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The purpose of this study was to discover if grouping students in the laboratory on the basis of their formal reasoning ability affected (1) their science content achievement, (2) their formal reasoning ability, (3) the learning environment in the laboratory, and (4) the relationships between individuals in a particular group. The laboratory groups for three physical science classes for preservice elementary teachers were arranged as follows: (1) one class with students of unequal reasoning ability grouped together, i.e., one highly developed formal reasoner per group (the heterogeneous group), (2) one class with students of similar reasoning ability grouped together (the homogeneous group), and (3) one class arranged in groups according to the desires of the class members (the student choice group). The three classes were compared using pre-and post-scores on content and formal reasoning instruments and scores for classroom environment and social relationships. Results indicated that the groupings as described had significantly different effects on science content achievement but not on any of the other questions posed above. The students in the class with laboratory teams grouped by student choice had significantly lower science content scores than the students in the classes with teams formed using either the heterogeneous or homogeneous grouping procedures. The difference between the heterogeneously and homogeneously grouped classes was not significant at the 0.05 level.  相似文献   

Students in a large one-semester nonmajors college biology course were classified into one of three groups (intuitive—I, transitional—T, reflective—R) based upon a pretest of scientific reasoning ability. Laboratory teams of two students each then were formed, such that all possible combinations of reasoning abilities were represented (i.e., I-I, I-T, I-R, T-T, T-R, R-R). Students worked with their assigned partners during each of the course's 14 laboratory sessions. Gains in reasoning ability, laboratory achievement, and course achievement, as well as changes in students' opinions of their motivation, enjoyment of the laboratory, and their own and their partner's reasoning abilities were assessed at the end of the semester. Significant pre- to posttest gains in reasoning ability by the intuitive and transitional students were found, but these gains were not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Also, course achievement was not significantly related to the laboratory partner's reasoning ability. Students were perceptive of others' reasoning ability; the more able reasoners were generally viewed as being more motivated, having better ideas, and being better at doing science. Additional results also indicated that course enjoyment and motivation was significantly decreased for the transitional students when they were paired with intuitive students. Apparently, for students in transition (i.e., not at an equilibrium state with regard to reasoning level), it is frustrating to work with a less able reasoner. However, some evidence was found to suggest that reflective students may benefit from working with a less able partner.  相似文献   

加强实验室建设,培养学生创新能力   总被引:14,自引:9,他引:14  
结合学校实验室管理改革的实践,系统总结了在实验室发展目标、队伍建设、体制创新、专业实验室建设、机制创新及实验教学改革等方面取得的成效,改革形成了学校独有的运行模式及特色。  相似文献   

What are the effects of ability grouping on GCSE attainment?   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of ability grouping is frequently justified on the grounds that it is an effective means of raising attainment. Little large‐scale quantitative research has been undertaken since the introduction of the National Curriculum in England and Wales. The aim of this article is to examine the effects of setting on students' achievement in English, mathematics and science General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) examinations. Data were collected from a cohort of over 6000 Year 9 students in 45 mixed secondary comprehensive schools who were followed up in Year 11 when they sat GCSE examinations. Multilevel modelling was used to estimate the effect of setting on GCSE attainment, taking account of prior attainment, social disadvantage, gender and attendance. There were no significant effects of setting in English, mathematics or science. Effects on higher and lower attaining students were not consistent in the three subjects. Socially disadvantaged students achieved significantly lower grades and girls achieved higher grades than boys, especially in English. In all three subjects, students of similar ability achieved higher GCSE grades when they were placed in higher sets. Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.  相似文献   

The present study compared the relative effects of hands-on and teacher demonstration laboratory methods on declarative knowledge (factual and conceptual) and procedural knowledge (problem-solving) achievement. Of particular interest were (a) whether these relationships vary as a function of reasoning ability and (b) whether prior knowledge and reasoning ability predict student achievement. Ninth-grade physical science students were randomly assigned to classes taught by either a hands-on or a teacher demonstration laboratory method. Students' reasoning ability and prior knowledge of science were assessed prior to the instruction. The two instructional methods resulted in equal declarative knowledge achievement. However, students in the hands-on laboratory class performed significantly better on the procedural knowledge test than did students in the teacher demonstration class. These results were unrelated to reasoning ability. Prior knowledge significantly predicted performance on the declarative knowledge test. Both reasoning ability and prior knowledge significantly predicted performance on the procedural knowledge test, with reasoning ability being the stronger predictor.  相似文献   

探讨研究型大学医学本科生创新能力提升的可能途径。通过整体布局,建设本科创新实验室,以项目为依托,实现院级、校级、国家级本科创新项目的衔接,两种方法相结合实现创新能力的培养与提升。过去5年的成果表明,以实验室建设、项目带动的方法保证医学本科创新教育的实现具有可行性。  相似文献   

西南交通大学在全国率先提出了建设个性化实验室的构想,自2005年开始实施以来现已取得初步成效.该文介绍了该校在"满足多元化教育,适应个性化发展"的理念的指导下,在建立个性化实验室、切实提高学生的工程实践和科研能力、培养学生的团队精神等方面的做法和效果.  相似文献   

