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本文在指出当前提高我院公共理论课教学质量的意义及面临种种困惑的基础上,探究了面临困惑的原因,阐述和剖析了当前学校、教师和学生具体变化对合堂授课存在的问题,从学校层面、教师层面和学生层面来努力提高我院公共教学质量的思路,这对于充分发挥高等学校公共理论课的作用具有重要的理论意义和现实意义.  相似文献   

本文以广东高校公共理论课教学实效性调查研究为基础,考察了当前高校公共理论课教学实效性的现状,剖析了当前高校公共理论课实效性缺乏的原因,提出了加强与改进高校公共理论课实效性的建议与措施。  相似文献   

网络的发展对高校思想政治教育重要载体的公共政治理论课教学和当代大学生产生日益深刻的影响,使高校公共政治理论课教学面临许多新情况和新问题,学生出现一些新特点.如何针对这些新问题和新特点,及时有效地对公共政治理论课教学进行改革和创新,运用网络这一现代化手段,拓展思想政治教育的空间和渠道,优化公共政治理论课的教学效果,更好地发挥网络为教学育人服务的作用,是当前教学面临的新课题.  相似文献   

当前思想政治理论课的主流意识形态教育面临种种挑战,应对挑战充分发挥主渠道作用,需要科学理解高校思想政治理论课的意识形态属性;增强主流意识形态的"整合力"提高"吸引力";创新教学模式与方法,提高教育实效性;加强队伍建设,构建一支具有坚定马克思主义信仰的教师队伍。  相似文献   

在当前文化多元并存的条件下,教师职业道德建设面临着种种困惑,本文从教师职业道德的重要性谈起,提出了建构教师职业道德的三种途径。  相似文献   

最近,中央对高校公共理论课教学和大学生思想教育工作作出一系列批示,给我们加强这两项工作指出了明确方向,提出了很高要求。我们应该认真地学习和贯彻。一、正确看待当前高校公共理论课教学和大学生思想教育工作1.正确认识对公共理论课的合理评价根据对广东省高校总体教学工作的调查,5%的高校公共理论课教师承担了13%的高校教学工作量;在高校的评教活动中,相当大一部分学校,评教得分最高的是公共理论课教师;在毕业生的跟踪调查中,46%的学生认为公共理论课教育教学对他们毕生影响最大,37%的学生认为专业基础课教育教学对他们毕生影响较大,27…  相似文献   

新形势下政治理论课教学面临诸多困惑。政治理论课教师必须适应形势的发展,与时俱进,勇于创新,不断改革教学方法,提高教学水平。  相似文献   

当前思想政治理论课教学实践中面临诸多问题,受到现实挑战,这些挑战既有来自学生与教师主客体层面的困惑,又有来自思想政治理论课传统教学模式的束缚和向现代教学模式转变的实际困难。从授课教师的角度对教学实践中遇到的这些问题进行深入分析并提出解决对策,是我们预期的目的。  相似文献   

针对当前博士生公共理论课"现代科技革命与当代社会"教学中面临的问题与挑战,提出了"与时俱进,发挥创新教育功能;内容新颖,反映时代特色;高效实用,符合研究生需要;形式多样,趣味性强"的教学改革指导思想,并从课程功能、课程内容、教学方式等方面进行了全方位的改革探索。  相似文献   

高职院校是人才培养的重要基地,通过思想政治理论课,能够更好地引导学生树立正确的世界观、人生观、价值观,进而为社会未来的发展培养出更多的高素质人才。基于此,主要阐述了新时代发展高职院校思想政治理论课的重要性,分析了当前高职院校思政课所面临的困惑与阻碍,进而针对相关问题提出了相应的策略,并探讨了高职院校思想政治理论课改革的创新路径,以供参考。  相似文献   

公共部门人力资源管理课程教学模式创新:困境与对策   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科学的公共部门人力资源管理课程教学模式可深化人才培养、推动学科建设、创造良好的社会效益。但目前我国公共部门人力资源管理课程教学模式还存在教学内容不合理、教学素材不健全、教学方法不先进、考核方式不科学等问题。因此,要创新公共部门人力资源管理课程教学模式,必须合理选定教材和拟定教学内容、开发多媒体教学素材库、改进教学方法、进行科学考核。  相似文献   

