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Recent accounts by cognitive scientists of factors affecting cognition imply the need to reconsider current dominant conceptual theories about science learning. These new accounts emphasize the role of context, embodied practices, and narrative‐based representation rather than learners’ cognitive constructs. In this paper we analyse data from a longitudinal study of primary school children’s learning to outline a framework based on these contemporary accounts and to delineate key points of difference from conceptual change perspectives. The findings suggest this framework provides strong theoretical and practical insights into how children learn and the key role of representational negotiation in this learning. We argue that the nature and process of conceptual change can be re‐interpreted in terms of the development of students’ representational resources.  相似文献   

A large body of research in the conceptual change tradition has shown the difficulty of learning fundamental science concepts, yet conceptual change schemes have failed to convincingly demonstrate improvements in supporting significant student learning. Recent work in cognitive science has challenged this purely conceptual view of learning, emphasising the role of language, and the importance of personal and contextual aspects of understanding science. The research described in this paper is designed around the notion that learning involves the recognition and development of students’ representational resources. In particular, we argue that conceptual difficulties with the concept of force are fundamentally representational in nature. This paper describes a classroom sequence in force that focuses on representations and their negotiation, and reports on the effectiveness of this perspective in guiding teaching, and in providing insight into student learning. Classroom sequences involving three teachers were videotaped using a combined focus on the teacher and groups of students. Video analysis software was used to capture the variety of representations used, and sequences of representational negotiation. Stimulated recall interviews were conducted with teachers and students. The paper reports on the nature of the pedagogies developed as part of this representational focus, its effectiveness in supporting student learning, and on the pedagogical and epistemological challenges negotiated by teachers in implementing this approach.  相似文献   

Problems persist with physics learning in relation to students' understanding and use of representations for making sense of physics concepts. Further, students' views of physics learning and their physics learning processes have been predominantly found to reflect a ‘surface’ approach to learning that focuses on mathematical aspects of physics learning that are often passed on via textbooks and lecture-style teaching. This paper reports on a teacher's effort to stimulate students' metacognitive reflection regarding their views of physics learning and their physics learning processes via a pedagogical change that incorporated the use of a representational framework and metaphors. As a consequence of the teacher's pedagogical change, students metacognitively reflected on their views of physics and their learning processes and some reported changes in their views of what it meant to understand physics and how they might learn and understand physics concepts. The findings provide a basis for further explicit teaching of representational frameworks to students in physics education as a potential means of addressing issues with their physics learning.  相似文献   

认知学习理论认为,是个体作用于环境而不是环境引起人的行为。环境中的各种刺激是否受到注意或加工,取决于人的内部心理结构,是人根据自己的内部心理结构作出的选择。对外汉语教学实践证明,针对不同国别、不同文化背景留学生的细分式教学研究已开始得到普遍的重视,认知能力的加强与学习效率的提高有直接的关系,在课堂教学中对学生进行认知策略训练是培养学生自主学习能力的可行方式。  相似文献   

课堂教学是学校教育工作的中心,也是高校实施素质教育的主阵地。改变传统教学模式已经成为目前大学英语口语课堂教学改革的趋势。体验学习是一种以学习者为中心的、通过实践与反思性结合来获得知识、技能和态度的学习方式。结合体验学习理念及学生的认知规律和英语口语教学的特点,教师有必要改变教学理念,运用体验学习模式,采取多元的教学方法与技巧,强调学习者为中心的教学理念、教学环境以符合真实社会需求。  相似文献   

This article outlines some cognitive process models of writing composition. Possible reasons why students’ writing capabilities do not match their abilities in some other school subjects are explored. Research findings on the efficacy of process approaches to teaching writing are presented and potential shortcomings are discussed. Product-based and process approaches to teaching writing are compared, with discussion and analysis of examples of writing that resulted from the two different approaches. The article draws out principles for teaching and learning, concluding that an approach to teaching writing that focuses on students’ learning rather than on text outcomes may help to improve students’ attainment in writing composition.  相似文献   

