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校长信息化领导力在学校的信息化建设中扮演着举足轻重的角色。文章通过对西部农村学校信息化建设现状的研究与分析,发现农村地区的经济条件的限制、示范校引领作用的缺失、科学合理的培训体系的匮乏、学校教师和校长本身信息素养水平不高等都是制约校长信息化领导水平的因素。文章在总结和分析当下校长信息化领导力内涵的基础上,从构成校长信息化领导力水平体系中的各要素出发,构建了提升校长信息化领导力的方法,并从"解构与重组"、"众筹与外包"、"引领与探索"等方面提出了应对未来时代挑战的具体策略。  相似文献   

校长信息化领导力的构成与模型   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教育信息化是国家教育发展的重要方针,它要求校长有信息化领导力。校长信息化领导力是指校长在推进学校信息化过程中,能够规划、建设信息化发展愿景,并能影响和带领师生共同实现这个愿景的能力与智慧。它由学校信息化系统的规划与建设、人力资源建设、教学与管理、经验与总结、校园文化建设五个方面构成。为此,要求校长有一定的信息素养。提高校长的信息化领导力段开展校长信息化领导力、校长信息化领导力评阅价的研究,改革现有校长培训方式。  相似文献   

教育信息化是推进素质教育和培养创新人才的必然要求,有必要从校长信息化领导力角度分析学校教育信息化系统建设,从信息共享的视角来思考和构建校长信息化领导力评价指标.该文从国内外校长信息化领导力分析入手,分析了基于信息共享的学校信息资源与校长信息化领导力关系,提出校长信息化领导力具体可以从校长的个人影响力构成、学校信息化保障、信息共享三个方面进行评价;针对基于信息共享基础上校长的个人影响力以及学校信息化保障交互作用提出了校长信息化领导力评价的具体指标体系,便于量化加权,不断提升基于资源共享的校长信息化领导能力.  相似文献   

基于系统视角的校长信息化领导力评价指标研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
学校教育信息化是一项系统工程,学校校长信息化领导力应该关注学校教育信息化系统的四种应用与三个基本因素。可以从系统的视角来思考和构建校长信息化领导力评价指标,校长信息化领导力具体可以从校长的信息意识与信息技术基本能力、信息化规划能力、信息化组织与管理能力、信息化评价能力四个方面进行评价。  相似文献   

校长信息化领导力的自我认识与自我提升   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
校长信息化领导力是校长领导力的重要组成部分,同校长的道德领导力、课程领导力、教学领导力和文化领导力等相互融合并相互支撑。信息化领导力要求校长在学校信息化建设和应用发展的新背景下,具备基本的信息技术知识和技能,合理评价教师、学生和学校管理人员的信息技术应用水平和应用绩效,引领和示范如何合理高效地使用信息技术、如何合理决策、如何公平地分配与学校信息化相关的人财物等资源。一言以概之,校长的信息化领导力是在信息化环境中要求校长所应显现出的一种综合影响力和领导气质。  相似文献   

校长教育技术领导力成为影响学校教育信息化发展乃至学校发展的重要因素。在分析基础教育信息化进程中校长教育技术领导力的基本内涵的基础上,采用互动分析数据描述校长教育技术领导力与学校信息化建设两者之间的关联,发现校长的教育技术领导力为学校信息化建设提供了巨大的内在动力,是学校发展信息化建设的核心因素,同时学校信息化建设的发展也会带动校长领导力的进一步提高,两者呈现一种良性的互动关系。该研究将为基础教育信息化建设提供一种具体思路,为校长信息化专业发展提供一种指向。  相似文献   

校长是经营和管理学校的“推手”,校长的领导力与所作所为对师生和学校的可持续发展均具有重要的影响。在推动基础教育信息化的进程中,英国积极采取有效措施来努力提高校长的信息化领导力。本文所介绍的是英国全国学校领导力学院与教育技术通讯署共同开发的信息化领导力(the Strategic Leadership of ICT,即SLICT)项目。  相似文献   

数字化、网络化等高科技正逐步改变着学校的环境、管理、秩序、思维,以教育信息化实现学校跨越式发展,已经成为现代学校发展的重要选择。校长信息化领导力已经逐步成为学校发展的一个关键因素及校长专业发展中不可或缺的部分。笔者从英美等国对校长信息化领导力的指引到我国现阶段对校长信息化领导力内涵理解及评价维度等方面阐述了对信息时代背景下校长信息化领导力评价维度的思考。  相似文献   

