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Ⅰ.单项选择 1.Ithink the bestway to learn English isby it. A.speaking B.using C.writing 2. W hy don’t you an English Language club to practice speakingEnglish. A.go B.join C.start 3.The good newsm ade us . A.singand dance B.to sing and dance C.singing and dancing 4.--W hat are you terrified ? --Oh,nothing. A.on B.in C.of 5.M y uncle a worker,but now he in an office. A.is, was B.used to ,isworking C.used to be, works 6. used to a tractorin ourvillage. A.There,be B.There ,have C.It,b…  相似文献   

1.Mr Smith____,but now he doesn’t. A.is used to smoking B.was used to smoking c.used to smoking D.used to smoke分析:be used to中的“to”是介词,后面不能接动词原形,只能接名词或动名词,构成“be used to sth/doing sth”结构,意思是“习惯于某事或做某事”,时态的变化体现在动词be上面,而used to后接动词原形,表示“过去常做某事”隐含着与现在的对比,现在已发生变化,它只用于过去时态。  相似文献   

I am preparing for a busy semester,be-cause I am going to take the College EntranceExamination,and I am worried about myclasses.My teacher told me that I would beknocked out next year if I don’t work hard.The words were a great blow to my family aswell as myself. I used to be a good student,and my par-ents were proud of me.But now,I have been  相似文献   

二、语言基础知识和阅读能力测试部分 (一)选择正确答案1、He_____ head of a company but heis retired now.A、uses to be B、used to beingC、used to be D、was used to be2、My grandmother,______is 92,isStill very healthy.A、that B、which  相似文献   

英语中used to...,be used to...,be usedto do...,be used for/as...等用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下:1.used to do sthused to只有过去式,可用于各种人称的单、复数,表示过去存在的但现在已经停止的情况或习惯,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐公共汽车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河以前是干净的。The old m an used to get up early.那位老人过去起床很早。used to的否定句常用didn’t use to或used not to;疑问句常用D id...use to...?或U sed(you)to...?。例如:H e…  相似文献   

The message of President Bush’s corporate responsibilityspeech is that there should be severe consequences toillegal actions.To paraphrase the first President Bush,this fraudulent1 corporate aggression will not stand.The harder part for the President now will be to convinceinvestors and employees that he will take the necessary actionsto back up those words.  相似文献   

Shaoshan,being the birthplace of Chairman Mao Zedong,is a famoustourist attraction.The Shao River,which runs through Shaoshan,used to bea beautiful river with lots of fish swimming in its clear water,but now it is nolonger what it used to be.Every morning when I walk Mong its bank,I can  相似文献   

used to...,be used to...,be used to do...,be used for/as...等词组形似且用法容易混淆,为了帮助同学们分辨它们的用法,现小结如下。1.used to do sthused to表示“过去常常……”、“过去惯常……”,指过去有但现在已经不存在的情况或习惯,可与各种人称的单、复数形式连用,后接动词原形。例如:H e used to go hom e by bus.他过去常常坐车回家。The river used to be clean.这条河过去是干净的。used to的否定句常用didn’t use(d)to,used not to或use(d)n’t to形式,疑问句常用D id sb use(d)to...?或U sed sb to...?形式。例如:H e …  相似文献   

一、单词拼写根据句子的意思和所给的首字母,写出单词,使句子意思完整、通顺。1.M y grandfather u to be a Chineseteacher,but now he is a m ath teacher.2.I’m a I can’t help you.I’mreally busy now.3.O ur school has changed a lot in thep few years.4.I m iss m y best friend Linda.She hasm to another city.5.They used to c w ith their friendson the Internet.6.H is voice s like the singing ofbirds.7.D o you m m y being late forschool,M r.Li?8.M y parents don’t a m e to go outalone at night.9.—H o…  相似文献   

