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Research Findings. Mothers of 4-, 6-, and 8-year-olds completed two questionnaires: (1) the Object Attachment Questionnaire, which was designed to provide information on children's attachments to soft objects, thumbsucking habits, and pacifier use, and (2) Rothbart's Children's Behavior Questionnaire (CBQ), which rated children on sixteen temperament dimensions. Discriminant function analysis showed that the best predictors for distinguishing between children who had never had an attachment to a soft object and children who had were: low intensity pleasure, impulsivity, approach/anticipation, attentional focusing, and sad- ness. Children with soft object attachments were rated higher (i.e. showed more) on all of these dimensions. None of the temperament dimensions distinguished between children who rarely sucked their thumbs and those who frequently did so, while children who had used a pacifier scored higher on two dimensions (activity level and approach/anticipation) than children who had not used a pacifier even though one was available. Results support the hypothesis that individual differences in temperament are associated with the development of attachment to objects. Practice. Children with attachments to soft objects and thumbs were not generally insecure or difficult to manage. The pattern of temperament differences, however, suggests strengths that teachers might make use of in the classroom as well as difficulties that might require staff intervention.  相似文献   

Researchers with the European Union-funded Parents and Schools (PAS) Project worked alongside primary schools in an attempt to locate a strategy for the enhancement of home:school partnerships. In so doing, the research approach rejected traditional methodological paradigms which have often produced research results which are easy for practitioners to ignore. Instead, a problem-solving activity, the priority diamond exercise, was developed to raise qualitative and quantitative data in order to help launch schools into meaningful dialogue between parents and teachers and to raise questions within a field fraught with preconceptions about the nature of groups active in the home:school dynamic. Résumé Les chercheurs impliqués dans le Projet Parents et Écoles (PAS: "Parents and Schools Projects"), projet soutenu par l'Union Européenne, ont collaboré avec des écoles primaires pour tenter d'implanter une stratégie de développement d'un partenariat entre famille et école. Ce faisant, cette approche a rejeté les paradigmes méthodologiques classiques qui ont souvent produit des résultats dont les praticiens peuvent aisément ne pas tenir compte. Une activité de résolution de problème (l'exercice "la hiérarchie du diamant"/"The Priority Diamond Exercise") a ainsi été développée dans le but d'aider les écoles à se lancer dans un dialogue authentique entre parents et enseignants et de faire émerger des questions dans un domaine qu'encombrent les préjugés sur la nature de groupes actifs dans la dynamique famille : école. (Traduction: Dominique G. Brassart, UFR des Sciences de l'Education, Université Charles de Gaulle - Lille 3, Villeneuve d'Ascq)  相似文献   

We present a control theory analysis of adolescents' attachment strategies in the Adult Attachment Interview (AAI). In Study 1, Q-sort prototypes for secure/anxious and deactivating/hyperactivating strategies were used to differentiate between Main and Goldwyn's AAI classifications. In Study 2, we examined how AAI strategies were associated with emotion regulation during mother-teen problem solving. 4 aspects of mother-teen problem solving (dysfunctional anger, support/validation, avoidance of problem solving, and maternal dominance) were used to predict teens' AAI strategies. Teens with secure strategies engaged in problem-solving discussions characterized by less dysfunctional anger and less avoidance of problem solving. In addition, attachment security showed a curvilinear relation with maternal dominance, indicating that secure teens maintained balanced assertiveness with their mothers. Teens with deactivating strategies engaged in problem-solving interactions characterized by higher levels of maternal dominance and dysfunctional anger. The contribution of attachment strategies to teens' autonomy and to transformations in mother-teen relationships is discussed.  相似文献   

In the present study, 41 hearing impaired and 41 hearing toddlers together with their hearing mothers were observed in Ainsworth's Strange Situation and during free play. Both security of attachment and ratings of maternal and toddler behavior during free play were remarkably similar for the hearing impaired and hearing dyads. In addition, security of attachment was related to the ratings of maternal and toddler behavior in a similar way for the hearing impaired and hearing toddlers. The results suggest that development of a secure attachment and maintaining a good mother-toddler relationship does not depend on normal language development during the toddler years.  相似文献   