This paper presents an “ecological perspective” on research with computers in science education. It is proposed that current and past research within the computer education field has been characterised by an over-emphasis on technical applications of the machinery, rather than a deeper consideration of the teaching and learning process. This tendency toward “technocentric thinking” has usually failed to take into account the important social and cognitive interactions within the computer learning environment. The view advanced here, is that an understanding of the effects of computers on students' learning can be achieved only through an analysis of the dynamic interactions between students and teachers as they work with computers in a particular environment. A theoretical framework for understanding this range of interactions is presented. Finally, an ecological model is proposed for conducting future research on the application of computers in science education. Specializations: information technology in education, science education, technology education, environmental education, and media education  相似文献   

Effective teacher-student learning relationships can propel students to advanced ways of knowing and acting. In much arts based higher education learning, dynamic and fluid interplay of cognitive, meta-cognitive and aspirational aims and goals are prevalent and passed to students in a learning relationship that can be described as a cognitive apprenticeship. Interpretative phenomenological analysis is used to explore four conservatoire teachers and their musical improvisation students. Investigating in the lesson experiences reveal pedagogical applications of modeling, scaffolding, coaching, reflection and developing mastery and expertise in students. A cognitive apprenticeship model can provide a framework for teachers to understand how to develop increased student control, ownership of learning, and contextually situated instructional strategies that brings cognitive and creative thinking, action and reflection to the forefront of learning and teaching. The study reveals how educators can develop trajectories of learning and problem-solving concepts that draw students into a culture of expert practice.  相似文献   

This quantitative case study used a pre- and posttest design for exploring the gender differences in secondary school students’ (n?=?131, 45 males and 86 females) learning of the force concept when an interactive engagement type of teaching was used. In addition, students’ ability to interpret multiple representations (i.e., representational consistency) was documented by a pre- and posttest and scientific reasoning ability by a pretest only. Males significantly outperformed females in learning of the force concept, pre- and posttest representational consistency, and pretest scientific reasoning. However, the gender difference in learning of the force concept was not significant when ANCOVA was conducted using pretest results of representational consistency and scientific reasoning as covariates. This appeared to indicate that the gender difference in learning gain was related to students’ abilities before the instruction. Thus, the teaching method used was equally effective for both genders. Further, our quantitative finding about the relation between representational consistency and learning of the force concept supports the assumption that multiple representations are important in science learning.  相似文献   

深度学习回应时代诉求,指向“核心素养”改革,回答了“培养什么样的人”的问题,回归了学习本质。知识图谱有助于促进学生深入思考,提高问题解决能力、批判性思维和创新能力,实现深度学习。但以往知识建构存在组织静态、孤立的局限,基于ARCS动机模型和知识建构理论,从协同知识建构、动机策略和学习环境建构面向深度学习的动态知识图谱模型,具有动态生成、及时反馈、交互共享等特点,突出学生的主体性、能动性,增强学习体验。以大学生为研究对象,利用文本挖掘、滞后序列分析等方法评测动态知识图谱建构模型。结果表明,实验组学生在学习成绩、注意力程度等方面均优于控制组,尤其对中低水平动机学习者产生积极影响,显著提高了学生在完成任务过程中的感知注意力、自信心和满意度。动态知识图谱建构发展思路可从重塑任务前计划、社会认知开放性、意义协商及生成性教学等方面寻找突破口,催生深层次认知能力与高阶思维。  相似文献   

This article explores how learning biological concepts can be facilitated by playing a video game that depicts interactions and processes at the subcellular level. Particularly, this article reviews the effects of a real-time strategy game that requires players to control the behavior of a virus and interact with cell structures in a way that resembles the actual behavior of biological agents. The evaluation of the video game presented here aims at showing that video games have representational advantages that facilitate the construction of dynamic mental models. Ultimately, the article shows that when video game’s characteristics come in contact with expert knowledge during game design, the game becomes an excellent medium for supporting the learning of disciplinary content related to dynamic processes. In particular, results show that students who participated in a game-based intervention aimed at teaching biology described a higher number of temporal-dependent interactions as measured by the coding of verbal protocols and drawings than students who used texts and diagrams to learn the same topic.  相似文献   

混合式教学模式主要目的在于构建一种学习环境。优化“思想道德修养与法律基础”课混合式教学路径,必须厘清混合式教学内涵,构建学习方式、学习资源和学习评价的深度融合的学习环境;转变教育教学理念,创新教学设计思路,以问题为导向实行差异化教学;对教师和学生进行相应的信息技能培训,引导学生转变学习思维,提高其认知水平。  相似文献   

