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Sixteen concept words (mass, length, area, volume, solid, liquid, gas, element, compound, mixture, electron, proton, neutron, atom, molecule, and ion) associated with the theme, the nature of matter were described as simple text book definitions after examination of classroom notes and school texts of the last three decades. Sixteen multiple-choice items all of the same form were constructed for each of the concept definitions. The English version of the sixteen item test was given to 1635 high school students in Tasmania (where the language of instruction and the home language is English) and the Hindi version of the test was given to 826 students from the Bhopal/Barwani region of India where the medium of instruction is Hindi. The English and Hindi speaking data are compared from the point of view of development, performance for individual items, and overall performance at grade 10. A number of linguistic hypotheses are examined and reported upon. Although the overall score at grade 10 was identical (10.8/16) for both groups there are differences in development overall and for individual items which are of interest. Overall, the science specificity of the Hindi words does not appear to confer any clearly defined advantage or disadvantage though again there are some interesting individual anomolies.  相似文献   

Conclusion This study represents the second phase of a major research project. Much of the data has confirmed what emerged in the first phase (Marland & Edwards, 1982), particularly the idiosyncratic nature of student functioning and the complexity of the teaching/learning process. In the mathematics and science classrooms studies it appeared that neither was more coercive of student attention or lesson-relevant thinking. However the maths lessons elicited more conscious application of learning processes and more involvement in wider classroom activities, particularly responding to teacher questions. The science lessons involved more interaction with the neighbour and a much greater variety of student mental and physical activity. The Grade 8 students in this study, when compared with the Grade 10 and 11 students from phase one, were much more straightforward in their reactions and interactions, and were much more compliant. The complex deception strategies and involved interpretations and attributions so prevalent with the more senior students were almost completely absent with the Grade 8 students. The size of difference was an unexpected result and appears a fascinating area for future research.  相似文献   

The present study had three purposes. The first was to further explore the psychometric properties of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory [Zhang, L. F. (2003). The preferred thinking styles in teaching inventory. Unpublished test. The University of Hong Kong: Hong Kong]. The second was to test the hypothesis that the preferred teaching styles of mainland Chinese university students in the present investigation are similar to those of students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies. The final and most important purpose was to examine the incremental validity of modes of thinking beyond students’ self-rated abilities in predicting students’ preferred teaching styles. Two hundred and fifty-six (109 male and 147 female) university students from Beijing, the People's Republic of China, participated in the research.After the reliability and validity of the Preferred Thinking Styles in Teaching Inventory were ascertained, the following findings were obtained. First, like university students in Hong Kong and the United States in previous studies, mainland Chinese students in the present study also expressed a strong like for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that allow collaborative work. Similarly, they indicated a strong dislike for teaching styles that are norm-conforming, that require multi-tasking but without communicating a sense of priority, and that restrict students to working individually, without collaboration with others. Going beyond the previous studies, the present study found that an integrative mode of thinking positively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are creativity-generating and that encourage group work, but negatively contributed to students’ preference for teaching styles that are norm-favoring and that discourage collaborative work. Implications of these findings are discussed in relation to teaching that accommodates diverse thinking styles and teaching that generates creative thinking.  相似文献   

本文从心理学角度 ,探讨了艺术语言产生时的心理过程 ,认为 :艺术语言的思维是心象性思维 ,心象思维明晰化 ,就成为意象思维。艺术语言思维的根本目的是在“意”而不在“言” ,即“言” ,只是表现“意”的形式材料和手段而已。艺术语言的思维过程 ,首先是一种特殊的形象思维 ,即心象思维 ,“心象”是一种“心灵化的表象” ,它是渗透了主体认知、情感、心绪、审美体验等的表象。潜意识中的心象思维明晰化、语词化 ,就成为意象思维。  相似文献   

