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Dear Friends, Iworld like to share a letter from Marty,one of our readers. Hi Bob, I am a student.there are rich students and poarstudents in my Class.Some rich students do not like to  相似文献   

1998年11月16日晴期中考试过去了,我居然拿了第二名的好成绩,真把我乐死了。记得来初中报到那天,妈妈点着我的鼻子说:“到了初中,可别当‘开心果’了,那样你会跟不上的。”那时我紧闭双唇,大人一般地点头答应着。可一脚飞出家门,我就找同伴寻找快乐去了。  相似文献   

我心里十分清楚,到西吉去支教并不是去旅游去看风景,而是要在那里拼搏一年,奉献一年。但是在接受任务时,心情还是很复杂,有股说不出的滋味。  相似文献   

梅丽娜·卡娜卡瑞迪斯在一个闹哄哄的希腊家庭中长大。她的姓的发音长达5个音节, 以至于在好莱坞人人都想她把这姓改了。这里我们将讲述这位在纽约刑侦记录一片中出彩的明星是如何学会欣赏自我以及自己的希腊背景的。像其他俄亥俄州阿克伦城的女孩一样,我是个童子军。不同的是,我是个希腊女童子军——我有一个超长的姓氏,一头我妈用纱制蝴蝶结扎一半、放一半的长发,还有一个装着“开夫涕滴死”(气味刺鼻的大蒜洋葱肉圆子)的饭盒。我会去个朋友家吃“星期五比萨”,而她来我家的时候,我妈做的却是浇了  相似文献   

《格调一一社会等级与生活品味》(美)保罗·福塞尔著梁丽真、乐诗、石涛译中国社会科学出版社出版定价:18.00元等级是什么2它常常不是你的职业,不是你的住宅,不是你的餐桌举止?也不是你能挣多少钱或者拥有多少财产?而是一系列细微的、你在自觉不自觉中所呈现出来的行为特征的混合,正是这一切,构成了你在这个世界上的等级地位。等级体现了格调与品味,而这本由美国人保罗·福塞尔所写的名叫(格调)(CLASS)的书,是迄今为止我们见到的关于社会等级这一话题的最机智、最有趣、最辛辣,而又多少有些令人恼怒的上佳之作。…  相似文献   

本文谈一道最新的初中数学竞赛题,思考如何接近问题的深层结构,以及我们所领悟的问题本质是什么.在这个基础上,改进了参考答案. 1 问题的由来由中国教育学会中学数学教学专业委员会组织的2007年全国初中数学竞赛最后一道题是:  相似文献   

诗人把眼泪喷射给历史,形成了壮丽的好诗。希望用笔在纸上指点,把每个字都变成红日。 少女把美梦托付给日子, 展现在追求的路上和白云辉映着身姿,  相似文献   

“没有人不想活下去,没有人不想活得好一点。除非他有特别的理由。但我们所有的人,又是注定要死的。活着,只是一个转瞬即逝的过程。于是,人们追问:人生的意义是什么?于是,人们渴望:创造一个幸福的人生……”写在扉页上的这段主编献辞表明这是一本探索人生意义的书。该书的文章几乎都曾发表在《中国青年报》一个著名的栏目“青春热线”上。而几乎所有的文章都是围绕着社会转型期,青年人应该如何改善和调整心理状态以更好地适应社会?如何建立起正确的思维方式,以更好地认识自身、认识世界?如何处理好自己的情感,以更好地享受幸福…  相似文献   

我热爱教师这一职业,选择它,我无怨无悔。粉碎“四人帮”以后,百废待兴。小平同志在全国科学大会上的讲话极大地鼓舞了全国知识分子的热情,科学的春天来了,教育的春天来了,我就是在这暖暖的春天里走上教育岗位的。初上讲台是在暖泉农场最偏远的一所小学,当时这所小学有5个年级,17名学生,2间教室,2名教师。教师无办公桌椅,学生无课桌凳,桌子是队里用杨木板钉成,桌腿用砖砌成,凳子是学生从自家带来的。我教一、三、五年级,另一名教师教二、四年级。三个年级的学生同在一间教室上课,给低年级上课高年级学生不但把答案告诉…  相似文献   

This is our seventh column. Itis a delight to be able to sharethoughts with you. Let me begin with  相似文献   

We are what survives of us.Dear Friends, My past columns have concerned various aspects of life. This is because life is common to all of us. Life is what we experience every minute of every day. It may be hard for some to accept, but there is something else that we all share in common regardless(不管,不顾)of where we live or what we believe. Each of us is perishable(容易腐烂的).Our lives willterminate(停止,终结)in dying.  相似文献   

Old age gives us the privilege to explore, to innovate, to challenge.Dear Friends,This is our twelfth monthly column and the first-year anniversary of our conversation together in the pages of Overseas English. We call this a milestone in English. Is there a Chinese word for it?I would like to begin our column with one of my own poems.  相似文献   

Bob 《海外英语》2004,(4):2-4
Dear Friends,Many of you have written letters to me expressing your concerns over all the wars and violence that continue to exist in this world. I share your concerns. We are living on a very combustible(易燃的) planet.Instead of becoming obsolete(荒废的,遗弃的), wars seem to be as common as theyever were. We have written much about this formidable(可怕的,令人敬畏的)topic  相似文献   

Dear Friends,I recently learned that February 14th is celebrated inChina as qing ren jie.In America we call this Valentine’sDay and dedicate it to romantic love.Because of this I havebeen asked to devote this month’s column to Love.This is avery complicated subject,and not easy to write about.Thereare no experts.Terms are ambiguous,and there are wide cu-tural differences in our approach to the subject of Love.  相似文献   

Dear Friends,Giving advice is one of the most popular pastimes known to mankind. Everyone has some advice to give to everyone else. It is easier to give advice than it is to take advice. Most of us have been given more advice than we can possibly use.I am drawn to this topic because many of our readers ask me to give them advice on a variety(变化,多样性)of different prob-lems.This can be very flattering(讨人喜欢的), and I appreciate your willingness to ask me. I respond to your questions, and I feel free to give my opinions and my comments on any subject. These comments  相似文献   

Welcome to our eleventh column. It is said that when Confucius was asked what his first deed would be if he were to be made Emperor of China, he replied, "I would re-establish the precise meaning of words."Our lives are filled with words. These are the wordswe read, the words we speak, and the words we listen to or try not tolisten to.Words govern our lives.  相似文献   


While wandering through the recesses of history one occasionally stumbles upon relatively uncelebrated persons whose contributions to the quality of life and faith of a given population merit attention.  相似文献   

The conference did not, of course, attempt to arrive at a consensus upon neat answers to the questions raised. Any summary would be inadequate, outstanding impressions would include:

The violations of freedom of the mind inflicted by religion were frankly faced

Narrow and restrictive loyalties other than religious were also charged with violations

Complete freedom of the mind was seriously challenged as being humanly impossible

Commitment to high religion was commended as not incompatible with human freedom

The strengthening of positive religious conviction was urged as the essential foundation of a society in which freedom might endure  相似文献   

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