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I.单项选择。从A、B、c、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的正确答案苦1.Are you——the 100—metre race today? A.on B.to C.f10r D.in 一2. I’血afraid you didn’t do your homework— A. careful enough B. carefully enough C. enough careful D. enough carefuUy3.They——a class meeting last Friday. 、 、 A.hold B.held C.take D.took4. 一Jack came a moment一 一Why did he——? ’ A. 1ate; later B. 1ate; 1ate C. 1ater;late D. 1ater; later5. S0me students playing——basketball on——playground. ‘ A.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共15分)1.D o you know about E nglish nam es?A.som ething interesting B.interesting som ethingC.anything interested D.interesting anything2.—W ould you please to our party this evening?—Y es,.A.com e;I’ll be gladB.com e;I’ll be glad to C.to com e;I’d love to D.com ing;I’d like to3.Ten years later,good friends.A.they were both still B.they all were stillC.both they w ere still D.they still all w ere4.If you study,you’ll catch up with.A.enough hard;other B.har…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择 1. ——____ do you improve your spoken English? ——I improve it by talking with some foreigners often. A. What B. How C. Why D. Where 2. At first he didn*t agree with his parents. ____, he changed his mind later. A. Unless B. So C. However D. While 3. Look at this gold watch. How beautiful it is! If I had enough money, I ____ it right away. A. would buy B. had bought C. should buy D. bought 4. The topic is ____ to talk about. A. enough hard B. so hard C. rather hard D.…  相似文献   

1.-Would you like some tea? -__.I’ve had enough. A.Yes,I do B.Yes,I like tea C.No,thanks D.Of course.I like it very much 2.-Can you go there by yourself? -____. A.Good B.Goodbye C.No D.No problem 3.-I’m sorry to trouble you. ____.  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择(从 A ,B ,C ,D 四个选项中,选出可 shop. 以填入空白处的最佳答案) — .1.—I w as late for the concert. A .It’s not m y fault( ) 错 — . B.O h,thank you A .So was the Blacks C.I’m sorry,I’m busy B.So were the B lacks D .It’s m ine.D o you like it? C.So did the B lacks 10.—I don’t like fish chicken. D .So the Blacks were …  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。1.I think the best way to learn more English isto learn by______English.A.speaking B.writingC.saying D.using2.I used to______basketball,but now I getused to______football.A.play;play B.playing;to playC.play;playing D.playing;playing3.—Are you serious or kidding?—I’m really serious______my study thistime.A.about B.with C.in D.at4.We are allowed_______part-time jobsafter school.A.having B.to haveC.had D.to having5.I’ll be late home,but please don’t______for me.You’d b…  相似文献   

1.—Jane,your dress is beautiful.—#$A.No,it isn’t.’B.Yes,it is.*C.Where?,D.Thank you.2.—Help yourself to some fish,please.—12.A.Thanks.I’ve had enough6B.No,I can’t8C.I don’t like it:D.OK3.—I’m sorry I broke the window.—>?.A.That’s rightB B.Not at allDC.Never mindF D.My pleasure4.—Shall I close the window,Mr and Mrs White?—??.A.Don’t do that?B.No,you mustn’t?C.No,please don’t?D.No,you can’t5.—Don’t make any noise in the living room!My baby is sleeping.—??.…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Only once a month.B.In time.C.For one year.7.A.It’s nothing serious.B.Yes,a little better.Thanks.C.I’ve got a headache.8.A.Was there much traffic?B.I’ll be on time next time.C.That’s OK.You’re just in time.9.A.Why did you go to bed late?B.You should be careful.C.I don’t want to listen to an…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1.____2.____3.____4.____5.____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.Only once a month.B.In time.C.For one year.7.A.It’s nothing serious.B.Yes,a little better.Thanks.C.I’ve got a headache.8.A.Was there much traffic?B.I’ll be on time next time.C.That’s OK.You’re just in time.9.A.Why did you go to bed late?B.You should be careful.C.I don’t want to listen to an…  相似文献   

(满分:120分)Ⅰ.听力(20分)A.听对话,选出与图画内容相符的选项。(共5小题,每小题1分)B.听句子,选择正确的答语。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.H old on,please.B.Good m orning.C.No,thank you.I’m full.D.Good.7.A.It’s Sunday.B.It’s April22.C.That’s a good idea.D.It’s12o’clock.8.A.Let m e give it to you.B.Yes.H ere you are.C.Yes,you m ust.D.No,you needn’t.9.A.W hy not go?B.No,I’m not glad.C.Sorry,I’m afraid not.D.No,I don’t.10.A.Thank you all the sam e.B.See you later.C.It’s very kind …  相似文献   

1.单项选择:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填人空白处的正确答案。1 .Chinah朋a______Population than India.A .mom’B‘训IchC.largerD.smaneI’2 .We oan got(,n the seoond bus,there_for us.A .15 enou沙ioomB,are enou沙looms C.15 enough roo,nsD.areenol,ghmom3 .The twins were har(liy late for seh硬〕01,__they?A weren,t B.were C.did D.didn,t4 .The young Pionee,5 didn‘t know_____.Awhen will they邵B.whattheywoul,ltodonextC.楠en could they goD.howdidthey罗tthere.5·11,犯介r____a new watehi甜;er …  相似文献   

