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模锻成形是金属零件的常见成形方法,从设计锻模到试制过程往往需要花费许多时间;本文采用显式动力学有限元软件Ansys/Ls-Dyna对一个模锻加工成形过程进行计算机仿真,分析影响模锻件成形的因素,在设计过程中,通过在计算机上改变参数进行模拟,即可得到比较理想的模具形状和锻件的基本尺寸,对实际的设计制造具有指导作用。  相似文献   

斜顶料立式挤压在汽车转向节锻造中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汽车转向节为典型的复杂叉形锻件,其常规开式模锻工艺金属消耗大、材料利用率低,制坯复杂。本文介绍了一种在热模锻压机上采用斜顶料立式挤压预成形与开式模锻相结合的汽车转向节少飞边锻造技术,可以大大提高锻件材料利用率及节约机加工量。  相似文献   

以连杆锻模为例,结合在数控加工一线工作的实践经验,从锻模模具结构、加工标准、加工刀具的选择等方面进行分析,在保证产品质量的前提下,尽量缩短模具制作周期,节约生产成本。  相似文献   

论述了压铸模寿命与模具设计制造的关系。从合理设计铸件结构、模具结构,正确制定锻造工艺、热处理工艺、加工工艺、生产工艺等方面提出了提高压铸模寿命的对策。  相似文献   

采用三维刚塑性有限元软件Deform3D对某衬板进行了闭式锻造成形数值模拟。研究了在模锻过程中模具桥部结构参数变化对该衬板成形条件的影响,获得了坯料变形全过程的成形载荷及成形件能量消耗情况,总结了模具桥部结构参数对成形工艺参数的影响规律;分析结果对设备参数的设定和生产工艺的制定具有指导意义。  相似文献   

基于UG NX软件的CAD模块,对某汽车曲轴及其锻模进行了实体造型,主要对曲轴零件曲面拐角处的造型设计进行研究,并约束了边界条件,做出光顺的表面。应用UG/Manufacturing模块对终锻模具型腔的加工制造进行参数设置,输出CLSF文件,模拟出粗加工刀具加工轨迹,说明了UG NX的CAD/CAM技术应用于工业制造中的优势。  相似文献   

锻造,是指利用锻压机械对金属坯料施加压力,使其产生塑性变形以获得具有一定机械性能、一定形状和尺寸锻件的加工方法.由于锻件的机械性能一般优于同样材料的铸件,相关机械中负载高、工作条件严峻的重要零件,除形状较简单的可用轧制的板材、型材或焊接件外,多采用锻件.  相似文献   

分析了目前连杆模具传统加工工艺的现状,针对传统连杆模具加工工艺的不足,提出了应用CAD/CAM/HSM加工集成技术来进行连杆模具加工的工艺制作方法。该方法先采用CAXAME2004软件进行工件的三维实体造型,然后利用CAXAME2004软件生成进行机械加工的粗加工、精加工刀具轨迹,通过轨迹仿真检查无误后,将加工轨迹转换成高速切削方式下的NC代码,并利用HSM-600高速铣削加工中心完成加工过程,缩短了生产周期,提高了模具加工精度。  相似文献   

根据气缸盖罩的结构和使用要求,进行板件成型工艺分析与结构设计,同时利用CAD技术进行模具模芯的设计,并利用CAM技术进行模具形腔的加工。该整套模具已投入使用,产品符合设计要求。  相似文献   

为了解决汽车玻璃钢化模具生产中依赖五轴机床加工的问题,提出以离散化曲面片拟合钢化模具工作型面的方法。首先根据玻璃模型的微分几何特征计算得加权平均弧长,按照等弧长等原则剖分玻璃模型,并设计风栅片的尺寸、公差,确定其技术要求;研究了风栅铝片三轴铣削加工中装夹方法、刀具选择、走刀规划以及切削参数确定方法;通过设计纵向靠尺的方法实现大量铝片的精确装配。结果表明,该方法生产出的风栅成型模具符合生产要求。  相似文献   

