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The question of the medical laboratories staff training is currently in the focus of attention in Ukraine. Laboratory technicians with a college degree are prepared in the medical colleges for two or four years depending on school educational level. During their practice they are assessed every five years on completing the additional improving course. The position and their job responsibilities are defined by the Ministry of Health Protection. Bachelors of clinical laboratory diagnostics (CLD) are trained in medical universities obtaining the appropriate license. The position and their job responsibilities are similar to laboratory technicians' ones. The CLD specialists are prepared by the CLD departments in the medical academies of postgraduate education or medical universities' faculties of postgraduate studies. Those graduates, who have already acquired a degree in Medicine or Biology are eligible for the training program. Biologists pass courses of specialization for five month whereas doctors pass the specialization for ten month including four month practice. If the doctors wish, they can do the masters degree program within doing the specialization. However, because their position and job responsibilities are not determined by the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine, masters are allowed to practice their profession at the level of specialists. The specialists that practice clinical biochemistry, laboratory immunology, microbiology and medical genetics have to take the additional appropriate two-three month specialization courses. During their practice, specialists are assessed every five years. For assessment the commission takes into account the quantity of credits that a specialist has received within five years. Credits are earned for attending the scientific conferences, publishing scientific works, books or handbooks, professional training and pre-assessment module courses. The position and their responsibilities are defined by the Ministry of Health Protection of Ukraine. Currently there is no system in Ukraine for higher academic education for professionals in clinical laboratory diagnostics. We are aware of this fact and are committed to the improvement of the Ukrainian teaching clinical laboratory diagnostics system.  相似文献   

The practice of medical biochemistry in Slovenia includes clinical biochemistry (including toxicology, therapeutic drug monitoring, endocrinology, molecular diagnostics, immunology), hematology and coagulation. To start the vocational medical biochemistry training programme it's necessary to have a completed university degree (second cycle) in pharmacy, chemistry, biochemistry, medicine or other relevant university study and 1 year supervised practical training in medical laboratories, completed with mandatory state exam at Ministry of Health. The duration of vocational training programme is 4 years and is completed with final exam. The title after passed final examination is Medical biochemistry specialist. In October 2005 EC4 (Communities Confederation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) approved Equivalence of standards of Slovenian national standards for medical biochemistry specialists. Since 2006 it is mandatory to be registered and to have valid license for medical biochemistry specialists and other professionals in laboratory medicine with at least university degree (second cycle) of education. Laboratory medicine in Slovenia is regulated globally through the Law of health-care activity and particularly through the Bylaw of laboratory medicine. The latter is based on standard ISO 15189, ratified in 2004. The Bylaw envisages granting working license to laboratories, valid for 5 years period. Granting of working licenses is ongoing process and first licenses have been granted in 2009. Important improvement toward the quality requirements for medical laboratories can be observed in the last 5 years. Parallel with the Bylaw of medical laboratories, Slovenian Accreditation (SA), the legal national accreditation body, started the initiative for accreditation of medical laboratories according to ISO 15189. It is in the implementation phase.  相似文献   

In this paper we would like to briefly introduce readers to the situation in the field of laboratory medicine in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with a focus on training in the field of medical biochemistry. As in some of neighboring countries, term Medical biochemist is the usual name for the Clinical biochemist or Clinical chemist in Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite the difficult period through which the profession had passed in the last two decades, laboratory work, particularly clinical biochemistry, has managed to retain the necessary quality and keep pace with the developed world. In post war period, Society of Medical Biochemists of Bosnia and Herzegovina held regular meetings each year as a part of "life long learning" process, where both scientific and vocational lecturers presented their work. A single law on the state level would provide us with more defined and precise answers, such as: who can get a specialization, how long should last the training for medical biochemistry specialists (duration in years). This law should be in consent with the program described in EC4 or other documents given by the EFCC (European Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine) and IFCC (International Federation of Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine).  相似文献   

医学留学生“实验诊断学”临床见习教学体会   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
实验诊断学是一门联系基础医学与临床医学的桥梁学科。本教研室针对实验诊断学的实践教学性很强的特点,结合医学留学生的实际情况,开设实验诊断学临床见习课程,对实验诊断学课程的教学内容和临床实践模式等方面进行了一些改进和探索。本文通过总结温州医学院留学生实验诊断学临床实习的实践,分析和探讨医学留学生临床实习的若干问题。  相似文献   

