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美国职业棒球水平是世界棒球的最高殿堂.本文运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,对美国职业棒球在比赛中不同局面情形下击球员安打率和投手保送率的关系进行数据信息探讨.为提升中国棒球竞争力提供智力支撑,对中国棒球和体育产业供给侧和需求侧的信息数据、潜在问题进行结构性改革和分析,为国家棒球队参加奥运会和中国联赛办赛水平提供借鉴,也不断满足大众观赛需求.  相似文献   

棒垒球运动在我国得到了快速发展,而以2002年开始的中国职业棒球比赛,预示了中国棒球运动在与国际接轨的同时,已经开始了职业化的进程。职业化的进程推动了基础训练广泛全面的开展,尤其是一些大中城市的棒垒球训练基础已相当扎实和具备了一定的规模。多年来,尤以青少年棒球队在多次参加的世  相似文献   

中国棒球职业联赛管理制度的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文以探索棒球职业化的管理模式为切入点,在对我国棒球运动有关材料的收集和客观分析的基础上,以实现我国棒球运动职业化为目标,从管理方面对目前我国棒球运动现状进行客观分析,对棒球联赛中存在的若干问题进行了较深入的研究。本研究为推进中国棒球运动的职业化过程,对我国棒  相似文献   

在美国俄亥俄州的阿什兰市,有个远近闻名的中国棒球教练员和裁判员。他为阿斯兰大学棒球队培养了一名美国职业棒球小联赛 AA 级投手,并且成为受当地棒垒球队欢迎的裁判员。他就是1987年来自上海的王惠嶽。王惠嶽的名字在上海棒垒球界为人们所熟知,1985年被国家体委批准为国家级棒球裁判员,时年仅27岁,是我国最年轻、最优秀的国家级棒球  相似文献   

职业化条件尚不成熟4月,中国棒球联赛终于揭开了面纱。在经历了近半年的准备后,中国首届棒球联赛于4月26日至5月25日在北京、天津、广州、上海同时上演。惟一出乎人们预料的是,首届棒球联赛的名称前缺了“职业”二字。“目前中国棒球运动的水平还不具备称为职业联赛的条件”,中国棒球联赛秘书长申伟慎重地说:“中国棒球联赛还没有充足的市  相似文献   

目前国际棒球运动发展迅猛,已有100多个会员国和地区;20世纪末奥委会首次通过允许职业选手参加奥运会棒球比赛条例,2002年中国开展具有职业性质的棒球联赛,试图在2008年北京奥运会棒球比赛中与棒球列强决一高低。这要求我国青少年棒球教练员重视科学化、规范化训练,不断提高竞技水平,为国家培养优秀后备人才。  相似文献   

梁洪 《体育师友》2014,(3):31-33
在广州体育学院的指导帮助下,2006年广东省中山市东升高级中学组建立第一支棒球队以来,经过8年的不懈努力,棒球的梯队架构、才人培养制度基本形成,引进和培养了一批基层教练队伍,运动水平不断提高,竞技连创佳绩,拟将东升镇打造成MLB在中国的第二个棒球发展中心。2013年镇政府提出了打造棒球小镇的目标,通过发展棒球运动形成棒球产业链,促进地方旅游业的发展[1]。认真总结八年的实践,从中找出存在的问题,不但有利于今后更快更好地发展,提炼出成功的经验,对广东地区及国内的中小学校更好开展棒球运动也起到借鉴作用。  相似文献   

目前国内外棒球运动发展迅猛.已有140多个会员国和地区,尤其是在美国、日本、韩国、加拿大、台湾等地区非常盛行。随着中国大学生棒垒球分会成立和中国开展具有职业性质的棒球联赛,试图在2008年奥运会棒球比赛中与欧美等列强抗衡,不断提高竞技水平,为国家培养优秀后备人才。  相似文献   

随着训练的一天天深入,由韩国职业棋手组成的“棋”棒球队的水平也一天天得到提高。 6月17日,棋队与演艺界人士组成的“恨”队在东大门棒球场进行的“2006MBC ESPN演艺人棒球联赛”中相遇。  相似文献   

中国棒球联赛职业化进程的审视与思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献法和统计法,对中国棒球联赛职业化的形成与发展脉络进行梳理分析。文章认为:(1)走商业化与职业化的途径,是提高我国棒球运动整体水平的必由之路;(2)协调好新闻宣传、竞赛管理、市场运作等方面之间的关系,是保证中国棒球联赛经久不衰的重要手段;(3)以中国棒球联赛为依托,备战2008年北京奥运会,实现普及与提高中国棒球运动整体水平的奋斗目标。  相似文献   

中国棒球运动与亚洲职业棒球发展差距的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
棒球在日本、韩国和中国的台湾省有着悠久的历史和很高的竞技水平,与其职业棒球的发展有着紧密的联系。中国棒球联赛称不上真正意义的中国职棒联赛,只是看到了中国职棒的雏形,成为真正意义的职棒联赛,还需要有一定的时间进行棒球市场的培育与开发,只有队伍规模的壮大,球员水平的提高和拥有一定数量的球迷,真正气候的职业棒球才会实现,竞技水平才能赶超日本、韩国和中国台湾。  相似文献   

