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There are enough worthwhile videos available today so that a Lamaze Certified Childbirth Educator could literally teach an entire class series using only videos and feedback discussion. In this column, the author explores considerations in choosing videos for adult learners in Lamaze birth classes. Some things to consider when using videos should be the adult learner’s attention span, whether the video increases fear of birth or empowers the learner, and if the video is appropriate for the culture of the class participants. Finally, the author provides a list of some of the many wonderful videos available to Lamaze birth educators.  相似文献   

指出企业文化是企业生存发展的灵魂,是企业核心竞争力的重要组成部分;创新是企业不断发展的动力和源泉,是企业可持续发展的根本要求。认为宣传企业文化建设和创新成果是现代企业经营管理的核心理念,利用影视语言打造企业宣传片能够直观生动地展现企业文化建设和创新成果,已成为新时期各大企业宣传企业文化、树立企业形象的首选方式。  相似文献   

教学视频因其生动形象、易于理解的特质,在教学中得到了广泛的应用,但研究者较少对不同类型教学视频的教学效果进行比较研究。为此,文章基于认知负荷理论,以初中生为实验对象,以概念性知识为实验内容,从学习成绩、认知负荷和专注力三个角度探究了实物视频和动画视频对学习效果的不同影响,并分析了造成差异的原因。实验结果表明:在概念性知识学习中,动画视频在提高学习成绩、降低认知负荷方面优于实物视频,但这两种视频对学习者专注力的影响差异不显著。此结论可为探究不同类型教学视频的有效性、选择课堂教学视频提供参考,并对概念性知识的教学有一定的促进作用。  相似文献   

Purpose: To describe the results of showing farmer learning videos through different types of volunteers.

Design/Methodology/Approach: Semi-structured interviews with volunteers from different occupational groups in Bangladesh, and a phone survey with 227 respondents.

Findings: Each occupational group acted differently. Shop keepers, tillage service providers, agricultural input and machine dealers reached fairly small audiences. Tea stall owners had large, male audiences. Non-governmental organisations and community-based organisations, reached more women. The cable TV (dish-line) operators showed the videos on local TV, but some were reluctant to do so again. The Union Information Service Centres showed the videos and reached women viewers. Half of the official government extension agents surveyed also showed the videos publically.

Practical Implication: This video featured maize, wheat and rice seeding machinery. Because the machinery is complex and requires hands-on training, this first video aimed to expose tillage and sowing service providers and farmers to the machinery, without trying to teach them how to use it. But some farmers were so interested that they watched the video many times to learn more about the equipment. Before farmers and service providers decide to buy machinery for direct seeding, they still want to see and learn from demonstration plantings, to examine first-hand how the crop behaves when planted with the new equipment.

Originality/Value: Video can be an effective way of sharing high-quality information with a large audience, if properly distributed.  相似文献   

网络视频是网络文化的重要组成部分。它已成为中国网民继即时通信、搜索、音乐、新闻之后的第五大应用。在网络视频的冲击下,电视在日常生活的重要性开始下降。以春节联欢晚会为例,过去主要通过电视传播,随着网络视频的发展,春节联欢晚会有了新的呈现方式——网络春晚。由中国网络电视  相似文献   

While statistics is an essential topic for business students, many students experience barriers to successful learning due to anxiety, motivation, or difficulty with quantitative understanding. This research examines the use of online videos with an effort to explore the relationship between student characteristics, video usage, and course performance measures. In addition, the study examines student perceptions of the supplemental resources in an effort to examine the efficacy related to student learning and performance. This study seeks to confirm previous research regarding the benefit of supplemental video resources and extend the knowledge base by understanding the impact for various types of students (e.g., level of course, level of previous academic performance, etc.). The study found that the use of the video resources varies based on students’ previous math performance and the difficulty of the material. Student ratings indicate that the videos were helpful in learning the content and that they provided an important resource when students needed additional tools to master the material. Analysis of the results provides implications for understanding how different students use online videos and offers recommendations for educators and researchers about how to enhance student success in difficult statistics coursework.  相似文献   

We explored the effectiveness of a flipped active learning pedagogy in a liberal arts mathematics course without video or interactive preparation. In both control and active learning classes, students were required to respond to a reading before class and take a quiz after class. During the active learning class, students worked together in groups on problems instead of listening to a lecture. This modest change in the in-class course structure showed that students were more willing to work with peers and ask questions of the instructor. Sources examined include common grade items as well as pre- and post-course attitude surveys.  相似文献   