This paper describes an analysis of faculty grading patterns at a large public university. It introduces a methodology to both normalize and stabilize grade data by courses. Using this method, we report on grading patterns for over 1,000 teachers, giving more than 40,000 grades in approximately 2,000 courses. The findings indicate that the academic field of the course is strongly related to the types of grades assigned. Courses emphasizing quantitative and factual learning tend to have assigned lower grades. The higher grades are found in career-oriented courses, such as teacher training. This was shown in separate analyses for undergraduate and graduate courses. For undergraduate courses, lower grades were found in freshman and sophomore courses as compared with junior and senior courses. The academic credentials and personal characteristics of the teachers were only moderately related to grades. Temporary teachers had higher grades in their courses, but such personal characteristics as sex, marital, and minority status were not systematically related to grades given. There was a tendency in undergraduate courses that as class size increased, the proportion of higher grades decreased.  相似文献   

论大学本科层次小学教育专业的课程设置   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以系统的小学教育基础理论和实践课程为核心课程,以大学文化通识类课程为基础课程,以选修课程为支持学生自我发展的辅助课程,构建大学本科层次小学教育专业课程体系,有利于提高小学教育专业的学术水平,防止小学教育专业"双重标准"的出现,也符合当前小学教育对"研究型教师"的培养要求,使小学教师真正成为儿童教育专家.  相似文献   

本文结合当前学术界对普通高校行政管理专业实践教学理论研究的现状,针对经调研访谈所掌握的行政管理专业实践教学存在的共性问题,提出行政管理专业教育质量的提升需在科学合理的培养方案指导下,既多途径提高实践教学教师队伍素质,也需学生积极配合.  相似文献   

为了更好地促进高职院校公共基础课教师专业化发展,详细分析了当前公共基础课教师专业化发展过程中面临的尴尬窘境,阐述了教育信息化对教师专业化发展的影响,在教育信息化背景下,从教育行政、院校管理、教学单位和教师个体4个层面论述了促进高职院校公共基础课教师专业化发展策略.  相似文献   

对我校开设体育选项课的调查研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对湘南学院公共体育选项课教学实施前学生的认知态度、兴趣趋向性、项目的选择及师资队伍状况与发展方向等方面进行调查剖析,探究我院体育教学改革—选项课教学的可行性.结果表明:有73.1%的学生认为有必要开设体育选项课;学生的兴趣趋向依此为健身性、休闲娱乐性、健美性和竞技性;学生在项目选择上排行前三名的依此为羽毛球、篮球和健美操;教师队伍呈年轻化,年龄结构、职称结构合理,专业特点集中于球类、健美操.但高学历人才匮乏.  相似文献   

民族文化的传承问题在当今学术界引起了广泛关注,部分高校特别是民族地区高校开设了各种形式的民族文化传承班,取得了一定成果,同时也为我国的民族文化传承起到了较大的推动作用。但是,在传承班的办学过程中也现出了一些问题,影响了培养的初衷。本文以凯里学院音乐学院民族文化传承班为例,从课程设置的角度去探讨、分析存在的问题,并对民族文化班课程设置提出一些建议。  相似文献   

The main goal of this study is to show that the association between university entrance score and first-year students’ academic performance varies randomly across courses after controlling for students’ sociodemographic, schooling trajectory and motivational variables. The sample consists of 2697 first-year students who were enrolled in 54 courses at a Portuguese public university in 2015/16. Multilevel modelling of academic performance suggests that 34% of variability in grade point average is due to differences among courses and that 80% of such variability is explained by the field of study, whether the university is the student’s first choice, and the student’s gender, age and parents’ level of education. In addition, the results corroborate that the university entrance score is the strongest predictor of first-year academic performance.  相似文献   

Most public institutions offer some form of academic assistance to help their students adjust to the demands of college level learning tasks. Because these academic assistance efforts vary considerably, ranging from an emphasis on functional reading to an emphasis on strategic learning, it is important to describe these programs and their instructional methodologies and to review the pertinent research supporting them. After examining four critical issues confronting all academic assistance programs, the authors examined the goals, assessment procedures, salient features, and program evaluation methods of four prevalent program models: learning to learn courses, supplemental instruction, required programs for underprepared students, and integrated reading/writing courses. They concluded by outlining suggestions for future research and by listing specific questions that college students need to ask about the programs at their institutions.  相似文献   

This study investigates differences in academic engagement and retention between first-generation and non-first-generation undergraduate students. Utilizing the Student Experience in the Research University survey of 1864 first-year students at a large, public research university located in the United States, this study finds that first-generation students have lower academic engagement (as measured by the frequency with which students interacted with faculty, contributed to class discussions, brought up ideas from different courses during class discussions, and asked insightful questions in class) and lower retention as compared to non-first-generation students. Recommendations that higher education faculty can follow to promote the academic engagement and retention of first-generation students are addressed.  相似文献   

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