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目前中学校长培训面临着诸多问题:培训法规、制度的不完善,培训模式单一,培训内容落后,培训师资力量较弱。校长的专业发展到底需要什么样的知识,只有基于对校长专业发展知识需求的合理性认识,校长培训才能取得良好的效果,要依据校长专业结构和专业化的内涵,跟进校长职业成长和专业发展的阶段,积极推进校长培训改革和创新。  相似文献   

中学校长培训课程是为校长完成工作任务提供的专门知识体系和知识结构,应是任务导向的培训课程,其构建应以实践知识为主,以中学校长的工作结构为设计依据。目前,中学校长培训课程存在偏知识本位、知识广度不足、层次不清晰等问题。任务导向的中学校长培训课程具有统一性、层次结构性和实践操作性,门类设置采用模块制课程,分为基础课程模块、专题课程模块。在校长工作任务分析的基础上,对课程模块进一步分解,形成课程库。根据训前诊断,学员选择培训课程,将具有相同需求的校长组成学习共同体,共同设计课程学习方案。  相似文献   

“十一五”期间是信息技术飞速发展的时期,校级干部培训应有效整合这一资源。在研究中小学校长的成长规律、全面了解区域校级干部的底数及总结“十五”区域中小学校级干部多元化培训模式的基础上,充分利用信息技术及网络资源,构建区域中小学校级干部培训的网上论坛、骨干校长博客团队、网络课程等新模式,以提高校级干部培训的针对性和实效性,缩短校长的成长周期。  相似文献   

重庆市举办大规模中小学校长远程培训已于2010年拉开序幕。作为新型培训方式,远程培训逐步暴露出一些问题。本文结合远程培训的实践,在分析重庆市中小学校长远程培训存在问题的基础上,提出提高远程培训有效性的策略,以促进培训工作的发展。  相似文献   

校长专业化是当今校长培训的一个共同话题,也是校长培训理念和培训实践需要着力解决的问题之一。知识基础及其转换是促进校长专业化的重要前提。探讨校长专业化过程中知识转换过程规律有助于提高校长培训质量和效益。  相似文献   

In this study, the implementation effects of a program for the training of coaching skills to Dutch primary school principals are described. Coaching is a form of in‐class support intended to provide teachers with feedback on their own functioning, and thereby to stimulate self‐reflection and self‐analysis in order to improve instructional effectiveness. To assist school principals in their attempts to coach teachers, a training program was designed and evaluated. Based on the pre‐ and post‐training ratings of coaching conferences, a significant treatment effect was found for the coaching skills concerned with the development of autonomy (empowerment), feedback, and agreement on classroom observational goals. The pre‐ and post‐training ratings from the coached teachers themselves showed a significant treatment effect for the coaching skills concerned with the development of improvement plans. Although the training provided for the school principals was directed at the coaching functions of consulting and confronting, the majority of the school principals conducted coaching conferences that emphasized predominantly the function of consulting.


校长培训对中小学校长队伍建设起着至关重要的作用。回眸新中国成立以来,中小学校长培训工作经历了由小到大、由重数量、规模到质量与规模并重的发展历程,在曲折中不断探索前进,经历了孕育产生期、渐进发展期、巩固完善期、质量提高期四个阶段,在培训管理、培训内容与培训方式等方面逐步完善,正在建成新时代中国特色中小学校长培训体系,实现中小学校长培训由"量"到"质"的跨越,多措并举促进乡村中小学校长培训稳步发展。展望新时代,要造就一支政治过硬、品德高尚、业务精湛、治校有方的校长队伍,我们需要深化培训管理体制机制改革,开放校长培训市场;坚持问题导向,服务教育发展重大需求;联动推进"校长工作坊",打造地区培训品牌;加强训后跟踪指导,构建新时代校长培训质量评价标准,培养新时代具有中国特色、世界水准的中小学校长队伍。  相似文献   

为了适应新的形势需要,德国巴伐利亚州文教部在2006年底颁布的《巴伐利亚州科学文教部公告——中小学领导人员的任职资格》,提出了校长资格培训的新模式。对新模式中学校领导的任务、培训课程、应聘以及资格证书等方面所做出的改革等进行解析,有助于对我国即将启动的国家级教师培训计划实施提供有益的借鉴。  相似文献   

"套餐式+学时制"中小学校长提高培训是指培训的课程以"套餐"形式设置,培训的管理采用"学时制"管理。参训校长自主选择不同的"套餐",接受不同课程的学时管理。"套餐式"的课程设置,其最大的优点是在保证课程体系完整性的同时,满足参训校长的个性需求;"学时制"的培训管理,其最大的优点是将管理重心转移到培训课程的管理和学时管理,在实现管理有效性的同时,促进培训课程的建设。"套餐式+学时制"培训模式,是对传统校长提高培训进行改革的积极探索。  相似文献   

