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A summarization task was used to study whether headings influence readers' representations of the topic structure of a text. College students (Experiments 1-3) and sixth- and eighth-graders (Experiment 3) summarized a multiple topic text that (a) included headings introducing every new subtopic, (b) included headings introducing half of the new subtopics, or (c) included no headings. In all experiments, topics were more likely to be included in a summary if they were signaled than if they were not signaled. This effect was magnified when the text was only half signaled: Signaled topics were more likely to appear in a summary if only half the text topics were signaled than if all of the topics were signaled; however, unsignaled topics were less likely to appear in a summary if half of the text topics were signaled than if none of the text topics were signaled. The findings demonstrate that readers rely heavily on headings in a task that emphasizes attention to a text's topic structure. It is suggested that previously observed signaling effects on text recall are mediated by effects on how readers represent a text's topic structure. Copyright 2001 Academic Press.  相似文献   

The authors examined whether relevance instructions compensate for differences in verbal ability on measures of reading time, text recall, and sentence recognition. College students (n = 81) with higher and lower verbal ability were assigned randomly to 1 of 2 relevance-instruction conditions before reading a text. They asked participants in each condition to focus on different categories of information within the same text. Relevant information took longer to read and was recalled and recognized better than nonrelevant information. Readers with higher verbal ability read faster and recalled and recognized more information correctly than did those readers with lower verbal ability. Results support the noncompensatory hypothesis, which states that relevance instructions and verbal ability make independent contributions to resource allocation and learning. Readers with lower verbal ability may need additional support even when given prereading relevance instructions.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to investigate the role of regulation and processing strategies in understanding science text. A total of 91 student teachers answered open-ended questions concerning photosynthesis before and after reading either a traditional or a refutational science text. After this, they also answered parts of the Inventory of Learning Styles. Understanding of photosynthesis increased after the text reading among all the students. However, deep and independent learners reached a better understanding than reproductive and support-dependent students. The refutational text seemed to promote understanding more than the traditional text. The study supports the assumption that personal characteristics play a role in learning complex scientific concepts. Further, refutational texts seem to facilitate high quality learning.  相似文献   

连贯是语篇构建的重要原则之一,也是语篇的一个重要特征,因而是语篇翻译中需要考虑的一个首要因素.而英汉语分属不同的语系,二者在语篇的连贯方法上有着显著的差异.本文对比分析了美汉语在句群、段落、段际以及整个篇章的连贯手段上的差异,并结合典型翻译材料,论述了译者在英汉/汉英翻译时策略的运用.  相似文献   

文本阅读中时间信息的加工及其对文本理解的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
总结了当今阅读心理研究领域关于文本理解中时间信息的加工及其对文本理解影响的研究。  相似文献   

Relevance and Goal-Focusing in Text Processing   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews the role of relevance in text processing. It argues that relevance instructions provided by instructors and texts help readers identify text segments that are germane to a reading goal. A taxonomy of relevance instructions is presented and four basic types of relevance manipulations are considered (i.e., targeted segments, elaborative interrogation, perspective, and purpose). This article also describes a four-stage goal-focusing model to explain how relevance affects attention allocation and text understanding. Directions for future research and educational implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

崔金凤  高华 《培训与研究》2010,(11):108-110
20世纪60年代以来,随着认知心理学和心理语言学的发展,文本阅读过程模式先后经历了早期的自下而上、自上而下和相互作用模式.随着实时研究技术的发展,在对文本阅读中的动态的加工过程和静态的表征深入探索的基础上,先后在对建构主义模式、基于记忆的文本加工模式和建构整合模式的争议和探讨中逐渐形成了文本阅读的双加工模式和风景模型.  相似文献   

群文阅读是通向“会读书”的重要路径之一,其价值在于思考。运用思维策略可以极大地改善学生的阅读实践,发展思考能力,提升思维品质。群文阅读常用的思维策略有信息辨识提取、比较分类、推理分析、整合诠释、评价反思等。  相似文献   

在日本女作家吉本芭娜娜的小说《厨房》中,作为变性人存在的惠理子不仅具有主题思想等内容方面的意义,还担当着一定的叙事使命:她的出现有效地促成了小说结构点的形成,使“隐含作者”得以完满实现,并以其行动与小说叙事节奏之间达成了巧妙的共振。  相似文献   

本文从系统功能语言学视角深入分析了文学语篇的多重结构和动态交际过程,该过程涉及作者、隐合作者、叙述者、角色、读者、隐含读者、听述者等。根据文学语篇的这种特有交流特征,作者提出了相应的翻译操作策略。  相似文献   