Course of cognitive development was investigated in a sample of normal school students (N=163) in the middle part of Finland by giving the students tests of four cognitive functions that were categorized according to the PASS theory of intelligence (planning, attention, simultaneous and successive processing). Subsequently, a group of students in special education (N=60, language impaired school students) was also studied for possible deviations in cognitive development. The age of the students varied from 7 to 19 years. Three main goals were (1) to study developmental trends of cognitive functions across three different age groups of school students and in two samples, (2) to identify distinct cognitive subgroups and profiles among the students, and, (3) to compare the cognitive profiles of normal and language impaired (dysphasic) students. First, in a cross-sectional design, it was seen linear cognitive trends for all PASS tasks, however so, that for the language impaired group the cognitive development was not as salient as for the normal students. Especially successive processing did not show developmental trend in the sample of language impaired (dysphasic) students. Secondly, a cluster analysis procedure following a factor analysis demonstrated two very distinct cognitive subgroups among the normal and dysphasic students. The subgroups in both separate samples differed from each other in successive and simultaneous processes. Additionally, the two subgroups of the normal students differed from each other also in planning. Thirdly, compared to the normal students, the dysphasic highly functioning subgroup did worse than normals in nonverbal successive ordering, but did better in verbal successive task. Contrary to expectations, the deviation was not on the verbal but instead on a nonverbal task. Need for extending PASS research into other types of learning problems (such as arithmetics, severe learning disability) is articulated. Pragmatically, observed minor differences in cognitive structure between the two student samples refer to differential remediation and skill training.  相似文献   


Oral presentations are common in higher education worldwide. There is no shortage of evidence substantiating the association between oral presentations and anxiety. In the light of the close connection between self-perception and anxiety, and the under-researched nature of the delivery aspect of presentations (e.g. use of voice and body language), this study explored the relationship between tertiary-level learners’ (n?=?211) perceived delivery competence (23 areas) and their levels of public speaking anxiety. The data were collected via questionnaires and interviews. The questionnaire results revealed highly significant correlations between anxiety and 22 of these areas. The 23 areas overall also had a highly significant predictive power for anxiety levels, indicated by their explaining 45% of the variance. Follow-up in-depth semi-structured interviews were conducted with six participants to shed light on these quantitative findings. This article ends with an argument for greater emphasis on presentation delivery skills in higher education, which can potentially mitigate learners’ public speaking anxiety.  相似文献   

Most students participating in science undergraduate research (UR) plan to attend either medical school or graduate school. This study examines possible differences between premed and non-premed students in their influences to do research and expectations of research. Questionnaire responses from 55 premed students and 80 non-premed students were analyzed. No differences existed in the expectations of research between the two groups, but attitudes toward science and intrinsic motivation to learn more about science were significantly higher for non-premed students. Follow-up interviews with 11 of the students, including a case study with one premed student, provided explanation for the observed differences. Premed students, while not motivated to learn more about science, were motivated to help people, which is why most of them are pursuing medicine. They viewed research as a way to help them become doctors and to rule out the possibility of research as a career. Non-premed students participated in research to learn more about a specific science topic and gain experience that may be helpful in graduate school research. The difference in the reasons students want to do UR may be used to tailor UR experiences for students planning to go to graduate school or medical school.  相似文献   

The purpose of this research was to investigate the relationship between eighth-grade students?? maths-related self-concepts and their achievements in the Trends in International Mathematics and Science Study (TIMSS) 2007. The students?? maths self-concept was compared with other variables, namely their mothers?? education, their fathers?? education and the amount of books held in the students?? households. To investigate the potential role of culture, a comparison between American and Japanese students?? scores was also included. The findings demonstrated that students?? maths self-concept was positively associated with their achievement both in the United States and Japan, but Japanese students, while having higher achievement, had a lower maths self-concept than American students. Maternal education, paternal education and the number of books at home were also found to be positively related to achievement. Examining standardised coefficients, the study confirmed a strong interaction between maths self-concept and country, as well as a positive connection between maths self-concept as such (irrespective of the country) with maths achievement.  相似文献   