1.Mary kept weighing herself to see how much she was getting.A.heavier B.heavyC.the heavier D.the heaviest2.I don t m ind picking up your things from the store.,the walkwill do m e good.A.Sooner or later B.StillC.In tim e D.Besides3.I m ustbe getting fat,for I can do m y trousers up.A.fairly B.hardly C.nearly D.near4.W hen we plan our vacation,m other often offers suggestions.A.careful B.practical C.effective D.acceptable5.Ifyou can t com e tom orrow,we ll have to hold the m eeting ne…  相似文献   

1.Class Two will go for a picnic.They made_______6o’clock to meet at the foot ofMt.Tai.(2007山东淄博市)A.it B.thatC.them D./2.Look out!The traffic is_______fast_______we can’t cross the street now.(2007湖北潜江市)A.too;to B.enough;toC.so;that D.such;that3.—Don’t_______too late,or you will feeltired in class.—I won’t,Mum.(2007湖北随州)A.stand up B.stay upC.wake up D.get up4.By the end of last year,we_______thework.(2007新疆乌兰察布市)A.has finished B.had finishedC.have finished D…  相似文献   

I.单项选择。1.He gave US............................——English....,—— A.really,food B.real,food2.The radio says it’11 be warmer A.1ater3.一C.really,foods D.real,foods on.B.1ate C.the late D.the laterdoes your mother go to the cinema? ———Sometimes. A.How long B.How many times4.一What does the man do?一I think C.HOW often D.HOW much● A.he is an engineer B.he works well C.he looks like a driver D.he likes to do something5.——How many dictionaries do you have?一Two. is an Eng…  相似文献   

先看下面两道高考题:1.__to take this adventure course will certainly learn a lot of usefulskills.(NMET2000-8) A.Brave enough students B.Enough brave students C.Students brave enough D.Students enough brave2.If I had__,I’d visit Europe,stopping at all the small interestingplaces.(NMET’98—11)  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择。 1. I’m thirsty. I can drink ____ water. A. lot B. a lot C. lots D. lots of 2. ——You should leave now. It’s late. ——Yes, I think ____. A. it B. right C. so D. too 3. I hope you feel ____ soon. A. good B. nice C. well D. better 4. One of the students goes to the front. ____ students sit there and take a guess. A. Other B. Another C. The other D. Each other 5. We all like to play the game ____ “Simon says”. A. call B. to call C. calling D. called 6. When I have …  相似文献   

反意疑问句是在陈述句之后附加一个问句,该附加问句对前面陈述的内容提出反问。历年来,各省、市中考试题都把反意疑问句作为必考内容。请看近几年部分省、市对这一知识点的考例:1.I told you not to be late again,John,______I?(2005河北省)A.do B.did C.don’t D.didn’t2.─Let’s go and play football,______?─That’s wonderful.(2005南通市)A.will you B.do youC.won’t we D.shall we3.─I don’t think Lucy will come today,______she?─______,she won’t.She is ill and staysat home.(2005山东菏泽市)A.won’t;No B.will;NoC.won’t;Yes D.will;Yes4.You never have dumplings,______you?(2005四川省内江市)A.do B.don’t C.have5.─Look at the skirt over t...  相似文献   

听力测试I. 听句子,选择恰当的应答语1. A. Only once a monthB. In time.C. For one year. 2. A. It’s nothing serious.B. Yes, a little better, thanks. C. I’ve got a headache. 3. A. I’m glad to hear that.B. What a pity! C. Have a good time! 4. A. Thanks. B. Is that enough? C. It doesn’t matter. 5. A. Can I help you? B. Wait! Can’t you see I'm busy? C. Go straight along here,please. II. 听句子,选出与所听句子意思最…  相似文献   

1.—Could you please do the dishes,Lana?I’m cleaning the room.—______(.2006吉林省长春市)A.Yes,sure B.Yes,you canC.No,thanks D.No,you can’t2.—Bob,may I______your MP4?—Sure.But you’d better not______it toothers(.2007福建省福州市)A.lend;lend B.lend;borrowC.borrow;borrow D.borrow;lend3.We mustn’t waste water______there isnot enough water on the earth(.2006吉林省)A.so B.until C.because D.but4.Kate didn’t go to the movie last night be-cause she had to______her sick dog athome.(2007…  相似文献   

1 .You’re just in tinle for the mateh一_too early_ too late. A .neither,nor B .both,and C .either,or D .not only,but also2 .You’11 do better in English _you work harder. A .or B.than C.if D.before3 .There are 50 many radios in the shoP.1 ean’t deeide_. A .to buy whar B .to buy whieh C .what to buy D .whieh to buy4 .1 have two brothers,but_ of them lives with me. A .all B.I)oth C .neither D.few5 .Sinee you are_trouble, why not ask_helP? A .in,for B.in,to C .with,for D.with,to6 .The…  相似文献   

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