Heterogeneity exists across Europe in the definition of the profession of clinical chemistry and laboratory medicine and also in academic background of specialists in this discipline. This article provides an overview of the standards of education and training of laboratory professionals and quality regulations in Croatia. Clinical chemistry in Croatia is almost exclusively practiced by medical biochemists. Although term Medical biochemist often relates to medical doctors in other European countries, in Croatia medical biochemists are not medical doctors, but university degree professionals who are qualified scientifically. Practicing the medical biochemistry is regulated by The Health Care Law, The Law of the Medical Biochemistry Profession and The Law of the State and Private Health Insurance. According to the law, only medical biochemists are entitled to run and work in the medical biochemistry laboratory. University degree is earned after the 5 years of the studies. Register for medical biochemists is kept by the Croatian Chamber of Medical Biochemists. Licensing is mandatory, valid for 6 years and regulated by the government (Law on the Health Care, 1993). Vocational training for medical biochemists lasts 44 months and is regulated by the national regulatory document issued by the Ministry of Health. Accreditation is not mandatory and is provided by an independent, non-commercial national accreditation body. The profession has interdisciplinary character and a level of required competence and skills comparable to other European countries.  相似文献   

余文静  邵军  肖斌  曾凡才 《科教文汇》2013,(24):57-57,72
医学院校应积极探索培养高素质创新型人才的途径和方法,以培养“具有创新能力医学生”为己任,为国家培养优秀的医学人才。生物化学是医学重要的基础课程和核心课程,生物化学实验课更具直观性、实践性和创新性,在加强学生综合素质教育与能力培养方面具有举足轻重的作用。本实验室经过三年的探索与实践,初步建立起一套培养学生创新能力的生物化学实验课程,旨在能全方位、多层次地锻炼学生的综合创新意识,培养创新能力。  相似文献   

Phlebotomy is one of the most complex medical procedures in the diagnosis, management and treatment of patients in healthcare. Since laboratory test results are the basis for a large proportion (60–80%) of medical decisions, any error in the phlebotomy process could have serious consequences. In order to minimize the possibility of errors, phlebotomy procedures should be standardised, well-documented and written instructions should be available at every workstation. Croatia is one of the few European countries that have national guidelines for phlebotomy, besides the universally used CLSI (Clinical Laboratory Standards Institute) H3-A6 Procedures for the Collection of Diagnostic Blood Specimens by Venipuncture; approved Standard-Sixth Edition (CLSI, 2007) and WHO (World Health Organization) guidelines on drawing blood: best practices in phlebotomy (WHO, 2010). However, the growing body of evidence in importance of preanalytical phase management resulted in a need for evidence based revision and expansion of existing recommendations.The Croatian Society for Medical Biochemistry and Laboratory Medicine, Working Group for the Preanalytical Phase issued this recommendation. This document is based on the CLSI guideline H3-A6, with significant differences and additional information.  相似文献   

医学生理学是基础与临床相联系的一门桥梁课程,心脏的泵血功能是医学生理学中重要的知识点,模块化教学设计将生理学知识与病理生理学、药理学、诊断学、内科学等课程的相关内容进行整合,可激发学生学习的兴趣,提高学生的知识应用能力、逻辑思维能力和自学能力,并为后续专业课程的学习打下良好的基础。  相似文献   

教会医学校是我国近代西医教育的摇篮,为我国培养出了第一批西方医学的专业人才,功不可没。文章以"南湘雅,北协和"为例,总结了早期这些学校的办学特点,发现:早期的这些学校在办学过程中,都得到了当时国内各界人士的帮助;各个学校的课程设置基本一致;用英语进行教学的学校不多,但是质量却普遍较好;这个时期,由于生源等各方面的影响,各个学校的办学规模还不大,毕业生人数也不多,但是,部分学校的教学设备已经比较完备,而且也有少数教师在从事基础课的研究工作。随着1926年中国生理学会在北京协和医科大学成立,教会医学校也从最开始单纯的教学,转向了教学与科研相结合的道路。  相似文献   

李玲  郭伟  黄磊  勉强辉  李莉  李琳琳 《科教文汇》2020,(11):100-101
在新医科建设背景下,传统的药学专业需要进行升级改造,对人才培养方案也提出了新的要求。以新疆医科大学药学院为例,在分析了药学专业现有人才培养方案与新医科建设要求的差距后,通过合理制定培养目标,科学设计课程体系,增大实验实践课程比重,选修课程模块化,增设先修课、研讨课和一体化课程等,主动适应新医科建设的要求,努力为社会培养在药学领域能够从事各方面工作的高素质药学专业人才。  相似文献   

魏慧 《未来与发展》2010,31(5):6-10
未来医学将是一个真正的以人为本、医患互动,内源性医学与外源性医学相结合之全新医学科学。随着内源性医学理念的发掘、推广、普及与提高,随着社会的进步,科技的发展,时代的前进与生命科学研究成果的不断地接近或揭示生命之本源,新世纪医学模式大力倡导的内源性医学——导引医学必将为国内外诸医学之思路、理念、策略、措施、方法的更新与完善注入新的活力和强劲的推动力。  相似文献   

