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一、教材分析本单元教学内容主要围绕“Planting Trees”这个主题来展开 ,涉及到种树的注意事项及“TheGreat Green Wall”的相关介绍 ,并在学习一般现在时和一般过去时被动语态基础上 ,继续学习含有情态动词被动语态的构成和用法。同时学习一个新的语言点——计量 (Measurement)的表达法。二、教法设计1 .采用下列方法导入主题“Planting trees”。1利用简笔画猜测法导入T:What's it now?Ss:It's a spade.T:What's itused for?Ss:Planting trees.T:OK.Let's plant treestoday.2利用常识导入T:There're two festivals in March.Wh…  相似文献   

Step 1 Free talk 1.T:(指向近处某一学生的较大的物品,问全班)What's this in English? 引导学生回答:It's a… T:(指向远处某一学生的物品,问全班)What's that over there? S2:It's a… T:May I have a look?  相似文献   

A:Whose book is this? B:It's mine.Why do you ask? A:Could I borrow it? I've been wanting to read it. B:Be my guest (欢迎你来借书),but I warn you.It's not as good as they say. A:What's the matter with it? B:Well,for one thing the plot (情节) is highly improbable (很不真实) and for another,the characters seem more like paper dolls than people (太不真实). A:That's strange.Usually that author does a good job of characterization (性格描述).I've read three of his books and thought they were all well done. B:I've been a fan of his for a long time too,but he really flubbed (失败 ) on this one.  相似文献   

一、填句子,完成对话A.You'd better not go out. B.It's very kind of you. C.It is usually rainy and windy. D.What's the weather like E.it will be very cold A:____(1)today? B:It seems it's going to be cold and snowy this morning. A:How is the weather here in spring?  相似文献   

Step1.Free talkT:Are you happy?W hatday is ittoday?Do you like M aths/English?Can you do this?2+9+18+20+8+4+1+25=?S:Yes,we can.T:(出示字母表)If“a”stands for“1”,“b”standsfor“2”,“c”stands for“3”,can you do this?S:It's birthday.T:Yes,you're so clever.Say itloudly,please.(老师以解密码的方式得出课题,方式新颖,学生兴趣浓厚)S:Birthday.(同时老师用多媒体呈现简短的flash及生日歌)Step2.Presentation板块一:1.复习月份。T:W ho can tellm e when yourbirthday is?S:M y birthday's on the of.(老…  相似文献   

能认读并能运用本单元的生词和下面这些词组:be made of,be made in,be used for/as/by,on the other hand,in/arouad/all over the world…等。懂得被动语态(一般现在时态)的意义、构成及基本用法。了解英语是当今世界上最主要的国际通用语言,增强自己学好英语的自信心。  相似文献   

【主要教学环节设计】……Step2 Present the 4 pictures from Part E T:Look,there are 4 pictures. Can you number them?Look anc then think,which one is No 1? Ss:OK. T:(随机抽叫几个学生,检查他们的排列顺序) What's your order? S:It's 3214. T:Yes,you're right.  相似文献   

Hello,boys and girls!想用英语询问时间吗?想用英语表达时间吗?不妨与时间表达法来次亲密接触吧! [焦点一]怎样询问时间? [在线解答]英语中询问时间有两种常用的表达方法,即"What time is it,please?"和"What's the time,please?",意为"请问,几点了?",回答时用"It's+具体时间".如: ——What time is it,please?=What's the time,please?请问,几点了? ——It's six o'clock.六点了.  相似文献   

有一天上午,我在办公室问一位高一学生,对话如下: T:What time is it now? S:It's ten.(他回到隔壁教室拿了手表,然后告诉我) T:还能用其它方法回答吗? S:It's ten o'clock.T:再想想,只要和这问句联系得上的都行. S:不能.(三分钟后,他无可奈何地摇了摇头说) 为什么这位学生只能用一种回答形式呢?他完全可以回答“I'm sorry.I have no watch”.为什么非要去拿表,然后再  相似文献   

Lesson 10(课文中)1.A:What's the weather like in Shanghai?(上海天气怎么样?)B:It's warm in spring and sometimes it rains.(春天温暖,有时下雨。)What's…like?……怎么样?like 在本句里是介词。如:What's the weather like in Beijing?(北京天气怎么样?)What's his class teacher like?(他的班主任怎么样?)What's her study like?(她的学习怎么样?)  相似文献   

Find out what has to be broken before it can be used,what gets wetter as it dries,what type of cheese is made backwards and much more.How many of the riddles do you know ? Read on and enjoy laughing at all our funny riddles. 1.What has a face and two hands but no arms or legs? Note:A clock. 2.What five-letter word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?  相似文献   

