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Some results of formative research carried out in primary schools in rural India have been presented. The relationship between the lesson content and the participation of the pupils has been investigated. The spontaneous participation of pupils in teacher-directed classrooms is shown to be correlated with the time spent by the teacher in relating the content of the textbook to the natural experiences of the pupils. The use of an experiment or a teaching aid is also found to be useful in drawing participation from the pupils. The results of the study are relevant for teachers working in a traditional, teacher-dominated sytem of education.  相似文献   

The Interconnected Model of Professional Growth (Clarke & Hollingsworth, 2002) was used to identify processes of teacher learning during the collaborative design of curriculum materials in the context of curriculum innovation. Nine published studies from six different countries about teachers’ collaborative curriculum design were analyzed to identify the learning processes that collaborative curriculum design fosters. It was concluded that the Interconnected Model of Professional Growth, although initially developed to recognize learning processes in individual teachers, can also be used to identify learning processes that are fostered by collaborative curriculum design in teams of teachers.  相似文献   

This study examines the experiences of two middle‐school teachers as they attempt to acknowledge the ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity of their students in their curriculum and teaching practices. It identifies the complications and challenges they encountered in the process. It presents one curriculum event to explore the ways in which diverse beliefs and values intersected as the teachers implemented the event. It employs a narrative inquiry approach with an emphasis on stories to learn about the experiences of the participants.  相似文献   

曹铮 《物理教学探讨》2004,22(21):17-18
物理新课程重视每一个学生的发展,我们要从引起乐趣、组织教学、分析问题、启迪心智和开拓创新几方面找准教学的起点,运用好稚化教学的艺术,使我们的教学设计符合学生的心理发展特点,以利课程改革的推行.  相似文献   

中学美术新课程体系无论是从功能、结构,还是内容、形式上看,较之原来的课程标准都有了重大的创新和突破。新的课程标准打破了传统美术教学的知识框架,其教学方式重在体验性,强调学生的自由表现能力,外化自己的认知和情感,内化文化品位和素质品质。在中学美术教学中贯彻体验性学习,必须做到三个把握:主客体的交融性、学习主体的实践性、教材内容的灵活性。  相似文献   

播音与主持艺术专业是培养传媒人才的主要专业之一,对当前播音主持艺术专业的艺术实践与课程进行研究,有利于更多优秀传媒人才的培养,促进我国传媒业的发展。本文从播音主持艺术专业的简介出发,对其在艺术实践中存在的问题进行分析和讨论,最后提出播音主持艺术专业课程的一些改进措施。  相似文献   

Teacher voice and ownership of curriculum change   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
We comment critically on the notion that teachers can experience ownership of curriculum change. The evidence base for this commentary is our work on two curriculum development projects in health and physical education between 1993 and 1998. Applying a theoretical framework adapted from Bernstein's writing on the social construction of pedagogic discourse, we contend that the possibilities for teacher ownership of curriculum change are circumscribed by the anchoring of their authority to speak on curriculum matters in the local context of implementation. We argue that this anchoring of teacher voice provides a key to understanding the perennial problem of the transformation of innovative ideas from conception to implementation. We also provide some insights into the extent to which genuine participation by teachers in education reform might be possible, and we conclude with a discussion of the possibilities that exist for partnerships in reforming health and physical education.  相似文献   

Research findings from a longitudinal, classroom‐based study of Bachelor of Education students in Tasmania suggest that three dominant discourses of schooling are powerful shapers of pre‐service teachers' pedagogical decisions in relation to the teaching of SOSE (studies of society and environment). These discourses appear to inform teaching practices and contribute to uncritical SOSE learning experiences for children. The findings from this naturalistic research grounded in teacher education suggest that teacher preparation programs should encourage far greater critical reflection on curriculum documents. In particular, the findings highlight tensions for teacher educators in selecting between experiential and/or interdisciplinary, critical approaches to teacher education. These issues are illustrated in the teaching of SOSE as locality focused knowledge. What this means for the selection of fieldwork sites for children's learning and teacher education pedagogies is explored in this paper.  相似文献   

This article focuses on the impact of a specific formative assessment procedure, negotiated assessment, on teacher professional learning. Negotiations between the assessor and the teacher as assessee seem to be especially promising for this teacher learning. However, there is no empirical evidence yet that has confirmed this. We explored teachers’ opinions about the usefulness of the different elements in a negotiated assessment procedure for their professional learning and the learning benefits they reported as a result of being engaged in this procedure. Our findings show that teachers found the negotiated assessment procedure useful for their learning and reported different types of learning benefits in terms of change: change in their knowledge, beliefs and attitudes, change in their teaching practice and change in their students’ learning outcomes.  相似文献   

高职院校人文课程建设浅探   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
受惟科学主义的影响,人文教育在高等职业教育中的缺失尤为严重,为培养适应经济建设和科技发展需要的离职人才.需着意加强离职教育中的人文教育。离职人文教育课程的培养目标应是:在全面推进素质教育的同时,结合高职教育的实际,加强职业素质教育,着力培养学生爱岗敬业,乐于奉献,愿与工农打成一片,能吃苦耐劳的优良品质,形成良好的职业道德。为此,其课程设置在显性课程方面应把专业课从原有的专业理论和专业技能两类内容拓展为四类,融入“专业文化”和“创业教育”两类课程;在隐性课程方面主要从硬件、软环境、校外社会活动三方面着力。并从提高认识、加强不同课程教学的人文渗透、改进教学管理和建立评估体系四个方面,促进人文教育课程的落实。  相似文献   

在计算机专业,艺术设计类软件课程与网页设计课程普遍独立开设,课程之间联系不紧密,学生在一类课程中用到另一类课程知识时往往不能得心应手,教学效果并不理想.为此,通过重新调整教学内容;增加艺术设计基础知识;转变教学模式,激发学生的学习兴趣;提高教师素质将艺术设计软件课程与网页设计课程进行整合,以提高整体教学质量.  相似文献   

In this commentary, I consider several theoretical and analytical aspects of Tang Wee Teo and Margery Osborne??s case study. I begin by identifying structuralist and cultural themes in Tang Wee and Margery??s theoretical model of human activity. Next, I offer an alternative interpretation for Tang Wee and Margery??s reported findings in terms of the notion of multiple teacher agencies. After that, I discuss the dramaturgical or theatrical nature of the symbolic interactionist model used by Tang Wee and Margery, focusing specifically on the issues of teacher role-taking and curriculum authorship. The paper then ends with a discussion about the significance of Tang Wee and Margery??s study wherein I emphasize the need for science education researchers to give more careful consideration to teacher agency and the analytical value of theatrical metaphors from the field of social dramatism.  相似文献   

普通高校进一步优化各类各级通识课程已经是重大的趋势,而艺术类通识课程在整个通识课程的开设中占据重要的地位,对人才的全面发展起着异常重要的作用。如何结合学生特点和学校发展特色优化艺术类通识课程的开设,关系到学生的全面发展和学校自身教学特色的形成,是作为当今教育工作者应当思考的问题。  相似文献   

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