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Background: The physical education (PE) context has been emphasised as an ideal environment for developing positive behaviours among students. Under the Positive Youth Development paradigm, various initiatives have been conducted with the aim of promoting personal and social responsibility among adolescents. Self-Determination Theory has been widely used to analyse students’ motivational processes during PE classes.

Purpose: This study aimed to measure the effects of a multidisciplinary intervention with teachers on the development of positive behaviours in PE classes.

Participants: Twenty PE teachers participated in the study (Mage?=?35 years; SD?=?2.32) along with 777 of their students (Mage?=?12.81 years; SD?=?.93). The teachers (male?=?16; female?=?4) were between the ages of 29 and 48 years (M?=?35.2 years; SD?=?2.32). The students who participated in this study (male?=?377; female?=?400) were divided into 52 classes and were between the ages of 12 and 16 years (M?=?12.81; SD?=?.93).

Research design: A quasi-experimental design was used that consisted of a control group and three groups in which an intervention was developed. In the control group, the teachers did not receive any type of intervention; in the second group, the teachers received a training programme to develop strategies for supporting basic psychological needs and promoting positive behaviours; in the third group, the teachers received a didactic unit to promote positive behaviours; and in the last group the teachers received a combination of the two previous interventions.

Data analysis: A repeated-measures ANCOVA (analysis of covariance) was used for every dependent variable included in the study to analyse the effect of Group?×?Time interaction, including Gender and Grade Level as covariates. The fixed effects caused by Intercept, Group, Time, and the Group?×?Time interaction were calculated using compound symmetry as the type of covariance and restricted maximum likelihood as the estimation method.

Findings: By examining the differences between pre-test and post-test, it was determined that in comparison with the students in the control group, the students from the three experimental groups had generally improved scores on the variables related to positive behaviours, such as perceptions of the teacher's support, as well as the development of the targeted behaviours.

Conclusions: These results provide information about the efficacy of an intervention programme with teachers that consists of strategies for developing positive behaviour and support for basic psychological needs to promote the development of positive student behaviour.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) teachers are at a high risk of musculoskeletal sports or work-related injuries because of the physical activity as inherent part of their profession. Such injuries have a negative impact on work and leisure time activities, and effective injury prevention interventions are needed. The present study aimed at testing the effectiveness of an injury prevention intervention that was developed and optimized according to PE teachers' wishes and values. Fifty-five PE teachers were randomly assigned to intervention or control group. Intervention group teachers engaged in two days of training during which they familiarized with eight injury prevention strategies (seven intrinsic and one extrinsic). A special feature of the intervention was that the way of delivery was based on the self-determination theory in order to stimulate participants' motivation to adhere to the proposed strategies. Prospective registrations during one school year were conducted concerning injuries and preventive behaviours. Results showed that the intervention group teachers had a lower number of injuries per 1000?h time of exposure (TOE) than the controls (INT: 0.49, CON: 1.14 injuries/1000?h TOE, OR: 2.32, 95% CI: 1.06–5.07), and applied a broader variety of strategies including dynamic and static stretching, core stability, balance and strength training, when compared to the controls who mainly engaged in warming-up. In conclusion, with the same amount of time, an injury reduction was found in PE teachers through a more balanced use of provided preventive strategies.  相似文献   

Physical education (PE) in primary schools has traditionally been taught by qualified primary teachers. More recently, some teaching of PE in primary schools has been undertaken by coaches (mostly football coaches). These coaches hold national governing body awards but do not hold teaching qualifications. Thus, coaches may not be adequately prepared to teach PE in curriculum time. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the perceptions of a group of community-based football coaches working in primary schools for the impact of a Continuing Professional Development (CPD) programme on their ability to undertake ‘specified work’ to cover PE in primary schools. The programme focused on four areas identified as important to enable coaches to cover specified work: short- and medium-term planning, pedagogy, knowledge of the curriculum and reflection. Results showed that for the majority of coaches the CPD programme had made them more aware of the importance of these four areas and had helped to develop their knowledge and ability to put this into practice in covering planning, preparation and assessment time. However, further input is still required to develop coaches’ knowledge and understanding in all four areas, but especially their curriculum knowledge, as well as their ability to put these into practice consistently. These findings are discussed in relation to the implications of employing coaches to cover the teaching of PE in primary schools and, if employed, what CPD coaches need to develop the necessary knowledge, skill and understanding for covering specified work in schools.  相似文献   


