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In his article “Principled Practical Knowledge: Not a Bridge but a Ladder,” Carl Bereiter (2014) argues that theoretical knowledge is too shallow to support the generation of innovative learning activities. He makes a case for principled practical knowledge (PPK)—“principled know-how and know-why”—to fulfill this practical generative role. We argue and illustrate in this commentary that PPK as portrayed by Bereiter does not offer much practical guidance for 2 potential users: professional designers and teachers. For professional designers PPK should be further specified in order to fulfill its generative role. But even this enriched form of PPK still does not suffice to address the challenging issues of practicality teachers face. We explain the magnitude and dimensions that underlie practicality in the everyday work of teachers and suggest how recent work on fast and frugal heuristics can contribute to helping teachers to make instructional innovations practical.  相似文献   

信息与信息系统安全是未来社会发展的重中之重,建立信息安全保障体系,就成为各个行业、各个企业发展信息化必要的战略措施。  相似文献   

郑文曦  吴敏 《现代教育技术》2011,21(4):148-150,101
文章分析了基于开源平台建设高校就业信息系统的优势。通过比较各种开源软件,提出了一套开源平台解决方案,并以某高校就业信息系统为例,阐述了基于开源平台构建高校就业信息系统的设计和实现过程,对构建其他类似的中小型信息系统具有一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

文章根据国家信息化发展战略和教育信息化需求,结合高校的信息安全形式和信息安全教育现状,提出高校应该加强信息安全教育的观点。按照不同的专业需求,将高校学生分为三个层次,从信息安全基础知识、密码学基础与应用、信息系统安全基础、网络安全技术基础四个方面探索信息安全教育的知识体系。将高校的信息安全教育工作制度化、规范化,有助于提高高校的信息安全素养,推进整个国家的信息化进程。  相似文献   

计算机已经是人们工作、生活中必不可少的工具,其涉及到个人、企业、政府等的大量重要信息,计算机数据的安全已经牵动到每个人的神经,关系到个人隐私、企业专利甚至国家存亡.如何保证独立计算机数据的安全和网络计算机的数据安全仍然是一个热门的话题.本文主要针对计算机的对外信息交换接口可能对计算机信息安全构成的威胁进行分析,重点研究了计算机网络安全性、计算机移动存储介质安全性、计算机所处环境安全性的分析上,深入探讨其各自的特点,并提出了相应的安全防范应对措施.  相似文献   

The purpose of the foregoing articles is to consider a specific approach to education: a systems approach. A school system consists basically of a collection of individuals connected together through the community. The system may be the entire school, the common room, one class, one class plus its teacher, one pupil plus one teacher, etc. The number and types of systems within a school are many, and because education deals with the brains and minds of individuals, it is dealing with the complex probabilistic system in every person and their complex probabilistic inter-relations. It is an environment in which control is apparent, and, therefore, well suited to a cybernetic study using a systems approach.  相似文献   

Theories of learning and teaching have tended in the past to have been derived top‐down, from existing theory. It is increasingly recognised today that such a strategy oversimplifies a complex reality, in which there is a great deal of mutual interaction. One way of handling the situation is to derive contextualised theories, such as phenomenography. Such theories are however part of a more general model based on systems theory, in which all parts of the teaching‐learning context are seen as seeking equilibrium. A “system” may exist at several levels: The student, the classroom, the institution, the community. The task of teacher and of staff developer is to achieve those good teaching practices that are viable within the existing matrix of systems and subsystems. Implications in such areas as improving teaching and assessment, using questionnaires for assessing teaching, training in study skills, and conducting research, are discussed.  相似文献   

含空值决策表的分析一直是智能信息处理领域的一个难点,讨论基于赋值容差关系的数据不完全的信息系统中数据处理方法,并用实例说明不完全决策表中属性约简和决策规则的发现方法。  相似文献   

When we think of conducting analyses with a performance view, we commonly lean toward tools like front end analysis, needs assessment, performance analysis, and several variations. Usually, this starts because of a performance problem or because of an anticipated new performance. What about existing training? We look to training evaluation in its various levels to determine whether people like it, learn from it, transfer it, and whether the organization is benefiting from it. This paper describes a scenario where existing training was occurring, people suspected it could be more efficient, and yet the individuals' performance was for the most part satisfactory. We wanted to determine where the training could be made more efficient, determine if there were other barriers to performance, and do this with valid and reliable data from a large workforce. The Coast Guard's Performance Technology Center was in its infancy and was given the permission to try out alternative methods of conducting its work. This article describes the lessons learned about the process, about the technologies employed, and even the logistics of carrying out a rather large‐scale effort in minimal time.  相似文献   