我国普通高校棒垒球协成立已经9年了,但我国普通高校棒球运动发展速度较慢,我国普通高校棒球联赛水平与想象相差甚远。通过对出席2012年7月"全国棒垒球联赛"开幕式领导的访谈、及对参加全国棒垒球联赛所有普通高校教练员及运动员调研。经过整理、分析问卷,找出我国普通高校棒球人才培养的途径,提出相应的解决对策。在现实训练、比赛及我国普通高校棒球运动的发展中具有重要意义。  相似文献   

通过对中国棒球队近10年来的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技战术落后,多垒打率低。以技促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球冲出亚洲的突破口。  相似文献   

This article explores the growth of Chinese baseball since the early 1970s. The sport was very popular in the 1940s and 1950s as the semi-official pastime of the People's Liberation Army, but it disappeared from the country in the 1960s due to economic woes stemming from the Great Leap Forward and the anti-western fervour of the Cultural Revolution. Richard Nixon's historic meeting with Chairman Mao in 1972 ushered in a thaw in Sino–American relations that enabled veterans of 1950s competitions to take up baseball once again and teach the game to a new generation. Over the 1970s, baseball began to slowly grow in China with some modest Japanese encouragement and China began competing internationally the following decade. Over the past decade, Major League Baseball has made such a large investment in China that baseball has become the fastest growing sport in the country. At present, the country's only professional league is currently in the early stages of its development, but American talent evaluators believe that the skill of Chinese players is steadily improving and that it is not impossible to foresee a day when China produces baseball's Yao Ming from a massive pool of millions of internationally competitive athletes.  相似文献   

在中国武艺职业棒球之际,本对中国棒球队近10年的重大洲际比赛进行追踪和分析,并与世界一流强队,亚洲三强(日本、中国台北、韩国)作对比研究,发现90年代初期我国成年棒球仍落后于亚洲三强的主要原因是击球技术较落后,多垒打率低。以投促击,以“多垒打”为主的击球技术,是我国成年棒球在2008年奥运会取得突破的关键之一。  相似文献   

Baseball rules prohibit pitchers from intentionally throwing at batters. When a pitcher does so, however, it is common practice for a pitcher on the opposing team to retaliate by throwing at the first player of the offending team to bat the next inning, and for umpires to ignore the rule forbidding that. I argue that (1) player retaliation in the form of one for one is a better response to the initial violation than any other that is available, (2) one for one can be justified as payback and for anticipated good consequences, and (3) everyone who becomes a professional baseball player has consented to the practice. From these claims, I conclude that one for one is in the best interest of baseball, it is best if umpires follow common practice and wink at the rule forbidding it, and players cannot complain if they are told to throw at batters in certain circumstances, or are thrown at in just those circumstances.  相似文献   

Convincing the public to finance a stadium is often contentious and even more so in smaller communities with limited funding options. In this case study of Cobb Field, the city of Billings, Montana must address the disrepair of its municipally owned baseball stadium. The field is used by a minor league professional baseball team, two American Legion teams, and a university program. Cobb Field is in violation of the rules that govern minor league professional baseball, and must seek waivers each year to allow the professional team to remain. As a result, community leaders are concerned the team could relocate. The city council wants a new stadium, but must seek approval for a tax increase from a community that has recently rejected levies for schools, libraries, and museums. Students should ponder what public relations strategies are available to the supporters of a new stadium while considering the needs, wants, and desires of the various stakeholders involved.  相似文献   

中国优秀棒球运动员竞技能力结构模型的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
研究选择了代表中国最优秀棒球运动水平的国家队、省市一级队主力队员123人。经过专家访谈和教练员经验筛选,得到优秀棒球运动员的竞技能力结构组成,在经过对组成中各项指标的测试和统计学处理,最终确定了中国最优秀棒球运动员的竞技能力结构模型。此模型一方面将为优秀棒球运动员运动能力的发展提供训练的目标系统,另一方面为优秀棒球运动员选材指标体系的确立提供理论与实践依据。  相似文献   

棒球运动是智慧与竞技的运动,是时间与距离的运动,具有很强的欣赏性和刺激性。棒球运动项目的一般特征包括:竞赛特征、技术特征、战术特征、文化特征、价值特征。通过对棒球运动项目一般特征的重新认识、概括与分析,旨在为更好地认识棒球的专项特征以及更好地开展和认识棒球运动提供理论参考依据。  相似文献   


This study was an experimental investigation of the emotional responses of boys 9 through 15 years of age to highly organized competitive baseball. The subjects were 75 boys who participated in Little League Baseball, 50 boys who were members of Middle League teams, and 80 boys who did not play on an organized team.

The Galvanic Skin Response test was employed to measure the emotional changes of boys participating in league baseball and to compare the results of these tests with those of the same boys participating in softball competition in physical education classes. Insofar as the Galvanic Skin Response test can be taken to be a valid measure of emotional excitation of boys of this age level, the results of this study suggest that youngsters were no more stimulated by competition in league games than they were by competition in physical education games.  相似文献   

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