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新中国成立之初,科技史作为爱国主义教育的重要议题得到国家的重视。1957年,中国科学院中国自然科学史研究室的成立标志着科技史学科在中国的建制化及研究队伍的职业化。在整理历史资料的基础上,科技史学者主要开展学科史和专题史的研究。1978年以来,科技史学科进入快速发展阶段。中国科学技术史学会和高校研究单元陆续成立,多种学术期刊问世,国内外学术交流活跃,国际化进程加快。同时,研究工作从古代延伸到近现代,从中国扩展到世界,不断拓展新的研究领域,取得了一系列重要成果。近年来,高校的科技史学科在不断调整,带来机遇和挑战。  相似文献   

History of biomedicine is a hybrid domain, intersecting with many other scholarly disciplines. From the 1970s, historians who investigated recent developments in medicine increasingly shared the approaches, presuppositions, and methods of inquiry of historians and sociologists of science and technology. One reason is that the increasing reliance of medicine on technologies, instruments, and drugs makes the demarcation between "medicine," "science," and "industry" more difficult. Another is the "practice turn" in the history of science, which gave greater attention to the ways scientists and physicians work. The impressive achievements of historians who applied these new approaches came, however, at a cost. The neglect of an earlier generation of historians of medicine may have limited more recent ambitions for understanding health and disease in society. Closer links with historians of science and technology and sociologists of science may have blurred the specificity of medicine as a domain grounded in the distinction between the normal and the pathological and lessened scholars' interest in "the clinic" as a unique site of the production of knowledge.  相似文献   

This essay argues that the diversity of the history of mathematics community in the United Kingdom has influenced the development of the subject and is a significant factor behind the different concerns often evident in work on the history of mathematics when compared with that of historians of science. The heterogeneous nature of the community, which includes many who are not specialist historians, and the limited opportunities for academic careers open to practitioners have had a profound effect on the discipline, leading to a focus on elite mathematics and great mathematicians. More recently, reflecting earlier developments in the history of science, an increased interest in the context and culture of the practice of mathematics has become evident.  相似文献   

Thanks to their decades of painstaking efforts, Chinese S&T historians recently saw two book series on ancient Chinese history of science and technology and astronomy in print. Coordinated by the CAS Institute for the History of Natural Science, these anthologies are regarded as the most systematic and authoritative works ever authored by Chinese scholars to demonstrate the S&T development in China's history. History Series of Science and Technology in Ancient China,  相似文献   

开展中国与主要发达国家的科技比较研究,有助于以世界眼光看待中国,认清中国科技在世界中的位置,把握世界主要国家科技发展的动态,明晰中国的优势和差距;有助于借鉴国际经验,制订有效的科技发展战略与政策,有效规划与管理科技活动。本文归纳分析了中国与美国、日本、德国、法国和英国这5个世界上科技最发达国家科技的比较研究要点,从中可以看到中国科技的发展,并提出了政策建议。  相似文献   

在国际科技竞争日益激化、我国科技实力迅速腾飞的当下,国家科学形象日益成为国家形象立体化过程中不可忽视的重要组成部分。通过对国际社交媒体推特平台上有关中国科学相关议题讨论的分析发现,西方公众目前对于中国科学类相关议题的关注度并不高,讨论由少量的主要科学事件主导,明显受到了西方主流新闻媒体与政治话语力量的引导与掌控,且认知偏向于负面。这种负面形象的“他塑”建构在一定程度上被卷入政治话语与国际关系话语体系中,表征为对中国负面科技新闻的报道及阴谋论的关注。而正面积极的科学形象则更多表征为“去政治化”语境下,对中国突破性科学成果与获得国际科学奖项科学家的赞赏,以及对于中国科幻的格外关注。对此,提升中国国际科学形象需要在重视社交媒体平台这一舆论场域的基础上,结合研究结果,制定具有针对性的对外科技传播策略。  相似文献   

员智凯 《未来与发展》2007,28(8):33-35,32
国际组织的兴盛与发展是当代国际关系中令人瞩目的现象,它对世界和平与发展产生着广泛而深刻的影响。随着科学技术全球化趋势的加强,许多国际科技组织更加活跃。目前中国在国际组织的影响力还比较小,与我国应有的国际地位不相称,特别是科技、教育和文化等方面专家在国际科技组织任职和发挥作用还不够。中国专家应该具有战略眼光和大家风范,更加主动地参与国际组织,加强国际合作与交流,提高中国的国际地位,让世界更加了解中国,中国也可以为世界和平与发展作出更大贡献。  相似文献   