Since 2000, all schools in the public sector in Hong Kong have implemented school-based management. However, it is only recently that the government has passed a new bill to enforce the setting up of a mandated structure of the school-based council in schools. Many school sponsoring bodies are worried about a possible diminution of their control as a result of the new management committee structure. At individual school level, the readiness of school principals, teachers and parents seems to be the core of the question. Principals’ transformational and curriculum leadership in local schools seems to be weak. As a result, policy-makers attempt to work out ways to enhance the implementation of school-based management by providing training for school managers, promoting home–school relations and encouraging the professional development for principals. In addition, there is a need to enhance leadership development for supervisors and middle managers. Future challenges to schools include carrying out a smooth transformation of the present school management structure to the required incorporated management committees, effective implementation of school-based management under the new bill and quality training for other stakeholders.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(4):674-689

The article examines the professional development of secondary school principals in Nigeria. Drawing from vast review of literature on professional development and appointment of school principals in other countries, the article canvasses the position that secondary schools in Nigeria should be administered by skilled personnel who have the appropriate training and competencies for school management and leadership, rather than the present practice of using years of teaching experience as a major yardstick for the appointment of principals. It advocates systematic professional development programmes for prospective and practicing school principals, and concludes that professional development of principals is a means to maintain and enhance the effectiveness of secondary school administration in Nigeria.  相似文献   

Considering that some university-based principal preparation programmes may not be properly training principals for leadership roles, “grow your own” leadership development programmes have become more popular across the US. This study provides a contribution to previous research in terms of the specific components a district leadership development programme may incorporate into its curriculum in order to positively influence school principals’ effectiveness as school leaders. A purposeful sample of second-, third- and fourth-year campus principals working in a large urban school district in the south-west region of the US who had participated in their district’s leadership development programme were administered the Principal Effectiveness Survey and participated in semi-structured interviews to examine the influence of the programme on the participants’ effectiveness as leaders. Survey results indicated that principals consider training activities related to human capital, executive leadership, school culture and strategic operations as having a “high” influence on their effectiveness as school leaders. In addition, interview data revealed the importance of supervisor support and building relationships with peers as critical to their continued success as leaders.  相似文献   

中小学校长对学校发展和基础教育质量的提高起着至关重要的作用。瑞典2009《国家学校领导者培训计划》明晰了中小学校长的角色,规定了培训的内容、模式以及评价方式,旨在把校长培养成为集"管理、教学、学校发展"三种角色为一体的学校领导者,对中小学校长的专业发展起到了极大的促进作用。  相似文献   

Recent literature has demonstrated increasing roles for school counselors who work with students with disabilities, but it has also suggested that school counselors are not being adequately prepared to work with these students. In this research study, the authors investigated current courses and experiences focusing on disabilities offered in school counselor education programs. Results from the 137 participants suggest that school counselor education programs are incorporating more disability content into their training programs than they were in the past. Some disability content areas are included significantly more frequently in disability courses than in counseling program courses. Conclusions and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

中小学校长职业的特点决定了其专业化发展趋势,而促进校长专业化发展的主要途径是进行有效的专业化培训。在总结培训模式经历了从单一的补偿性培训到多元化的按需施训的基础上,从培训目标、内容、方式和手段上提出构建专业化的校长培训模式的新思路。  相似文献   

The need for rehabilitation and school counselors to develop more productive relationships is discussed. It is suggested that such relationships might be facilitated by the two disciplines sharing mutual courses in graduate school. It is further suggested that the following subject material be considered in developing these mutual courses: (a) educational-occupational information, (b) personality theory, (c) history of counseling, (d) counseling as a generic base, and (e) practicum training. Other benefits of such a curriculum are discussed.  相似文献   

科学系统的中小学校长培训是促进校长专业化的捷径,而培训课程是影响校长培训有效性的核心因素。本文从校长专业化的内涵和专业构成出发,从课程目标、课程结构、课程实施、课程评价、课程资源角度,探讨了中小学校长任职资格培训课程体系。  相似文献   

杰出校长的办学理念、治理方略及成长模式对于促进校长群体的专业化发展有着重要的意义。以"美国年度杰出中小学校长的基本特质是什么"为研究问题,遵循一般质性研究收集和分析数据的方法与程序,研究选取美国2018年11位"年度学校领导力奖"获得者为研究对象,以获奖者生平事迹介绍文本为研究资料进行解读、分析,从而提炼出杰出校长的普遍品质和共同特征。研究发现,杰出校长具有"勤勉的品性修养、卓越的治理理念和专业的治理风格"三大基本特质。在校长自我修养、治校理念和治理风格三个层面为中小学校长的教育和培训提供参考和借鉴,促进校长的专业发展。  相似文献   

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