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Federally-funded research and development (R&D) represents a significant annual investment (approximately $79 billion in fiscal year 1996) on the part of U.S. taxpayers. Based on the results of a 10-year study of knowledge diffusion in the U.S. aerospace industry, the authors take the position that U.S. competitiveness will be enhanced if knowledge management strategies, employed within a capability-enhancing U.S. technology policy framework, are applied to diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D. In making their case, the authors stress the importance of knowledge as the source of competitive advantage in today's global economy. Next, they offer a practice-based definition of knowledge management and discuss three current approaches to knowledge management implementation—mechanistic, “the learning organization,” and systemic. The authors then examine three weaknesses in existing U.S. public policy and policy implementation—the dominance of knowledge creation, the need for diffusion-oriented technology policy, and the prevalence of a dissemination model—that affect diffusion of the results of federally-funded R&D. To address these shortcomings, they propose the development of a knowledge management framework for diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D. The article closes with a discussion of some issues and challenges associated with implementing a knowledge management framework for diffusing the results of federally-funded R&D.  相似文献   


The authors explore the competitive advantage of the U.S. film industry in the world market in light of current trends in revenue streams, exhibition outlets, costs, and changes in production, distribution, marketing, and promotion. The article discusses key legal and trade concerns, and the film markets in selected regions and countries in relation to their impact on the future performance of the U.S. film industry abroad.  相似文献   


Key points

  • U.S. university OA policies are far less mandatory than those in the U.K.
  • The waiver clauses in U.S. university policies make it easy for authors to decline making their articles OA.
  • The relative autonomy – and competitiveness – of U.S. universities may be the reason for weaker OA policies.
  • OA in the U.S. is likely to be driven by government funding agency policies rather than by academia.

This article fills a gap in the communication and political science literature by comparing how Spanish- and English-language television stations cover U.S. elections. A content analysis of more than 400 national network news stories and nearly 3,000 local news stories reveals that local and network Spanish-language stations provide less election coverage than their English-language counterparts. Although Spanish-language stations are more likely to focus election coverage on “Latino” issues or interests, the results indicate only moderate differences in how stations in each language frame their election stories, with stations in both languages concentrating more coverage around campaign strategy and the horse race than substantive issues.  相似文献   

The U.S. government technical report is a primary means by which the results of federally funded research and development (R&D) are transferred to the U.S. aerospace industry. However, little is known about this information product in terms of its actual use, importance, and value in the transfer of federally funded R&D. Little is also known about the intermediary-based system that is used to transfer the results of federally funded R&D to the U.S. aerospace industry. To help establish a body of knowledge, the U.S. government technical report is being investigated as part of the NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. In this article, we summarize the literature on the U.S. government technical report and present the results of a survey of U.S. aerospace engineers and scientists that solicited their opinions concerning the format of NASA Langley Research Center (LaRC)-authored technical reports. To learn more about the preferences of U.S. aerospace engineers and scientists concerning the format of NASA LaRC-authored technical reports, we surveyed 133 report producers (i.e., authors) and 137 report users in March–April 1996. Questions covered such topics as: (a) the order in which report components are read; (b) components used to determine if a report would be read; (c) those components that could be deleted; (d) the placement of such components as the symbols list; (e) the desirability of a table of contents; (f) the format of reference citations; (g) column layout and right margin treatment; and (h) writing style in terms of person and voice. Mail (self-reported) surveys were used to collect the data. The response rates for report producers (i.e., authors) was 68% and for users, was 62%.  相似文献   

A survey of U.S. libraries owning fiction from Canadian publishers revealed important differences in how Canadian fiction is acquired by U.S. public and academic libraries. Public libraries demonstrated remarkable uniformity in how they acquire Canadian fiction, academic libraries great diversity. The importance of reviews—especially in public libraries and especially reviews in a small core of journals—was confirmed. Other factors contributing to the acquisition of Canadian fiction especially by U.S. academic libraries are described and their impact analyzed. The paper ends with a warning that one must not conclude from these findings that public libraries in general depend uniformly or primarily on reviews for the bulk of their fiction selection. A subsequent study of Ontario public libraries showed this not to be the case.  相似文献   

