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故事开始于垂汉姆牧师与约翰&;#183;德比菲尔的巧遇。牧师跟衣着褴褛的后者打招呼:“早晨好,约翰爵士,”还告诉后者,说他实际上是贵族德伯家的嫡系后裔,德比菲尔顿时变得高傲起来。  相似文献   

胡爱洁 《海外英语》2014,(5):176-177,206
Thomas Hardy is an outstanding novelist in the nineteenth century.He has produced numerous works including novels and poetry.His tragic novel Tess of the d’Urbervilles has a great impact on the world literature.The paper is focused on the exploration of Tess’s tragedy through her life experiences.Tess’s tragedy can be illustrated by three factors—her family aspects,love experiences and her social images,which also contribute collectively to poor Tess’s destiny.The social background of the period provides a basis for the novel,and the deformed social values and morality is the root of her tragedy,together with her personal temperament and the Christian religious influences.Christian mores of self-sacrifice,wide love and purity have a great effect on characters in the novel.In the fourth part,there is some enlightenment from Tess’s tragedy.It is believed that women play a crucial role in society.Tess is a woman with good qualities and her experiences give a warning to women today:the proper treatment of one’s behaviors and the social rules is critical.  相似文献   

赵爽爽 《海外英语》2013,(4X):194-196
The fictions of Franz Kafka are full of many ironical allegories.Through the analysis of the great suffering of the family caused by the transformation of the protagonist into a monster in"the metamorphosis"by Franz Kafka,especially on the basis of elaborating the internal artistic characteristics in this story,this paper tends to show that the writer penetratingly described the human feelings of extreme loneliness and solitude in the modern society and he also attacked the society at that time through the technique of his absurd and paradoxical expression.  相似文献   

The article gives a brief introduction of Thomas Hardy and His Tess of the d’Urberville, the image of birds in Tess of the d’Urberville and its importance for illustrating the theme has also been analyzed.  相似文献   

陈晨 《海外英语》2012,(12):191-193
Tess of the d’Urbervilles,Tomas Hardy’s masterpiece,was published in 1891,marking a turning point in Hardy’s literary life.This essay attempts to analyze Tess of the d’Urbervilles in the light of Ecocriticism and seeks to throw a new light on this novel.Through a close study of the relationship between Tess and nature,the essay interprets the process of Tess’s tragedy as the inharmonious relationship between nature and the modern civilization which is represented by Alec and Angel.In this way,this thesis tries to provide a fresh perspective that may enable us to realize the importance of environmental protection and have a better understanding of this novel.  相似文献   

Tess of D'Urbervilles is regarded as the most famous tragedy work of the British writer Thomas Hardy. In this novel, the main character, Tess, is a tragic figure. The tragedy of Tess is not accidental. This study analyzes the tragedy of Tess as a woman from the perspective of economy. It is important to strive for economic independence, equality of love and marriage for woman like Tess. Similarly, in the modern society, if women want to maintain equality with men, they must keep themselves independence in economy fi rst, instead of relying on men.  相似文献   

Tess is a pure girl in Hardy’s eyes, as it shows in the book’s subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian’s time, however, she is still pure in Kant’s eyes.  相似文献   

王晓菊 《海外英语》2013,(4X):190-191
Dan Brown’s Angels and Demons published in 2000 directly centered on the theme of the debate upon religion and science.It is a vivid depiction of the collision of humanity and divinity,which evokes people’s deep probing to the crisis-ridden modern society.This article aims at analyzing the postmodernism writing features adopted in the theme of Angels and Demons.  相似文献   

Tess is a pure girl in Hardy’s eyes, as it shows in the book’s subtitle. She is sinned in Victorian’s time, however, she is still pure in Kant’s eyes.Key words: Tesss purity; Kant  相似文献   

杨琳 《海外英语》2013,(22):246-246
Tess of the D’Urbervilles(1891),the masterpiece of Thomas Hardy,tells the tragical life story of a beautiful country girl.Although the heroine,Tess,was intelligent,beautiful,industrious and kind-hearted,she was finally hanged as the only victim of the story.The root of her tragedy was caused by the bourgeoisie society.Firstly her tragedy comes from the society:the inequali ty of the law,the false of the religion and the hypocrisy of the bourgeoisie society.Secondly,Tess’s tragedy is produced by her own characters.In addition,the tragedy of Tess is inevitable.Thus,Tess’s tragedy was produced by both the society and her own character,which is closely related to the bourgeoisie society.  相似文献   

哈代的著名小说《德伯威尔家的苔丝》中女主角的不幸遭遇曾使无数读者为之叹息,产生同情。然而让苔丝更加心力交瘁的却是杀人不见血的宗教道德观。本文着重探讨作品中所蕴涵的强烈的反宗教意识,揭露宗教道德观的虚伪与腐朽。  相似文献   

王雅娴 《海外英语》2011,(10):296-297
G. B. Shaw names his play Pygmalion by a protagonist in Metamorphoses Book Ten, so that he connects the enlivened ivory statue with the dramatically changed flower girl. Great culture significance was attached to this play. At the same time, the originality which is different from the original myth displays the author’s effort to explore female self- creation.  相似文献   

The thesis analyzes the origins of Tess’tragedy both from external and internal factors, with a view to point out that her tragic fate is inevitable. Being related with the author’pessimistic fatalism,...  相似文献   

夏宁 《教师》2011,(35):118-119
This paper provides readers with an analysis of the translation strategies at different levels in Zhang Guruo' s translated version of Tess of the D' Urbervilles, aiming at enriching the understanding of Zhang Guruo' s translation theory and translation practice which may give some evidence and enlightenment for the further studies on literary translation under the context of culture.  相似文献   

Hemingway’s In Another Country expresses rich ideological connotation with extremely concise language,and reveals the cruelty of war and the huge trauma caused by war to human body and mind.This paper explores the multiple meanings of“an?other”in this short story by analyzing the background,environment,character identity,social relationship and personal concept.  相似文献   

Emily Dickinson is the most famous legendary lyric poetess of the United States. She perceived death as a gradual pro-cess with different functions. In the theme of love, desirable love, treacly love a...  相似文献   

孙宏 《海外英语》2012,(9):181-182
Literary translation is the re-creation of the language art.To translate an English novel into Chinese one,translators need the skill of literature re-creation.Taking Zhang Guruo’s translated version Tess of the D’urbervilles as an example,we perceive that translators have subjectivity and they should break the boundary between writing and translating.When a translator translates a piece of works,he must get rid of the constraint of the surface structures of the original works,and reproduces the flavor of the original novel.But the translators should try to show the original scenes in the original English novel to target readers.  相似文献   

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