Background: The school setting is the ideal environment for encouraging students to adopt health-promoting behaviours (Chong, McCuaig and Rossi, 2018, “Primary Physical Education Specialists and their Perceived Role in the Explicit/Implicit Delivery of Health Education.” Curriculum Studies in Health and Physical Education 9 (2): 189–204. doi: 10.1080/25742981.2018.1452163). Schools are actively supporting the implementation of health education (HE) initiatives, and the potential contribution of physical education (PE) to these initiatives is recognised in a number of countries (Gray, MacIsaac and Jess, 2015, “Teaching ‘Health’ in Physical Education in a ‘Healthy’ Way.” Retos 28 (1): 165–172; Haerens, Kirk, Cardon and De Bourdeaudhuij, 2011, “Toward the Development of a Pedagogical Model for Health-Based Physical Education.” Quest 63 (3): 321–338. doi: 10.1080/00336297.2011.10483684). One of the biggest challenges faced by PE teachers is the assessment of student learning in the area of health (Bezeau, 2019, “L’accompagnement d’enseignantes en éducation physique et à la santé visant l’optimisation de leurs pratiques évaluatives en éducation à la santé.” PhD diss., Université de Sherbrooke; Turcotte, Gaudreau, Otis and Desbiens, 2010, “Les pratiques pédagogiques d’éducateurs physiques du primaire en éducation à la santé.” In Éducation à la santé, edited by Claire Isabelle, Louise Sauvé, and Monique Noël-Gaudreault, 717–738. Montréal: Revue des sciences de l’éducation). These challenges highlight the need for professional development that meets the needs of PE teachers in regard to the health component, in particular in terms of assessment practices (Turcotte, 2010, “Problématisation: l’éducation à la santé et l’éducation physique.” In Faire équipe pour une éducation à la santé en milieu scolaire, edited by Johanne Grenier, Joanne Otis, and Gilles Harvey, 25–48. Québec: Presses de l’Université du Québec). However, teachers report that the professional development provided to better integrate health into PE is ineffective (Alfrey, Cale and Webb, 2012, “Physical Education Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development in Health-Related Exercise: A Figurational Analysis.” European Physical Education Review 18 (3): 361–379. doi: 10.1177/1356336X12450797; Makopoulou and Armour, 2011, “Teachers’ Professional Learning in a European Learning Society: the Case of Physical Education.” Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy 16 (4): 417–433. doi: 10.1080/17408989.2010.548060). In order to optimise assessment practices in HE, the development of training methods that answer the real needs of PE teachers constitutes a potential solution to this problem. In this study, two PE teachers were supported in the operationalisation and appropriation of an innovative problem-solving process aimed at optimising their assessment practices in HE.

Objectives: The objectives of this article are to describe: 1) the operationalisation of strategies established by the participants targeting their assessment practices in HE, and 2) the evolution of these practices.

Method: A collaborative action research (CAR) approach was taken, and four methods of data collection were used: 1) individual interviews; 2) group interviews; 3) participant observation, and 4) logbooks. The data was collected over a 12-month period, overlapping two school years, and then analyzed through content analysis.

Findings: Results suggest that, despite the planning and implementation of strategies considered effective by the participants, their assessment practices in the gymnasium progressed very little, while their practices outside the gymnasium evolved considerably.

