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我国中小学校长负责制自实施以来,提高了学校管理效能,但也存在一些问题,本文在对这些问题分析的基础上,提出了改善对策,为进一步深化学校管理体制改革服务。  相似文献   

探究乡村中小教师的教学效能感、职业认同与工作激情的关系,有利于提升教师工作激情。通过问卷调查分析发现:乡村中小学教师在教学效能感、职业认同与工作激情上的自评得分较低,有待进一步提升;乡村小学教师的工作激情得分高于乡村初中教师,乡镇学校教师的职业认同与工作激情的得分均优于村小学校教师;乡村中小学教师的教学效能、职业认同与工作激情之间均存在显著正相关,个人教学效能感与角色价值观、职业行为倾向、职业价值观与职业归属感均可正向预测工作激情;职业认同在教学效能感与工作激情之间起部分中介作用。  相似文献   

学生学业表现是衡量中小学教育质量的重要指标,也是乡村基础教育发展的指向标。对北京市房山区31所中小学9394名学生、1900名教师进行问卷调查,探讨学生学业表现的城乡差异,结果表明:学生学习压力大,城乡学校学生差异显著;学生学习自我效能较低,乡村学校学生更低;学生生活满意度幸福感欠佳,乡村学校学生更差;乡村学生家庭社会经济地位普遍较低,亲子关系较差;乡村学校学生家庭学习环境较城镇学生差。性别、城乡、父母受教育水平、课业负担、学生效能感、幸福感、教学公平、亲子关系、家庭学习环境等变量均对学生学业表现存在显著的影响效应。基于此,对乡村学校学生应减负增效,注重教师教学效能感培养,加强教师专业能力,构建家校协同机制,注重亲子关系培养,营造良好的家庭学习环境。  相似文献   

当今世界教育最根本的问题是提高教育质量,尤其是提高中小学教育质量。因而,最近十几年,国外对中小学办学效能的研究日益增多。人们改变了70年代早期流行的认为不可能通过学校来提高学生智力、促进社会进步的悲观主义观点,转而积极研究一些效能型学校的实例,探讨如何提高学校管理效能,促进学校发展。这方面研究首先在美国发起,随后有英国、  相似文献   

远程教育在农村中小学课堂中的介入,不仅仅是对农村中小学现代教育装备条件的改善,更大程度上体现了学校教育教学模式的转变,标志着我国教育教学改革步入一个新的阶段。然而,由于管理上的脱节,远程教育工作在部分农村中小学并没有引起学校领导和教师们的重视,其发挥的效能也不尽如人意,出现了诸多的问题。  相似文献   

教育和生产一样,也要提高管理效能。学校领导班子管理效能好的,应是整体效能大于各个体效能的总和,即1+1>2。目前,学校管理中效能内耗的现象屡见不鲜。所谓“内耗”,就是一个组织内部各成员不协调,产生自身力量的消耗,使整体效能得不到应有的发挥。中小学领导班子效能内耗的原因比较复杂,有的属于结构方面的问题,  相似文献   

随着国家对教育事业投入的持续增长,各中小学的办学条件有了很大改善,这对学校财物管理也提出新的要求。做好学校的财产物资管理,一方面实现物尽其才,发挥其应有的价值和作用;另一方面强化财产物资科学合理运用,达到压缩学校运行成本的目的。就中小学学校财产物资管理存在的问题以及解决对策进行分析和研究,旨在全面提高财产物资管理水平,提升办学效能。  相似文献   

西部L县乡村学校面临着精英教师缺乏、在职教师教学热情不高、政府对乡村学校持续发展缺乏必要的支持等问题。更为突出的是,乡村学校采取与城市学校相同的教学模式,致使教学效果不佳,古老乡村文化未能得到有效传承,甚至适得其反。为了有效解决乡村学校发展面临的困境,教育行政管理部门应给予乡村学校足够的空间来自主设置课程内容,探索适应乡村学校实际的教学模式以及方法,提高乡村学校教学质量。同时,依托周边高校对乡村学校办学进行指导,并聘请身体状况良好的优秀退休教师继续从事教学活动,辅之以增加在职教师培训机会,以有效解决L县乡村学校面临的主要问题。  相似文献   

美国乡村教育体量较大,乡村学校在读学生约占全美中小学学生总数近1/5。美国乡村教育先后走过全面普及、提高质量、促进公平等不同发展阶段,也曾遭遇成本效益、均衡发展、价值取向等诸多挑战。相比之下,当前美国乡村中小学办学条件较差,乡村学校生源家庭背景更复杂,乡村学校优秀师资更短缺,部分乡村中小学教育质量不高。为此,美国政府出台乡村教育扶持项目,高等院校参与乡村教育研究与实验,基金会等参与乡村教育改进,共同推动乡村教育发展。可见,应对乡村教育挑战,需要久久为功,需要培元固本,需要因地制宜,需要群策群力。  相似文献   

通过对沧州市中小学教师的调查研究发现:当前中小学教师的教学效能感属中等水平,个人教学效能感高于一般教学效能感;教学效能感在教龄、职称、学历、是否班主任、学校类型及学校层次等方面存在显著差异,而在性别方面不存在显著差异。教学效能感对教师的教学效果具有重要的影响,加强教师培训、建立有效的激励机制、开展校本教研、建立良好的人际关系、对新课程实施中的成败进行积极归因,是新课程改革中提高教师教学效能感的主要途径。  相似文献   

