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生活教育是陶行知对20世纪贡献的一份宝贵的教育学说,继承与发展生活教育是历史赋予21世纪中国教育工作者的神圣使命,“生活·实践”教育是在继承与发展生活教育中探索形成的。我们既要了解什么是生活教育,还要了解为什么要继承与发展,更要考虑怎么继承与发展,从哪些方面去继承与发展。  相似文献   

自1992年至2001年,我国小学语文教育理念及教学内容都发生了很大的变化。据此,高师院校小学教育专业中文方向语文类课程也进行了相应地设计和规划,包括汉语、中国文学、文学概论、儿童文学、基础写作等组成的必修基础课程;以小学综合实践活动、班级管理、教师口语、书写、小学语文多媒体课件制作为内容的必修应用类课程;以小学语文教学论,小学语文教学研究、小学语文教育心理学等构成的语文教育类课程;还有教育实践课程和选修类课程,以培养师范生较高的语文素养,为成为合格的小学教师打下坚实的基础.  相似文献   

In an era of teacher quality reforms, one overlooked area for assessing readiness for teaching is education majors’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. This gap is unfortunate, as teaching reading is a common responsibility among general and special education teachers. In the current push for RTI—one in which more general education teachers are increasingly called upon to provide reading support to students with learning disabilities, in addition to the support received from special educators—it is important to determine preservice teachers’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. Self‐efficacy is an important construct to consider as it is related to eventual teacher attrition. The purpose of the current study was to develop a scale to measure elementary and special education majors’ self‐efficacy for teaching reading. With a sample of 110 education majors, a three‐factor scale was developed and demonstrated strong psychometric properties. Implications for the future of teacher education programs are discussed.  相似文献   

近几年来,由于学校中的不当惩罚事件频发,加之人们对西方自由主义的片面理解,误解、误用了自由的理念,导致惩罚在教育中的作用和存在的必要性受到了社会和家长们的质疑,甚至受到了抵制,并过度强调学生个体的自由发展。其结果往往是教育的失控,教师对学生行为的偏差不敢使用惩罚,学生无约束的放纵,学生行为失当现象频发,学生犯罪率逐年上升。自由绝不意味着放纵,学生自由发展的前提基础是尊重规矩,懂礼仪,学生需要引导其行为,使其健康、和谐发展。教育惩罚可以帮助学生意识到自己行为的不妥,矫正学生行为,实现学生从他律到自律的转变,使学生能够真正的自由发展。惩罚作为教育方式的一种,对学生的自由发展有着积极的作用,不可因噎废食。  相似文献   

This article argues that Buddhists can consistently support autonomy as an educational ideal. The article defines autonomy as a matter of thinking and acting according to principles that one has oneself endorsed, showing the relationship between this ideal and the possession of an enduring self. Three central Buddhist doctrines of conditioned arising, impermanence and anatman are examined, showing a prima facie conflict between autonomy and Buddhist philosophy. Drawing on the ‘two truths’ theory of Nagarjuna, it is then shown that the prima facie conflict can be defused by noting that the self has reality at one level, but is a fiction at another level. This approach allows us a new way of seeing autonomy as an extrinsic value—as a step in the journey towards nirvana, but of no value once one has achieved nirvana.  相似文献   

人格教育:高等教育不可缺少的一项重要内容   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育的基本任务是培养学生成人与成才,其本质则是一种人格的,生命的启迪教育,如果教育中舍弃了学生人格塑造,那就等于舍弃了根本,充其量是一种职业的训练。从我国高等教育的情况来看,其着力点还是大学生的成才教育,这当然不能说有什么错误,但却忽视了大学生的成人教育。其中,大学生的人格教育,无论是理论和方式、方法尤其滞后,这不能不说是一个很大的失误。着眼于大学生的健康成长,当务之急,高校必须强化大学生的人格教育,注重其健康人格的塑造。  相似文献   

作为教育部确认的、英特尔公司资助的全球性教师培训项目,英特尔未来教育在大连地区得到实施并推广。经过近一年的项目实施,已经培训了506名骨干教师。同时,大连地区的主讲教师也根据地区特点、教师特长,对培训教材进行了相应的本地化。受训教师的信息技术整合能力和新课改理念下教学设计的能力得到极大提高。  相似文献   

In this article we address the issue of why democratic citizenship education should be incorporated more meaningfully into Islamic education discourses in formal institutions in the Arab and Muslim world. In the Arab and Muslim world civic and national education seem to be the dominant discourses. We argue that the latter discourses are inadequate to address some of the dystopias in the Arab and Muslim world such as the perpetuation of patriarchy, uncritical obedience to the state (often dictatorships), and blind patriotism. Consequently we posit that unless a culture of acceptance and hospitality (i.e. cosmopolitanism) is cultivated at Islamic educational institutions the possibility of democratic citizenship education unfolding is quite remote. That is, the future of Islamic education can only be re‐envisioned if an amended version of democratic citizenship education can inform Islamic education discourses in institutions—one constituted by a culture of acceptance and hospitality.  相似文献   

赫钦斯的自由教育思想和改革在实用主义教育盛行的美国是另一种教育传统.文章把赫钦斯的教育思想置于民主与教育的背景中阐述,从民主理想和教育目标、教育实践的实用主义倾向,以及对此的反思所提出的自由教育改革出发,阐述在民主的背景下如何平衡实用与理想的教育目标,为我国民主现代化高等教育提供借鉴.  相似文献   

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