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Drawing a Clown     
1 Draw a circle as a head.Then draw two guide lines. 画一个圆当头部,然后画两条辅助线。2 rawa mouth and two eyes. 画嘴巴和眼睛。  相似文献   

Drawing a Clown     
1 Draw a head and a hat. 画头部和帽子。(忘记了就看看上一期吧)  相似文献   

Drawing a Girl     
.Dr8WSCirCle8S8hesd.Th6ndr8W \ two guide Iines. 画一个圆当头部,然 2 .oraw eyes and a nose· 画眼睛和鼻子。(翘翘的才漂亮l) Z一k 3 哪‘ 吟卜 职 r8w a m0Uth snd 画嘴巴和耳或:。 e hair. }很活泼哦!) 刀忱︸; 几笔勾勒Drawing a Girl  相似文献   

Drawing a Frog     
1.Draw an oval as a head.Then draw two guide lines. 画一个椭圆当头部,然后画两条辅助线2.Draw eyes and a mouth. 画眼睛和嘴巴。(要对称噢!)  相似文献   

Draw a lively Scarecr0W· 扮 上一次,我们学画了一个 滑稽可爱的小丑,这次,就让 我们来学画一幅秋天的美景吧! RUb OUt thOSG unneeessary Iines. 擦掉多余均线条。 J~~一一一一___一一一一~一_____ 馨 CO!OUF 上漂亮的 Oe00000右卜 酝Drawing a Picture of Autumn@蓝丽诗$桂  相似文献   

Wow, the spinach (菠菜) strawberry salad looks yummy! Do you want to have a taste? Now let's make a spinach strawberry salad. It's easy!  相似文献   

正esriu rock.A ockbecoms sand1.Wheres thebeachandfrom?biamThesoft sndon theeachis actallyo seawavesakerocksnto small novfsandhas diferentcolrs,such tafter yearsof riers'washig.Yearsfecltparts.And finaly theybecom sand.The,se of hedifferentolorsof he arside.as yellow,ed,grayndblack becaustthewindsakedesertandto theeas  相似文献   

正【阅读难度:】外籍专家解读各行各业你不知道的那些事儿。Pre-reading task1.What are the effects of global warming?2.What do climate analysts feel about the recent changes in the environment?Now,read the article and see if your answers are correct.  相似文献   

正The Duck and the Crane The Crane(鹤)invited theDuck to tea."So nice of youto ask me to come,"said the Duckto the Crane."No one invites me anywhere.""Entirely my pleasure,"said the Crane to the Duck,passing him a sugar bowl."Do you takesugar in your tea?""Yes,thank you,"said theDuck.He dumped(倒)half the into his cup,while spilling(撒出)the other half onthe floor.  相似文献   

1When a cowork said he'd spent bor-ing evening the night before with somemembers of his wife's family, "I guessmost of them are all right, except herbrother. He's the only guy I know whocan spend the whole evening braggingabout how well he's doing, and then tryto borrow $20 as he's leaving ."2Campus comedy校园喜剧When a carload of friends arrived atlunchtime, mother invited them to shareour meal and managed to give everyonea fair portion.But after our…  相似文献   

正Clever Bobby Brown was very proud of his young son.Once he was talking to a visitor,telling the man how clever his son was."The boy is only two years old,"he said,"and he knows all animals.He's going to be a great naturalist(生物学家).Here,let me show you."He took a book of natural history from the bookself,placed Bobby  相似文献   

<正>注:愚人节(April Fools’Day)全称四月愚人节,又称万愚节,是西方一些国家的风俗和民间传统节日,时间在每年4月1日。然而,你知道这个节日的来历吗?The first of April is commonly known as April Fools’Day and it is customarily1on this day to play a trick on a friend.You can do this by making your friend believe something  相似文献   

1.What 5-letter word has 6 left when you take 2 letters away?2.What’s too much for me,just right for two,but nothing at all for three?3.What question can you never answer"yes"to?4.How many sides does a house has?5.What never asks any questions but always gets answers?6.What is four feet on four feet waiting for four feet?7.What has a soft bed but never sleeps,a big mouth but never speaks?  相似文献   

1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight?  相似文献   

黄云 《今日中学生》2016,(Z3):53-54
AThere are three brothers,the eldest says:"I have four nephews(侄儿)and one niece(侄女)."The second says:"I have four nephews too,but Ihave two nieces."The third says:"I have four nephews as well(也),but Ihave three nieces."Do you know how many sons and daughters each of them has?B Mr.Wang buys a new pair of socks,however,there is a hole on each sock.  相似文献   

阅读理论需要从一个固定的方法论系统转向一种灵活而且实用的阅读实践,促进结构变化,以此回应李圭关于读者作为"局内/外人"的讨论。本文通过案例分析,拓展了玛乔瑞·帕洛夫关于微阅读和微写作实践的理论,并对文学学术界的职业化写作进行了评述。本文中使用的"paradigma"一词是临时创造的一个混成词,由"范式"(paradigm)与"迷"(enigma)两个词合并而成。  相似文献   

A Carol Roberts left school when she was seventeen and then thought,"What’s going to happen now?I want to marry a nice young man and have some children,but no nice young men have asked me yet.Will I meet one soon,and will he want to marry me?"  相似文献   

1.—Wouldyoulikeabitmorerice?—,Imquitefull.A.SorryB.NoC.No,thanksD.2.—Ienjoyedmyselfverymuchatyourparty.—.A.ImgladtohearthatB.NotgoodatallC.PleasedontsaysoD.Ofcourse,youdid3.—Whynotgoandasktheteacherforhelp?—.A.Yes,IagreeB.H  相似文献   

MrGreenwasnearlyninety,sothatwasoftendifficultforhimtorememberthings.Andhelikedtravellingverymuch.EveryyearheandhiswifewenttoLondon.Onesummerwhentheywereallthere,theywenttovisitoneoftheirfriend.Hehadtwoyoungdaughters.NowMrGreenwastalkingtooneofgirlsinthegardenafterlunch.“YouandyoursisterwereillnesswhenmywifeandIwereherelastyear,wereyou?”hesaidtoher.“Yes,wewere,”answeredthegirl,“Wewereverygood.”Theoldmansaidnothingforaminute,becauseheisthinking.Thenatlasthesaid,“O…  相似文献   

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