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Janet Abaya 《TechTrends》1992,37(3):30-31
Conclusion Finally, in evaluating software packages, “what you need to do is work with the package and match it up with your needs.” Your preference for software will depend on your own background and how you like to work with a package. If you are learning to use a package, you may need to work with it for some time. The longer you work with it, you may form a whole new opinion. Software also changes. There are updates that may improve its capability, so even though you may not like the package now, you may want to reconsider it as new versions come along  相似文献   

Conclusion As you conduct your research, you will undoubtedly suffer from the perennial condition of all graduate students—constant, paralyzing guilt. When you are not working on your research, you are agonizing because you should be. Unfortunately, guilt also keeps you from doing many other things, like cleaning house or simply relaxing. The good news is that guilt usually disappears within a year after you take that final walk across the stage and shake the dean’s hand. The cure is painful, but worth it. We have presented some ideas that worked for us, in hopes that they will work for you. Perhaps these ideas will cause you to consider a factor that you may not have considered before. Perhaps some small suggestion will provide you with a solution to a nagging problem, or simply remind you that some of your frustrations are a natural part of the dissertation or thesis process. For additional information on this topic seeHow to Complete and Survive a Doctoral Dissertaion, by David Stemberg. The chapters on “The Unfolding Dissertation: Diplomatic Relations with your Committee” and “Down in the Dissertation Dumps: How to Get Out” may be especially useful.  相似文献   

Conclusion The young child is in motion most of the time. Through movement, the child achieves mastery of the space he or she lives in. Teachers can “move” with the child by using topologically oriented science activities. Such activities capitalize on natural inclinations. They encourge the understanding of relationships which are basic to the developmental tasks with which the child is working. Cynthia Szymanski Sunal has taught children of a variety of ages and is at present studying the perceptual development of the young child. She may be contacted at Essex Community College, Baltimore County, Maryland 21237. Dennis W. Sunal is a specialist in science education who has developed programs for preschool-primary children.  相似文献   

Conclusion Because of the recent trend toward commercialization of the Internet, and the immense proliferation of information online, searching has become one of the most time-consuming tasks of our workdays. Technology is meant to help us save time and make more time for the things in our lives that are important to us. We can control our work with technology or allow it to control us. Because creators of some Web sites are trying harder and harder to get you to buy things online and to build up ecommerce, they are set up with the intent of distracting you into areas that are not likely to help you find the information you really need. Avoid the “impulse buying” and time-usurping aspects of the Web by controlling your own interactions with it. Plan, set goals, remind yourself of your task, and enjoy happy andefficient searching. She holds a Master of Science, library Science, degree form the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Her research interests include instrumental design and instruction for information retrieval. Her research and teaching interests include instructional design, educational systems design, and the impact of online learning.  相似文献   

One of the main reasons of the fact that Chinese moral education could hardly get out of its predicament is that “self-regard” has been simply and unilaterally interpreted as the absolute opposite to morality, where “self-regard” is merely regarded as the source of “everything evil”, and the fact that it is also the source of “everything good” is neglected. Actually, “self-regard” is the nature of human beings who go for benefit and avoid harm, which is inevitable and reasonable. It is not naturally opposite to altruism, for there is no problem concerning morality in self-regard itself, though there might be some in the means adopted. Therefore, the aim of moral education is not to deprive a person of his/her intention of self-regard, but to normalize the means he/she might adopt, so that he/she could suitably benefit himself/herself as he/she benefits others. It is proven by the past experience and the present situation that the key premise for the Chinese moral education to get out of its predicament is to set up a correct understanding over self-regard. Translated from Xueshu Yanjiu 学术研究 (Academic Research), 2005, (6): 117–120  相似文献   

