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The authors examined the effects that supervisor's sex, amount of supervisory experience, and supervisory focus had on preferences for the referent, expert, and legitimate power bases. Supervisors from seven counseling center training programs (20 women, 36 men) rated the utility of responses reflecting each power base in enhancing the professional development of a female trainee. Results indicated that men preferred the referent power base to a greater extent than did women and that supervisors with relatively little experience preferred the referent power base to a greater extent than did supervisors with more experience. Supervisors who focused on trainee self-awareness preferred the expert power base to a greater extent than did supervisors who focused on the trainees' conceptualization skills. Significant differences were not found in the preferences for the legitimate power base. Results were discussed in terms of differences between counseling and supervisory-relationships and the characteristics of each power base.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of the order of being the counselor when involved in role-play practice, 36 novice trainees were assigned to counseling triads and then to the levels of ordinal position—counselor first, second, or third. Each participant also served as a client and as an observer within the triad. No difference among the three ordinal positions was found in the trainees' abilities to produce reflection of feeling responses. Similarly, there were no differences between those trainees who functioned as as observers before being the role-play counselor. There was a significant positive linear trend, however, for ordinal position (i.e., the accuracy of the trainees' reflection of feeling responses steadily improved from first counselor role play to third counselor role play). These results are discussed from a social-learning theory perspective.  相似文献   

The present study examined inter-ethnic, rural–urban, and sex differences in self-assessed intelligence (SAI) in a Malaysian general population sample. In total, 633 individuals varying in rural or urban location, ethnicity (Malay, Kadazan, and Bajau), and sex (women versus men) provided their self-assessed overall intelligence and ten multiple intelligences. In general, results of a series of univariate analyses of variance showed that urban participants tended to have higher SAI than their rural counterparts and that men reported higher SAI than women. There was also a significant main effect of ethnicity, with Malays generally having lower estimates than Bajaus and Kadazans, respectively. There were few significant interactions between ethnicity, urban–rural location, and sex. These data present the first concurrent investigation of ethnic, rural–urban, and sex differences in SAI, and are discussed in relation to previous theoretical discussions of SAI.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the influence of family structure and school variables on behavior disorders of children. The sample consisted of 1,162 white elementary school children. General information was obtained from school records, and ratings on behavior disorders were obtained from teachers. Data were analyzed using multiple regression analyses of variance. Results indicated that grade in school, sex, social class, ordinal position in the family, and teacher were important variables in the determination of behavior disorders. Whether or not the children were living with both of their natural parents, number of children in the family, if the children were in special education classes, and whether the children were older than usual for their grade in school were less important or were unimportant. The results, especially those that were not expected, were discussed.  相似文献   

The rates at which men and women published during and after PhD training in psychology were compared for samples experiencing same-sex and cross-sex supervision. When allowance was made for the research productivity and impact of the supervisor, women supervised by women published at similar rates to women supervised by men. Similarly, men supervised by men did not publish on average more often than men supervised by women. Further, there was no difference in mean publication rate between men and women who had completed their PhD degrees in the same university under supervision of the same advisor. Although the analyses provides no evidence that publication is more frequent following same-sex than cross-sex supervision, the possibility that supervision by an advisor of the same sex advantages graduates in other ways needs to be assessed.  相似文献   

Fifty-three in-service employment and rehabilitation counselors, enrolled in supervised counseling practica, participated in a study to assess their subjective and physiological anxiety responses to counseling under different stimulus conditions. Participants were randomly assigned to one of four treatment conditions: a counseling session, a counseling session that was tape-recorded, a counseling session that was tape-recorded and evaluated by their supervisor, and a control condition in which participants read an article on counseling. Results of the 4 treatment conditions × 3 period analyses of variance for subjective (p <.001) and conductance data (p <.05) indicated that participants who counseled had higher anxiety levels than those who read the article. There was no treatment effect found for heart rate data. None of the counseling groups experienced significantly more anxiety than any of the others. It was concluded that tape-recording and supervisory evaluation do not increase the anxiety levels of participants over the levels experienced while counseling without recording and/or evaluation.  相似文献   

This study investigated the relationship of a graduate course in group counseling, the number of hours completed in counselor education, and sex to the empathic understanding of trainees in a counselor education program. The trainees were taped in similar counseling sessions, and their responses were rated independently by three counselor educators, who used Carkhuff's empathic understanding scale. A three-way analysis of variance determined only one significant difference. The trainees who had completed a course in group counseling were significantly higher (p <.05) than those who had not. The level of empathic understanding of the higher group, however, was less than the level considered to be the minimum for effective counseling.  相似文献   

