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Over the years, the multiple intelligences theory (MIT) proposed by Howard Gardner has renewed interest in learners’ use of effective learning strategies and produced interesting results. This MIT-oriented study investigated the role of successful L2 readers’ multiple intelligences in their effective use of reading strategies. To this end, a TOEFL reading comprehension test was administered to a cohort of 135 English as a foreign language students at several universities in the southwest and centre of Iran, and 80 students were identified as successful L2 readers based on the ETS rating scale and their TOEFL scores. Then, they answered an MI questionnaire originally developed by Armstrong and a reading strategies inventory adapted by Singhal. The data were quantitatively analysed using correlations and multiple regressions. The results revealed that linguistic, logical–mathematical and intrapersonal intelligences were the good L2 readers’ most dominant intelligences, while bodily intelligence was the least common type. In addition, they mostly employed metacognitive and cognitive strategies but rarely drew upon affective and compensation strategies while reading. Further, there was a significant positive relationship between linguistic, logical–mathematical, spatial, interpersonal, and intrapersonal intelligences and the use of metacognitive and cognitive reading strategies. Similar relationships were also found between linguistic intelligence and the participants’ use of memory strategy, on one hand, and between interpersonal intelligence and compensation and social strategy use, on the other. Importantly, linguistic and intrapersonal intelligences as well as metacognitive and cognitive strategy use were shown to be the best predictors of reading comprehension. Finally, the theoretical or pedagogical implications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   


As outcomes-based education forms the foundation of the new school curriculum in South Africa, educators are confronted with the challenge of not only meeting the different needs of individual learners, but also of helping learners (many of them previously disadvantaged) to achieve their maximum potential. One way of realising this ideal is by applying Howard Gardner's theory of multiple intelligences in the classroom. The article provides a discussion on both Gardner's multiple intelligences theory and outcomes-based education in South Africa, as it is believed that together they can contribute to solving some of the present problems in South African education. The article defines the use of MI theory in an OBE classroom and suggests specific ways in which educators worldwide could incorporate the different intelligences in their teaching and learning activities.  相似文献   

The current study explored whether a reading intervention combining flexibly applied multisyllabic word‐decoding strategies with evidence‐based fluency strategies was effective in improving the science text reading skills of upper‐elementary struggling readers. Four students, three in fourth and one in fifth grade, participated in the study. A delayed multiple baseline design was utilized, with a staggered 3‐week baseline followed by 8 weeks of reading intervention. Three students demonstrated small to moderate gains in reading fluency on science instructional passages, but no generalized gains in reading fluency on standardized passages. All students demonstrated direct gains in multisyllabic word‐decoding accuracy on science instructional passages, but no generalized gains in decoding accuracy on standardized passages. Participating students rated the intervention favorably and perceived gains in their reading skills. These findings support the use of science curricular passages when implementing reading interventions to enhance students’ ability to access the curriculum.  相似文献   

多元智能理论对高职院校的职业素质教育产生了重大影响,我们构建基于多元化智能理论的职业素质教育体系,建立基于多元化智能理论的教学体系、管理机制,并通过开展丰富多样的课外活动,提高学生的职业素质。  相似文献   

多元智能理论提出每一正常的个体都在一定程度上拥有多种智能,每一个体的差异在于所拥有某种智能的程度和组合不同。基于此理论,职业学校应建立与学生个体智能状况相适应的课程内容、教学方法、实验与实习基地、评价形式等,即实施“以学生个体为中心”的教育体系。就学校的职业指导、课程与教学方法、评价方式、招生录取方法的改革和教师的素质进行了探讨。  相似文献   

基于多元智能理论的职教课程目标的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对职校课程目标的职教和学生特色不明显的描述,提出职校学生学习潜能的开发的必要性,从课程开发的要素来引出多元智力理论对职校学生学习潜能课程的开发启示。  相似文献   

多元智能理论及其对我国职业教育的启示   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
多元智能理论是20世纪90年代以来西方最有影响力的教育心理学理论。本在分析该理论并借鉴其思想内涵的基础上,对我国职业教育的发展提出了新的构想。  相似文献   

文章通过对贵州某高校114名非英语专业理科生的多元智能类型及语言学习策略使用情况的定量研究发现,理科类学生在智能倾向及各类学习策略使用上存在相关性。这有助于教师在大学英语教学过程中通过引导学生将二者更好地结合起来进行语言学习。  相似文献   

阅读理解在大学英语四、六级考试以及高等学校英语应用能力考试中所占比重最大,因此阅读理解部分对考试的成功与否有着直接的影响。考生普遍感到阅读时间紧,而自己的阅读速度较慢,难以充分地理解短文以及准确答题。解决这一矛盾的关键在于平时养成良好的阅读习惯,博览群书;掌握阅读技巧、方法,提高阅读能力。  相似文献   