Over the last fifteen years, increasing numbers of fathers have been attending medical or day-care centers for young children, traditionally “reserved” for mothers and babies. Thus the professionals who work there are able to take an active part in the “co-construction of the fathers” by accompanying their emerging fatherhood. The Research-Action-Training approach used in partnership with the public health service (“Mother and Child Protection” in Paris) has proven to be a particularly interesting tool for modifying the routine found in day-care centers. Through the transfer of knowledge on fatherhood processes and new triadic models, it has led to improvements in the manner fathers are welcome but also babies and the whole family.  相似文献   

Kyle L. Peck 《TechTrends》1998,43(2):47-53
Conclusion I applaud ISTE, AASL, AECT, and the other organizations involved for tackling the “messy work” of developing standards for the use of technology and information resources in schools. And, at the same time, I call for a “second generation” of standards that define realistic expectations for teachers based on the subjects and levels they are called upon to teach. I propose that professional organizations from each subject work with ISTE and AECT to complete this huge task, and I propose that we consider as a “next step” the creation of a set of on-line learning experiences through which teachers can gain the identified skills and knowledge by using the very technologies we’re hoping they’ll embrace in their own teaching. There’s an old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will do.” As far as educational technologies are concerned, this is also true. For many, the goal seems to have been simply to “get more computers into the schools,” without much thought about purpose. To return to Phil Schlechty’s metaphor, It’s generally been a brief and misguided “Ready” stage (occupied with questions like “How many do we need?” “What type?” “Where?” and “How shall we connect them?”), followed by “Fire!” (the acquisition and installation of equipment). What we need is: “Ready” (the creation of appropriate teams of people who will combine their insights to plan for the district)... “Aim” (a series of discussions about what technologies can accomplish for schools and the students they serve)... “Fire” (acquisition, installation, and professional development according to plan)... “Aim” (an assessment of how well the technologies and related programs met the intended goals, and a new planning effort designed to close the gap)... “Fire” (acquisition and implementation designed to eliminate the gap)... “Aim” (another gap assessment)... “Fire” (another attempt to close gaps)..., And so on.  相似文献   

Summary The paper focuses upon curriculum planning in the scientific disciplines at university level, although it is claimed the argument may be of wider applicability. Drawing upon the writings of philosophers of education from several decades ago (notably Schwab and Scheffler) whose work is too often overlooked in contemporary debates about the curriculum, and using illustrative examples from the author’s own experience, it is argued that too often the focus of science curriculum planning is the “rhetoric of conclusions” or the “substantive structure” — the current state of knowledge at the forefront of the respective disciplines — to the neglect of what Schwab called the “syntactical structure” of the sciences (which roughly approximates their epistemology). This aspect of these disciplines is essential for the general student trying to become familiar with the nature of science as a broad field of knowledge, for prospective teachers, and — contra Scheffler’s view — for students who aim at careers as researchers.
Zusammenfassung Der Beitrag der Epistemologie zur Curriuculumkonstruktion in den Naturwissenschaften Der Aufsatz fokussiert auf die Curriculumplanung für den naturwissenschaftlichen Unterricht in der universit?ren Lehrerausbildung, wenngleich behauptet wird, dass dieses Argument weitreichendere Anwendbarkeit besitzt. Der Text knüpft an erziehungswissenschaftlichen Schriften (insbesondere von Schwab und Scheffler) an, deren Ver?ffentlichung zwar einige Dekaden zurückliegt, deren Beitrag in den aktuellen Debatten aber oft übersehen wird. Darüber hinaus werden einige illustrative Beispiele aus dem Erfahrungsschatz des Autors genutzt, um zu zeigen, dass der Fokus der Curriculumplanung für die Naturwissenschaften — dem augenblicklichen Wissensstand der zu berücksichtigenden Disziplinen zufolge — zu oft in einer „Rhetorik der Schlussfolgerung“ oder „substantivischen Struktur“ besteht, was dazu führt, dass das, was Schwab die „syntaktische Struktur“ der Naturwissenschaften nennt (und ihrer Epistemologie ziemlich nahe kommt), vernachl?ssigt wird. Dieser Aspekt jener Disziplinen ist besonders wichtig für Studierende, die allgemeinbildend vertraut werden m?chten mit den Naturwissenschaften, für angehende Lehrer und — entgegen Schefflers Ansicht — für Studenten, die eine Karriere als Forscher anstreben.