文章从我国民办教育发展的现状入手,分析我国民办学校在转型期发展阶段的特征表现,提出了转型期中民办学校办学质量该如何评价的问题;并从教学质量、生活管理、学校特色、家校关系、品牌影响五个方面进行评价和分析,为民办学校的内涵发展提供借鉴意义.  相似文献   

李洁 《天津教育》2021,(6):28-29
伴随着我国新课程的发展与完善,道德与法治作为一门全新的学科出现,它能够有效培养学生的综合素质,尤其是在小学教育中具有不可替代的作用。现阶段我国小学道德与法治课堂教学出现一系列问题,教学有效性无法得到保证。本文以此为基础,结合实际,针对提升小学道德与法治课堂教学有效性提出可行性策略,希望本文内容对小学教育有所帮助。  相似文献   

This article argues that the notion of distributed leadership and management has potential to illuminate school-level relationships, a significant area of school effectiveness and improvement research and development activity. It reports how research findings were used inductively to model effectiveness of senior management teams in British primary schools, which represent one form of distributed leadership and management. Difficulties in establishing effectiveness are reviewed; a heuristic model of team operation is put forward as a basis for identifying team effectiveness; relevant criteria employed by informants in research schools and inspectors are summarised in relation to the model, supported by findings from observation of meetings; and key findings and judgements of effectiveness are synthesised as a speculative contingency model of team effectiveness focusing on balancing contradictory beliefs in a management hierarchy and in equal contribution within the team. An agenda for research, practice and policy is suggested.  相似文献   

在新的时期,学校安全工作出现的新特点、新情况,要求必须认真研究和进一步落实中小学幼儿园安全管理的法律法规。通过对《中小学幼儿园安全管理办法》颁布的必要性、其实施中应注意的问题及对策进行探讨,可知要坚持人本思想做好新时期中小学、幼儿园安全工作。  相似文献   

目前很多高校通过离退休工作处开展对离退休人员的管理,由离退休工作处完全包干离退休人员的各项管理工作,这样做固然好,但是也存在一些相应的问题和弊端,并且没有充分体现学校对离退休人员的关心和重视,为了让我校的离退休工作更加完善,我校实行校、院、职能部门三级管理。本文便针对我校的这一管理模式,进行了详尽的探讨。  相似文献   

This article describes the use of an observation system to measure middle school staff practices, environment characteristics, and student behavior in the school common areas. Data were collected at baseline from 18 middle schools participating in a randomized controlled trial of school‐wide Positive Behavior Support. The observations were reliable and showed sensitivity to differences between school settings and between schools. Multilevel models with students nested in schools were used to examine the associations of staff practices and the school environment with student behavior. Less effective behavior management and more staff criticism, graffiti, and percentage of low‐income students were associated with student problem behaviors. Greater use of effective behavior management and positive attention, and fewer low‐income students were associated with positive student behavior. The use of data‐based feedback to schools for intervention planning and monitoring is illustrated. Implications for school‐wide efforts to improve student behavior in middle schools are discussed. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

中职学校管理面临着理念层面重管理结果、轻服务意识,内容层面重技能训练、轻综合素养,主体层面重学校管理、轻家庭社会教育等问题。结合中职学校管理价值导向的分析,建议从倡导服务意识,促进学生全面多元发展;完善制度建设,夯实人才培养质量之基;增进家校联系,建立实时常态沟通机制;加强校企合作,完善“双主体”合作育人模式这四个方面入手,不断提高中职学校的管理水平和管理成效。  相似文献   

胡文泽 《天津教育》2021,(4):158-160
小学是培养学生写作兴趣,夯实写作基础的重要阶段。但是在当前小学中语文习作教学仍存在许多问题影响习作教学的有效性,本文将通过分析小学中段语文习作教学的地位、目标以及当前存在的问题,提出几点教学改进建议。  相似文献   

Despite recent advances, the research literature on school effectiveness, school improvement and educational change has relatively little to say about how schools become effective over time, and what strategies or combination of strategies work best to improve schools at different levels of effectiveness. A recent British research study – ‘The Improving Schools’ project funded by the Economic and Social Research Council – has been designed to explore these (and other) issues. This article describes the rationale for the fieldwork aspect of the project, which includes 13 secondary schools from 3 English local education authorities and presents 4 themes that have emerged from the first phase of the research that cast some light on the phenomena of the ‘improving school’. These themes – multiple starting points, the complex interactive and intuitive nature of school improvement strategies, the missing instructional level, and the importance of context – are described. The article concludes that given the non-linear and unpredictable nature of improvement seen in the case studies, schools need to become more skilled in ‘change agentry’ in order to continue to improve.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):205-220

The establishment of a learning culture in schools is important for education to take place. The erosion of the learning culture which often culminated in the poor academic performance of Grade 12 learners in township secondary schools has been a cause for concern for many years. The Department of Education's countless efforts to rectify the situation have been to no avail. This article endeavours to establish the contribution that school principals can make towards resolving the problem. As manager and instructional leader of the school, the principal is in a suitable position to address this problem, and it is also his or her primary responsibility to lead and guide the school towards the attainment of good academic performance. The article discusses the principals' role in restoring a learning culture in township secondary schools. It discusses the management strategies or functions that principals can employ to restore a positive school culture. The management strategies were obtained by means of an interview from the principals of effective secondary schools. The literature study and the views of the principals obtained by means of a questionnaire confirm the effectiveness of the strategies in restoring a learning culture.  相似文献   

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