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教师工作的绩效状况是决定我们教育教学质量的关键和核心.教师工作是一项艰辛复杂而又特殊的脑力劳动,决定了教师及教育质量评价制度存在的必要性和实施的困难性。成功的教师及教育质量评价制度应该使得方方面面都受益。文章在探讨实施评价工作原则的基础上.分析了基于“德技共举知行合一”的“学生最喜欢的老师评选制度”、“教师绩效综合测评制度”、教师及教育质量评价实践案例。  相似文献   

Essential to the improvement of teaching effectiveness is evaluation. Evaluation can take many forms, but any process directly involves the teacher. Self‐evaluation is a process whereby teachers collect the data on their own teaching effectiveness and analyse the information to consider improvement to that teaching. This process can be undertaken in a number of ways. However, the unique benefit of self‐evaluation is the close involvement of teachers in the consideration of the effectiveness of their own teaching. This article considers different methods of self‐evaluation and suggests a technique that has been found to be successful.  相似文献   

微格教学:历史演变与当代诉求   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
教师专业发展是当代教师教育的基本价值追求。当前,教师专业发展的基本范式发生了转换,即由关注教师知识与技能的"技术理性"转向关注教师作为生命个体价值实现与教育智慧生成的"价值理性"。在此背景下,微格教学在经历技能训练取向、认知发展取向与综合化发展取向后,在当代教师专业发展的理念要求下,将致力于教学目标综合化、教学过程合理化、教学形式多样化与教学评价实践化的方向发展。  相似文献   

高校教师教学评价的问题与改进   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
教学评价是教师评价的核心,在教师评价中的重要性显然是不言而喻的。但在实际操作过程中,却存在不少问题。因此,有必要对教师的教学评价问题进行系统思考。突出教师在教学评价中的主体地位,从学、评、教三个方面进行改进,较好地解决存在的问题。  相似文献   

中欧教育实习现状及改革趋势探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
教育实习是师范生专业成长道路上的一个重要环节,我国教师教育的实习体制尚待完善,在实习规划和管理、指导等方面存在诸多问题,直接影响了教育实习效果和师范生专业技能的培养。相比之下,欧洲各国的教育实习方式均有独到之处,在实习计划的设置和过程管理、评估以及与中小学的合作模式方面,有许多改革和创新方法可供我国教师教育研究者借鉴。  相似文献   

行动研究与教师的职业发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
行动研究是教师主导的课堂教学研究,立足于通过教师的反思解决实际问题,近年来在师资培训领域中受到越来越多的重视。行动研究不仅能够增强教师对教学过程的自我评价和自我决策能力,而且有助于教学理论与课堂实践的有机结合,成为教师自身发展和完善的有效途径。  相似文献   

教学实践的过程是复杂的、丰富的,又是一个可以激发教师创造性的过程,教学实践的目的在于组织和运筹教育活动,科学地处理课程内容,合理选择教学模式,灵活应用教学方法,培养学生综合素养,提高学习的能力。对教学实践的分析中渗透着一定的价值观念和思维方式,故而评鉴活动应围绕课程、学习环境、教学法等方面展开,这样方能达致成功的教学实践。  相似文献   

Institutions assess teaching effectiveness in various ways, such as classroom observation, peer evaluation and self-assessment. In higher education, student feedback continues to be the main teaching evaluation tool. However, most of such forms include characteristics of good teaching that the institutions deem important and may not adequately reflect what students perceive to be good teaching. This study explored students' understandings of good teaching via a survey with students from two faculties at a Singapore university. Students were asked what characteristics they thought constituted the following categories of teaching: preparation and organization, knowledge, learning and thinking, enthusiasm and delivery. It was found that while distinct characteristics were highlighted for the first four categories, the last saw recurring characteristics of teacher attributes and teaching strategies. These two aspects weigh in significantly in the way students perceive whether the teacher is effective. The study has implications for teacher development programmes and the design of student evaluation forms for more accurate assessments of teacher ability and foci on areas of improvement. This study is potentially useful to teachers, as knowing the characteristics of teaching that matter to students could help teachers determine for themselves how to maintain or improve their performance in the classroom.  相似文献   

教育公平问题日益成为社会各界关注的焦点,也是我国推进教育改革的难点。其中,师资力量的不均衡配置在制约教育公平的诸多因素中占重要位置。教师流动机制是师资力量最大限度均衡化的重要途径。参考国内外相关实践经验,结合我国现阶段实际情况,要均衡师资配置,需要探索建立县域内教师全员流动机制,继而逐步推广流动范围,其中观念是行动的先导,规制是行动的支点,评估是行动的保障。  相似文献   

Response to Disability   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Teacher development has emerged over the last decade as an identifiable area of study and much has been written on the subject. The teacher development literature has served to disseminate information on and ideas for improving teachers' and, by extension, schools' performance. It has provided the forum for discussion about the future of the teaching profession and the nature of teaching as a job. Yet, as an area of study, teacher development tends for the most part to be dominated by issues, while the concept itself and the methods that may effect teacher development remain comparatively neglected. In the teacher development literature, for example, very few definitions of teacher development may be found. This article examines the concept of teacher development and presents the author's own interpretation and definition, as well as her views on how the development of this area of study ought to proceed.  相似文献   

教师评价研究的缘起、问题及发展趋势   总被引:58,自引:0,他引:58  
教师评价研究作为教师管理制度建设的首要环节,其发展经历了一个长期的过程。目前,这一领域的研究表现出的主要问题有:不同功能类型的评价常常被混用;教学效能评价仍然占主导地位;评价内容结构不明确;评价内容的理论依据不足;过度注重学生学习结果等。教师评价研究的发展过程可以概括为三个阶段,其发展表现出一个基本趋势:更加重视教师在教育教学过程中的行为,并且更关注教师的教学反思过程和工作中的主动性等方面。  相似文献   

