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Students enrolled in an introductory counselor education course who lacked training and experience as interviewers were randomly assigned to one of two short-term attending and responding skills training groups or a wait-control (WC) group. Brief microskills practice (MS) and mental practice (MP) training methods were used in the two treatment groups. All students conducted posttraining simulated counseling interviews, and their videotapes provided data for analysis of the quality of their interview competence and their proficiency with attending and responding skills. MANOVA and follow-up analyses of data from independent ratings of the videotapes indicated that MS was superior to MP and WC on attending skills, MP led to superior performance on responding skills, and neither MP nor MS led to significant differences in perceived competence on qualitative dimensions.  相似文献   

借鉴国内外学术界对关键能力的界定,分析高职商务英语专业的特点,确定高职商务英语学生关键能力的内容,并在对关键能力培养方法与载体探索的基础上,提出基于理论实践一体化理念的关键能力培养途径。  相似文献   

为提高护理专业本科生的科研能力,培养具有创新性的高素质护理人才,选择丽水学院2010级36名本科护生为实验对象,进行分阶段、渐进性、系统化的以项目为导向的方式培养学生的科研能力。结果表明,实验班级学生科研项目申报成功率为83%。问卷调查结果显示:100%学生参与了学生科研项目,基本具备文献检索能力(97%)及常用的统计学知识(92%),初步学会综述撰写(94%)和学生科研项目申报(92%)。  相似文献   

口译是以口头的形式把口语或书面语用另一种语言准确通顺表达的过程。优秀的口译译员在处理两种语言意义转换过程中会充分发挥语言的应用技能,取得最佳效果。而优秀译员的培养,在口译教学中应当以三种能力训练为主:语言能力、技术能力和个人素质能力。  相似文献   

心理训练是当代大学生心理健康教育的必要手段之一。面对当前大学生的心理现状.如何创造性地设计心理训练活动,并精心地加以操作.是大学生心理健康教育的重要环节。文章从心理训练的可行性、成效、实施途径及设计原则等方面进行了研究和探讨,提出了思路和对策。  相似文献   

侯晓芳  曾立人 《海外英语》2011,(14):21-22,24
This paper attempts to give an interpretation of communicative competence by a comparative approach,internally and externally.It first examines the internal components of communication competence as formulated by Hymes and Canale & Swain,and then explores the possible relationship between linguistic competence and communication competence by comparing and constrasting the two.Our conclusion is that linguistic competence is the foundation for communicative competence and the latter is a further development of the former.  相似文献   

在专业实训课程中,将职业核心能力培养与专业核心能力培养有机结合,对于培养优秀技术技能人才具有非常重要的意义。有针对地选取《电子工艺实训》课程的适宜章节,通过模拟"电子产品介绍会"、蚀刻电路板制作、雕刻电路板制作等项目,将与人交流、与人合作和解决问题这三项职业核心能力的培养,科学合理地渗透融入《电子工艺实训》课程教学。实践证明,这项改革对提高高职应用电子类专业学生专业课学习成效有显著的帮助。  相似文献   

职业能力:概念阐释与个案分析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
职业能力是职业教育学的核心概念。从一般意义上分析,职业能力是指人们成功地从事某一特定职业活动所必备的一系列稳定的能力特征和素质的总和。包括职业品质、职业知识和职业技能等三个子系统。同时,职业能力又无法脱离具体的职业角色与职业岗位,这就要求必须结合具体的职业角色对职业能力进行个案分析。  相似文献   

在实际的教学中,人们往往只注意传授知识的任务完成的好坏.但是,为了培养真正有用的人才,教师在教学中,除了考虑到让他们很好地掌握教材中的基础知识外,还必须注意对学生能力的培养.本文就如何培养学生理解能力、运用能力和自学能力提出自己的观点,并运用到实践教学中,取得良好的教学效果.  相似文献   

张晓霞 《焦作大学学报》2002,16(2):78-79,91
本文主要讲述了能力在当今社会发展的重要性及《橡胶物理测试》教学培养学生几种能力的途径和方法。  相似文献   

区域地理野外实践能力培养探讨   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
区域地理野外实习是地理专业实验教学的重要环节,也是检验和提高学生能力的主要过程。在十几年区域地理野外实践的基础上,总结出了培养学生综合能力、独立分析能力、野外自我管理能力、组织工作能力和吃苦耐劳能力的一些方法。  相似文献   

从人学的视野阅读、书写考试分数,阐明考试分数与人的价值、人的全面而自由的发展、教育交往的关联,解读考试分数随着人对人自身本质的追问与把握一起生成并演绎的逻辑,且体认到考试分数是历史对人性张扬的一种必然的选择。  相似文献   