图象能够简洁、形象、直观地展示物理规律,并能考查运用数形结合分析和解决物理问题的能力。本文通过阐述应用各类U-I图象解决物理问题的过程,发展学生的科学思维,促进学生分析推理能力的进阶,从而落实学生物理学科核心素养。  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of verbal interaction cues and ability grouping within a cooperative learning computer-based program. We blocked 231 eighth graders in a required science class by ability and randomly assigned them to homogeneous lower-ability, homogeneous higher-ability, or heterogeneous mixed-ability dyads. Each dyad was randomly assigned to a computer program that either did or did not contain verbal interaction cues designed to facilitate summarizing and explaining between partners. Results indicated that students using the cued version of the program performed significantly better on the posttest than students using the noncued version. Direct observation of student interaction indicated that students in cued dyads exhibited significantly more summarizing and helping behaviors than noncued students. Furthermore, higher-ability dyads exhibited significantly less off-task behavior than the other dyads. Implications for designing computer-based instruction for cooperative settings are provided.  相似文献   

Research has found the learning cycle to be effective for science instruction in hands‐on laboratories and interactive discussions. Can the learning cycle, in which examples precede the introduction of new terms, also be applied effectively to science text? A total of 123 high school students from two suburban schools were tested for reasoning ability, then randomly assigned to read either a learning cycle or traditional text passage. Immediate and delayed posttests provided concept comprehension scores that were analyzed by type of text passage and by reasoning level. Students who read the learning cycle passage earned higher scores on concept comprehension questions than those who read the traditional passage, at all reasoning levels. This result supports the hypothesis that reading comprehension and scientific inquiry involve similar information‐processing strategies and confirms the prediction that science text presented in the learning cycle format is more comprehensible for readers at all reasoning levels. © 1999 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 36: 23–37, 1999.  相似文献   

开放实验室,培养大学生的创新精神和实践能力   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
为了加强培养大学生的创新精神和实践能力,北京工业大学热能与动力工程(汽车)专业充分利用现有的教学条件和科研条件,注重对本科生开放实验室.通过长期不懈的努力和探索,在人才培养质量、实验教学示范中心建设、实施大学生创新性实验计划等方面已经取得了显著成效.  相似文献   

The paper presents a case study of a secondary school in Israel and its efforts at attending to students’ needs without resorting to tracking and ability grouping. It explores an organisational process the school has established, called “Opening triads”, which involves periodical regrouping of three classrooms of students of the same age and same subject matter into three new groups. The findings suggest that ability grouping is difficult to eliminate, but there are alternatives that may reduce its social and emotional harmful effect. Ability grouping can be avoided altogether through other, more equalitarian forms of regrouping students.  相似文献   


This response argues that Greenspan's comment is basically incoherent, and that the position taken by Leicester and Cooke has unacceptable practical consequences. Greenspan admits that many people with 'mental retardation' lack adult decision-making capacities, but at the same time assumes that they have these very capacities in assigning them freedom rights. Leicester and Cooke consistently argue that people with 'mental retardation' do have adult reasoning powers and therefore should be given freedom rights. But this position has the rather disquieting implication that both the practice of treating 'mental retardation' as an exempting condition and the practice of giving them important special welfare rights seem to loose their justification.  相似文献   

通过构建以实验技能为基础的实验室准入机制,建立健全实验教学开放管理系统,实施教学和科研有机融合的教学模式,提升学生的创新实践能力和综合素质。  相似文献   

Several recent studies suggest concrete learners make greater gains in student achievement and in cognitive development when receiving concrete instruction than when receiving formal instruction. This study examined the effect of concrete and formal instruction upon reasoning and science achievement of sixth grade students. Four intact classes of sixth grade students were randomly selected into two treatment groups; concrete and formal. The treatments were patterned after the operational definitions published by Schneider and Renner (1980). Pretest and posttest measures were taken on the two dependent variables; reasoning, measured with Lawson's Classroom Test of Formal Reasoning, and science achievement, measured with seven teacher made tests covering the following units in a sixth grade general science curriculum: Chemistry, Physics, Earth Science, Cells, Plants, Animals, and Ecology. Analysis of covariance indicated significantly higher levels (better than 0.05 and in some cases 0.01) of performance in science achievement and cognitive development favoring the concrete instruction group and a significant gender effect favoring males.  相似文献   

终身教育是较传统教育更具优越性的教育,其最大特点是能适应日益信息化社会的发展需要。要培养学生的“终身自学能力”,必须强调对学生思维能力的培养。改革现有学制,精简教学内容,改革教学方法,才能做好终身教育的大课题。  相似文献   

Multiplicative reasoning is critical for the development of more advanced mathematical concepts such as fractions and algebra, and therefore is a critical process for teachers and researchers to assess in an effective and efficient manner. Unfortunately, the vast majority of available assessments examine students’ skill with algorithms or memorized facts, with no necessary connection to students’ conceptual understanding of the content. This study reports on the continued development and validation of the Multiplicative Reasoning Assessment (MRA) for elementary grades. Data from 196 fourth and fifth grade students was examined using a Rasch modeling approach. Supplemental data from follow-up clinical interviews was also collected and analyzed. Results provide evidence for the reliability and validity of the MRA. Specifically, findings suggest the assessment adequately assesses students’ multiplicative reasoning, as an alternative to assessments of fact memorization or procedural fluency.  相似文献   

高师实验室开放促进学生科研探索与实践   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
基础教育新课程标准的实施对高师实验教学提出了更高的要求标准。实验室开放教学是培养高师学生科学探究能力的重要手段。结合高师化学专业实验教学改革,就高师化学专业实验室开放的必要性、开放形式及内容进行探讨,总结了开展实验室开放教学的做法、体会和效果。  相似文献   

基础教育新课程标准的实施对高师实验教学提出了更高的要求标准。实验室开放教学是培养高师学生科学探究能力的重要手段。结合高师化学专业实验教学改革,就高师化学专业实验室开放的必要性、开放形式及内容进行探讨,总结了开展实验室开放教学的做法、体会和效果。  相似文献   

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