Conclusion: If we want to optimise assessment practices in HE, or teaching practices in general, we must put aside the question ‘why,’ and focus on ‘how’ to meet the challenges related to the implementation of this type of professional development. Bringing real change to teaching practices is a long process that requires an investment of time and effort from teachers, and starts with the optimisation of practices outside the learning environment.  相似文献   

对湖南3所普通高校的在职体育教师进行问卷调查和开放式随机访谈,结果表明,高校在职体育教师普遍重视专业发展,提高科研能力已经成为发展的主要趋势,专业发展的目标主要为追求个人能力发展和晋升职称等;专业发展途径以个人途径和群体途径相结合,其中个人途径主要依靠终身学习,而群体途径主要通过学术交流和业务培训;目前高校体育教师专业发展的瓶颈是自身学习态度问题和时间分配问题.在影响专业发展的因素上,激励机制方面的软环境影响广而深.为此,高校体育教师应该提高学习自主性,坚持终身学习理念,而社会也应该改善体育教师专业发展的条件和环境.  相似文献   

目前,教育过程的终身化和教育手段的现代化,都对高校成人教育提出了更高的要求。课程设置单一,缺乏成教特色;师生时空分离,网络学习滞后以及成人师资匮乏,教育理念落后诸多问题使得我国高校体育成人教育发展走入了困境。通过进行职业化与时代化的培训课程改革,借助网络平台催生培训实效,全力优化体育成教师资队伍建设等策略,则可以促进高校体育成人教育的发展。  相似文献   

向反思型体育教师转变的背景与策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
潘凌云 《体育学刊》2006,13(6):78-81
反思是教师自我发展的重要途径,对于提高教师专业化水平有重要意义。通过对体育教师的“教学生活”进行审视,可以发现体育教师存在着反思的缺失,主要表现在:体育教师的“物化”、体育教学技术化、日常化等。体育教师要成为“反思型实践者”,应该将反思作为一种新的思维方式,渗透于日常学习、工作、生活之中;讲究科学的反思方法;善于记录、剖析关键事件;注重系统的理论学习。  相似文献   

关于中小学体育教师继续教育的思考   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
通过文献资料法和调查访问法,针对中小学体育教师继续教育工作实践及教育事业的发展,探讨了中小学体育教师进行继续教育的必要性和可行性,并提出了培训模式、课程设置、培训师资队伍建设与培养等建议,为中小学体育教师继续教育工作提供了理论和实践的参考.  相似文献   

体育教育专业教师职业技能训练课程的设置   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
对新颁布的《课程标准》、《课程方案》(体育)以及6所高师体育院系教育专业课程方案中有关教师职业技能训练方面的内容进行分析。研究表明:《课程标准》在课堂教学技能、开展体育活动技能、现代教育技术技能等方面对体育教师职业技能提出新的要求;《课程方案》在体育教育专业培养目标上有新的突破,增加了课程的门类,增多了课程的形式,增大了课程结构的弹性,但是对体育教师职业技能培养方面重视程度不够,相关训练课程内容少;我国6所高师体育教育本科教师职业技能训练课程存在课程教学时间少、内容不全面、针对性不强、教学方法单一、教学形式经验化、教育实习环节薄弱等问题。  相似文献   

Background: Teachers’ important diagnostic abilities include noticing and interpreting students’ behaviors and learning processes. By focusing on noticing, I refer to the theoretical framework of professional vision. Professional vision includes the ability to notice what is occurring in complex classroom situations (selective attention) and the ability to give these events meaningful importance (knowledge-based reasoning).

Purpose: The purpose of this article is to investigate the noticing differences of groups with different expertise while they observe students’ activities in gym class.

Participants and setting: Sixty participants with different sport-specific and pedagogical expertise were asked to describe and interpret videotaped teaching sequences. Observational data were obtained from physical education classes. The focus was on motoric and social learning processes.

Research design: The groups were compared in a four-field design according to their observations and interpretations of students’ activities in gym class.

Data collection: The teaching sequences function as stimuli to activate selective attention and knowledge-based reasoning. The participants were questioned in guided interviews.

Data analysis: The participants’ comments were recorded, transcribed and analyzed based on qualitative content analysis. The analysis was performed with the software program MaxQDA. The comments were subsequently exported to the software program SPSS 20 for further analysis.

Results: By comparing groups with different sport-specific and pedagogical expertise, this study reveals new observation foci when people exclusively monitor students’ behaviors, not teachers’ behaviors, in authentic teaching situation along with different observation foci based on expertise.