中小学信息化领导力实践的现实困境与路径选择   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
信息化领导力是教育信息化深入发展中的一个重大课题。通过对领导力及信息化领导力概念的解构,发现信息化领导力不仅仅是领导者(如校长)个人的能力特质或影响力,更需要关注的是整个领导集体的领导力与被领导者的反作用力之间的合力。在对校长信息化领导力实践的现实拷问下,转变领导观念、确立共同愿景、培育信息化领导团队、实行分工与协作是学校信息化领导力实践的现实路径选择。  相似文献   

在基础教育信息化建设中,校长的教育信息化领导力直接影响到学校教育信息化的发展与深层次应用。该文基于实证分析,探究校长教育信息化领导力内涵演变,提出面向基础教育信息化的校长教育信息化领导力内涵及其特质,为教育信息化决策与校长专业发展提供依据。  相似文献   

研究在证实变革型领导风格对校长信息化领导力存在显著正向影响的基础上,采用Bootstrap中介效应检验法分析组织氛围和自我效能感两个变量在变革型领导风格与校长信息化领导力之间的中介效应。通过量化分析发现:(1)变革型领导风格对校长信息化领导力存在显著影响;(2)组织氛围在变革型领导风格的四个子维度(愿景激励、德行垂范、个性化关怀、领导魅力)对校长信息化领导力的影响中存在中介效应,其中组织氛围在德行垂范与校长信息化领导力之间的中介效应最强,而且为完全中介;(3)自我效能感在变革型领导风格的三个子维度(愿景激励、个性化关怀、领导魅力)对校长信息化领导力的影响中存在中介效应,自我效能感在德行垂范对校长信息化领导力的影响中不具有中介效应。  相似文献   

基础教育信息化优质均衡发展是实现基础教育公平的重要力量。研究以中小学教师、校长、初三学生为调查对象,采用问卷调查法深入调研和分析江西省W县基础教育信息化发展。本研究先构建了中小学教师信息技术应用能力模型、校长信息化领导力模型、学生信息素养模型,然后运用验证性因子分析模型效果,通过描述统计、差异分析其应用水平,找到县域基础教育信息化发展存在的问题。基于实证分析,本研究提出五点政策建议:加强顶层设计,擘画县域基础教育信息化优质均衡发展蓝图;深化县域基础教育信息化应用,提升教育教学质量;通过集群发展提升教师信息技术应用能力;以数据驱动为核心,通过人工智能等技术推动县域基础教育信息化优质均衡发展,以期为教育信息化2.0时代提升县域基础教育信息化发展提供参考。  相似文献   

本文运用调查问卷和访谈的方法,对山西、新疆、河南、浙江等部分省市的教师和校长进行了调查..从校长信息素养与信息化意识;学校信息化愿景规划与资金和技术支持;信息化教学资源的利用与管理;信息化环境下的人际关系与沟通能力;学校信息化评估与教师专业发展五个维度对校长信息化领导力的现状进行研究.在调查数据分析的基础上,进行了问题分析和对策思考。  相似文献   

The present study examines from the contingency opportunities perspective the influence of contextual factors on principals’ learning-centered leadership using HLM. Participants were 18,641 school principals from 73 jurisdictions who participated in the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) 2009. Results showed that principals were able to differentiate strategic (academic focus) from operational (involvement) leadership. The second finding pertained to principals shifting their leadership priorities when confronted with student academic failure and when leading larger schools. The third finding was the increase in both aspects of principals’ leadership in the face of parental academic pressure. The fourth finding was the negative impact of shortage of information technology resources on involvement. The last finding was that the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) variable moderated the influence of parental academic pressure on academic focus, and that principals in OECD jurisdictions reported more involvement than those in non-OECD jurisdictions. The present study affirms principals’ behaviors as agentic responses to environmental contingencies.  相似文献   

校长课程领导力是学校课程发展、教师专业发展与学生素养提升的重要保障。基于校长课程领导力的概念解读与维度分解,研究探讨了校长课程领导力的构成要素以及作用机制。以中小学校长为调研对象,采用描述性统计、PLS-SEM分别进行现状分析与模型检验,探究校长课程意识等对课程领导效能的关系。研究发现:中小学校长的课程规划与管理能力较强,课程意识与课程评估能力则较为薄弱;校长课程管理能力与课程评估能力直接影响课程领导效能,而校长的课程意识会经由六条中介作用路径正向影响课程领导效能。基于以上研究结果,提出了注重校长课程领导力培训的科学精准、加强对校长课程领导情智要素的实证研究、构建基于叙事的校长课程领导力提升机制的建议。  相似文献   

