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William Faulkner, the Nobel Prize winner for literature in 1950, is one of the most famous American writers. In "A Rose for Emily", he boldly uses the symbolism writing technique. Emily’s tragedy reveals the conflicts and contradictions between the old and new social concepts and values. With the help of symbolism, William Faulkner thoroughly and deeply portrays the southern American’s spiritual crisis during the historic reform in terms of artistic writing style and unique thoughts.  相似文献   

李文燕 《海外英语》2011,(6):246+248
A Rose for Emily, written by William Faulkner in the twentieth century, is an absorbing mystery story with a surprisingly chilling ending. This paper intends to analyze the symbolic meaning of the rose, and the relationship between the rose and Emily, giving people a thorough understanding of the theme and the heroine’s personality. Although simple, the story shows great narrative techniques and typical and artful structure in Faulkner’s works.  相似文献   

The paper deals with the reading and interpreting of the voice of gender in Emily Dickinson’s poems.The gender,the 1yric poem and the reading constitute the performance.Dickinson succeeded in constructing alternatives to a traditional,fixed binary gender system(woman/man) and opens opportunities for the reader to perform alternative gendering.Analysis of voices of gender in and of Dickinson’s poems shows that her variant performances of gender are crucial to the general construction of her poetry.Through the analysis of the voice of gender in Dickinson’s poetry,the paper discloses the crucial function of poets construct in women’s rebellion and self-salvation and subverting patriarchy,which also demonstrates her uniqueness in her life and literary creativity.  相似文献   

This paper approaches"A Rose for Emily"from the psychoanalytic perspective and tries to explore the proper and intelligible psychological motives for Emily's abnormal behavior.Emily,instead of being a morbid character either provoking pity or disgust in readers,is in essence a woman who suffers from an undeveloped identity,torturing insecurity and loneliness for all her life.  相似文献   

罗军  刘芹 《海外英语》2013,(15):204-205
The musicality of poetry is a project that has been in great need of scholars’attentions and studies due to its charming typicality,which has been a rarely-visited for a long time.To get away with this intellectual sterility and poverty,and highlight the aesthetic universality of the musicality in poetic texts,this paper aims to give a preliminary exploration of the metrical musicality in A Red,Red Rose.  相似文献   

刘虹 《海外英语》2011,(2):167-169,171
Anthony Burgess’s novel A Clockwork Orange explores human being’s predicament of freedom—the contradiction between Libertarianism and Totalitarianism. The issues Burgess explores in this fiction share affinities with what Sartrean existentialism elucidate. This paper attempts to discuss the inter-human relationship between the protagonist—Alex and other two important characters from the perspective of Sartre’s elaboration of "being-with-others", to find the evidence for Sartre’s famous dictum "hell is the other people."  相似文献   

张媛 《海外英语》2012,(16):203-205
Images of flowers frequently appear in Emily Dickinson’s poems. Through employing these charming images Dickinson re vealed her unique view on a lady’s virtues. She praised the precious virtues of being modest, brave, firm, selfless, and responsible.  相似文献   

BrieflyonFaulkner’s“ARoseforEmily”ShenZhiheBrieflyonFaulkner’s“ARoseforEmily”ShenZhiheKeywords:FaulknerEmilyroselovecharacter...  相似文献   

"A Red Red Rose"是苏格兰著名诗人之一罗伯特·彭斯的代表作之一,具备"意美"和"音美"。本文从傅雷先生"神似观"角度,对三个汉译版本进行韵律和修辞上的对比分析,意在找寻各自对原诗神韵的再现。  相似文献   

刘莎 《海外英语》2012,(23):189-190
In A Room of One’s Own,Virginia Woolf argued her famous proposition that a woman needed to have a room of her own to achieve literary autonomy,and laid the foundation for present-day feminist criticism.Yet the author believes that economic independent does not foster women’s identity with certainty.In this thesis,the author explores the crucial place of spiritual and economic independence in building up women’s autonomy through analyzing Michael Cunningham Pulitzerwinning work The Hours,which he draws inventively on the life of Virginia Woolf and her work Mrs.Dalloway.  相似文献   

赵文荣 《海外英语》2014,(16):192-194,212
E. E. Cummings is one of the representatives of American modern experimental poets whose poems are well-known for the unique style. Cummings endeavors to make his poems be different from other poets’. He broke the traditional way of writing poems, invented in the changing of lines of the poem and the spelling of the words in the poem, thus to make his personal poem style distinctive. Therefore, standing on the stylistic point of view, this paper makes a brief analysis on Cummings’ typical poems from foregrounding perspective.  相似文献   

Poetics by Aristotle sets the dogmas for literature,while Waiting for Godot,the representative of the Theater of the Ab?surd,violates the former’s principles to achieve certain effects.The thesis will analyze the violation from the angle of Solidity or Authenticity of art and poetry,which are the likelinessandnecessity,and credibility.By digressing from the traditional rules,Wait?ing for Godot helps to create absurdity reflecting the inner loss of people after the war and to form a sense of alienation from reality.  相似文献   

杨莉 《时代教育》2013,(1):170+137
Love exists in everybody’s life and it is also a favorite of poets.No matter how the society is developed,poems won’t bedisappeared in society.Poem is a good way to express the thoughts and ideas of poet.Different periods’ love poems have different meaningand themes.This article intends to analyze the love theme of poems in the Renaissance,Romanticism and Modernism.  相似文献   

罗选民教授的动态话语认知模式为译本解读提供了一个新的视角,本文从该视角出发解读"A Red Red Rose"苏曼殊、郭沫若、王佐良的三个译本,从历史认知的维度挖掘每个译本创作的过程性、合理性及价值性,以期为翻译文本的建构提供参考。  相似文献   

在“五个一”教学模式下,探讨培养学生英语阅读能力的五大原则,即题目设置的循序渐进原则、题目设置的多样性原则、语篇意识培养原则、阅读技能培养原则和阅读思想提升原则.文章以牛津高中英语第10模块第1单元中的《AGift for the Future》一文为例,探讨五大原则的具体运用,以使学生对一篇文章从陌生到熟悉再到留下深刻的印象和记忆,较好地培养和提高他们的阅读能力和阅读水平,并把这种阅读习惯和阅读能力延伸到课外的阅读中去,其阅读素养和阅读潜力就会得到很大的提升,形成可持续发展的学习能力.  相似文献   

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