小歌 《英语沙龙》2013,(6):48-49
Some time ago, really, let me be more precise, many years ago, I went for a job interview. Halfway through the interview, one of the interviewers asked me a question,“lf someone robs his victim using a gun with a bullet in it, should he be punished more severely than if he uses a gun that does not have a bullet in it? "What's the difference?"I got a quick response for that one. lsn't it true that if a person robs a victim with a gun, only the robber knows whether or not the gun is loaded, but the victim has no way of knowing it?The gun is used to threaten the victim into submission, and a crime is committed. Why should there be a difference between the sen-tence of a person committing robbery with a gun that has an empty chamber and a person robbing while holding a gun with a bullet in it? Of course I didn't get the job - I guess I didn't need a job then anyway.  相似文献   

Unit 15What's the time,please?知识点解析1.Give it to Mr.Hu.把它交给胡先生。“把某物给某人”有两种表达方式 :give sth.tosb;  give sb sth.此句也可说成 Give Mr.Hu thewatch.2 .What's the time,please?请问几点了 ?询问时间的另一种说法是 :What time is it?3.It's about four thirty.现在大约四点半。句中 about意为“大约”,它的另外一种含义是“关于、对于”,与 what/ how连用 ,意为“……怎么样 ?……好不好 ?”如 :— What about my coat?—Oh,it's nice.4 .It's time to get up.该起床了。句型“It's time……”常用…  相似文献   

It is+adj. +for(or of)sb.+to do sth.是英语中常用的一个句型结构。如: It's very kind of you to help me. It's very difficult for me to learn math. 乍一看,此类句型不定式前的逻辑主语是用for还是用of,似乎很难区别,许多同学分辨不清,但仔细分析,要弄清这一问题,并不难。用for还是用of主要取决于be动词后的形容词,我们把这一句型中be动词后的形容词分为两大类。  相似文献   

活动一 What's This?目标:1.学说动物名称 dcg、cat、chick、duck、pig、bird、rabbit;2.能听懂且会用“What's this?”句型提问,会用“It's a…”句型回答:3.体验玩英语游戏的快乐。准备:幻灯机一台,绘有动物形象的幻灯片若干。过程:1.放幻灯,启发幼儿用“What's this?”句型提问。教师用“It's a…”句型回答,强调动物名称,  相似文献   

Unit2 7what time do you get up?一、目标 :用一般现在时描述经常或习惯性动作。二、话题 :描述某人一天的作息制度。三、设计 :根据所述条件 ,设计出省时最佳方案。Step1复习。内容一 :教师手拿一个钟表或钟表模型 ,快速提问 :What time is it now?/ What is the time now?/What's the time by your watch?并将 What's thetime by your watch?板书出来 ,作为当天知识拓宽点。要求学生以最快速度作答 :It's10 past8/ 10minutes past 8等。如此进行以复习时间表达法。内容二 :When do you…教师一边拨表针指向下列时间一边要求学生根据…  相似文献   

知识与技能阅读下列对话,注意被动语态句式。( Lin Tao and Lily are visiting a science museum.)Lily: Hi, Lin Tao. Look at the huge thing. What’s that called in English?Lin Tao: Oh, it’s a rocket.Lily: What’s it made of?Lin Tao: It’s hard to say. It’s very complicated(复杂). I know that the outer covering is made of a special kind of steel and the steel can stand very high temperature. In the inner part, some are made of steel, some are even …  相似文献   

语法结构、功能意念讲练篇ⅥChip Goes to School It's 6:30 in the morning.It's time for breakfast. Chip is very tired. Chip gets out of bed and puts on his clothes. He is wearing a red shirt,blue pants and green shoes. "What's for breakfast?"There are pancakes,  相似文献   

教学过程Step1.Revision1.Free talkT:What day is it today?Ss:It's…T:What date is it today?Ss:It's…2.Revisiona(.课件呈现Unit1所学的几个标志图片,并排列好顺序)T:Look at these signs.Whichone mean  相似文献   

金玲 《海外英语》2013,(4X):169-173
With the sudden change of the political structure in the world and the acceleration of the globalization,the impact of culture on diplomacy is becoming increasingly obvious.Especially some conflicts in the diplomacy have made it more important to study and analyze the international relations from a cultural perspective.Culture can be the cause of misunderstanding in diplomatic negotiation,but it can also be a very useful tool and instrument for global public diplomacy.Culture as a"soft power" should be used as the key in the diplomacy to bridge the cultural gaps,reduce conflict and misunderstanding and lead to the common goal of peace and development.  相似文献   

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