1.——Have you met Mr Smith here this morning? —————No.He at home. A.must have stayed B.must be staying C.might have stayed D.must be arriving2.——It is five years since we lived here. —— ’ .●______________一● A.Have you lived here happily B.How long will you live here C.Where do you live now D.Do you want to live here longer3.——Is the boy often late for class? ——N0.though he . A.was often B.used to C.used to be D.was used to4.——YOH never talk in class.do you?——Yes…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.I think the best way to learn more English isto learn by______English.A.speaking B.writingC.saying D.using2.I used to______basketball,but now I getused to______football.A.play;play B.playing;to playC.play;playing D.playing;playing3.—Are you serious or kidding?—I’m really serious______my study thistime.A.about B.with C.in D.at4.We are allowed_______part-time jobsafter school.A.having B.to haveC.had D.to having5.I’ll be late home,but please don’t______for me.You’d b…  相似文献   

【考点1】Mario,you used to bc short, didn‘t you?(p.10)【直击中考】1.Mr Smith___a super surfer.But now he is too old to go surfing.(2005太原) A.has given up B.is good at C.used to be 2.梅医生过去是个护士。Doctor Mei____to be a______.(2004湘潭)【解析】1.选C 2.填used;nurse。used to意为“过去常常”,后面接动词原形。  相似文献   

The United States Energy Department has approved building a huge nuclear waste burial center at Yucca Mountain in the state of Nevada (内华达州), The nuclear waste dump(堆存处) would be used to bury about seventy-thousand tons of nuclear waste material. The material includes used nuclear fuel from power centers and waste from the production of nuclear weapons, The waste is now stored at power centers around the  相似文献   

正A The battle for the leadership of Britain’s Labor Party ended on September 25.Five candidates competed for the top job,but it turned out to be a tale of two brothers.Victory went to Ed Miliband,40,with his elder brother David,45,coming a close second.Ed Miliband’s job will now be to try to lead his party back into power and oppose Prime Minister David Cameron.  相似文献   

While the kinematics of the parallel manipulatorhas been studied extensively during the past two dec-ades, more and more papers can be found on the dy-namics of the parallel manipulators now[1—7]. The dy-namics of robotcan be used forthe simulation, controland optimization. It plays an important role inachieving high-speed performance. There are twotypes of dynamical problems for the parallel robot: di-rect dynamics and inverse dynamics. The direct dy-namical problem is to find the response v…  相似文献   

一、重点单词1.accustomed adj.通常的,习惯的,按照风俗习惯的例1 Her accustomed smile makes her popular in the company.她惯常的微笑使她在公司很受欢迎。[拓展]be/become accustomed to=be used to习惯于某事例2 The little boy is accustomed to hard work at his stepmother's home.在继母家里小男孩已习惯了干累活。例3 I'm not accustomed to getting up so early to do morning exercise.我不习惯这么早起床进行晨练。[考题例析]The family moved to the south from the north years ago,and now they are to hot and wet weather.  相似文献   

1 Introduction a Employee stock options (ESOs) are the most important compensation vehicle used by companies to retain and motivate their employees. The increased popularity can be attributed to the perceived alignment of employees’ interests with those …  相似文献   

1.他过去经常上学迟到,对吗? 误:He used to be late for school,used not tohe? 正:He used to be late for school,usedn’the? 正:He used to be late for school,didn’t he? 析:used to在此是一个固定结构,意思是“过去常常”,其反意疑问句有两种形式:即usedn’t…和  相似文献   

A Report on Pandas Do you know how many pandas there are in the world? The WorldWildlife Fund (WWF世界野生动物基金会 ) has spent four years in counting pandas in the world. It says there are 1,590 now. In the 1980s there used to be only 1,100.  相似文献   

Like styles in clothing,methods of teaching English seem to go in and out of fashion.There used to be the grammar-translation method.Sometimes it’s "fashionable" to focus on grammar.Sometimes teachers and textbooks focus on communication,instead.Students who thrive using one method are out of luck if a different method is used in their class.This paper reports on a teaching method on improving Chinese-speaking EFL learners’ English by means of composition-writing.The method is used with a view to boosting the learners’ confidence in their ability to learn English.  相似文献   

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