Several studies have suggested that counselor response effectiveness may not be merely a function of instruction in basic counseling skills. This study examined the impact of the sex role orientation and level of self-disclosure flexibility of 44 counseling students on their ability to demonstrate counseling skills and their overall counseling response effectiveness during and after counseling skills training. Using a factorial analysis, sex role orientation and level of self-disclosure flexibility accounted for approximately 30% of the variance in quality of counseling skills. These findings lend support to the importance of trainee perceptual, cognitive, and behavioral flexibility in the acquisition and use of counseling skills. Suggestions for altering counseling skills training and further research are provided.  相似文献   

Are young women and men’s preferences for sexuality education content poles apart? This article explores gender differences in senior school students’ suggestions for issues sexuality education should cover. Findings are analysed in relation to debate about mixed and single sex classrooms and boys’ perceived disinterest in lessons. It is argued that young women and men’s content preferences were largely similar on items that a majority selected for inclusion. Topics less than half of participants named revealed a greater number of gender differences. Employing theoretical insights from feminist post‐structuralism, responses are also examined for how they position young people as sexual subjects and whether these conform to or deviate from perceptions of ‘conventional heterosexualities’. This examination enables an understanding of how young people view themselves as sexual and whether this matches their constitution within sexuality programmes. The implications of students’ content preferences and the way these position them as sexual subjects are considered for the possibilities they present for programme design and delivery.  相似文献   

论我国电视广告中和谐性别观念的构建   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会和谐首先应该体现在人与人之间的关系和谐。在一个人的社会里,人与人之间的和谐首先应该是男女地位的平等。然而,我国长期以来,盛行男权主义,女人大都成为了男人的附属品。现代社会,这种观念虽然在一定程度上得到了缓解,但依然缺乏必要的敏感和意识。通过电视广告中所产生的大量性别歧视现象就可窥见一斑。性别不平等不仅是社会不和谐的表现,从更深层次说是对女性人格的侵犯和尊严的亵渎。因此,我们必须充分认识到性别歧视对家庭和社会所造成的不良影响,不断提高女性地位,促进女性维权意识的觉醒,努力营造男女平等的和谐社会氛围。  相似文献   


This is a report of a student-developed 24-item human sexuality survey administered pre/post to human sexuality and comparison course students in the 1970s and 1990s with 10 questions added in the 1990s. In the 1970s, nine of the item responses for human sexuality students showed significant pre-test gender differences that were not found in post-testing. This was largely due to changes in the responses of the men, whose views became more egalitarian and more like the women's. In the 1990s, it was changes in the views of women that accounted for most post-test differences but not in a clear pattern. Women in both course types in the 1990s (1) became more accepting than men of sex between same-sex partners and (2) reported less frequency and more 'wrongness' about masturbation. Human sexuality men responded more conservatively in the 1990s than in the 1970s with less post-test similarity to women, as predicted. Nonetheless, in general, after human sexuality input gender responses became more similar in both time periods. Some implications are discussed with reference to sexuality education.  相似文献   

This study investigated the feasibility of using client GSR responses to increase counselor sensitivity to clients during the counseling interview. Six counselors counseled 22 clients under experimental conditions in which they observed clients' GSR responses and 22 control clients whose GSR responses were not visible to them. Clients were matched on the variables of age, sex, general diagnosis, counseling session number, and type and effect of medication, if any. Counselor responses, classified according to a modified Porter scale, were compared between experimental and control conditions. A significant difference (p<.01) between experimental conditions was observed with counselors appearing to use more probing and fewer understanding statements while viewing their clients' GSR responses.  相似文献   

The sex, gender role orientation, and level of education of counseling students were found to significantly affect their preference for interpretive, supportive, evaluative, understanding, and probing counseling responses.  相似文献   

强奸罪保护的法益为女性的性自决权,未成年人在行使性自决权时不具有充分的意志能力。与被害人具有教养等关系的行为人则可能滥用信赖关系,诱使被害人做出性同意从而攫取性利益。可以借鉴外国性犯罪立法中的滥用信赖关系制度对此类行为加以定性,从而更好地保护未成年人的利益。  相似文献   

对传统性别歧视教育依据的首次解构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
性别歧视教育实施的根据是男优女劣天生论和才智有损女德论。戊戌妇女运动对其中国版本男智女愚天生论和“女子无才便是德”进行了与西方早期女权运动同样的批判,指出男智女愚并非天生而是后天性别歧视教育所塑成,亦可通过改变教育来改变;女性必须通过正规教育增长才识,才能具备道德能力。其批判首次动摇了传统性别歧视教育的基础,成为中国争取教育性别公平的开端,亦说明至少中西早期妇女运动的水平不分轩轾,西方学术界茏统地认为中国妇女运动远比西方落后是偏见。  相似文献   

