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Objective: Physical education (PE) has been attributed an important role in providing young people with physical activity. If sufficiently active, PE lessons could contribute to physical activity levels in youth. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to determine the overall intensity of Dutch primary and secondary school physical education (PE) lessons and the influence of various lesson characteristics on these intensity levels. Methods: Between September 2008 and June 2009 heart rates were measured using the Polar Team System in a nationally distributed sample of 913 students in 40 schools in the Netherlands. Results: Overall percentages lesson time in moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) were 46.7% and 40.1% during primary school and secondary school PE respectively. Results indicated a sharp decline in girls’ PE intensity levels at the beginning of secondary school. Furthermore, secondary school boys were more active than girls. The high prevalence of teamgames in the Dutch PE curricula might prevent secondary school girls from attaining similar physical activity levels during PE.  相似文献   

In outdoor activities, it seems reasonable that the longer children spend in spontaneous physical activity (PA), the higher the probability of being active. Indeed, the time spent outdoor has been identified as a variable consistently associated with the children’s PA. Outdoor playing, such as the organized sports practice, appears associated with healthier lifestyle standards. All the recommendations mention the importance of increasing daily PA practice in children and teenagers, but few studies highlight the relationship between outdoor play and the recommended PA levels. The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationships between the frequency of outdoor play, the frequency of the organized sports practice, and the compliance of the recommendations for PA practice in children in the inner city area of Porto. The sample of this study is composed of 422 individuals (mean age of 11.6 years). Two hundred and twenty-five of them were girls and 197 were boys from the sixth grade (elementary schools located in the inner city area of Porto). PA was objectively evaluated using accelerometers. Participants reported frequency of participation in different PA contexts, such as sports practice and outdoor play. The results show a predictor effect of participating in sports three or more times per week on compliance of PA guidelines.

In conclusion, organized sports practice seems more effective than outdoor play to reach the recommended levels of PA in children.  相似文献   

We investigated the associations of body fat percentage (BF%), objectively assessed moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) and different types of physical activity assessed by a questionnaire with neuromuscular performance. The participants were 404 children aged 6–8 years. BF% was assessed using dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and physical activity by combined heart rate and movement sensing and a questionnaire. The results of 50-m shuttle run, 15-m sprint run, hand grip strength, standing long jump, sit-up, modified flamingo balance, box-and-block and sit-and-reach tests were used as measures of neuromuscular performance. Children who had a combination of higher BF% and lower levels of physical activity had the poorest performance in 50-m shuttle run, 15-m sprint run and standing long jump tests. Higher BF% was associated with slower 50-m shuttle run and 15-m sprint times, shorter distance jumped in standing long jump test, fewer sit-ups, more errors in balance test and less cubes moved in box-and-block test. Higher levels of physical activity and particularly MVPA assessed objectively by combined accelerometer and heart rate monitor were related to shorter 50-m shuttle run and 15-m sprint times. In conclusion, higher BF% and lower levels of physical activity and particularly the combination of these two factors were associated with worse neuromuscular performance.  相似文献   

随机抽取湘西土家族苗族自治州解放岩乡解放岩学校留守儿童200人进行调查,发现在同伴教育的干预下留守儿童的身体素质有了提高,说明采用同伴教育模式对提高留守儿童的体质健康有一定的实效性。  相似文献   


Third and fourth grade boys (n = 422) and girls (n = 390) in four Texas elementary schools reported their participation in moderate to vigorous physical activities (MVPAs) over a 3-day period. Students were surveyed during class on successive days. On a subsample (n = 44), the agreement between reported and observed physical activities during physical education or recess was 86.3%. Running, walking fast, games and sports, and bicycling accounted for 70% of Total MVPAs. Of Total MVPAs reported, 47.0% for boys and 44.6% for girls were 10 min or longer in duration (LMVPA). The average number of LMVPAs per day was 1.7 for both boys and girls. Students reported significantly more occurrences of LMVPAs out of school than during school. Significant interaction between grade and gender indicated that third grade boys reported more Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than third grade girls, but fourth grade boys reported fewer Total MVPAs and LMVPAs than fourth grade girls. During the 3-day reporting period, 12.3% of boys and 13.3% of girls reported no LMVPAs, and 35.6% of boys and girls reported fewer than one LMVPAs per day. While the majority of children reported obtaining at least some activity daily, a substantial proportion of children in this sample reported fewer than one LMVPA daily, indicating that many children may not be obtaining adequate amounts of physical activity.  相似文献   