This paper reports a study of the ways in which teachers' thinking and classroom practice are influenced by innovations that are imposed by government. The particular focus of this paper is English teachers' responses to the Standard Assessment Tasks (SATs) for 14-year-olds in England and Wales, which were set for the first time in June 1993.  相似文献   

The development of deeper understanding and transferable skills in science requires continuous interactive discussion and feedback and extended practice in various contexts for generalisation. In primary schools, these desiderata are difficult to supply through direct teacher instruction, but might be feasible through interactive peer tutoring. This study aimed to evaluate cognitive and affective gains from cross-age peer tutoring for both tutees and tutors in science, using the “paired science” programme. For the first time this programme was used to focus on peer rather than parent tutoring and on junior school rather than early years pupils, and for the first time an objective measure of cognitive gain in science was used. Experimental peer tutees were a whole class (n=32) of seven- to eight-year-olds; tutors a whole class (n=33) of eight- to nine-year-olds in the same school. A parallel composite class of seven- to nine-year-olds (n=24) served as controls for tutees and tutors. A peer tutoring paired science intervention was implemented for two 30-minute sessions per week for eight weeks. Video and observational data indicated implementation integrity was satisfactory. Pre- and post-project assessments of understanding of scientific concepts and keywords of a random sample of tutees, tutors and their respective controls (4×n=10) were conducted. Additionally, the attitudes of all the tutees, tutors and their teachers towards their experiences were explored by post hoc questionnaire. On pre-post assessments of understanding of scientific concepts and keywords, the experimental group made significant gains while the control group made no gains, yielding effect sizes greater than one. Tutees made greater gains than tutors. The attitudes of the paired scientists and their teachers towards their experiences were generally very positive. It was concluded that cross-age peer tutoring of science using the paired science programme offers an effective pedagogical strategy, with both cognitive and affective benefits for both tutors and tutees. Recommendations for future research are made.  相似文献   

中国和俄罗斯由于两国不断的贸易往来,两国之间的关系也变得越来越亲密。语言是两国人民之间沟通的桥梁,礼貌用语是言语的重要组成部分,有鲜明的民族特征和文化底蕴。通过打招呼,邀请,致谢进行了对比,展现了中国和俄罗斯之间礼貌用语的差异。  相似文献   

The California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory (CCTDI) was used to assess the disposition of Israeli and Italian high school and university science students toward critical thinking. The study sought to establish base-lines for these groups as well as quantifying the differences between two national populations. Significant differences between the Israeli and Italian high school science students in the total score and those of five subscales of the CCTDI have been found, the largest on the OpenMindedness and Self-Confidence subscales. The overall scores of high school and university science students on the CCTDI in both countries were essentially the same, with quite a similar pattern in the corresponding disposition profiles. Although the CCTDI can be reliably used for establishing base-line differences between science student populations, the effect of a specific approach to teaching (e.g. HOCS-orientation vs traditional) on the stability or change of this aspect of critical thinking remains an open question.  相似文献   

Learning preferences have been indirectly linked to student success in engineering programmes, without a significant body of research to connect learning preferences with cognitive abilities. A better understanding of the relationship between learning styles and cognitive abilities will allow educators to optimise the classroom experience for students. The goal of this study was to determine whether relationships exist between student learning styles, as determined by the Felder-Soloman Inventory of Learning Styles (FSILS), and their cognitive performance. Three tests were used to assess student's cognitive abilities: a matrix reasoning task, a Tower of London task, and a mental rotation task. Statistical t-tests and correlation coefficients were used to quantify the results. Results indicated that the global–sequential, active–referential, and visual–verbal FSILS learning styles scales are related to performance on cognitive tasks. Most of these relationships were found in response times, not accuracy. Differences in task performance between gender groups (male and female) were more notable than differences between learning styles groups.  相似文献   