职业教育国际化是现代社会尤其是现代经济发展的客观需求。中等职业教育要顺利实现国际化,首先是领导者要有国际化意识、国际化观念、国际化思想和国际化管理能力,这样才有可能主动参与职业教育国际化,推进中等职业教育国际化的进程。杨凌职业技术学院这几年举办陕西省中等职业学校校长国际化培训经验充分证实了这一点。  相似文献   

人类对幸福感的探索和实践,"有一个漫长的过去,只有一个短暂的历史"。在心理学意义上,作为幸福感主要成分的主观幸福感、心理幸福感和社会幸福感,与人们的学习生活、情绪情感、自我意识、人际关系和社会适应等心理健康要素紧密相关;而心理健康本身就是一种幸福状态,又使它与幸福感直接发生关联。实际上,从内涵上审视,心理健康与幸福感属仲、伯之间;从溯源上考察,心理健康需要幸福感的支撑;从目标上解析,心理健康的价值追求就是幸福感;从结果上考察,心理健康应是幸福感的副产品。一句话,幸福感是心理健康的本质特征和核心所在。可以说,正是对幸福感的不懈追求,人们开始重视心理健康,生命也藉此完成质的飞跃。显然,幸福感与心理健康及其要素相互促进,且已成为新时代心理健康的一种新诠释、一抹新亮色。  相似文献   

提高高师院校教师教育技术能力水平,对于深化高校课堂教学改革、促进教师专业化成长、推动教育信息化健康发展具有积极意义。基于培训实践,文章介绍了高师院校教师教育技术能力培训的意义、目标、内容以及实施情况等,并用模糊方法构建绩效评价模型,对培训效果进行实证分析。  相似文献   

We conducted an interpretative phenomenological analysis of five counseling students' experiences collaborating with American Sign Language–interpreting students during counseling practice sessions. Themes were identified in developmental domains of counselor self-awareness, counseling relationship, and advocacy interventions. Interdisciplinary collaboration led students to address cultural deficiency models and increase multicultural competency and efforts in social justice.  相似文献   

The use of competence as a basis for the education and training of teachers has become commonplace. Department for Education (DfE) circulars 9/92 (DfE, June 1992) and 14/93 (DfE, November 1993) have indicated the way forward for competence‐based teacher training. This paper suggests that it is possible to identify three models of competence which seem to dominate research. The first is broadly behaviourist in its approach and depends largely upon the inculcation of domain‐specific behaviours. The second can be termed a process model, which attempts to map out the process of competent action in terms of flexibility. The third may be described as a cognitive model, since it attributes such importance to knowledge and understanding in underpinning competent action. Each of these models is examined in relation to certain key variables: their interpretation of knowledge and understanding, methods of assessment, and forms of training. A final section draws attention to important factors which operate in competent performance and which must be realised in any competency approach to the training and education of teachers.  相似文献   

文章从建立完善的培训机制、开设辅导员心理沙龙、鼓励辅导员进行学生心理调研、政策导向、加强自我教育等五个方面提出高校辅导员心理健康教育胜任力的问题。  相似文献   

论语感及语感能力的培养   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
语文学科和语文教学的内部规律决定了语感能力的培养是语文教学的本质和核心。中学语文新课标以此作为一项重要的内容,意味着语文教学由作为物的工具转向作为人的学生,旨在使学生获得一种工具转而以语感为突破口,提高学生整个文化心理素质,从而直接面向学生的成长和发展。  相似文献   

A theoretical model of early environment action was examined on a sample of 282 infants representing two racial groups (Caucasian, African-American). Children were obtained from three different sites in the United States. The model examined included the following variables: socioeconomic status (SES), early cognitive status (Bayley MDI at 12 months), stimulation within the home environment (subscales from the HOME Inventory at 12 and 24 months), parents use of negative control (subscales from the HOME Inventory at 12 and 24 months), and later cognitive status (36-month Stanford-Binet IQ). Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) with the LISREL software was used to confirm the fit of the model for African-Americans and Caucasians and for males and females separately. The models for males and females had similar structures, but not equal coefficients for all paths in the model. The models showed significant paths from socioeconomic status and early cognitive status to stimulation with the home environment, a significant path from SES to negative parental control, and a significant path from stimulation within the home environment to later cognitive status. The models for African-Americans and Caucasians differed in structure. For African-Americans, there was no evidence that the link between SES and 36-month IQ was mediated through negative control but SES and early cognitive status were linked to later IQ via the amount of stimulation provided in the home. For Caucasians, early cognitive status did not appear related to 36- month IQ but negative control did appear to mediate the relation between SES and IQ.  相似文献   

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