在为期两年的医学专业基础课程中,以学生未来就业类别为导向,实施两种差异较大的教学模式,分别是毕业后立志成为医护工作者进入医疗机构,或者有志于从事科研工作。由于旨在培养优秀的医护工作者的高等医学教育已非常成熟,本文主要探讨如何加强对有志于从事科研工作的本科生进行为期两年的医学专业基础课程规范化培养,最终实现通过课程设置改革和教学方式的转变,培养出满足时代发展和社会需求的“医生-科学家”。  相似文献   

张广海  王佳 《资源科学》2012,34(7):1325-1332
我国医疗旅游尚处于起步阶段,但我国医疗旅游资源开发日益受到重视。本文在分析医疗旅游资源研究进展的基础上,进一步分析我国医疗旅游资源类型,包括依托特殊气候条件的医疗旅游资源、依托特色中药资源的医疗旅游资源、依托传统中医医术及中医名家的医疗旅游资源和依托现代高科技医疗技术的医疗旅游资源。根据各类医疗旅游资源的地域分布特点,进一步将我国医疗旅游划分为东部现代医疗旅游区、西部中医治疗旅游区、中部医疗购物旅游区、东北养生休闲旅游区四类功能区。最后,探讨了医疗旅游资源研究面临的问题,以促进我国医疗旅游事业的发展。  相似文献   

文学进入美国医学院的课程体系始于1960-70年代的医学人文运动,其结果是产生了"文学与医学"这一"学科"。在最初的三十年,文学与医学一直在寻求自己的研究方法和理论基础,却始终徘徊在医学教育的边缘。2001年卡伦创造了"叙事医学"一词,才使文学与医学真正在医学教育及实践中扎下根来。本文主要旨在探究文学与医学的发生发展史,及其转向叙事医学的过程和缘由。  相似文献   

Transforming lab research into a sustainable business is becoming a trend in the microfluidic field. However, there are various challenges during the translation process due to the gaps between academia and industry, especially from laboratory prototyping to industrial scale-up production, which is critical for potential commercialization. In this Perspective, based on our experience in collaboration with stakeholders, e.g., biologists, microfluidic engineers, diagnostic specialists, and manufacturers, we aim to share our understanding of the manufacturing process chain of microfluidic cartridge from concept development and laboratory prototyping to scale-up production, where the scale-up production of commercial microfluidic cartridges is highlighted. Four suggestions from the aspect of cartridge design for manufacturing, professional involvement, material selection, and standardization are provided in order to help scientists from the laboratory to bring their innovations into pre-clinical, clinical, and mass production and improve the manufacturability of laboratory prototypes toward commercialization.  相似文献   

马晓丽  孟磊  李新霞 《科教文汇》2014,(1):105-105,109
传统的药学教育课程设置均是以化学类学科为主,仅仅从“药”的角度进行学位教育.这样的课程设置已远远不能满足药学专业学生在其他行业的工作需求。为了能更好地适应社会需求,目前已有多所大学开设了临床药学专业及药品营销专业,为医药市场提供更多的高素质医药卫生类人才。  相似文献   

November J 《Endeavour》2004,28(3):125-131
The 1963 LINC (Laboratory INstrument Computer) stands at the center of two stories: the computerization of the biologist's laboratory and the advent of small-scale computing. The brainchild of Wesley Clark, 'the most brilliant computer designer of his generation', LINC was developed specifically to address the failure of biologists to adopt computer technology. To meet their unique needs, Clark built a machine the radical design of which defied and subverted the then dominant conventions of computer architecture.  相似文献   

人体寄生虫学实验在医学检验和临床专业基础课程实验教学中占相当重要的地位。如何改善实验课教学效果,提高学生的专业知识和综合技能一直是人体寄生虫学实验教学面临的挑战。优化教学内容,改革教学手段和完善考核制度有助于提高人体寄生虫学实验教学的质量和效果。  相似文献   

IntroductionInterpretation of laboratory test results is a complex post-analytical activity that requires not only understanding of the clinical significance of laboratory results but also the analytical phase of laboratory work. The aims of this study were to determine: 1) the general opinion of Croatian medical biochemistry laboratories (MBLs) about the importance of interpretative comments on laboratory test reports, and 2) to find out whether harmonization of interpretative comments is needed.Materials and methodsThis retrospective study was designed as a survey by the Working Group for Post-analytics as part of national External Quality Assessment (EQA) program. All 195 MBLs participating in the national EQA scheme, were invited to participate in the survey. Results are reported as percentages of the total number of survey participants.ResultsOut of 195 MBLs, 162 participated in the survey (83%). Among them 59% MBLs implemented test result comments in routine according to national recommendations. The majority of laboratories (92%) state that interpretative comments added value to the laboratory reports, and a substantial part (72%) does not have feedback from physicians on their significance. Although physicians and patients ask for expert opinion, participants stated that the lack of interest of physicians (64%) as well as the inability to access patient’s medical record (62%) affects the quality of expert opinion.ConclusionAlthough most participants state that they use interpretative comments and provide expert opinions regarding test results, results of the present study indicate that harmonization for interpretative comments is needed.  相似文献   

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