Conclusion The aims of this study were to replicate existing target student research and to investigate the possible contribution student perceptions of their classroom environment could add to existing research findings. Although target students of the types previously identified were found to exist, and found in similar numbers, there the similarity with previous findings ceased. They were not dominantly male and there was a cross-gender relationship with the teacher. The inclusion of student perceptions of their classroom environment did add to the personal characteristics in helping to describe target students. However, their characteristics were not consistent across classes, and although a rationale could be developed to explain the existence of the different types of target students in classrooms, these explanations were idiosyncratic to particular classrooms. The findings in this study would suggest caution in making generalizations about the characteristics of, and rationales for, target students in Year 8 science classrooms.  相似文献   

This paper presents findings from a study conducted in an urban elementary school in the United States with an English language learner (ELL) student and two teachers engaged in collaborative teaching in an inclusion science classroom. This study examines the efficacy of utilising cogenerative dialogues between an ELL student and his science teacher and English as second language teacher to improve instructional practices enacted during coteaching. Drawing from field notes, teacher and student interviews, and video captured during cotaught science lessons and during cogenerative dialogues between the student and his coteachers, we examined the ways in which cogenerative dialogue expands teachers’ agency to adapt curriculum and implement instructional strategies that can better meet the needs of their students. At the same time, we examined the ways in which participation in cogenerative dialogues with his teachers expanded this student’s agency as a science learner and a language learner.  相似文献   

The aims of this study were to examine self‐efficacy and other motivation variables among high school science students (n = 502); to determine the degree to which each of the four hypothesized sources of self‐efficacy makes an independent contribution to students' science self‐efficacy beliefs; to examine possible differences between life, physical, and Earth science classes; and to investigate patterns of gender differences that may vary among the fields of science. In Earth science classes, girls earned higher grades and reported stronger science self‐efficacy. In life science classes, girls earned higher grades but did not report stronger self‐efficacy, and did report higher science anxiety. In physical science, there were no gender differences in grades or self‐efficacy, but girls again reported higher levels of science anxiety. For boys across science fields, science self‐efficacy significantly predicted course grades and mastery experiences was the only significant predictor of self‐efficacy. For girls, self‐efficacy was also the strongest predictor of science grade across fields. Mastery experiences significantly predicted self‐efficacy in Earth science for girls, but social persuasions, vicarious experiences, and physiological states were better predictors of science self‐efficacy in life and physical science classes. Results support (Bandura, A., 1997) hypothesized sources of self‐efficacy, previous research findings on self‐efficacy in the domain of science, and validate the suggestion made by Lau and Roeser (2002) to disaggregate data by science field. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 45: 955–970, 2008  相似文献   

How do we know if our students are beginning to think like computer scientists? In a first study we defined four levels of abstraction in computer science students’ thinking about the concept of algorithm. We constructed a list of questions about algorithms to measure the answering level as an indication for the thinking level. This list was presented to various groups of Bachelor computer science students. The mean answering level increased between successive year groups as well as within year groups during the year, mainly from the second to the third level. Student-level estimations provided by teachers fell in the same range as the level measurements, but level growth was not detected in their estimations; level estimation appeared very difficult for lecturers. The reliability of the instrument proved to be satisfactory. To investigate the validity, a follow-up study was done with a small heterogeneous group of Bachelor students. They answered the same questions and were successively interviewed to check whether they understood the terms they used. Their understanding proved to be satisfactory, sustaining the validity of the instrument. In the first study little relation was found between thinking levels and regular test results on algorithm-oriented courses. Supposedly, besides levels on the dimension of abstraction, levels on concretizing, analyzing and synthesizing are also relevant. A broader framework for future research is being proposed.  相似文献   

The objective of this experimental study is to investigate the relationships among science teacher characteristics and student outcomes. The selected characteristics of teachers are their understanding of science processes and their ability to control variables, and the outcomes of students are the achievement in science contents and processes. The results support the hypothesized relationships and show that the teacher ability to control variables is a more valuable characteristic than the understanding of science processes for student achievement. Conclusions are drawn about the implications for the education of science teachers.  相似文献   

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