School leadership is fundamental to the educational functioning of schools and their improvements of results. The study employed a qualitative approach to explore school principals’ leadership styles and the educational performance of learners in high- and low-performing schools in Vhembe District, Limpopo, South Africa. The participants were purposefully selected from 10 secondary schools in terms of their performance. Focus group interviews were conducted with five teachers from each school. The interview data was transcribed and analysed, and identical patterns of coded data were grouped together under emerging themes. The overall results of the study indicated that the democratic leadership style together with the transformational leadership style contribute to high educational performance of learners. School principals from high- and low-performing schools employ a democratic leadership style and differ only in the sense that the latter are permissive or lenient towards learners’ behaviours or conduct. The study recommends that school principals engage teachers as members of a disciplinary committee in order to deal with those learners whose conduct is not conducive to successful teaching and learning. It is recommended that school principals from low-performing schools strengthen their democratic leadership by not being lenient to learners’ behaviour which is not conducive to successful teaching and learning.  相似文献   

This study used the standard-based essential behavioural leadership qualities (EBLQ) method of leadership assessment, to determine leadership effectiveness of the principals of the schools for children who are blind and have low vision in Nigeria, from the perspective of the teachers of these schools. The four-stage method of leadership assessment of the EBLQ method was used to analyze data (N = 271) collected through availability sampling, to determine leadership effectiveness of the principals relative to levels of essentiality of EBLQ items. Findings show a pattern of incongruence between rankings of essentialities and effectiveness of the principals on the EBLQ items. The principals were perceived most effective in having ‘excellent educational qualifications’ which was ranked fourth as essential for leadership effectiveness. The principals were also rated twentieth on ‘timely payment of salary’, which was ranked most essential for leadership effectiveness. Overall effectiveness of the principals, however, was described as exemplary. This study is expected to contribute to much-needed studies on leadership in the schools for the blind in Nigeria, as well as provide a coaching effect for the principals of these schools.  相似文献   

While principal goal-setting has been shown to be an important leadership practice, there is little research examining principals’ goal-setting and goal-achievement. This research examined novice principals’ school improvement goals and factors affecting their achievement. Goals from 460 principals enrolled in a national induction programme were categorised revealing a strong emphasis on instructional and student-centred leadership. After 18 months, 258 of those principals, and their mentors, rated their achievement. Principals also rated five potential achievement predictors. Goal achievement tended to be high, with commitment, effort, learning and support serving as positive predictors of success. In contrast to what goal-setting theory suggests, goal challenge was a negative predictor of achievement. The analysis of two contrasting cases revealed possible explanations for this negative relationship. These included novice principals’ ability, self-efficacy and attributional processes. This study highlights the role of self-efficacy in the process of goal-setting and pursuit. It emphasises that consideration needs to be given to how novice principals’ self-efficacy can be developed and sustained. Implications for practice in the area of educational leadership and leadership development are discussed.  相似文献   

校长的课程领导力是深化课程改革、促进学校课程建设的重要力量。当前全国中小学校长的课程领导力普遍较弱,存在着课程价值理解力薄弱、课程规划引导力不足、课程内容研发力缺乏、课程实施组织力不足、课程评价指引力欠缺以及课程环境创设力缺失等问题。导致校长课程领导力不高的因素主要有教育制度、支撑环境以及校长自身等三个方面。要提升校长的课程领导力,也须从上述方面入手。  相似文献   


In this paper, we investigate how a Benchlearning program for principals in Norway and Sweden supports changes in Norwegian principals’ leadership practices. The program design builds on principles for practical action research. The aim of the program was to inspire changes in the principals’ leadership practices that encourage innovative school practices. The program includes learning modes such as theoretical inputs, sharing experiences, school visits, training, and trialling of new leadership practices. Drawing on data from participants’ reflections on their learning and changes in their leadership practices, we identify transformations that have been realized and the ways in which the Benchlearning program has supported the transformations. The findings indicate that the program can be seen as a systematic and disciplined process, a ‘meta-practice’, that supports changes in the principals’ leadership practices, their understandings, and the conditions of their practice. More specifically, the findings show that the theoretical inputs and practical learning modes stimulated transformations of the principals’ thinking about leadership practices, what they do in practice and how they relate to others. In particular, the study suggests that the principals’ active participation in trialling new leadership practices in their own schools stimulated transformations.  相似文献   

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