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Summary This article has presented a rationale for manpower planning and has explored the conceptual strengths and weaknesses of five of the commonly utilized strategies for approaching manpower planning. Just as disciplines, e.g., economics, sociology and political science, are not clearly discrete areas of inquiry but, in part, overlap one another, so also do the above cited strategies overlap and merge in thede facto arenas of application and analysis. The arbitrary identification of five approaches is intended here only as an initial taxonomy. Thus, this analysis was initiated within a spirit of inquiry and is intended not to reflect dogma, complacency, or premature judgment, but rather to present the application of social science principles to the resolution of immediate and pressing educational problems of transnational significance.
Methodische Ansätze der Arbeitskräfteplanung

Conceptions de la planification de la main-d'oeuvre

In developing countries, universities have been criticised on many grounds: excessive capital and recurrent costs, grave social opportunity costs, forms of regressive taxation, social divisiveness, failure to produce the right kind of manpower to promote social and economic development, failure to advance science and technology. Despite these charges, university enrolments continue to expand.The main explanation seems to be the assumption that there is no alternative to the university as the sole effective producer of high level manpower, whether through directly professional studies or through courses in the social sciences and humanities. This article questions the pedagogical bases of both forms of study as preparations of manpower for employment. Pre-career professional studies appear to be an unsatisfactory compromise between the traditional idea of a university and the particular needs of professional apprenticeship. With the social sciences and humanities, the transferability of disciplinary skills to forms of employment only tangentially related to them appears uncertain.Although the function of manpower development may be inappropriate to the universities, it in fact dominates their existence and underdevelops their other roles as centres of research, scholarship and cultural development. Indeed, universities seem to be losing these distinguishing characteristics to special institutes, which devote themselves primarily to research and only at will to teaching. By undertaking to do what they can only do badly and consequently failing to do what they might do well, universities in developing countries may constitute frauds upon their peoples.  相似文献   

From test and interview data obtained during an investigation into Grade 10 students' conceptions of algebraic generalisation and justification, we have extracted evidence of the extent to which these students have coordinated the worlds of arithmetic and algebra, and can move freely between them. The data show more dissociation than we expected, even among students who were successful at standard algebraic tasks. Conceiving algebra as generalised arithmetic may obscure the many genuine obstacles that the learner has to overcome in moving from fluent performance in arithmetic to fluent performance in algebra while achieving and maintaining a smooth coordination of both modes of action.  相似文献   

There is general agreement among economists and others that one of the most powerful forces influencing the American economy is technological change-the advance in knowledge relative to the industrial arts [that] permits … new methods of production, new designs for existing products, and entirely new products and services (Mansfield 1968, p. 1).  相似文献   

合理配置人力资源,建立现代国企人力资源管理模式,实现企业利润的最大化。 国有企业由于计划经济时代承担了太多的社会功能,吸纳了很多人员,随着国家经济体制的转轨,这些负担沉重的国企必须卸下包袱,轻装上阵,这除了需要国家构建社会保障体系以保障国  相似文献   

人力资源的问题需要综合解决之道 我们习惯上把人力资源工作分成:招聘、培训、薪酬、绩效等各种职能部分,针对不同的职能采用相应的办法来解决人力资源遇到的问题。于是人力资源管理工作也常  相似文献   

人力资源是存在于人身上的社会财富的创造力,亦是人类用于生产产品或提供服务的体力、技能和知识的综合反映。现代人力资源管理是一种专业性很强的管理工作,这一部分的主要责任是建立有关制度并提供咨询,以达到协助或代行各层次直线管理人员的管理任务,具体的职能一是对整个企业人力资源的开发进行规划;二是为企业招募优  相似文献   

大多数欧美大公司内部除CEO外,财务总监(CFO)为最大的实权人物。公司任何重大决策都少不了财务总监的参与。财务总监的重要性也体现在薪金上,据统计资料显示,美国财务总监的平均年薪是25万美元。财务总监位置历来被其他总监所觊觎,然而财务总监永远是一人之下,万人之上。其中奥妙,实在可以为公司上层人物或有志进入大公司领导层的人所借鉴。从职责范围来说,财务总监的工作既有广泛性又具战略性。美国 CFO 杂志的一项调查指出,CFO 不但主管企业  相似文献   

为了迎接越来越激烈的市场竞争,企业改组、裁员、组织变革等做法已成为管理中的固定内容。很多员工想跟上这些变化,但由于工作要求更高,感到力不从心。他们往往疲于应付,对工作失去满足感和成就感,担心收入是否有保障,不再感到自己的贡献有意义。  相似文献   

人力资本权益确立的基础研究 从经济学角度来看: 劳动稀缺理论决定人力资本所有者可以拥有企业的剩余索取权。在社会的演进与经济的漫长发展过程中,企业的发展一无新的物力资本资源进入,二无新的可利用的自然资源出现时,即物力资本的作用力越来越少时,企业经济增长的源动力只有劳  相似文献   

老子是中国古代一位伟大的思想家,其主要思想集中反映在《道德经》一书。老子言:"执古之道,以御今之有。"意即:明古之理,可治今之事。现代企业人力资源管理者,既可参透老子学说,以察其对  相似文献   

毛建青 《教育科学》2007,23(1):64-67
要实现人力需求预测在教育规划中的准确应用,最为关键的环节在于如何将对未来职业的需求转化为对各级各类教育水平的人才的需求。这是一个非常困难但是可以完成的任务。转换的方法可以包括趋势外推法、国际比较法以及雇主访谈法等。  相似文献   

Since its inception in 1969, the Kent State University Applied M.A. Sociology Program has produced seventy-six graduates. A case analysis was made of the mode of operations that guided the applied training. From an analysis of responses by sixty-eight graduates, the student outcomes of this model were used to evaluate the seven educational objectives that underlie the model.Sixty-eight graduates responded to a survey on their career development since obtaining their M.A.'s. Only one graduate was found employed outside her field. Although four students went on to obtain Ph.D.'s in sociology and pursue careers as practicing sociologists, the overwhelming majority of graduates applied their sociological training in human service jobs as human service practitioners.Eleven years of operation demonstrated that an applied M.A. program could be successfully developed within a traditional sociology department without extra cost to the university.  相似文献   

The effective use of writing in science instruction may open the way for students to grow in their ability to exercise higher order thinking skills (Bland & Koppel, 1988). Scinto (1986) makes a compelling case for writing as a means of stimulating thinking when he states: The production of written text demands more elaborate strategies of preplanning. Written language demands the conscious organization of ensembles of propositions to achieve its end. The need to manipulate linguistic means in such a conscious and deliberate fashion entails a level of linguistic self-reflection not called forth in oral discourse (p. 101).  相似文献   

流程再造:人力资源管理新问题   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
据统计70%的BDR项目五年后归于失败,哈默教授认为,失败的原因是忽视了人。当企业的工作流程和组织结构进行重新设计之后,员工难以迅速适应,如果员工把这种不适应性带到新的工作环境中去,必然会阻碍再造目标的实现。流程再造给企业的人力资源体系带来的新问题:  相似文献   

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