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A survey was conducted among faculty members to determine their feelings about a nontraditional degree program. The faculty did not feel that the degree was of less rigor than a traditional degree and was in general favorable to the idea of innovative degree programs. However, the faculty was skeptical about any rewards that they might accrue by participating in the program.  相似文献   

A questionnaire was returned by 241 (79%) graduates and 75 (31%) of the inactive students of a nontraditional BA degree program. A profile of each type of adult learner was presented and differences between the profiles in age and ethnic affiliation are discussed. The two groups did not differ in primary reason for seeking a degree or a nontraditional program, but graduates gave more reasons in each case. Graduates were more likely to perceive dispositional, communication, and program variables as assets. Inactive students were more likely to perceive time to study and cost of courses as problems. Results are compared to the concept of educational barriers.Dr. Losty is Associate Dean of the Faculty at Stephens College, Columbia, Missouri. She has served as Associate Director and Director of Stephens College Without Walls. Ms. Kreilick is a graduate of Stephens College.  相似文献   

The request to evaluate a nontraditional degree program sounds simple enough. But what does it mean “to evaluate the program?” This article identifies twelve major areas seeming to require evaluative attention according to the perspectives of a number of different groups of people. In addition to identifying these areas, the study suggested priorities for the areas in terms of their long-term, overall importance in a complete evaluation plan and their immediate or short-term importance in the early stages of program implementation.  相似文献   

Attrition, which courses in the humanities and social sciences particularly suffer from, is a major problem for universities and students. This paper investigates the reasons students give for prematurely discontinuing studying the Bachelor of Arts. This is a qualitative study that thematically analyses semi-structured interviews. The sample represented a cross-section of the population of students enrolled in the course. The reasons for attrition can be divided into course-related or personal reasons. Amongst course-related reasons, the most important relate to: career direction and purpose, subject range and peer bonding, as well as teaching quality. Personal issues that interfere with study relate to illness, finances and employment. Course-related and personal reasons also interact and reinforce each other, with students studying the humanities and social sciences more vulnerable to personal pressures due to course-related reasons. Student engagement with support services is also analysed, and conclusions drawn on how attrition can be addressed.  相似文献   

All universities in Australia are asked to develop various attributes in their degrees. From 2011, the Australian Qualifications Framework has stipulated some of these attributes for the various levels of qualifications. There are many challenges that face assuring the development of graduate attributes in a Bachelor of Arts as the degree typically has very few core units (if any), a wide choice of subjects, a limited prerequisite structure and, unlike many professional degrees, the BA does not have an external accrediting body. This paper describes an approach used to identify the pathway undertaken by each individual student in a History major of the Bachelor of Arts. This pathway was used to identify the graduate attributes that each student should have developed, as articulated by the lecturers. Student perceptions were then compared with the graduate attributes that were intended to be developed through each individual's combination of units studied. In summary, through analysing the two methods (student perceptions and unit pathway) we found that they concurred with respect to only three-quarters of the graduate attributes. Possible reasons for the discrepancies and future research are discussed. The need for multiple methods of providing evidence of the development of graduate attributes is confirmed.  相似文献   

Student attrition is an area of constant concern for higher education managers and policymakers alike, yet little is known of the outcomes of those who depart higher education prematurely. We examine the educational and financial outcomes of students who start, but do not complete, a Bachelor-level course using data from the Australian Bureau of Statistics. We find that the number of non-completers is remarkably high, but also that the majority of Bachelor non-completers have completed some other form of tertiary-level qualification. Consistent with other research, we also find that Bachelor non-completers report higher incomes than those who have not attempted a Bachelor degree. The results suggest that the current sectoral focus on preventing student attrition is limited. Further strategies are required to re-engage students who have withdrawn from higher education and to understand the trajectories of partial completers and the impacts of partial completion.  相似文献   

Tertiary Education and Management - One of the most vehemently discussed questions in the process of restructuring traditional long study programmes according to the Bachelor/Master model is how to...  相似文献   

Women continue to be underrepresented in the fields of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM). One factor contributing to this underrepresentation is the graduate school experience. Graduate programs in STEM fields are constructed around assumptions that ignore the reality of women's lives; however, emerging opportunities may lead to experiences that are more compatible for women. One such opportunity is the Graduate Teaching Fellows in K–12 Education (GK–12) Program, which was introduced by the National Science Foundation in 1999. Although this nontraditional graduate program was not designed explicitly for women, it provided an unprecedented context in which to research how changing some of the basic assumptions upon which a graduate school operates may impact women in science. This exploratory case study examines the self‐definition of 8 women graduate students who participated in a GK–12 program at a major research university. The findings from this case study contribute to higher education's understanding of the terrain women graduate students in the STEM areas must navigate as they participate in programs that are thought to be more conducive to their modes of self‐definition while they continue to seek to be successful in the historically Eurocentric, masculine STEM fields. © 2006 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Res Sci Teach 43: 852–873, 2006  相似文献   

