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In this article I describe how socio-politicalchange in South Africa (in the 1990s) andprocesses of globalisation andinternationalisation provided opportunities forprofessional engagement among South African andAustralian academics. I specifically reflect onthe role that (dis)trust played in knowledgeproduction processes involving South Africanand Australian academics in a project entitled,Educating for Socio-Ecological Change:Capacity-Building in EnvironmentalEducation. The article expands on the work ofTurnbull (1997) who argues that the basis ofknowledge might not be empirical verification(as the orthodox view would have it), buttrust. The article provides some insights as tohow the social organisation of trust might bechanging in post-apartheid South Africa.  相似文献   


The purpose of this paper is to clarify the actual conditions of youth in social difficulties in Japan and to examine the characteristics and meanings of ‘educational support’ for them from the viewpoint of literacy theory as a social practice. My colleagues and I carried out a four-year qualitative study of several private groups supporting young people from 2012 to 2015. In this study, we visited the groups and conducted semi-structured interviews with young learners (aged from 16 to 23) and their supporters. It became clear during the interviews that most young learners had not received sufficient basic education because of their delinquency or truancy, and they had had very few opportunities to build relationships of trust with those around them. The elements of the support that is needed are clarified in this study as follows: (1) building relationships of trust with young learners, (2) nurturing learners’ motivation and/or self-confidence, (3) emphasizing learners’ ideas, interests and literacies embedded in their everyday lives. These points show that ‘educational support’ for youth in social difficulties should by no means only be about the transmission of skills or fragmentary knowledge, but also the cultivation of motivation for learning and/or self-confidence based on relationships of trust.  相似文献   

采用人际信任量表和社会支持评定量表对安徽师范大学160名大学本科学生进行测查,用以探讨大学生人际信任与社会支持的关系。结果表明:性别与出生地对于人际信任的影响并不显著;是否为独生子和年级对于人际信任的影响显著;大学生的人际信任与社会支密切相关;回归分析表明,社会支持和主观支持均能预测大学生人际信任,表明社会支持是影响人际信任的重要因素。  相似文献   

This paper describes a structural equation modeling(SEM) analysis of factors influencing architects’ trust in project design teams. We undertook a survey of architects,during which we distributed 193 questionnaires in 29 A-level architectural design institutes selected radomly from the altogether 59 ones in Shenzhen,P. R. China,and received 130 valid questionnaires. We used Amos 6.0 for SEM to identify significant personal construct based factors affecting interpersonal trust. The results show that only soc...  相似文献   

大学生人际交往中适应不良的心理现象分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从行为困扰、交际困扰、待人接物、与异性交往、人际信任、交往焦虑、社交回避与苦恼七个方面,对南京江宁大学城5所高校的3019名学生进行了人际关系问卷调查,发现大学生在人际信任、交往焦虑、交际困扰、社交回避与苦恼四方面问题最为突出。  相似文献   

Research Findings: The aim of this study was to explore the relations between children's trust beliefs and social competence as well as social preference. In addition, this study examined how children with different trust belief profiles may differ in their peer interactive behaviors. A total of 47 children ages 5 to 6 participated in this study. Data were collected via observation of play behaviors, a teacher-rated social competence scale, and a child interview. The results indicated that children's trust beliefs in friends’ promise-keeping behaviors were positively associated with intrapersonal and interpersonal domains of social competence. Children who had greater trust in non-friend classmates’ promise-keeping behaviors tended to be sociable in a group, polite, and more preferred, and they were less likely to be disliked by peers. Children with different trust profiles exhibited differential interactive behaviors with peers. Practice or Policy: These findings suggest that parents and early childhood educators should pay more attention to the extent to which young children trust their close friends and familiar peers, especially in terms of keeping promises. Adults may model their efforts in keeping their promises made to children and enhance children's capacity to reciprocate trust in close relationships. Adults can help children differentiate their trust based on the intimacy of relationships.  相似文献   

从社会学角度看,社会转型对我国当前信任危机的产生起了重要的作用。社会转型因素作用研究大致可分为以下四个方面:一是从社会范式改变的角度研究信任危机的产生,二是个体身份的改变导致个体信任危机的研究,三是从血缘关系跨越与家的缺失关系来研究信任危机的出现,四是人际关系的重构引发个体信任感危机的研究。  相似文献   

School is often ranked highly among social agents that are central to the development of various citizenship values and norms in younger members of society. In this paper, we examined the impact of two dimensions of school climate on changes in social trust among adolescents over time, namely relationships and safety. Using a series of latent change models on 3-wave panel data concerning roughly 850 Swedish adolescents aged 16 to 18 years, we found that experiences of victimization in school mattered most in predicting changes in social trust across 3 time points, when relevant demographic factors and other aspects of the school climate were controlled. In particular, social trust declined most among adolescents who experienced more victimization at school.  相似文献   

Teaching is an interaction. It is a relationship between my students and myself. For successful interactions to take place there needs to be trust. In order for my students to be successful I have to be successful as well. My students and I have to have a variety of interactions. These interactions build trust, which leads to bonding. I believe these are the core components to success for myself and therefore my students. The environment that I work in also has to be about trust. I have to feel trusted to do my job in order to be successful. My experiences hopefully will lead to more research and the understanding of trust in the cognitive process of learning.  相似文献   