“When walking in quicksand country, carry a stout pole — it will help you get out should you need to. As soon as you start to sink, lay the pole on the surface of the quicksand. Flop onto your back on top of the pole. Work the pole to a new position: under your hips and at right angles to your spine. Take the shortest route to firmer ground, moving slowly.” Piven/Borgenicht 1999, p. 18

This paper was presented at the conference Silence Between the Disciplines, Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences, Berlin, October 2002.  相似文献   

Kamal Ahuja 《Resonance》2011,16(10):956-959
The 2010 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine was awarded to Dr. Robert Edwards for “the development of in vitro fertilization”. The Nobel Assembly stated that the vision Edwards had of discovering a treatment for infertility is now “a reality and brings joy to infertile people all over the world”. Indeed, looking back over my own familiarity with Edwards and with the treatment of infertility by in vitro fertilization (IVF), I can think of only very few — if any — disciplines in medicine that owe their origins and their progress so much to just one man. For Edwards it was his controversial experiments in oocyte maturation and fertilization that paved the way for IVF. With the gynaecologist Patrick Steptoe, he successfully pioneered the birth of the world’s first IVF baby in July 1978, and thereby, in that single event, opened the door to IVF for so many individuals and clinics around the world.  相似文献   

Summary The evaluation and selection of interactive video hardware is a difficult process even for experts. There seems to be a multitude of models, options, peripherals, and prices. The task becomes even more perplexing because of rapid advances in the technology. What is new today may be obsolete tomorrow. Using the checklist should help make your job easier. It allows you to compare computers “apple for apple.” The recommendations listed are general suggestions. Different organizations may require most or less than what is recommended. Always plan for at least the minimum requirements of your software, even if those requirements are above our recommendations.  相似文献   

Conclusion When you think about it, many of the things we do are expressly designed to maintain a sense of wonder because once it is lost, childhood is lost. I still vividly recall a class discussion with one of my teachers about the existence of Santa Claus when I was 10 years old. By that time, nobody in the class was a believer. Sister Christopher told us that she still believed in Santa until she was 13. When we asked her how she could have been so gullible, she said that just about the time she was beginning to question the myth, her father (she later found out) climbed up on the roof in the middle of the night to make “reindeer tracks” and lines from the runners of the sleigh. Now that was a man who really wanted to keep the wonder alive! If you reflect on all of the people you know and love, I'll wager that most of them are individuals who have managed to keep some sense of awe intact despite its erosion throughout life. Early childhood practitioners are fortunate because we have the best possible role models of wonder to follow. Being in the company of young children whose sense of wonder is at a lifetime high helps to keep us from becoming jaded and disaffected. For if we allow children to show us the way, they can lead us back to wonder.  相似文献   

It's hard! You feel as stale as the purple paint rotting in the easel. But you get ready for another day with children. You feel as tired as Gary had looked when he handed you the note from his mother explaining that he had vomited the whole night through, but was sure to “make” it through the day.  相似文献   

The lusty birth cry with which most babies enter the world is the first in a long series of vocal behaviors which ever increase in communicative effectiveness as a child grows through infancy into the preschool years. By the time a child enters elementary grades, he or she can understand and use thousands of words (Honig, 1982b). Pronunciation is almost entirely comprehensible. The child uses the main grammatical rules very well such as adding ing for the progressive tense, or ed for the past tense, or using negation correctly as in I don't like liver (De Villiers & De Villiers, 1979; Elliot, 1981). Children can understand double meanings for words by four years of age. A child might explain to you that A turn is when your car turns around a corner, and it also is when you take turns on the playground. Linguistic humor becomes possible as the child becomes able to play with and make a play on words (Honig, 1988). Alice Sterling Honig teaches at Syracuse University in the Department of Child and Family Studies, College for Human Development, in Syracuse, NY. She is an editorial board member of Day Care & Early Education.  相似文献   