A cross-sectional study was carried out to analyse, through a limited number of fitness tests, the main conditioning and coordinative abilities in children aged 8–9 years, and their relationship with gender, anthropometric variables and physical activity habits. The height and weight of 256 boys and 241 girls were measured and information about physical activity habits was collected using a self-administered questionnaire. Physical performance was assessed by means of a few standardised tests: ‘sit & reach’, medicine-ball forward throw, standing long jump, 20 m running speed, and forward roll test. In both boys and girls, body weight and Body Mass Index (BMI) were positively correlated with the medicine-ball throw performances and negatively correlated for the standing long jump and speed tests, while no association was found with tests measuring back flexibility and total body coordination. Daily physical activity and participation in sport were not significantly correlated with body weight and BMI, but were positively associated with children's motor performance. The standardised fitness tests selected in the current study have been found to be suitable to identify fitness levels of primary school children. Thanks to their limited number and ease of measurement, they can be used in any school context to classify children and for monitoring the effects of targeted interventions promoting physical activity.  相似文献   

儿童参与体育呈现多种时代特征,主要表现为健康、运动与成长相联系,参与体育过程与享受运动目标相统 一,休闲、娱乐及交往等拓展性运动成为儿童参与体育的新需求。要促进和满足儿童参与体育,体育教育应当实现在 范围、内容、资源方面的整合。  相似文献   

The aim of this current randomised controlled trial was to evaluate the effects of a home-based physical activity (PA) intervention on cardiorespiratory fitness in breast cancer survivors. Thirty-two post-adjuvant therapy breast cancer survivors (age = 52 ± 10 years; BMI = 27.2 ± 4.4 kg?m2) were randomised to a six-month home-based PA intervention with face-to-face and telephone PA counselling or usual care. Cardiorespiratory fitness and self-reported PA were assessed at baseline and at six-months. Participants had a mean relative V?O2max of 25.3 ± 4.7 ml?kg?1?min?1, which is categorised as “poor” according to age and gender matched normative values. Magnitude-based inference analyses revealed likely at least small beneficial effects (effect sizes ≥.20) on absolute and relative V?O2 max (= .44 and .40, respectively), and total and moderate PA (= .73 and .59, respectively) in the intervention compared to the usual care group. We found no likely beneficial improvements in any other outcome. Our home-based PA intervention led to likely beneficial, albeit modest, increases in cardiorespiratory fitness and self-reported PA in breast cancer survivors. This intervention has the potential for widespread implementation and adoption, which could considerably impact on post-treatment recovery in this population.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of an extra-curricular school sport programme to promote physical activity among adolescents. One hundred and sixteen students (mean age 14.2 years, s = 0.5) were assigned to an intervention (n = 50) or comparison group (n = 66). The 8-week intervention involved structured exercise activities and information sessions. Four days of pedometer monitoring and time spent in non-organized physical activity and sedentary behaviours were measured at baseline and post-test. At baseline, participants were classified using steps per day as low-active (girls <11,000, boys <13,000) or active (girls ≥ 11,000, boys ≥ 13,000) and the effects of the intervention were assessed using these subgroups. Adolescents in the intervention group classified as low-active at baseline increased their step counts across the 8-week intervention (baseline: 7716 steps/day, s = 1751; post-test: 10,301 steps/day, s = 4410; P < 0.05) and accumulated significantly more steps (P < 0.05) than their peers in the comparison group (baseline: 8414 steps/day, s = 2460; post-test: 8248 steps/day, s = 3674; P = 0.879). The results of the present study provide further evidence that physical activity monitoring using pedometers is an effective strategy for increasing activity among low-active adolescents.  相似文献   

学校体育教学改革正面临从技术教学向健身教育转化,本文以创造教育的理论,以创造、发展的观点,对深化学校体育改革问题试作分析和探讨。  相似文献   

体育落实素质教育的教育理念探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
体育是教育的门类,体育落实素质教育首先应对教育的定位应有正确认识.从教育的宏观意义上来讲,具体到任何一门教育的课程,其教学内容都是从人类文化财富中选择、整理、调整和重新组建而成的,竞技运动作为人类运动文化,具有重要的文化教育和传递作用,符合教学论的基本要求,从教育理念出发,体育贯彻素质教育可以从身体性认识的学习方式着手.  相似文献   