66 mother-infant pairs were examined when the infants were 9 and 13 months. The purpose of this report was to examine relations between infant proneness-to-distress temperament, maternal personality characteristics, and mother-infant attachment. There were no main-effect relations between infant proneness-to-distress temperament as assessed at 9 months and infant attachment classification at 13 months. This was true whether security of attachment (A and C vs. B) or proposed temperament (A1-B2 vs. B3-C2) groupings of attachment classifications were examined. Infant proneness-to-distress temperament, however, was associated with maternal behavior and personality. Furthermore, security of attachment could be predicted by an interaction between maternal personality and infant proneness-to-distress. The importance of considering goodness-of-fit relations in predicting attachment security is discussed.  相似文献   

Problem Solving:     
No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

This study examined relations of temperamental fearfulness/anxiety proneness, attachment security, and maternal discipline with emerging internalization in 103 26–41-month-old toddlers. It was a further test of the model that proposed that child temperament (1) is an important underpinning of early internalization and (2) moderates the influence of socialization. All constructs were measured using multiple behavioral observations in several contexts at home and laboratory and parental reports. Fearfulness/anxiety was associated with several measures of internalization. There was also strong evidence of diverse pathways to internalization for children with different temperaments. For the relatively fearful/anxious children, maternal gentle discipline deemphasizing power, thus presumably resulting in an optimal, moderate level of anxious arousal, predicted internalization. For the relatively fearless children, however, security of attachment was associated with internalization. The findings are discussed within a framework proposing alternative pathways to internalization—one capitalizing on fear/anxiety and one building on positive, cooperative interpersonal set between the mother and child—with different pathways effective for children differing in temperament.  相似文献   

Proponents of the learning organization acknowledge that leaders and managers must assume roles as coaches in organizations that aspire to become learning organizations. The concept of the manager as coach is becoming increasingly popular as a way to facilitate learning and improve employee performance. Yet, despite the research that has been done on coaching, studies generally focus on characteristics of good coaches, requisite coaching skills, and employees' perceptions of the improvement in managers' coaching skills following such training programs. This article describes some of the findings from a larger qualitative critical incident study. Specifically, the triggers for coaching and the outcomes of coaching interventions for the individual employee, manager, and organization are examined and reported here. This study identifies gaps and discrepancies, political, and developmental issues as the primary triggers for coaching. Additionally, this study suggests that managers' commitment to coaching has the potential to impact performance at the individual employee, manager, and organizational level.  相似文献   

从应用题到解决问题,这绝不仅是名称上的变化.弄清楚这其中变化的实质,有助于我们更好地继承应用题教学宝贵的、成功的经验,也有助于我们更好地开展解决问题的教学.该文立足于应用题和解决问题的内涵,探讨解决问题的教育价值,并结合当今小学数学教学实际,提出了解决问题的教学建议.  相似文献   

Proponents of the learning organization acknowledge that leaders and managers must assume roles as coaches in organizations that aspire to become learning organizations. The concept of the manager as a coach is becoming increasingly popular as a way to facilitate learning and improve employee performance. Yet, despite the research that has been done on coaching, studies generally focus on characteristics of good coaches, requisite coaching skills, and employees' perceptions of the improvement in managers coaching skills following such training programs. This article describes some of the findings from a larger qualitative critical incident study. Specifically, the triggers for coaching and the outcomes of coaching interventions for the individual employee, manager, and organization are examined and reported here. This study identifies gaps and discrepancies, political, and developmental issues as the primary triggers for coaching. Additionally, this study suggests that managers' commitment to coaching has the potential to impact performance at the individual employee, manager, and organizational level.  相似文献   

《College Teaching》2013,61(4):123-128

Experiential learning programs, courses, and tasks create new opportunities for faculty and students to interact. Faculty roles may include one-on-one consulting, visits to off-campus sites to observe student work, and small group discussions. In addition to discipline content, discussions with students deal with their reactions to the experience, student anxiety over learning in new ways, doubts about their competency to do well, and other personal concerns. Three minicases of experiential learning in university settings are used to illustrate the nature of such programs and the issues teachers and students face when employing them to personalize teaching.  相似文献   