语用预设具有单向性、主观性和隐蔽性等特点,在传递广告信息中发挥着重要作用。合理、巧妙地使用语用预设,能够使广告信息更加含蓄化;能够扩大广告信息含量;能够凸显广告的焦点信息。  相似文献   

高校财务管理信息化在向着消除"信息孤岛"、逐步实现财务子系统之间贯通、实现对外公众服务,以及接受上级主管部门实时监控的方向发展。围绕这些新业务的安全需求,针对以往高校财务内网里独立运行的财会核算系统,发展到了通过校园网、互联网有机联系的各专项业务、网上缴费、网上预约报销、财会核算、银企直连、资金监控等多系统联动,对系统中的信息安全隐患进行了分析,依据"技管并重"的思路,提出了一体化的高校财务信息系统的信息安全纵深防御及安全管控防护体系,并对如何具体实施该纵深防御及安全管控防护体系的信息安全保障体系给出了一些步骤和建议。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT Three leadership styles are frequently discussed in the literature today: transactional, transformational, and most recently—transcendental. Managers may be able to put transactional, transformational, and transcendental leadership style theories into practice without inventing a new set of processes and procedures to achieve individual follower optimal performance and effect positive change and optimal individual performance within an organization. The management activities of coaching, counseling, and mentoring are articulating activities for transactional, transformational, and/or transcendental leadership styles.  相似文献   

While the call for interdisciplinary studies has been loud and clear over the last decade or so, the number of interdisciplinary publications in sport sciences is rather limited. One of the reasons for this scarcity is the complexity of the research process itself. Still, the combination and integration of information from different scientific disciplines seems to be important to better explain how elite performance comes about. In this article, we focus on this issue and discuss the advantages of interdisciplinary research for understanding how elite athletes are able to achieve such high-proficiency levels. The first section provides an overview of the studies that investigated elite performance in sports. In the second section, we focus on the issue of interdisciplinarity and illustrate how the ecological–dynamical approach and the concept of dimensional reduction can be used to explain how elite performers cope with the complex nature of sport skills. In the last section, we present a research outline and some practical considerations that can be helpful for researchers who aim to study sport skills from an interdisciplinary perspective.  相似文献   

In this article, we describe the Interstate School Leaders Licensure Consortium (ISLLC), as well as its intellectual ground and reform efforts. We begin by examining the foundations that provide shape to the ISLLC standards. We review new visions of learning and teaching, changing conceptions of organizations, and reconfigured relationships between schools and their communities. We also analyze the evolving context of schooling, focusing on movements underway in the economic, social, and political domains of the education industry. The middle part of the article reviews the picture of educational leadership that informs the work of the consortium. In the final section, we describe the principles and core tenets that provide the architecture for the standards and outline the standards themselves. We also chronicle how the ISLLC standards are being used to strengthen educational leadership throughout the United States.  相似文献   

As the time at our disposal is short, we shall confine this talk to describing a short research conducted by the English team at the “Centre Audio-visuel” of the ENS at Saint-Cloud.  相似文献   

Thinking in Levels: A Dynamic Systems Approach to Making Sense of the World   总被引:1,自引:4,他引:1  
The concept of emergent "levels" (i.e., levels that arise from interactions of objects at lower levels) is fundamental to scientific theory. In this paper, we argue for an expanded role for this concept of levels in science education. We show confusion of levels (and "slippage" between levels) as the source of many of people's deep misunderstandings about patterns and phenomena in the world. These misunderstandings are evidenced not only in students' difficulties in the formal study of science but also in their misconceptions about experiences in their everyday lives. The StarLogo modeling language is designed as a medium for students to build models of multi-leveled phenomena and through these constructions explore the concept of levels. We describe several case studies of students working in StarLogo. The cases illustrate students' difficulties with the concept of levels, and how they can begin to develop richer understandings.  相似文献   

税收管理信息化是加强税收征管、实现依法治税的重要措施,也是降低税收成本和提高征管效率的技术保障。随着我国税收信息化的快速发展,税收信息化建设中的信息安全问题日益凸显,它已成为制约我国税收现代化的瓶颈,因此,解决税收信息化建设中的信息安全问题迫在眉睫。问题的关键是应从信息状态安全、信息转移安全和安全管理制度三个方面对税收信息化建设中的信息安全进行研究,找出服务器安全、操作系统安全、数据库安全的信息状态安全的应对策略;防火墙技术、信息加密技术、信息认证技术、防病毒技术的信息转移安全对策以及建立一套健全的安全管理制度的措施等。  相似文献   

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