The premise that underlies the preservice‐teacher‐education programme at Monash University is the need to focus on the nature of learning (for example, Gunstone et al., 1993). One approach currently being used to enhance this process is the use of portfolios. The portfolio is an open‐ended task designed to explore teaching from many different vantage points. It is organised as a dynamic assessment task through which the student teachers work on developing their understanding of what it means to be a science teacher, and the teaching portfolio itself is a mixture of artefacts designed to help student teachers demonstrate this to others. This paper reports on the effectiveness and value of portfolios in helping preservice teachers learn about learning and teaching.  相似文献   

This study focuses on collaborative teacher learning during an in-service education course that supports teachers in creating knowledge and practices for teaching. The study investigates what types of activity support or hinder collaborative development within more-or-less successful teacher teams' group discussions. The findings indicate that collaboration that supports collaborative development consists of ideation, further development of ideas and raising questions. Excessive agreement appears to prevent successful collaborative development. The study suggests that in symmetrical peer-to-peer collaboration, equals are able to support creative collaboration by revising and questioning developed constructions and the developmental process itself, through the application of theoretical knowledge.  相似文献   

This paper continues the tradition of research, development and evaluation of teaching laboratories, and, at the same time, extends earlier research in two directions: by placing more emphasis on the improvement of a reflection‐based decision‐making ability in becoming a teacher (beyond effective skill acquisition), and by concentrating on the improvement of presentation skills, an area neglected in teacher training. Based on research on teaching and teacher training, a training program was developed for enhancing the trainees’ nonverbal expressiveness in presentations that, by fostering reflection‐based decision making through experimenting with presentation skills in a laboratory with feedback and discussions, also improves the clarity, interest and social climate of presentations. The evaluation of the most recent Version of this program reveals that significant gains could be achieved not only in nonverbal expressiveness as an indicator for successful skill acquisition, but also in the global aspects of successful lecturing indicating that the program was also effective for the improvement of the trainees’ reflection‐based decision making.  相似文献   

教师资格制度是国家对教师实行的一种法定的职业许可制度,目前教师资格审核的基本条件由身份条件、思想品德条件、学历条件和教育教学能力条件构成,其中最重要的是教育教学基本素质和能力标准,而教育实习是形成教学能力的重要阶段,建立教育实习评鉴标准已成为教师资格制度改革的基本内容。当前我国教师资格认证申请采取属地化自愿申请的原则,教育教学基本素质和能力的测试标准和测试办法由各省确定,对申请者是否参与了一定时期的教育实践(教育实习)没有建立评鉴标准,本文就教师资格制度中建立教育实习体系评鉴标准进行分析和思考。  相似文献   

Teachers commonly criticize teacher education on the grounds that the theoretical and practical components are unrelated, and practice teaching provides an inadequate preparation for classroom management and instruction. To explore sources of these criticisms, and possible solutions, a study was undertaken comparing students' experience of three different approaches to teacher education within one university‐based program. Data were gathered by interviews, at different points in time, with a panel of twenty‐four students distributed between the three approaches.

Findings indicate that teachers' criticisms of teacher education are directed at symptoms. The underlying problem is the approach to teacher education that informs any given program. The approach determines the program structure, and structure mediates between the approach and the students. One approach was found to be successful in generating a structure that met the prevailing criticisms, reflected in the fact most students selecting it did so on the basis of teachers' recommendations.


基于工作过程系统化的教学模式的核心是引导文教学法,它的设计和实施,遵循“资讯-计划-决策-实施-检查-评估”的步骤进行。资讯阶段要充分体现引导问题的“引导”作用,制订计划要详细,决策指导要注意可行性,实施阶段应作好详细记录,检查与评估可采取量化的形式进行自评、互评、教师评价。这种教学法要求有优秀的师资队伍、特殊合理的教学环境、适应引导文教学法的教材。  相似文献   

尊师重道、师道尊严是中国的文化教育传统。尊严的师道主要表现为"学高"和"身正",要求教师"德才兼备,以德为首"。无"道"即无"德",没有"师道"就没有"师德"。中国古代师道传统为我们提供的凝道成德的理想坐标和参照系统。师德的形成是一种将社会对教师职业道德规定由外在于个体的文化特质转化为内在于主体的获得性品质的过程,即"凝道成德"的过程。有德之师将会出于理智上的自觉和意志上的自愿遵循为师的当然之则。  相似文献   

案例教学已经成为新课程改革所提倡的教学方式之一。案例教学中的案例本身也是知识的载体,在隐性知识教学与学生、教师的显性知识之间起沟通作用。案例教学也是实现教学目标的重要途径,其实施过程就是知识创新的过程。当前的案例教学实践中需要正确认识教师、学生的角色和师生的关系问题,以及案例的选择和编写问题。  相似文献   

随着信息时代的到来,知识学习的目的与价值正在发生根本变化,这一变化在我国课程改革深化阶段提出的学科素养发展目标中清晰可见,学科学习的核心价值在于学科理解。学习价值诉求的改变对高质量课程评价提出了强烈需求。课程评价不仅需证明并促进深度学习,而且其自身就是一种深度学习活动,其基本价值诉求是学科理解,核心观测点是理解学生的理解。与此相伴的路径可概为:与真实生活建立关联,改革考试内容和方法;以学科实践为取向,设计复杂课堂评价任务;将评价转化为“教师研究”,提高教师课堂评价素养。  相似文献   

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