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The increase of part-time adult students in Ed.D. programs calls into question the effectiveness and feasibility of the traditional, full-time residency. Adult education concepts provide a basis for designing an alternative residency which offers a quality academic and socialization experience. The Syracuse University alternative residency for the Ed.D. in Adult Education provides a model which can be adapted to other institutions and programs.Prior to joining the SU faculty, she had extensive experience as a postsecondary continuing education administrator. For almost three years she has been the Alternative Residency advisor for the Program's Ed.D. students.  相似文献   

我国教育博士专业学位研究生招生工作的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从2010年开始,北京大学等15所研究生培养单位将开始教育博士专业学位(Ed.D.)试点招生工作.对于我国来说,这是一个新型的博士学位.在研究了15个试点高校的招生简章、相关招生政策、文件及结合招生工作经验的基础上,提出我国教育博士专业学位招生工作中突出的几个问题:招生指标调控过紧、招生领域如何逐渐开放以及与教育硕士招生领域的衔接、招生对象和报考条件不明确、入学外语水平考试如何把握、招生宣传的重点、招生与培养目标的一致性.认为教育博士专业学位的招生需要结合培养目标、社会需求和学校发展来进行.  相似文献   

The University of Florida offers an online professional practice Ed.D. focused on Educational Technology. Twenty-three students have completed professional practice dissertations and graduated since the program’s inception in 2008. The purpose of this article is to share what these dissertations have looked like and to begin a dialogue about professional practice dissertations completed in online educational technology programs. Specifically, we (1) provide an overview of different ways professional practice Ed.D. dissertations are structured, (2) share guiding principles for professional practice dissertations in our Ed.D. program, (3) analyze the ways in which these guiding principles played out in the dissertations and (4) discuss the implications of our analysis for our program and for other online professional practice programs in Educational Technology.  相似文献   

This brief article details the provisions of United States Public Law 99‐457 which authorizes early intervention services for handicapped infants, toddlers and preschoolers and their families, which are to be implemented by the 1990‐91 school year.  相似文献   

The Ph.D. versus the Ed.D.: Time for a decision   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In this study, U.S. institutions that offer doctoral programs in education were surveyed and institutional catalogues of the past decade were reviewed to determine trends regarding the Ph.D. versus the Ed.D. Results of the study showed that (a) there is no clear institutional movement toward one degree title or the other; (b) research universities are increasingly reluctant and comprehensive colleges and universities are increasingly likely to offer the Ed.D. as their only doctoral degree title, and (c) requirements for the two doctoral titles are remarkably similar, including competencies in research and statistics. Findings are discussed in relation to three common positions of those who favor the Ed.D. over the Ph.D.: (a) the professional school argument, (b) the unification argument, and (c) the autonomy argument. The article concludes with a call for increased national dialogue to strengthen the education profession by reducing confusion between its two doctoral degree titles.Russell T. Osguthorpe, Associate Dean of Brigham Young University's College of Education, has done research in special education, instructional design and technology, and teacher education. He is presently responsible for graduate programs, research, and technology in the College. Dr. Osguthorpe received his education at Brigham Young University. Mei Jiuan Wong, a doctoral candidate in the Department of Instructional Science, Brigham Young University, has done research on instructional design and technology and teacher education. She is currently completing her dissertation on decision making in instructional design.  相似文献   

对国外教育博士发展历史,以及教育博士与哲学博士区别的研究,显示实践性是教育博士的显著特征。重视大学与工作场所和职业之间的联系,重视提升学生对职业实践问题的理论反思、研究能力与问题解决能力,是教育博士研究生培养的重要特色。通过问卷和访谈调查我国教育博士研究生培养状况,结果发现当前教育博士研究生在专业理论知识和研究方法教育上表现良好,但在科研实践能力和职业实践能力训练上比较薄弱,教育博士研究生培养表现出一定的学术化倾向。  相似文献   