韩志伟  张奇 《教育科学》2002,18(2):50-53
到目前为止,在研究领域已经大致掌握了儿童记忆策略发展的规律,也总结出了一系列有价值的记忆策略,而结合具体任务,可以直接用于指导教育教学实际的记忆策略却并不多见。为此,本研究在已有的基本记忆策略基础上,提出三种综合性记忆策略,即概要试忆策略、全方位整零结合记忆策略和合理复习策略,旨地探讨可供借鉴的有价值的课文记忆策略服务于语文教学。实验在小学五年级学生中进行。实验结果显示,三种综合性记忆策略应用于小学语文课文记忆中均很有效。  相似文献   

本研究采用2(语篇难度)×3(文章标记类型)的实验设计,研究了文章标记对英语语篇信息理解与保持的影响。结果表明:(1)文章标记对英语语篇信息理解和保持主效应显著;(2)文章标记与英语语篇难度之间存在显著的交互作用。英语语篇容易时。标记效应不显著;英语语篇较难时,标记效应显著;(3)当阅读材料较难时,全标记条件下,被试在英语语篇信息理解和保持方面得分最高;无标记次之;半标记最低。本研究同时也给出了一些英语阅读教学启示。  相似文献   

Backman, J., Lundberg, I., Nilsson, L.‐G. & Ohlsson, K. 1984. Reading Skill and the Processing of Text Structure. Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research 29, 113‐128. Oral reading speed, free recall and summarization of narrative stories presented on videotex were studied as a function of reading skill, text structure and physical factors such as paragraphing and color cueing of clauses on various levels of importance. A total of 144 subjects (13‐14 years old) participated in the experiment, half of them being rated as poor readers and half as good readers. Good readers outperformed poor readers on all dependent variables. Important propositions were better recalled and were more often included in summaries than less important parts of the texts, especially if they were signalled by a different color. However, the impact of graphical cueing depended on reading skill, text type and task. The interactions were discussed in terms of differences in processing strategies and prior knowledge.  相似文献   

进行了2个实验考察在正常阅读(实验1)与快速阅读条件下(实验2)标题及小标题对高低英语水平不同的大学生说明文阅读理解与信息保持的作用。结果表明:不论是正常阅读还是快速阅读,标题及小标题的呈现对读者说明文阅读理解与信息保持均有显著的促进作用,即阅读水平高者与低者都能从标题及小标题中受益,特别是在正常阅读条件下,提供标题与小标题对阅读水平低者的信息保持的促进作用比对高水平者的促进作用大得多。  相似文献   

阅读是语文课程中的重要一环,学生阅读能力的提升,需要教师正确引导,激发他们的阅读兴趣,帮他们养成良好的阅读习惯。文章分析语文阅读教学的现状及不足,并阐述语文阅读教学文本细读的策略。  相似文献   

李熠 《天津教育》2021,(9):162-163,166
阅读教学是小学语文教学工作的重要内容之一,随着新课改的深入,要求小学语文教师在开展阅读教学时,进而不断提升学生的语文素养。为此,本文结合当前小学语文阅读教学的情况,重点分析如何在小学语文阅读教学中进行文本细读,旨在切实发挥出文本细读的作用,全面提升学生的语文素养。  相似文献   

高职语文戏剧类文本教学应在舞台艺术视角下,处理好艺术与真实、知识与行动、美与工三组关系。其教学策略是以建构主义理论为基础、以项目合作学习法为学习组织形式、跨学科与专业针对性相结合、帮助学生完成戏剧排演完整的流程。在这一过程中实现课堂教学与育人价值相结合。  相似文献   

This study examined the effects of familiarity of passage concepts and passage cohesion on retrieval of text information. In order to distinguish between comprehension and retrieval processes, subjects were equated on comprehension; therefore, any differences found could be attributed to differences in retrieval processes. The passages used varied on familiarity and cohesion, but syntax was held constant. Middle school students learned information in passages to an 85% correct criterion using a study-test procedure. The subjects were not told that they would be tested on the material. Two weeks later, they took a free recall test and reported their rehearsal of the passage information during the intervening time period. The results showed that although the original amount learned was equated, recall of propositions from passages with more familiar concepts was about 35% greater than the recall from passages with less familiar concepts. There were no significant differences due to cohesion or the interaction of cohesion and familiarity. The explanation presented is that familiarity stimulates elaboration of passage material and elaborations provide alternate retrieval pathways at recall. Educational implications are discussed.  相似文献   

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