Predictors of maternal sensitivity to infant distress were examined among 259 primiparous mothers. The Adult Attachment Interview, self‐reports of personality and emotional functioning, and measures of physiological, emotional, and cognitive responses to videotapes of crying infants were administered prenatally. Maternal sensitivity was observed during three distress‐eliciting tasks when infants were 6 months old. Coherence of mind was directly associated with higher maternal sensitivity to distress. Mothers' heightened emotional risk was indirectly associated with lower sensitivity via mothers' self‐focused and negative processing of infant cry cues. Likewise, high physiological arousal accompanied by poor physiological regulation in response to infant crying was indirectly associated with lower maternal sensitivity to distress through mothers' self‐focused and negative processing of infant cry cues.  相似文献   

问题解决是中外数学教育关注的焦点,对2006-2017年的相关文献进行了内容分类和统计分析,结果显示:国内研究热点从数学问题解决数学教学和数学认知等理论研究,转向问题表征、问题设计等实证研究;国外研究热点是关于学生的自我效能感、问题解决能力等学生数学问题解决的心理和能力、教师创设学生自主解决问题的学习环境等实证研究,趋势是学生提出问题和学生的思维发展以及形成性评价等学生能力发展的研究。  相似文献   

To examine individual differences in pride and shame reactions of 3-year-olds and their temperamental and parenting antecedents, 110 boys were studied at ages 36 and 37 months in a "rigged" achievement situation. After being trained to complete explicitly stipulated "easy" and "difficult" tasks before a buzzer sounded, success and failure were manipulated by artificially "rigging" how much time the child had to work on these tasks. Children's facial, verbal, and postural reactions to success and failure were composited to create pride scores following success and shame scores following failure. As expected, pride reactions were greater following success on the difficult than on the easy task, and shame reactions were greater following failure on the easy than on the difficult task. Early temperament (at 12/13 months) proved unrelated to pride and shame. With respect to parenting, measurements composited across 15, 21, 27, and 33 months showed that mothers and fathers who were more positive in their parenting had children who displayed less pride, and that children whose parents (especially mothers) were more negative in their parenting evinced less shame. These counterintuitive findings are discussed in terms of differences between assessments of parenting obtained in this investigation of parenting antecedents and those obtained in other studies of parental responses in the achievement situation itself. Directions for future research are outlined.  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the relations among infant temperament, attachment, and behavioral inhibition. 52 infants were seen at 2 days, 5, 14, and 24 months of age. Assessments were made of temperament at 2 days and 5 months of age, and attachment and behavioral inhibition were assessed at 14 and 24 months, respectively. EKG was recorded at each assessment, and measures of heart period and vagal tone were computed. Distress to pacifier withdrawal at 2 days of age was related to insecure attachment at 14 months. 2 types of distress reactivity at 5 months, reactivity to frustration and reactivity to novelty, were identified and related to high vagal tone. Attachment classification at 14 months was directly related to inhibited behavior at 24 months. Infants classified as insecure/resistant were more inhibited than those classified as insecure/avoidant. In addition, an interaction of infant reactivity to frustration and attachment classification was found to predict inhibition at 24 months. Infants classified as insecure/resistant and who had not cried to the arm restraint procedure at 5 months were the most inhibited at 24 months. These findings are discussed in terms of hypotheses regarding multiple modes of distress reactivity and regulation in early infancy and their different social and behavioral outcomes.  相似文献   

This meta‐analytic review examines the association between early attachment (assessed at 1–5 years) and child temperament (assessed at birth–12 years), and compares the strength of this association with recently documented meta‐analytic associations between early attachment and social competence, externalizing behavior, and internalizing symptoms. Based on 109 independent samples (= 11,440) of diverse socioeconomic and ethnic backgrounds, temperament was weakly associated with attachment (in)security (= .14, CI [0.08, 0.19]) but modestly associated with resistant attachment (= .30, CI [0.21, 0.40]). Temperament was not significantly associated with avoidant (= .10, CI [?0.02, 0.19]) or disorganized (= .11, CI [?0.03, 0.25]) attachment. Across developmental domains, early attachment security was more strongly associated with social competence and externalizing behaviors than internalizing symptoms and temperament.  相似文献   

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