Over the past twenty years or so, historians of science have become increasingly sensitized to issues involved in studying and interpreting scientific and medical instruments. The contributors to this Focus section are historians of science who have worked closely with museum objects and collections, specifically instruments used in scientific and medical contexts. Such close engagement by historians of science is somewhat rare, provoking distinctive questions as to how we define and understand instruments, opening up issues regarding the value of broken or incomplete objects, and raising concerns about which scientific and medical artifacts are displayed and interpreted in museums and in what manner. It is hoped that these essays point historians of science in new directions for reengaging with scientific objects and collections.  相似文献   

于ISIS创刊100周年之际,作者1)追忆萨顿为推动科学史制度化发展而付出的努力,并将之置于当时哈佛大学校长科南特——在科学史学史上值得书写的一位重要角色——所发起的、融科学一科学史教育于一体的哈佛教育改革进程中理解;2)从长时段视角反思中国科学史事业的发展历程,探讨科学史事业在当代中国的社会一文化价值;3)直面上个世纪之交以来科学史学科再制度化进程中所面临的问题,标示我们这一代学者需为之努力的方向。  相似文献   

中国科学院空间科学战略性先导科技专项(以下简称“空间科学先导专项”)是中国科学院作为国家战略科技力量主力军,以空间飞行器为平台,瞄准世界科学前沿,从2011年开始布局和实施的前瞻性、战略性重大科技项目。迄今,空间科学先导专项已走过了11年的历程,使我国空间科学的发展第一次有了系统性的支持计划,使我国的空间科学家从旁观者、参与者逐渐走近世界空间科学舞台的中央。文章回顾了空间科学先导专项从实施以来的发展历程,包括专项一期在科学前沿领域和在航天技术领域取得的突破,专项二期正在实施的项目情况,以及正在论证中的空间科学未来规划任务的优选项目。习近平总书记2016年在全国科技创新大会、两院院士大会、中国科协第九次全国代表大会上明确提出,“必须推动空间科学、空间技术、空间应用全面发展”,将发展空间科学放到了我国航天科技发展的首要位置上。展望未来,我们要继续瞄准空间科学领域的重大科技前沿,通过实现“从0到1的突破”,使空间科学在建设中国特色社会主义科技强国的过程中,发挥不可替代的作用。  相似文献   

吕双 《情报杂志》2012,(3):118-123
基于构建的国际知识管理领域关键词共现网络,对其学科的分布状况进行了深度分析。对其国别分布结果发现,中国知识管理尽管研究文献数量居全球第二,但介数仅居第九,说明学科国际影响力不足。进一步引入国别隶属度和学科隶属度算法,对中国大陆、美、英及中国台湾的知识管理研究的优势领域进行了比较分析,以及经济管理、计算机和图书情报三门学科在知识管理领域的研究分布情况。  相似文献   

Historians of science have participated actively in debates over American science policy in the post-World War II period in a variety of ways, but their impact has been more to elucidate general concepts than to effect specific policy changes. Personal experiences, in the case of the debate over global warming, have demonstrated both the value and the limits of such involvement for the making of public policy. To be effective, historians of science need to strive for clarity in public expression, to accept the importance of engaging with the public at all levels and through diverse media, and, above all, to recognize that the nature of such debates will make normal scholarly nuance hard to achieve. Moreover, in the current political climate, historians may be surprised to find themselves defending sciences, when the usual stance of historians is to be critical.  相似文献   

Up until the 1950s, the history of mathematics was an integral part of the history of science. To George Sarton and his contemporaries, mathematics was the rational skeleton that organized science and held it together, and its history was a fundamental component of the broader history of science. But when historians began focusing on the cultural roots of science rather than its rational structure, the study of mathematics was marginalized and ultimately excluded from the history of science. The alienation between the two fields is detrimental to both, and in recent years there has been a sustained effort to reestablish meaningful communication between the two. This time, however, mathematics is seen not as the static skeleton of science but, instead, as a dynamic and historically evolving field in its own right-just like science itself. The new approach allows for a culturally sensitive study of mathematics, as well as a new and fruitful relationship between the history of science and the history of mathematics. The essays in this Focus section offer a sampling of the new approaches, opening the way to a rapprochement between fields that have gone their separate ways but should by rights be closely interconnected.  相似文献   

万岩  张一帆 《科研管理》2021,42(8):192-200
中国共产党第十八届三中全会提出推进国家治理体系与治理能力现代化,激发了国内学术界对国家治理及国家建设问题的研究热情。由于国家治理体系与治理能力问题是近30年才得到国际学术界重视的议题,本文采用文献计量学和文本分析的方法,探讨了该领域的研究成熟度、研究热点及发展趋势。分别以1998—2017年间CSSCI和SSCI作为中文文献、英文文献的数据来源,利用文献题录信息统计分析工具(SATI),根据布拉德佛定律(Bradford′s law)、洛特卡定律(Lotka′s law)和文本分析,我们发现:(1)“国家治理”研究在国内尚在初始阶段,在国外虽然起步较早且仍在平稳发展,但均未达到一个完全成熟的研究领域。(2)国内的国家治理研究主要集中在国家治理体系和治理能力及其现代化、依法治国、协商民主等方面,其研究重点深受国家政策的引导和影响,研究热点随着政策改变较为明显。国外的治理理论研究主要集中在气候变化、欧盟、民主、责任、监管、政策、政府、全球治理等方面,且长期以来无明显的较大的变化,但近些年来“中国(China)”成了国外治理领域研究的一个热点。  相似文献   