While it is conventional and comfortable to start professional performance improvement with analysis, doing so might make us wrong about 80% to 90% of the time. Analysis and cure, using Harless's (1975) immortal insight, are vital, but starting there is problematic. First do an assessment to justify where the organization is headed (and why go there) and then analysis and cure will be powerful.  相似文献   

教育博士专业学位在我国刚刚起步,亟需国外先进经验的借鉴与指导.本文在了解我国教育博士专业学位现状的基础上,从培养目标、招生对象、培养方式、课程设置、毕业要求等方面分析了国外教育博士专业学位教育对我国的启示,并对我国教育博士专业学位教育的未来发展进行了展望.  相似文献   

关于教育博士(Ed.D.)培养方案的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ed.D.是专业式教育博士(Professional Doctorate in Education)的缩写,是教育领域中的一种高级专业学位,旨在培养教育领域"研究型的专业人员"。该学位兼具实践性和高水平理论运用的两大特征,这两大特征要求教育博士的培养目标必须以实务为基本取向,努力培养学生丰富的理论底蕴、广阔的实践视野、独立的研究能力和扎实的专业技能。为保证这一目标的达成,教育博士的培养制度需要具备一定的灵活性,课程设置必须以实践问题为中心,开展有价值的"问题研讨课程",同时采用互动、参与的教学方式,充分调动学生的积极性,发挥学生的实践智慧。  相似文献   

分析了美国教育博士学位论文改革的动因,介绍了近年来美国一些大学改革传统教育博士学位论文形式,推出“行动研究博士论文”、“小组合作研究博士论文”、“论文包”等新的替代形式的实践探索。认为美国高校对教育博士学位论文的改革促进了教育博士专业学位教育特色化发展,同时也为其他国家的相关改革提供了借鉴。  相似文献   

美国“教育博士”培养的实践、问题与挑战   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国教育博士培养经过80多年的发展,不断修正、完善自身的培养方案,形成了符合本国国情的培养系统。但是,由于教育博士质量标准参差不齐,以及在学位属性和培养方式等方面表现趋同化,引起国内关于教育博士学位的争论不断。面对挑战与危机,美国一些大学教育博士项目不断改进,突破了传统哲学博士的模式,提高了教育博士的价值和意义。其实践、问题与挑战对我国教育博士的培养具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Ten graduates and 3 ABD (all but dissertation) students in Lamar University's doctoral program in deaf studies/deaf education were surveyed about their perceptions of the benefits of earning a doctorate of education (Ed.D.) in their field. The program comprised course work on current content information on deaf education, an educational research component, a cognate area, and electives. As part of the program, researchers and scholars in areas related to deaf education were invited to campus to consult with doctoral students. Graduates found jobs at universities, community colleges, and departments of special education. Graduates ranked program components on the basis of perceived value; they rank-ordered the courses on the basis of their value to them in their current work. Graduates also commented on how the program enhanced their professional growth.  相似文献   

对美国关于教育博士的争论的焦点实质与根源进行分析。认为争论只是表象,争论的焦点反映了理论与实践之间的张力,争论的实质是高等教育目的与功能的分合,争论的根源是质量观与文化观的差异,争论本身反映了美国文化和民族精神。争论有助于维护教育博士专业学位的本质及符合其自身规律的发展。  相似文献   

In this article we present an overview of a recently launched cohort-based Ed.D. program that prepares participants to conduct group dissertations. The program, a hybrid model of online learning activities and monthly face-to-face class sessions, is delivered through a partnership between a university’s college of education and the administrative office of a statewide system of community and technical colleges. Discussion begins with a review of the pedagogical rationale that informed program design and instructional practices, followed by a presentation of key program elements tracing the development of the cohort through an innovative, collaborative dissertation process still in progress.  相似文献   

在探讨教育博士论文包实施背景和概念内涵的基础上,选取澳大利亚新英格兰大学、美国华盛顿大学的两位教育博士的论文包为个案,具体分析了教育博士论文包的结构和实施策略,并总结了教育博士论文包模式实施的成效和问题。认为教育博士论文包模式实施的成功与否最终取决于改革者能否“在传统博士教育与专业学位教育之间维系平衡”。  相似文献   

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