秦巍峰 《体育科技》2007,28(1):25-27
从风险管理的层面对学校体育活动中潜在的风险因素进行分析,发现体育教师和学生的体育活动风险意识不强,学校体育设施和医疗保障系统存在管理上的疏漏。提出要加强对学校体育活动风险的认识和学校体育活动风险的教育,建议选择合理的风险管理策略并定期或适时对管理策略进行评估和改进。  相似文献   

The evidence base pointing towards the maladaptive health consequences of an inactive lifestyle highlights the need for interventions that are effective in changing and maintaining physical activity behaviours. Theories of motivation are frequently applied to inform the content and delivery of such interventions. Systematic monitoring and evaluation of the quality of intervention implementation is therefore an important step in understanding if and how theories of motivation can be adopted and effectively applied to promote and/or sustain physical activity behaviours. However, intervention implementation quality in studies that aim to apply motivation theory to promote physical activity is often under-reported. The purpose of this article is, first, to review contemporary approaches used to monitor and evaluate intervention implementation; we outline the degree to which these methods have been used effectively in research concerned with applying theories of motivation to impact physical activity behaviours. Second, we identify and discuss specific challenges in effectively measuring quality of implementation faced by researchers who adopt a motivation theory basis to their work. Finally, recommendations for methods to monitor and evaluate intervention implementation in future trials aiming to promote physical activity based on theories of motivation are also proposed.  相似文献   

朱伟  李莉 《湖北体育科技》2005,24(3):401-402,405
通过分析健康体育、终身体育和素质教育的产生和发展,并阐述3种教育理念在高校体育教学中的相互关系和作用,提倡在高校体育教学中,要以健康体育为基本理念,在此基础上大力推进素质教育,并培养终身体育意识,使我们的大学生不仅身体健康、素质全面,而且可以得到一种享用终身的体育锻炼方法,保障身心的长期健康。  相似文献   

在超常儿童的教育中,学校体育对他们的个性发展起着积极有效的不容易忽视的特殊作用,有利于超常儿童形成良好的个性品质,克服消极的心理特征。  相似文献   

学校体育教学中思想品德教育研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
学校体育教学目标之一,就是对学生进行思想品德教育,培养学生勇敢、顽强、进取精神,树立良好的道德作风.通过体育教学可对学生进行辩证唯物主义体育观教育、遵纪守法教育、高尚思想情操教育、审美教育,把学生培养成为德、智、体全面发展的社会主义现代化事业的建设者和接班人.  相似文献   

李志清 《体育科技》2001,22(3):52-55
心理健康是个体创造力发挥和发展的基础.少儿的心理健康为其创造力的发展提供了最基本的心理条件,有许多心理健康因素对少儿创造力的发展产生积极的影响.体育学习和体育运动有助于提高心理健康水平.发展少儿的创造力要注重运用体育教育手段发展他们的心理健康水平,避免和消除阻碍少儿创造力的不健康心理因素.  相似文献   

试论高校体育改革与终身体育   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校体育作为国民体育的基础,对确定终身体育思想,实施终身体育教育具有重要的意义和作用,依此对高校体育存在的问题与学生终身体育意识的建立进行了探索。  相似文献   

学校体育课程改革思考   总被引:49,自引:0,他引:49  
主要运用专家调查、文献资料调研和逻辑分析方法 ,对学校体育课程改革所面临的一些主要的困惑不解的问题进行分析研究 ,目的是为体育课程改革提供有益的参考。研究表明 :体育课程目标的改革应首先明确课程目标特点及定位 ,体育课程目标应体现人文性 ;体育课程教材改革应以增进健康为目的对课程实践内容重新分类 ,推行教材“审定制”,突出教材的特色 ;课程体制改革应实行三级课程管理体制 ,打破单一垄断的课程方案  相似文献   

Physical activity (PA) is important in ensuring a healthy population. It is dependent on various socio-demographic (SD) factors, such as age, gender, employment and marital status. A limited number of studies have investigated the relationship between SD factors and PA but research exploring this relationship from the perspective of gated and non-gated neighbourhoods is scarcer. Therefore, the objective of this study is to investigate the relationship between SD factors and PA variables in gated and nongated neighbourhoods in Karachi Pakistan. Results of the independent sample t-test and Pearson chi-square showed that young and single people do more sports activities in gated neighbourhoods. Women, unemployed people and public transport users walk more in non-gated neighbourhoods. In conclusion, future neighbourhoods should have more pedestrian friendly areas and a larger number of PA facilities, rather than building more walls and gates.  相似文献   

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