Conclusions: The findings indicate that noticing is a characteristic of professionalization that should be given greater consideration in physical education teacher education (PETE) programs. Special observations tasks (e.g. focusing on social processes) and supplemental theoretical materials for specific issues in PETE programs that use video recordings could help improve learning to notice.  相似文献   

This study aimed to validate an English version of Basic Psychological Needs Support Questionnaire (BPNSQ) and the Basic Psychological Needs in Physical Education Scale (BPN-PE) in the physical education context. Participants included 453 students aged between 12 and 17 years. For the BPNSQ, the hypothesized three-factor solution displayed high interfactor correlations (rs > 1), and a follow-up analysis indicated that the items were represented by a single need-support factor. For the BPN-PE, hypothesized three-factor solution was supported. Both scales were found invariant across gender, and the nomological validity was also demonstrated through the associations between factors of both scales. This study provides initial support for the use of the BPN-PE to assess psychological need satisfaction within the physical education context among English-speaking adolescents. The hypothesized three-factor structure of the BPNSQ was not supported and more research is needed to evaluate the English version in the physical education context.  相似文献   

学校体育教育是学校教育的组成部分,是素质教育不可缺少的重要内容。如何克服现行体育教育的弊端,使学校体育迅速向素质教育转轨,是当前需要解决的问题。从体育教育观念转变、教学模式和教学方法的改进、体育法制建设以及体育教师素质的提高等方面,探讨我国学校体育素质教育的发展策略。  相似文献   

宁波市竞技体育可持续发展目标体系的构建与对策研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵国华  陆亨伯 《浙江体育科学》2005,27(1):56-58,F003
通过对宁波市竞技体育的社会化水平、实体化经营、科研支持水平、项目结构布局情况的调查,运用文献调查、访问访谈、数理统计、逻辑推理等方法手段,对宁波市竞技体育可持续发展的目标体系进行了系统化研究,得出了体制改革、完善赛制、调整布局、加强科研、加强基地建设和后备人才培养等具体对策,为宁波市相关职能部门制定竞技体育可持续发展的政策提供参考依据.  相似文献   

复合型体育教师的培养与文化素质教育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为实现学校体育由单纯的竞技体育向健身、竞技、娱乐、康复、生活等一体的全方位育人方向转变,高师体育教育专业应培养合格的复合型体育教师。培养复合型体育教师除应加强体育素质教育外,还应重视文化素质教育。文化素质教育能帮助学生学会做人,为学生启示方向、陶冶情感,帮助其了解世界、了解自己、了解人对社会的责任  相似文献   

本文通过文献综述法对我国小康体育的发展趋势进行综述,进一步分析总结出我国小康体育未来发展方向的特点。  相似文献   

中小学体育教师继续教育的教学设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
加强中小学体育教师继续教育教学设计的研究,有利于做到因材施教,因地、因校制宜,突出培训教学的实践性特点,切实提高培训效果.中小学体育教师继续教育教学设计可分为学习需要的分析、制订教学目标、选用教学内容、设计教学策略、设计成果及过程评价等5个基本步骤.教学策略的设计是中小学体育教师教学设计的核心环节,其主要内容包括教学组织形式、教学方法及教学手段的设计3个方面.  相似文献   

张妙玲 《体育学刊》2007,14(1):105-107
美国全国专业教学标准委员会为优秀教师制定的认证标准,不仅规定了体育教师的基本业务要求、专业知识技能;而且强调了体育教师应当全身致力于学生的发展与学习;同时还强调了教师在课堂之外应具备的协作能力与科研能力。通过对美国基础教育体育教师资格认证标准进行归纳与分析,阐述了美国优秀体育教师所应当具备的基本专业素质及其在基础体育领域中的新思想、新观念。  相似文献   

通过对上海市五个市区15所中学150名体育教师的问卷调查分析,认为目前中学体育教师专业化发展存在着认识论困境与实践论困境,具体表现在专业发展意识强而能力不足、专业发展目标模糊、科研能力不强、专业发展途径单一等方面。提出了激发体育教师专业发展的动力,制定适合自己发展潜力和需求的专业发展规划,"学会学习",提高合作意识,建立"学习共同体",积极推进高校体育教育专业课程改革等对策。  相似文献   

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