himself as a writer.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to test the effects of a comprehensive writing program for students with and without learning disabilities (LD) in inclusive general education classrooms. The program incorporated research‐based components including instruction in a prewriting planning strategy, narrative text structure, writing strategies, and the process approach to writing. The study was conducted in five fifth‐grade inclusive classrooms with 113 students (including 14 students with LD). A quasi‐experimental comparison‐group design was utilized, whereby three intact experimental classes received the writing intervention, and two intact comparison classes received traditional writing instruction. Measures included several writing indicators as well as state writing competency test scores. Results indicated that the students with and without LD in the experimental group made significant gains from pretest to posttest on several writing measures. Although students in the comparison group made some gains, the gains were related to fewer measures than the measures associated with experimental‐group gains, and the effect sizes were smaller.  相似文献   

为提高本科院校英语专业教师的写作教学质量和英语专业学生的写作水平,本研究以本科院校英语专业学生写作策略的运用与写作成绩的相关性为调研问题,以105名铜仁学院2年级英语专业本科生为调查对象,以学期成绩考试卷和写作策略问卷调查量表收集的相关数据为依据,结果显示:(1)学生运用写前策略的频率最高(平均值=3.88,标准差=0.164);(2)性别差异影响了写作策略的运用,其差异性主要体现在写作策略的认知和社会情感上;(3)写作策略的运用与写作成绩呈正相关。  相似文献   

The “creativity gap” is a distressing discrepancy between the ostensible value educators place on creativity and its absence in schools. How do teachers take on the attributes and skills of a creative practitioner? What struggles do they face in doing so? This case study examines the practices of six early elementary teachers who embarked on a professional development experience through which they learned arts-based strategies for prewriting activities. They purposefully practiced cultivating an environment in which student imagination would feed the generation of ideas and details in prewriting exercises. Findings indicate some teachers embraced this departure from the norm, recognizing how loosening their reigns emboldened “voice and choice” in student writing. Others experienced difficulty taking risks and developing spontaneity for accepting and responding to student ideas. Finally, teachers grappled with converging creative practice with everyday practices in the classroom.  相似文献   

鉴于来华预科留学生汉语写作水平普遍较低的现状,对留学生写作策略的使用情况进行实证性研究是很有必要的。文章通过调查发现:留学生们在写作前阶段使用最多的为识别策略;在写作时阶段使用较多的是补偿策略中的近义词替代、母语替代和简化意义策略;在修改阶段使用较多的是积极接受反馈策略;写作策略使用与新HSK四级写作成绩呈正相关,与新HSK五级写作成绩呈负相关;不当的作文修改步骤和方法能有效预测汉语写作成绩;低水平的写作者往往倾向于选择计划性差、耗时量大、对写作策略使用熟练程度要求高的具体写作策略.结果往往适得其反。  相似文献   

The purpose of this research is to investigate the impact of narrative design in a game‐based learning environment. Specifically, this investigation focuses the narrative design in an adventure‐styled, game‐based learning environment for fostering argumentation writing by looking at how the game narrative impacted player/learner (1) intrinsic motivation, (2) curiosity, (3) plausibility and (4) transference of game‐based experiences into prewriting activities. The methodological framework for this qualitative investigation is a case study with grounded theory methodology. The setting is an educational, three‐dimensional, immersive game‐based learning environment titled Murder on Grimm Isle, used to foster argumentation and persuasion writing for Grades 9–14. The participants included 20 college students. The findings of the investigation reveal that intrinsic motivation, curiosity and plausibility were first supported by the game‐like environment, and then sustained through the narrative and the environment. Additionally, game‐based experiences were transferred into prewriting activities. Unanticipated findings revealed some student resistance. The goal of this research is to gain a better understanding of narrative design for game‐based learning environments.  相似文献   

This study examined how 30 minutes of search time on the Web affected students’ essay scores in response to a writing prompt. Expository essays were obtained from 49 fourth- and fifthgrade students enrolled in an elementary school in Virginia, in the United States. Students were placed by random assignment into three groups with the same writing prompt for all three groups. Data analyses using ANOVA indicate that there was statistical significance in two components of writing. The group that received instruction on using the Internet to conduct research in the prewriting phase outperformed the control group in two areas: the total essay score (p=.053) and usage/mechanics (p=.028). The study also produced effect sizes ranging from small to large when the Internet users were compared to the control group. Implications for the future of Internet use in the school system are discussed.  相似文献   

写作教学是中学语文学科整个语文教学的重要组成部分,当前存在的主要问题是:不少学生写不好字,写不通文章,为应试而学习写作,教学方法习惯于随意性。写作教学的改革必须以科学发展观为指导,坚持科学发展的理念,明确写作教学的基本要求是:教会学生写通文章(包括写好字),并在写通的基础上逐步求得写好,达到能表现出一定的新意、创见和特色。写作课应参照写作的特点进行教学,讲求写作教学艺术,改进教学方式方法。  相似文献   

重新思考和定位汉语言文学专业,积极改革更新其教学内容、模式和方法对一名从事汉语言文学教育的高校教师来说有着重要的意义。表达能力是汉语言文学的根本,表达能力主要包括两点:一是口头表达能力和交际能力,二是书面表达能力和写作能力,教师的教和学生的学都必须以此为立足点。植入课程《文学解读和论文写作:指南与范例》架起了汉语和英语的桥梁,既提高了专业能力,又加强了英语学习,起到了很好的教学效果。  相似文献   

盲校语文教学与心理健康教育的互动作用在培养盲生良好的心理品质方面发挥着重要的作用。本文介绍了在盲校语文教学中渗透心理健康教育的三种方法和途径:紧扣教材,提高盲生心理素质;指导作文,促进盲生自我调节;教师情感,优化盲生健康的心理品质。教学实践结果表明,教师可以在盲校语文教学中有效渗透心理健康教育。  相似文献   

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