知识的学习与传授是学校教学的重要部分.本文从知识-文本-符号学习的视角分析了多元智能关于教学的重要观点:在学校教育的情境中,符号系统的教与学是学校教学的一个突出特点,儿童正是在对符号化知识的"释义"和使用中,掌握知识、发展智能.因为不同的智能对不同的符号系统具有不同的敏感性,因此,"通过多元智能而教"是增进教学有效性的重要途径.  相似文献   

多元智能是智力、心理选材的一部分,也是运动员科学选材内容和方法的重要组成部分。通过对山西省摔跤柔道运动员多元智能的测量与研究结果表明:一级以上摔跤柔道运动员的人际、自我认知智能高于二级运动员(P〈0.05),格斗类竞技体育项目高水平的训练,有助于运动员人文素质教育功能的提高;一级以上摔跤柔道运动员的博物学家智能明显低于二级运动员(P〈0.01),应加强高水平摔跤柔道运动员自然科学知识的教育和学习;女子摔跤柔道运动员的身体运动、音乐智能高于男子运动员(P〈0.05),这与男、女间相关的遗传因素不同存在联系。  相似文献   

以加德纳的多元智力理论为理论支撑,运用文献资料法和逻辑分析法,分析它对我国学校体育教学的目标、体育教学的内容和方式、体育教学的评价方式等方面的启示。研究认为:多元智力理论为我国的体育教学改革提供科学的理论依据;使我们能够更好的思考体育教学的目标,思考未来学校体育教学的科学模式和多元化的评价方式;促使我们开发和试验新的课程、新的教学技术,实现培养创新型人才的教育目标。  相似文献   

To explore the importance of text cohesion, we conducted two experiments. We measured online (reading times) and offline (comprehension accuracy) processes for texts that were high and low cohesion. In study one (n?=?60), we manipulated referential cohesion using noun repetition (high cohesion) and synonymy (low cohesion). Students showed enhanced comprehension accuracy and faster comprehension responses for text that were high in referential cohesion. In study two (n?=?52), we examined connective text designs (‘because’, ‘and’ and ‘no connective’). Students demonstrated enhanced reading times for text using a ‘because’ connective. Additionally, we examined the individual differences (reading ability, science self-concept and self-esteem) as predictors of achievement with science comprehension tasks. Across both experiments reading ability predicted comprehension with both high (noun-repetition text and ‘and’ text) and low cohesion text (synonym text and ‘no connective’ text). These findings highlight the importance of good reading abilities and text cohesion for promoting science comprehension and learning.  相似文献   

随着国际上对通识教育的日益重视和我国"文化素质教育"的推行,独立学院非经管类专业学生掌握"适用即可、够用为度"的管理知识显得很有必要,这就对《管理学》课程的教学理念和方法提出了新的要求。拟从立体化的教学模式,培养学生多元智能的角度来开展该课程的建设。  相似文献   

美国心理学家霍华德·加德纳提出的多元智能理论在世界教育教学改革中产生了广泛的积极影响。将之运用于高校的英语教学,利用其开发的丰富活动形式来改进英语课堂教学形式,有助于激发学生潜质、全面系统地开发学生的多种智能,从而可以培养更适合社会发展的应用型英语人才。  相似文献   

多元智能理论对英语教学的理论提供了一个新的教学理念,以开发智能教学英语作为一种工具来促进学生健康的人格和运用语言的综合能力的整体素质的全面发展。本研究对高职英语教学中学生多元智能的开发现状进行调查,不仅可以为目前高职英语的教学提供一定的借鉴,抛砖引玉,而且还能智能;现状调查  相似文献   

以多元智能理论为指导进行排球教学,探讨对学生人际关系的影响.结果表明:多元智能理论采用目标、合作、反馈教学模式,以人为本的教学设计,采用“真实性”的评价方法,实验班学生在交谈方面的行为困扰、交际与交友方面的困扰、待人接物方面的困扰、与异性朋友交往的困扰方面相对来说更低,学生之间的人际关系发展更好.  相似文献   

多元智能理论认为,人的智能是多元的,每个正常的人都在一定程度上拥有其中的多项技能。人类个体的不同在于所拥有的技能的程度和组合不同。借鉴这一理论,有利于充分发挥高职院校《思想道德修养与法律基础》课的思想政治教育作用,形成科学的教学观、学生观、师生观和评价观。促进学生的全面发展,增强教学实效性,提高教学质量。  相似文献   

文章主要介绍了利用多元智能理论对高等数学教学改革的探索,目的在于转换教学思想、激发学生学习兴趣,改善现有教学思路  相似文献   

本文基于我校英文报刊选读课程的教学现状,以高职英语专业学生为研究对象,探讨了如何帮助高职生进行英文报刊阅读并提升其阅读能力的有效方法。以期开阔学生视野,拓宽其获取英文信息的渠道,激发其学习兴趣,提高其英语水平。  相似文献   

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