This study attempts to determine how and from whom authors of journal articles citing technical reports learned of those reports and how and from whom they obtained copies. There also was an attempt to find out how reports were used in the research reported and what kind and level of use was made of them. A questionnaire was sent to 100 authors of recent research articles appearing in four research journals in the area of water resources in the 10 months ending in April 1992. There was an 82 percent return rate of the research instrument. Colleagues were, as expected, the primary sources of reports and information about reports. Indexing services were used by only two reserachers to identify the cited reports, which consisted of U.S. Geological Survey open-file reports, technical research reports, and reports of water investigations. Libraries and librarians played only minor roles in researchers' awareness of technical reports or their availability. If librarians are to serve the needs of researchers, greater efforts need to be made to ensure the availability and use of this relatively obscure publication type.  相似文献   

National bias: a comparison of citation practices by health professionals   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
It is hypothesized that health professionals in the United States and the United Kingdom are nationally biased in their citation practices. Articles published in the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet were used to study citation practices of U.S. and U.K. authors. Percentages of cited references to material published in a specific country were calculated for both the New England Journal of Medicine and Lancet. Using a variation of a citation publication ratio based on Frame and Narin's original ratio, an attempt was made to quantify author bias. To calculate these ratios, values from SERLINE* and the British Library Lending Division were employed to find world journal counts. The results suggest that U.S. authors publishing in the New England Journal of Medicine and U.K. authors publishing in Lancet tend to cite material produced in their own countries more than would be warranted by the amount of material produced by these countries. In addition, these authors cited material produced in non-U.S. and non-U.K. countries far less than the amount of material produced by these countries would indicate.  相似文献   

中美多媒体知识产权管理的比较研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
多媒体信息资源的知识产权管理是知识产权和信息资源管理的重要内容。美国对多媒体的法律定位和相关研究与判例 ,以及对多媒体取得在先作品授权和多媒体网络传输的知识产权问题的处理 ,与我国相比 ,有相同之处 ,也有差异。我国应借鉴美国的经验 ,加强多媒体知识产权的管理。参考文献 34。  相似文献   

In the international motion picture market, when making strategic decisions about the timing of release, it is important to consider the product's country of origin as well as demand seasonality because of their cultural orientation. However, the fluctuation patterns of underlying demand for international market have not been distinguished from that of U.S. domestic market. Here, we analyze patterns of the decay effect, which represents the diminishing attractiveness of a movie over the product life cycle, and the seasonality of underlying demand for Hollywood and non-U.S. local movies in a non-U.S. market. We find a positive effect of U.S. holidays on the seasonality of underlying demand for Hollywood movies in the non-U.S. movie market, and a negative effect for non-U.S. local movies. The authors also find that the decay effect for Hollywood movies in the non-U.S. market is greater than that for non-U.S. local movies. These findings contribute to our understanding of the effect of country of origin on product life cycle and the seasonality of underlying demand, especially in movie-importing countries where local and Hollywood movies compete.  相似文献   

媒介融合对传统传媒机制政策提出了挑战,为因应媒介融合的新态势,受美英传媒法制变革启示,我国未来传媒机制应采取既能促进产业发展又能维护公共利益的政策,确保市场秩序、促进产业发展、保障消费者权益。  相似文献   

阮卫 《新闻界》2008,(6):178-180
《中华人民共和国广告法》修改在即,美国广告法规中一些好的做法值得我们借鉴。建立一个被赋予适当权利和明确职责的权威管理机构.在维护消费者利益、促进行业稳步发展的基点上制定明细的法规条款,激励诚实守法者。重罚恶意违法者,应是我们努力的方向。  相似文献   

The Library of Congress last published Popular Names of U.S. Government Reports in 1984. In its appendix this helpful reference work lists 108 unidentified reports. This article discusses sources and methods used to identify some of these reports, emphasizing the benefits of using standard reference sources in conjunction with more specialized tools and electronic databases to verify the existence, location and correct citation of government publications. For those reports the authors have further identified, they provide bibliographic information and notes.  相似文献   