在过去的30年中,研究美索不达米亚、古代中国和印度的数学史家们已经揭示出,现存最早的阿卡德文、中文和梵文文献证明了这样一个事实,那就是这三个地区的古代数学家用这样或那样的方式讨论着数学证明。这些数学史家们发表的论著对当前的编史学产生的影响还只是微乎其微。本文对这种未能产生影响的情况进行了大致分析,并试图开启一片数学证明史讨论的新空间,其中每一种证据都会被考虑。本文尤其利用数学家们最近的一次争论,提出了一种构造数学证明新编史学的途径。  相似文献   

What big questions and large-scale narratives give coherence to the history of science? From the late 1970s onward, the field has been transformed through a stress on practice and fresh perspectives from gender studies, the sociology of knowledge, and work on a greatly expanded range of practitioners and cultures. Yet these developments, although long overdue and clearly beneficial, have been accompanied by fragmentation and loss of direction. This essay suggests that the narrative frameworks used by historians of science need to come to terms with diversity by understanding science as a form of communication. The centrality of processes of movement, translation, and transmission is already emerging in studies of topics ranging from ethnographic encounters to the history of reading. Not only does this approach offer opportunities for crossing boundaries of nation, period, and discipline that are all too easily taken for granted; it also has the potential for creating a more effective dialogue with other historians and the wider public.  相似文献   

China has traditionally placed tremendous importance on agricultural research. Meanwhile, in recent years, sustainable agriculture has been increasingly highlighted in both policy agenda and the capital market. However, while terms like environmental friendliness, low carbon, organic and green agriculture have become buzzwords in the media, few meaningful discussions have been raised to examine the relationship between science and technology (S&T) development and sustainable agriculture. What''s more, some environmentalists stress that sustainable agriculture should abandon modern agriculture''s heavy reliance on science and industrialization, making the link between agricultural S&T and sustainable agriculture seem problematic. What is the truth? If S&T are to play an important role in advancing sustainable agriculture, what is the current status of the field? What factors have caused the sustainable development of agriculture in China? At an online forum organized by the National Science Review (NSR), Hepeng Jia, commissioned by NSR executive editor-in-chief Mu-ming Poo, asked four scientists in the field to examine the dynamic relationship between sustainable agriculture and agricultural S&T in the Chinese context. Jikun Huang Agricultural economist at Peking University, Beijing, China Xiaofeng Luo Agricultural economist at Huazhong Agricultural University, Wuhan, China Jianzhong Yan Agricultural and environmental scientist at Southwest University, Chongqing, China Yulong Yin Veterinary scientist at Institute of Subtropical Agriculture, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Changsha, China Hepeng Jia (Chair) Science communication scholar at Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA  相似文献   

自20世纪90年代中期以来,“公众科学”的概念逐渐受到学界关注并形成了一个新的研究领域,但目前学界对于“公众科学”的内涵仍没有共识。为此本文追溯了实践进路和政治进路两种不同内涵的公众科学的源起、内容与影响,并对两种公众科学的形成背景、理论预设、政策影响等方面的差异进行了系统比较;同时阐述了已有研究对于融合两种公众科学进路的尝试。最后,文章提出公众科学是一种以公众为主体的新知识生产方式,并结合国内公众科学情况提出了几点发展建议。  相似文献   

Money is everywhere in science. Yet historians have only rarely placed the money trail at the center of their analyses. The essays in this Focus section demonstrate that following the money offers a historiographical path for investigating a number of key issues across disciplinary boundaries in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Drawing on cases and materials relating to a number of scientific fields, including electrical engineering, aeronautics, agriculture, and paleontology, the essays examine the continuous role of money in industrial and military patronage, personal connections and networks, and spatial and geographical dimensions of science, as well as in relation to state funding and ownership. Together, the contributions demonstrate how following the money offers a way of overcoming hyperprofessionalism in the history of science.  相似文献   

我国自古拥有丰富的漆树资源,漆器是我国先民的伟大发明之一,也是中国文化的重要组成部分。两周时期中原与楚两大文化系统影响下的漆器不仅呈现出了不同的艺术风格,而且形成了不同的科技工艺。从艺术中的科技这一独特视觉对分别代表南北两大文化区系的漆器进行比较研究是一种新的尝试和探索。  相似文献   

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