Dissection videos are commonly utilized in gross anatomy courses; however, the actual usage of such videos, as well as the academic impact of student use of these videos, is largely unknown. Understanding how dissection videos impact learning is important in making curricular decisions. In this study, 22 dissection videos were created to review structures identified in laboratory sessions throughout the Organ Systems 1 (OS1), 2 (OS2), and 3 (OS3) courses. Dissection videos were provided to 201 first-year medical students, and viewing data were recorded. Demographic data for age and gender identity were also collected from students. Overall, there was a significant decrease in total views (P = 0.001), the number of students who pressed play (P < 0.001), and the number of students who viewed ≥ 90% of the total length of videos (P < 0.001) from OS1 to OS3. The total adjusted time spent viewing videos was not significantly different between individual OS courses. There were some instances where significant differences existed in examination performance between those who did and did not view videos, and by time spent viewing videos. There were no significant differences in time spent viewing videos by gender. Together these data suggest that students may utilize dissection videos more at the beginning of a dissection course, although they remain an important resource throughout the year for a subset of students.  相似文献   

Toy libraries     
Toys are not just for playing. Toys are the tools of play that help children develop their social awareness, imagination, visual motor capabilities and thinking processes. Play is a very serious activity for children worldwide and often represents a primary and valuable means of learning. Since many toys are important learning instruments, children should have easy access to appropriate toys in order to explore and choose those which interest them. In addition, parents need a place where they can consult with someone about what toys are appropriate for their child's development. Toy libraries provide this service.  相似文献   

《人物篇》《角度》《中国进入新时代》这三部国家形象宣传片整体传播效果不理想,一个重要的原因是符号选择与组合不恰当导致优先阅读意义不能顺利传达给受众。其中,《人物篇》与《中国进入新时代》选取的人物代表性不够、文化符号少和组合机械化;《角度篇》缺少"解决问题的过程"的符号,降低了可信度,且并列结构使其失去叙述重心。  相似文献   

Many instructors in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics fields are striving to create active learning environments in their classrooms and in doing so are frequently moving the lecture portion of their course into online video format. In this classroom-based study, we used a two group randomized experimental design to examine the efficacy of an instructional video that incorporates a human hand demonstrating and modeling how to solve frictional inclined plane problems compared to an identical video that did not include the human hand. The results show that the learners who viewed the video without the human hand present performed significantly better on a learning test and experienced a significantly better training efficiency than the learners who viewed the video with the human hand present. Meanwhile, those who learned with the human hand present in the instructional video rated the instructor as being more humanlike and engaging. The results have implications for both theory and practice. Implications for those designing instructional videos are discussed, as well as the limitations of the current study.  相似文献   

教学视频是MOOC学习经历的核心部分,其质量对学习者学习MOOC课程以及MOOC的发展至关重要。MOOC视频主要包括拍摄类视频和录屏类视频两大类,时长短小、语速较快、教师出镜率高的视频最吸引学习者。教师和视频制作人员应加强教学设计,根据教学内容和视频特点,采用适宜的视频组织和制作方式,合理切分视频,使每段视频控制在6-12分钟。  相似文献   

困境与突围——城市形象宣传片的创新路径研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
伴随着近年来城市形象宣传片的大量制作、传播,其自身也陷入了千人一面、浮光掠影、文化内涵不足、缺乏思想精神承载的困境。本文总结了目前宣传片的现状及其主要结构类型并从宣传片创作的角度提出了精准城市定位从而确定该城市的宣传片独一无二的主题和精神内涵,以及从城市中的人物切入从而承载整个城市的内涵、宣传片的诉求要兼顾受众的地理想象等对策。  相似文献   

在Watson视觉模型计算的启发下设计出了视频数字水印算法。首先提取视频中若干关键帧图像并复制出副本,并将这些图像由RGB空间转换成YCrCb空间,对Y亮度空间灰度值分块进行DCT变换;其次,根据Watson视觉模型中的JND值,控制频率系数的修改阈值,选择中频系数嵌入水印;最后,将关键帧连同副本一起插入原视频中,设计出了基于Watson模型的视频数字水印算法。  相似文献   

课题<农村中学教师有效使用教育技术提高教学质量的实践研究>是由福州教育学院申报,于2007年3月经中央电教馆审批,做为"十一五"重点课题正式立项开题的.该课题由六所实验校组成:福州金砂中学、福州城门中学、福州海云中学、连江二中、连江黄如论中学和马尾进修校.  相似文献   

本文从图书馆的科学管理与自动化管理两方面论述了图书馆的服务管理工作,为图书馆服务管理与图书馆发展提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

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