Nurturing Careers in Psychology: Combining Work and Family   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
The academic workplace, with its requirements for achieving tenure within the first 6 years of employment, is designed in ways that discriminate against young faculty with family care responsibilities, most notably mothers. Mason and Goulden (Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2002/02nd/02ndmas.htm, 2002, Academe, http://www.aaup.org/publications/Academe/2004/04nd/04ndmaso.htm, 2004) found that women faculty who have babies within the first 5 years following the receipt of their doctorate are less likely to earn tenure than women without babies or men in general. Women at research-intensive universities are twice as likely as their male colleagues to report that they had fewer children than they wanted. In addition, only one-third of women who begin their academic career at research-intensive institutions without children will become a mother. These inequities, sometimes called the “baby gap” or “motherhood penalty” make academic institutions difficult places for new faculty with family care responsibilities. Suggestions are provided to assist new faculty in successfully combining their work and family roles (e.g., establish gender equity in parenting and negotiate for family-friendly policies) and to senior faculty and administrators who want to nurture the careers of their younger colleagues (e.g., support the use of family-friendly policies on campus).  相似文献   

This article presents an analysis of a phenomenon that was observed within the dynamic processes of teaching and learning to read and elaborate Cartesian graphs for functions at high-school level. Two questions were considered during this investigation: What types of metaphors does the teacher use to explain the graphic representation of functions at high-school level? Is the teacher aware of the use he/she has made of metaphors in his/her speech, and to what extent does he/she monitor them? The theoretical framework was based on embodied cognition theory. Our findings include teachers’ expressions that suggest, among other ideas: (1) orientation metaphors, such as “the abscissa axis is horizontal”; (2) fictive motion, such as “the graph of a function can be considered as the trace of a point that moves over the graph”; (3) ontological metaphors; and (4) interaction of metaphors. We also show that teachers were not aware of using metaphors.  相似文献   

父亲是一座神秘的宝藏,需要我们用一生的时间去探究和开启他。 ARIES(Mar.21-April 20) 白羊座父亲:信不信由你,当自羊座的父亲用严厉的语言来指责你的时候。实际上他是想说他爱你。以行动为导向的他通常都是通过这种方式来表达感情的。放心,尽管他言辞苛责,但他永远是你的好爸爸。  相似文献   

In response to a growing movement within higher education to provide interdisciplinary educational programs, this study describes the creation of an interdisciplinary graduate certificate program in healthcare policy and management. Building on prior research, we surveyed healthcare executives to examine their perceptions about the need for such a program and the importance of core subject areas. Drawing on our findings as well as the literature on “interactional expertise” and “wicked problems,” we provide a detailed method for launching an interdisciplinary program. Our process may be useful in guiding other institutions interested in setting up new interdisciplinary programs of their own.  相似文献   

This excellent book provides strong, solid, and significant information and background for the educational practitioners who intend to use computer games in their instruction and educational researchers who want to develop a research agenda with computer games. If you are planning to use computer games for learning, instruction, or educational research, I advise you to use your own copy of this book as a valuable resource. Yavuz Samur  相似文献   

Conclusion No one believes that Gratz/Grutter are the last word on the use of race in higher education, but there are no other cases in this area immediately on the horizon. Instead we are in a period of “gathering good data,”31 “what evidence supports your conclusion,”32 “leave a paper against what criteria.”34 The outcome of the next round of litigation may well depend on how higher education has accomplished those tasks. The academic world will be best served on this question, as on others, if persons with various ideological and methodological perspectives take part. After all, the question is supposed to be about diversity. He has been a researcher on race neutrality for the Department of Education's Office of Civil Rights. The opinions expreseed here are his own and do not necessarily represent those of any other organization.  相似文献   

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