结合语言学习体验观和行动体系课程模式,以行动体验为核心构建多维互动、认知加工、语义建构和实际运用的行业英语教学模式。该模式通过行动融合语言学习和工作过程体验,让学生在动态行动过程中建构语言知识,掌握语言技能,体现高职英语教学的职业性和实践性,关注学生的认知、心理、情感和态度发展,突出学生职业能力和综合素质的培养。  相似文献   

有效教学的要义:贴近学情 动态生成   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
课堂教学中的见"物"不见"人"是制约教学效益提高的关键因素。有效的课堂教学须贴近学情,注重课堂的动态生成。换言之,要"以学定教","顺学导教"。  相似文献   

The relationship between teaching and learning is examined from a perspective concerned with integrating the two phenomena along several dimensions. Traditionally, teaching and learning have been studied as separate entities. This discussion is based on the premise that within an educational context, teaching and learning are so intertwined in a dynamic and reciprocal process that they need to be considered as a single entity rather than as two separate ones. The need to consider the simultaneous effects of cognitive, affective, motivational, and developmental factors is also stressed. The evolution of research and theory on teaching and learning, along with issues associated with the application of psychological theory to educational practices, are examined for insights into the types of issues that need to be pursued in the next generation of research on the teaching-learning process. Several approaches to the application problem are critiqued, and examples of research that integrates concerns for teaching and learning are discussed.  相似文献   

所谓互动教学是指老师与学生的交流、合作、沟通,营造一种动态的教与学的过程。通过师生关系的调节,形成老师与学生互动、学生与学生之间的互动,从而产生激励互动;注重并发挥课堂教学上的这种互动性以实现师生间真诚的情感交流,培养学生良好的思维品质,达到提高教学效果的目的。  相似文献   

目标语文化教学,作为一种提高学习者跨文化交际能力的方式,一直广受关注。而在外语学习环境中,作为学习者接触英语文化的主要通道,文化教学能缩短学习者与英语文化之间的心理距离从而增加语言学习兴趣。因此,置此大环境之下的文化教学与第二语言教学中的文化移入模式扮演着同等重要的作用。作为外语初学者,初中生的认知水平决定了个人兴趣将在学习效果中扮演重要角色。因此,文化教学能有效激发学习动机。而少有研究者就这一目的对文化教学进行深入讨论。文章试图从激趣这一角度探讨初中英语文化教学的原则和方法。并展示如何在具体的文化教学中应用这些原则与方法。最后,针对当前文化教学现状,就初中英语文化教学的几个重要方面提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

数学教学应是一个开放性的动态生成过程,整个过程通过师生对话与合作共同参与.以动态“生成”的方式来推进。在数学生成课堂中,教师需整合多媒体和传统学具的优势,让传统学具扮演各种有趣的“角色”,调动学生各种感官去体验、去感受,激发学生探索欲望,制造认知冲突,挖掘知识本质,以促进学生自主生成。  相似文献   

目前语文教学过程存在师生关系不和谐;重传授,轻探究、轻实践;教学结构程式化和伪创新等问题,使语文教学处于高耗低效的尴尬境地。因此,应该采取构建和谐的师生关系;创设问题情境;遵循学生认知心理过程;进行教学反思等有效措施,优化语文教学过程,提高语文教学的效率。  相似文献   


In this article the authors focus on how features of a computersupported collaborative learning (CSCL) environment can elicit and support domain-specific reasoning and more specifically historical reasoning. The CSCL environment enables students to collaborate on a historical inquiry task and in writing an argumentative essay. In order to support historical reasoning the authors compared two representational tools: a graphical representation (argumentative diagram) and a linear representation (argument list). As it is assumed that an argumentative diagram can support both cognitive and interaction processes, it was expected that using this tool would result in more qualitative historical reasoning, in the chat as well as in the essay. However, the results of this study did not show a significant difference in the amount of historical reasoning between the two conditions. A possible explanation can be found in the way the students make use of the representational tool while executing the task. The tool does not only function as a cognitive tool that can elicit elaborate activities, but also as a tool through which students communicate.  相似文献   

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