The authors, of the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa, surveyed 60 male university students of mean age 21.37 years and 79 female students of mean age 20.13 years with the goal of gaining insight into their sex behavior and their attitudes toward sexuality. The home language of 83% of the women and 85% of the men was Afrikaans, while the remaining subjects had English as a home language. One student was married, three were engaged to be married, and two lived together with a person of the opposite sex. 51 students were in steady relationships and 82 were single. 82% of the men and 90% of the women choose to have sex with someone of the same race. The study found a relatively low occurrence of sexual intercourse and promiscuity, and a very high percentage of subjects regarded themselves as heterosexual and as morally and religiously conservative. 97% of the men and 99% of the women regarded themselves as being heterosexual, and 3% of men and 1% of women regarded themselves as being bisexual. 6.6% of men and 1.34% of women, however, reported having had sexual contact with someone of the same sex. 37% of the men and 32% of the women reported having ever had sexual intercourse with a person of the opposite sex. These percentages are notably lower than those found by other investigators and the authors believe that a higher proportion of students at the university are actually sexually active than that suggested by this survey's findings. Among those sexually active, 17% of men and 18% of women were involved in sexual relationships with more than one partner. 68% of the sexually active men and women report using condoms often, 14% of men and 8% of women use contraceptives on an irregular basis, and 18% of men and 25% of women never use contraceptives. The birth control pill and condom were the most widely used methods. 85% of men and 86% of women felt that both partners should be responsible for taking precautions against unwanted pregnancy. These findings indicate that the overwhelming majority of subjects in this study are not at high risk for contracting AIDS.  相似文献   


The motion that the personality of counselors was an Important factor In counseling had been described In recent articled. To explore this notion furthers counselor reaponses to the Edwards Personal Preference Schedule were compared with reaponses of other reference groups. Men and women counselors differed significantly from college and general adult populations on certain EPPS variables. Also, the profiled of men and women counaelora were more almllar on EPPS variables than non-counaelor men and women.

Suggested Interpretation of the differenced made aenae In terms of preaent public school counselor roles and taaka. It was concluded that persons who become public achool counselors may be different In certain basic need structures. The problems of relationship between self-report responses and manifested behavior, and the prediction of behavior with such data were discussed.  相似文献   

Ray Over 《Higher Education》1985,14(3):321-331
The early career paths of 436 men and 162 women who took up lectureships in British universities in English, modern languages, or psychology in 1971–1973 were identified. Proportionately fewer women (61 percent) than men (80 percent) held a full-time post in a British university ten years after their initial appointment. Among those retaining a university appointment, relatively fewer women (8 percent) than men (18 percent) had advanced to the level of senior lecturer, reader, or professor. Factors that may have served to restrict the career development of women in British universities are discussed. There now is a higher proportion of women than in the past in the pool of graduates who are qualified for academic posts. However, the end to university growth makes it unlikely that the sex ratio of academics will shift substantially in the 1980s or the 1990s. Since promotion has become more competitive than it was in the past, the current sex ratio at senior levels of appointment may also remain relatively unchanged.This study was supported by funding under the Australian Research Grants Scheme. Unless stated otherwise, the university statistics cited in this article were derived from the analyses published annually by the Department of Science and Education. I am grateful to Sandra Lancaster for her assistance in data analysis.  相似文献   

男权传统文化中的女性处境   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在男权传统文化中,女人的处境是从属的。这种从属性是女性长期被剥夺的文化主体地位造成的。这种状态的解除有赖于女性自强自信的性格特征强化和全社会对男女性别观念的进一步更新。  相似文献   

Men in our society, including college student men, both need and fear personal psychological services more than women. For example, twice as many women as men seek counseling an psychotherapy but young men commit suicide at a rate nearly four times that of their female counterparts. Man are also more severely destructive in other ways, including most self-imposed illnesses and injuries, drug abuse, murder and other crimes, though women are now more destructive in "macho ways" than they were fifteen years ago. The thesis is advanced that when emotional needs and asking for help are severly stigmatized by the machismo orientation, unbalanced by personal sensitivity and insight, the macho dynamic is inherently morbid in the sense that it is destructive both to the self and others. This thesis is documented by statistics, highly expressive and influential literary portrayals, movies and sports phenomena. Implications for college and university psychotherapists are noted, and basic re-educative "outreach" approaches are suggested both to make psychotherapy more accessible and to foster more constructive role models for men.  相似文献   

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