Collaboration in science is a process in which two or more authors share their ideas, resources and data to create a joint work. This research compares coauthorship networks of Iranian articles in library and information science (LIS), psychology (PSY), management (MNG), and economics (ECO) in the ISI Web of Knowledge database during 2000–2009, and uses network analysis for the visualization of coauthorship networks. Data include all articles with at least one Iranian author and indexed in ISI's Social Science Citation Index (SSCI) for the fields of LIS, PSY, MNG, and ECO. Indicators such as the Collaborative Index (CI), Degree of Collaboration (DC) and Collaboration Coefficient (CC) were calculated for each discipline. Results show that two or three authors were the most common number of authors per paper, and authors of PSY tended to have more multi-authored articles, compared to the other disciplines. LIS had the lowest rank regarding CC. MNG had the densest coauthorship network, and PSY had the sparsest. Iranian authors in the field of PSY mostly collaborated with those in the U.S., while LIS and MNG authors tended to collaborate with U.K. authors, and ECO authors tended to collaborate with Canadians.  相似文献   

美国开放存取运动中的政策博弈   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
对2003年以来美国开放存取法案进行深入而全面的政策博弈研究,具体内容包括:美国开放存取运动政策博弈的各方参与者、博弈的具体内容、各方参与者的博弈策略、政策利益,并对美国的Sabo法案、NIH法案、CURES法案和FRPAA法案等展开对比分析;并在对美国开放存取政策深入分析的基础上,给出我国推动开放存取运动的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Public Library Quarterly》2012,31(4):428-452

This exploratory research investigates how American public libraries have addressed the issue of media literacy in their communities from 2016 to 2018, including programs, partnerships, and other initiatives. The authors selected this period because events, such as the 2016 U.S. presidential election, contributed to an increased national concern about media literacy. This study fills a research gap by providing a broader assessment of public library responses to this issue, as most of the published literature thus far stems from academic libraries. An electronic survey solicited data from both a stratified purposive sample and a self-selecting sample of public libraries throughout the United States (U.S.). Analysis of qualitative and quantitative data from sixty-five public libraries revealed several key themes related to media literacy initiatives, including types of initiatives developed, initiatives deemed most successful by staff, community response to initiatives, and reasons for not pursuing initiatives. Findings denote the current state of how public libraries address media literacy and offer practical guidance for those developing media literacy initiatives. Key findings are as follows: lack of staff time is the reason most often cited for not engaging in media literacy initiatives; more effective measurements are needed to assess both community needs and outcomes of library initiatives; “fake news” is a topic of interest in the community and among library staff; and there appears to be a relationship between staff interest in the topic and perceived interest on the part of the public, which may impact efforts to address the issue. Implications for practice resulting from those findings include engaging in initiatives that maximize service while minimizing staff time involvement; measuring and assessing community interests as well as outcomes of initiatives; using trending topics such as “fake news” to increase interest in library services; and continuing to increase staff awareness of and training in issues deemed important by the library community.  相似文献   

中美网络信息资源的知识产权保护比较研究   总被引:20,自引:0,他引:20  
从网络信息资源知识产权保护内涵方面比较 ,中美两国存在着立法思想及保护范围上的差异 ,以及保护内容上的不同。从网络信息资源知识产权技术保护与管理手段方面比较 ,中美两国在这两方面所处的法律地位有本质差异。对此 ,美国数字千年版权法 (DMCA)有详细规定 ,我国的著作权法应当吸纳其科学合理内容。参考文献 17。  相似文献   

Concern in Canada about U.S. cultural and economic “invasions” is not new—and here is some support for the contention that despite Canadian content regulations of recent years a large portion of the Canadian population still sees heavily Americanized TV programming simply because much of that programming comes directly from the U.S.—not via cable or Canadian stations subject to Canadian controls. The authors (a husband‐wife team) work in the Boston area, where Richard Nielson is on the Boston University faculty. Angela Nielson is a freelance writer‐researcher.  相似文献   

数字时代中美图书馆学情报学教育的科学定位应当是"坚守与拓展"。坚守,就是对已有优势的图书馆学的教育不能削弱,而应加强。拓展,就是要将教育内容从传统优势扩大到相关领域,特别是一些新兴的、跨学科、交叉学科领域。参考文献10。  相似文献   

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