以往研究表明,不公平感知会导致个体的普遍信任受损。但如何修复不公平感知后的普遍信任,目前尚不清楚。本研究采用信任博弈范式,考察了道歉在不公平感知后的信任修复中的作用。结果发现:经历不公平对待后,道歉组的公平感知显著高于沉默组;道歉组的愤怒和厌恶程度显著低于沉默组;道歉组对陌生人的信任投资钱数显著高于沉默组;愤怒和厌恶分别在道歉与普遍信任之间起完全中介的作用。上述结果表明,在经历不公平的对待后,道歉能提高个体的公平感知,缓解其消极情绪,进而有效修复受损的普遍信任。  相似文献   

社会资本研究日渐成为多学科共同关注的领域。学界研究主要集中在对社会资本概念的理解、对其作用的认识以及在经验层面的运用上。社会资本研究的核心要素,诸如资源、信任、互惠、合作、规范和网络等,成为社会资本研究范式的共识,但诸多学者的侧重有所不同,因而学界对社会资本的理解显得较为凌乱。另外,学界对社会信任在社会资本中的位置,也难有一致的共识。笔者试图通过对目前已有的社会资本研究成果以及在其视角下信任研究的重要成果进行梳理,为探寻建立适合我国国情的社会资本研究范式作一点有益的思考。  相似文献   

文章分析社会诚信的基本内涵和特点,论述加强社会诚信建设的必要性,进而分析导致目前社会诚信危机的主要原因,在此基础上,提出加强社会诚信建设的对策。  相似文献   

文章从吉登斯有关信任的研究入手,将信任危机产生的原因归于两犬类:主观方面是社。会成员自身的本体性不安全;客观方面是抽象体系入口处的糟糕体验。并在此基础上。提出建立个人信任、促进代理组织完善和加强代理组织监督来增强社会信任的建议。  相似文献   

农业科技成果的转化需要供给、推广和需求三个主体的共同参与,社会资本的缺失阻碍了转化主体间的协同合作,进而制约了农业科技成果的转化.政府可以通过建立交互式社会关系网络、协同合作的信任机制及完善共享式的社会规范,强化转化主体问协同合作深度,从而提高农业科技成果的转化率.  相似文献   

采用《社会支持量表》和《人际信任量表》对唐山市几个社区的居民进行了调查,旨在探讨社区居民人际信任和社会支持存在的状况及之间的关系。研究结果表明:(1)唐山市社区居民的社会支持水平处中等水平,并存在性别、收入稳定性、婚姻及子女状况的差异;(2)唐山市社区居民的人际信任水平处中等水平,并存在性别、收入稳定性及子女状况的差异;(3)高社会支持水平的社区居民与中等以下社区支持水平的居民人际信任水平存在非常显著的差异。  相似文献   

Trust, a relational phenomenon that is an important building block of interpersonal relationships and within society, can also be an intermediary outcome of field-based environmental education programs. Trust creates a foundation for collaboration and decision-making, which are core to many ultimate outcomes of environmental education. Yet, understanding how trust develops among environmental education program participants is still nascent, partly because few methods exist for measuring trust in informal contexts, such as those that are common for many environmental education programs. Our study used social network analysis and qualitative data from focus groups, questionnaires, and participant observation to investigate the development of trust among residential environmental education program participants in two school groups, some of whom had initial familiarity with each other. Network data indicated differential increases in peer-to-peer trust among group members when measured at the individual level. Qualitative data from the focus groups highlighted salient dimensions of trust that were particularly relevant in this setting, including friendship, emotional and physical safety, and self-disclosure; reciprocal trust among peers and educators; and aspects of this immersive setting that fostered trust among the participants.  相似文献   

自我负责的课程文化与社会创新   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
社会创新是当前全球化背景下各国社会变迁和发展的主要动力,其运作机制包括自上而下的国家政府路径和自下而上的市民社会路径.这两种路径的良性运作都需要社会资本的增长和普遍信任的形成.自我负责的文化是普遍信任形成和社会资本总量增长的基础.针对我国传统课程文化中的问题和新课程实施过程中的遇到的困难,在教育的核心构件课程中贯彻自我负责的课程文化,将有助于普遍信任的形成和社会资本总量的增长,从而促进社会创新和发展.  相似文献   

通过对大学生社会支持与人际信任相关研究的探讨,进一步了解大学生的社会支持与人际信任水平及二者的关系。主要采用问卷法,辅以文献法等方法,对150名大学生的社会支持、人际信任水平以及二者之间的关系进行了研究。结果表明:在社会支持量表上,大学生性别与年级对社会支持水平的影响显著,生源地与是否为独生子女对社会支持的水平影响并不显著;在人际信任量表上,大学生性别与生源地对人际信任的影响并不显著,年级与是否为独生子女对人际信任的影响显著;大学生人际信任和社会支持总分、客观支持、主观支持和支持利用度存在显著正相关。  相似文献   

论社会信任在社会生活中的作用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
作为社会资本特定形式的社会信任,以社会资本的运作方式在社会生活中起着独特而积极的作用:1、创立与维护社会团结,整合社会秩序;2、实现社会控制。维护社会秩序与社会稳定;3、润滑社会交易与合作,促进人的发展与社会繁荣;4、抑制“机会主义行为”,避免“囚徒困境”现象。认识社会信任的这些作用,对于当今充分发挥社会信任在社会主义市场经济建设过程中的作用具有非常重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

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