科学技术教育既要培养学生具备广博的科技知识,也要使学生具有较高的分析问题和解决问题的实际能力.技术设计的教学应具有专业核心地位.  相似文献   

作为探究教育教学系统构造的技术过程的学科,教育技术学包括教学设计与课程开发两方面的内容,教育技术的历史进步表现为教学设计和课程开发技术原理和技术效应件的进化。教学设计的整体原理至今仍为加涅的"教学—学习映射表",局部效应件的进化则包括教学目标、学习结果分类、教学策略制定等。在课程开发领域,至今尚未出现整体性的课程开发技术原理;虽然博比特、查特斯、加涅等人对活动设计、课程任务有过一些研究,但社会角色的分析技术、课程知识的组织、课程目标的分类等技术效应件也都不够成熟。  相似文献   

化工原理属于化工技术基础课程,该课程的内容是利用某些自然科学的原理研究实际化工过程中的客观规律,并利用这些规律进行化工过程设计、工艺计算、设备构造设计等。该课程在研究工程问题的思维方式和手段上较为明显地体现了工程科学研究的方法论。教学中突出工程研究方法的剖析,培养学生善于分析工程问题的能力及科技创新能力。  相似文献   

许多塑料模型腔用冷挤压成型,各种模具材料的性能差异会对塑料模型腔的冷挤压工艺及塑件精度产生影响。为提高工艺性和精度,对模腔最佳工艺斜度进行探索和研究,并以简明计算公式直接应用于塑料模型腔或塑件最佳工艺斜度设计。  相似文献   

从我国资源短缺状况、成本领先战略与历史经验,论证了在大力推进技术创新的前提下,工程技术人员树立成本效益的观念,能从研发设计的源头降低产品成本、提高企业效益.广泛的社会调查验证了工程技术人员应掌握相关的会计知识.工科专业学习一些设计成本控制、设计增值的知识,有助于培养学生跨学科的思考、工作能力.  相似文献   

本文研究探讨了如何在保证产品质量的前提下提高出米率的问题,提出了在加工过程中杜绝下脚含粮、减少碎米、降低碾减率、合理配米、减少超标碎米等有效工艺组合及工艺措施,从而实现在保证质量的前提下提高出米率的工艺目标。  相似文献   

This paper presents a study of the design questions that children ask as they work technologically in school. Thirty-nine school aged children's technological work on “cubby building” is mapped and discussed. Data sources included video recording, worksamples, photographs with annotations of work in progress and when completed, and ethnographic field notes. The findings support the view that children's design questions and briefs arise at various points throughout the lesson sequence, demonstrating the iterative nature of design, make and appraise within and across lessons. The formulation of design questions evolved as children interacted, negotiated, played and worked in technological ways. For young children, playing with the “product” or “process” was an important part of working technologically. For the older children, the possession of technological skills for joining materials to achieve the desired outcome was a key factor.  相似文献   

To know whether students' achievements are the result of online interaction and not just a consequence of individual differences themselves, it seems essential to link the cognitive results to the students' online behavior (technological presence). In technological presence, interaction is based on the degree in which the online student senses the availability of, and connectedness with, other students, the teacher, and the context. Cognitive presence as a part of the interaction process of teaching and learning reflects the level of accomplishment in online learning environments (cognitive attainment). The purpose of this article is to show some evidence of the mutual influence of the students' technological behaviors and the students' cognitive factors in online learning environments – including teacher and instructional design factors. Two thousand one-hundred thirty written computer-mediated communications from 88 participants in four prototypical online learning activities have been analyzed for this purpose. The analysis shows the influence of technological presence on the quality of learning results of the online knowledge construction process. The conclusions point out the importance of considering technological presence as a new and complementary type of presence as it provides relevant information for instructional and technological design.  相似文献   

对科技档案管理系统进行了功能需求上的分析;在基于MVC模式和.NET框架下,给出了一种科技档案管理系统的设计和实现方案。通过实际使用,能够大力提高工作效率。  相似文献   


This study focuses on the uses that two groups of higher education students make of technological resources offered by an institution to build their own personal learning environments. The main thesis is that these uses depend on the techno-pedagogical design of the teaching and learning process in which the technological resources are framed. In order to explore and illustrate this thesis two instructional sequences have been analysed. Both use the same technological design, the Elgg platform, which allows users to select and organize a set of resources or widgets according to their interests and needs. The results show that in both cases the uses that students make of technology are related to the characteristics and requirements of the particular techno-pedagogical designs. We conclude that the key is not to offer technological resources to the students so they can build their own personal learning environments, but to design activities that attract and induce them to build these personal environments and to guide and support the process of construction.  相似文献   

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