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一、教学目标与要求 1.能听、说、读、写形容词的比较级形式:taller,stronger,older,younger和shorter;  相似文献   

一、教学目标: 语言知识目标: 1.掌握本单元四会单词:aunt,uncle,cousin,glasses及句子,…older\younger\taller\shorter than…  相似文献   

PEP六年级下册第一单元Part A的话题是"比较"。学生运用形容词比较级"taller,shorter,stronger,younger,older"比较高矮及年龄等。主要句型有:How tall are you?I am…than…You are…than…Warm-up or lead in设计一:排序师让四名同学到前面来,让他们按高低顺序站好。师按学生的个头让他们站成一排,先由高到低,再由低到高示范  相似文献   

In different aspects of linguistic competence,proponents and opponents of the CPH also share different views.In terms of pronunciation(native-like accent) competence,proponents of the CPH argue that younger starters are better than older starters;while opponents of the CPH hold that some older starters have reached high levels of native-like accent proficiency after puberty.With regard to morphology and syntax(grammar) competence,proponents of the CPH believe that universal grammar is accessible for younger starters at a critical period while older starters seem to gradually lose this innate language-acquisition device,which causes them to be less successful in the acquisition of grammar.However,opponents of CPH claim that there is no strong empirical evidence which indicates that older starters do not have access to universal grammar after puberty.Therefore,it is still uncertain whether younger starters do have better grammatical competence than older starters,since whether or not universal grammar continues to be available as a support for language acquisition after puberty is still doubtful.  相似文献   

刘荣丽 《中学教与学》2006,(5):34-39,F0003
第I卷(选择题共75分)一、听力理解(每小题1·5分,共30分)A)在下列每小题中,你将听到一个句子并看到供你选择的三个句子。找出你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案1.A.I taught French.B.I taught maths and French.C.I learned French all by myself.2.A.His home is here.B.His home is over there.C.His home is not far fromhere.3.A.Tomis two years older than Kate.B.Tomis two years younger than Kate.C.Kate is three years younger than Kate.4.A.The little boyis young but he can goto school.B.Thoughthe boyis v…  相似文献   

The paradox f iur time in history is that we have taller buildings,but shorter tempers;wider freeways,but marrower viewpoints.We spend more,but have less;we buy more ,but enjoy it less.We have bigger houses and smaller families;more comveniences,but less time;  相似文献   

本单元的Part A语篇主要涉及两种事物的比较。通过Ben,Jack和Su Hai之间的自由对话引出本单元的主要语言项目——形容词比较级。主要单词有:tall,taller;short,shorter;strong,stronger;heavy,heavier。日常交际用语及句型:I’m as tall as you.Su Yang's twenty minutes younger than Su Hai.教师结合语篇,用图片或动作将比较级的概念传授给学生。也可联系生活实际,引导学生将所学的语言内容运用于生活实际。  相似文献   

问:你知道如何用英语表示"年轻一代"吗?答:汉语说"年轻一代""年老一代"等,说成英语是young(old)generation还是younger(older)generation?许多同学可能认为是前者,因为汉语意思中并没有比较意味,所以要用原级。恰恰相反,在这两个结构中,英语习惯上要用比较级。如:  相似文献   

In my family, I'm tall and strong. My mother is taller and stronger than me. My father is taller and stronger than my mother.Father is the tallest and strongest  相似文献   

Introduction How does age affect the rate and ultimate attain- ment in foreign language learning? Is there a critical period, which divides younger and older learners? What factors may account for age differences among L2 learners? Substantial interest surrounds these questions which might be particularly intriguing for educators who must develop appropriate curricula and instrumental strategies for L2 learners at various ages. Research has revealed a great deal of diversity of assumptions a…  相似文献   

一、阅读下面的短文,根据短文的内容完成表格. When we talk about how teenagers are getting worse and worse now, most young people don't agree. Teenagers always say they are growing up. They can have art-time jobs. They can drive a car. And they can even get married when they're a little bit older.  相似文献   

Name:Mary-Kate Olsen(玛丽-凯特·奥尔森) Ashley Olsen(阿诗莉·奥尔森)Born:June 13,1986 Sherman Oaks.CaliforniaOthers:Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen aren't identical.Mary Kate and Ashley Olsen are what iscalled fraternal twins,so not everything about them is a mirror image,Ashley Olsen is older by two minutes.Mary Kate Olsen is left-handed,Ashley Olsen is right-handed,Mary Kate Olsen is shorter than Ashley.  相似文献   

My attitude towards my home has changed cyclically, like the seasons. As a young boy, I appreciated the comfort and security of a familiar place; a safe haven from the vagaries and vicissitudes of the world. As I grew up, I started to feel limited by my surroundings; my developing mind and body yearning for freedom and ad- venture away from stifling rules that prevented either of these ideals from being attained. Now that I am a little older still, although I still strive for  相似文献   

I Call Him Tom     
A man wanted to sell his old horse, so he took him to the market. Because the horse was old, nobody wanted to buy him, but at last a young man stopped in front of him and said, "How old is he?" "He is twenty-one years old," said the older man. "Ho…  相似文献   

<正>2022年卡塔尔世界杯已经落幕,最终,由梅西率领的阿根廷队夺冠。35岁的梅西身披黑袍手捧大力神杯的画面,像是一道金光,照亮灰暗的长夜,提醒我们:这个世界还有童话,而我们需要童话。热点事件Dwarfism1:a wasted soccer talent Messi played for a junior club at the age of 5.His junior team was almost unbeatable.Later,Messi’s body stopped growing and all the young players around him grew taller and faster than him.  相似文献   

1.Choose wisely选择话合的对象   "Don't go out with idiots! When I was younger,I just want to date the guy my mum hated the most,or someone who was going to treat me really badly,so I could feel like a damsel in distress. But as you get older,you realize you want someone you can have fun and relax with.It'doesn't have to be nerve-wracking dangerous all the time."……  相似文献   

The process of aging is a perfect example for Professor Qian Zhongshu's metaphor of a besieged fortress-people outside want to go in while those inside want to get out. Indeed, when we are young, we cannot wait to grow up; but when we get older, we desperately want to be young again.  相似文献   

Japan’s love affair with dance never seems to end.Atcommunity centers throughout the country,danceclasses are always full,whether for ballet or flamenco1,which consistently appeal to young woinen,or ball-room dancing,which is especially popular among middle—agedand older people.Recently,the dance scene has been getting acolorful new infusion in the form of folk dances from aroundthe world.2Traditional Middle Eastern,African,and Europeandances,which until recently were virtually unknown in Japan,are sweeping culture centers and community groups through-out the country.  相似文献   

一、听力部分《20分)1.句意理解(5分)从A,B,C中选出与你所听到的句子意思相同或相近的选项。1 .A.Lily and Luey look the same. B .Luey likes Lily. C .Lily likes Luey·2 .A.Whois’ the young man? B .How 15 the young man? C .What does the young man do?3 .A.1 often work there. B .1 often 90 there on foot· C .1 often wait there.4.A.Are you free tomorrow evening? B .Are you going to do some reading tomorrow evening? C .Are you going to do your homework tomorrow evening?5 .A.Tom 15 younger than a…  相似文献   

Hi, dad, good morning! I have to do my homework today, it is reading. I n our English class, my classmates were read- ing some articles that our teacher gave them, and the teacher gave me the same one this afternoon, she wanted me to catch up with the others. I was interest- ed in the story, so I told her I would try my best. She was very happy. I n the sto- ry, there’re two kids, one younger brother and one older sister, they were the survivors of a plane crash. They were in a desert. An …  相似文献   

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