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One Point Hanging in the hallway at Whites HighSchool in Wabash,Ind.,and the basketballteam pictures from the past 40 years.Aplayer in the center of the front row in eachpicture holds a basketball identifying the year-”62-63”,”63-64”,”64-65”,etc.One day I spotted a freshman looking curi-ously at the photos.Turning to me,he said,”Isn’t it strange how the teams always lostby one point?” 相似文献
仙儿 《学生之友(小学版)》2005,(23)
The Cat and CourserA courser raised some fish.One day,He wanted to go hunting. The cat said to the Courser, "Don't worry! I will take care of 相似文献
何林 《语文世界(高中版)》2006,(9):31
一个小朋友的爸爸是工程师,他吹嘘说阿尔卑斯山是他爸爸设计的;另外一个小朋友的爸爸是海军,他针锋相对,吹嘘说……读完下面的故事,你一定会忍俊不禁的!此外,如果你对这个栏目有好的意见或建议,请来信告诉我!“双语空间”明年将有更加精彩的内容奉献给大家!主持人:开心果 相似文献
(一)OnlyOneInstanceMr.HenryBeecherenteredPlymouthChurchoneSundayandfoundseverallettersawaitinghim.Heopenedoneandfounditcontainedthesingleword“Fool”.Quietlyandwithbecomingseriousnessheannouncedtothecongregationthefactinthesewords:“Ihaveknownmanyaninstanceofamanwritingaletterandforgettingtosignhisname,butthisistheon-lyinstanceIhaveeverknownofamansigninghisnameandforgettingtowritetheletter.”译文:傻瓜来信一个星期天,亨利·比切先生上普利茅斯的教堂去,在那里有他的几封信。他打开其中一封,发现信… 相似文献
NO MONEY STUDENT:YOu look broken uD.What’s the matter? Roommate:1 wrote home formoney a strong lamp. STUDENT:Well? ROOMMATE:They sent a lamp! 缺钱 学生:你愁眉苦脸的。怎么啦? 窒友:我给家里写信.要钱买学习灯 学生:然后呢? 室友:他们寄来了一盏灯。If it’S true the world’S gettinqsmaller,why do they keep raising theprice of the postage. 邮费 如果这个世界真的越来越小。那为什么邮费总是在涨?elevision will never completely replace the·ape卜——’nO one can swat a fly with it. 报纸的优点… 相似文献
Real Play When I taught the introduction-to-theatercourse at North Dakota State University,I required mystudents to attend the university theater’s currentproduction and write a critique.After viewing a partic-ularly fine performance,one student wrote:”The playwas so real,I thought I was actually sitting on mycouch at home,watching it on television” 相似文献
Boss’s idea When my printer’s type began to go faint,I called a repair shopwhere a friendly man told me that the printer probably needed only tobe cleaned.Because the shop charged 50 pounds for such clean-ings,he told me,it would be better for me to read the printer’s di-rections and try the job myself.Pleasantly surprised by his words,Iasked.”Does your boss know that you discou rage business?””Actually it’s my boss’s idea,”the employee replied”Weusually make more money on repairs if we let people try to repairthings themselves first.” 相似文献
(一) In Chinese class, the headteacher said to the whole class, "Remember, everybody! Rome could't have been founded within one day! " Certainly his words are quite reasonable. That's to say, all the students should study harder. However, what is interesting is that the next class is a history lesson. By the middle of 相似文献
Math,Physics,& PhilosophyDean,to the physics department.”Why do I always haveto give you guys so much money.for laboratories and expen-sive equipment and stuff.Why couldn’t you be like the mathdepartment-all they need is money for pencils,paper andwaste-paper baskets.or even better.like the philosophy de-partment.All they need are pencils and paper.” 相似文献
于莹 《初中生世界(初三物理版)》2004,(11)
-,HalftheTimeAmotherwastalkingtoherlittleboy熏“Now熏Billy熏youshouldn’tbeselfwithyourtoys.I’vetoldyoutoletyouryoungerbrotherplaywiththemhalfthetime.”“That’swhatI’vebeendoing熏”saidBilly,“Itakethesleddoingdownhill熏andhetakesitgoingup.”玩一半时间一位母亲对她的孩子说:“听着,比利,你在使用玩具上不应该那样自私。我已经跟你说过要让弟弟玩一半时间。”“我一直就是这样做的呀,”比利说,“我把雪橇滑下去,然后他再拿上来。”YouCan’tFlyTeacher押Ihearyouliveclosetotheriverbutyouneverlearnedtoswim.… 相似文献
Who is Stupid? A teacher was trying to make use of her psychology courses. She staded her class by saying."Everyone whothinks you're stupid,stand up!" Little Johnny then stood up. The teacher said,"Do you think you're stupid,Johnny?" "No,ma'am,but I hate to see you standing thereall by yourself!" 相似文献