The Institute for Personal and Career Development of Central Michigan University offers external degree programs for adult learners utilizing nontraditional study. The competency-based programs described in this paper include credit given for the educational background and relevant career-life experiences of registered nurses in Michigan. The curriculum options most often chosen by nurses culminate in a BS degree in Community Development with a concentration either in school health or in public health and a BS degree in Management and Supervision with a concentration in health care administration.  相似文献   

Humanities programs that involve citizens in discovering the relevance of the humanities to contemporary American experience are supported by the National Endowment for the Humanities through its state affiliates. Potential benefits are enhanced through the incorporation of intended learners in the planning and evaluation stages. For a decade, state humanities agencies have been catalysts in the design and delivery of programs that reach adults who have not traditionally been students of the humanities.Ronald Benson is Executive Director of the Georgia Endowment for the Humanities. Before coming to Georgia, Ron was Professor of Philosophy at Ohio Northern University.  相似文献   

Online technology allows higher education to reach additional students. Because of its convenience many universities will offer a variety of criminology and criminal justice courses online. This paper presents a case study of the transfer of a graduate justice studies degree program from traditional instruction to online delivery. The transformation must involve the coordination of several university departments. Online course instruction includes development, instruction, and assessment stages that are distinct from traditional courses. The lessons learned from this process are discussed.  相似文献   

以近年来山东艺术学院戏剧学院毕业生择业问题为研究对象,探讨高等学校艺术类毕业生就业的对策.  相似文献   

运用文献资料法、调查访问法和实证分析法对近几年美术专业毕业生就业情况进行分析和梳理,剖析了美术专业学生就业难的主要影响因素,并提出改善及解决对策。  相似文献   

Recent national reports have highlighted the contribution that the sciences make to the Australian economy. Many developed economies report perceived shortages of STEM qualified workers, and at the same time, many science graduates have difficulty in finding work, especially work in their discipline. Rational education design dictates that science curricula at all levels should be based on a realistic representation of the actual practice of science graduates. So where do Australian science graduates go postgraduation? Using the Australian national census data set, we present a focussed investigation into the occupational status of Australian science bachelor graduates, how this status varies with graduate age and gender, how this status varies between science degree specialisms and how this status compares to a range of other disciplines. We consider the implications of these findings for undergraduate science degree curriculum design. We find that Australian science bachelor graduates work in a wide range of occupations, and even immediately postgraduation, only a minority of science bachelor graduates are working in traditional science occupations. Occupational outcomes vary significantly between science degree specialisms. For a contemporary undergraduate science curriculum to reflect the occupational outcomes of science bachelor graduates, there is a balance required to ensure adequate technical preparation for those students who pursue a career in their discipline as science professionals and to also address the broader knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip the majority of graduates from Australian science programs for successful employment, further education and active participation in their communities, using their science knowledge.  相似文献   

For several decades researchers have raised questions regarding factors that enable undergraduate students, particularly those from ethnic minority groups living in low socio-economic areas, to persist with their studies to degree completion. Seeking answers to these questions becomes more urgent as universities around the world enrol increasingly diverse cohorts of students. This article reviews the patterns of participation and success for students enrolled in a Bachelor of Education program at one university, distributed across three different locations and attracting different cohorts of students. This provided the university with a unique opportunity to learn about the retention and success of diverse cohorts, particularly those traditionally under-represented at undergraduate-level study. At least 75% of students in the under-represented groups passed their courses. Surprisingly the pass rates of students at the three campuses were similar, despite dissimilarities in ethnicity, socio-economic status and previous academic success.  相似文献   

This study compared third-grade achievement test scores of participants in vertical Home Start (VHS), a preschool individualized program for children from 2 to 5 years of age; with comparable scores of their older and nonprogram siblings. Nonparametric rank ordering assessment revealed significant trends for black VHS children to attain higher rankings on 11 of the 15 subtest measures; no significant ranking differences were obtained with white children. Results indicate that, especially for black children, home-based preschool enrichment may more effectively promote growth in math and basic skills areas related to Cattell's crystallized intelligence, with more limited enrichment effects in such language-linked subject areas as vocabulary and reading.  相似文献   

This study employed a sample of 5,577 students initially enrolling in 352 four-year colleges and universities. The study's purpose was to investigate racial differences in the factors associated with bachelor's degree completion. The sample was followed over a nine-year period, from 1971 to 1980. Tinto's (1975) theoretical model guided the selection of 19 predictor variables. This set of predictors accounted for between 15% and 29% of the variance in attaining the bachelor's degree for white and black men and women. For all race and sex subgroups, measures of the collegiate experience (e.g., number of institutions attended, academic and social integration, and subsequent institutional commitment/satisfaction) had the strongest and most consistently positive regression weights with degree completion. Only a small number of significant race or sex differences were found in the factors associated with degree completion. For black men, the number of institutions attended and the size of the institution initially attended had significantly stronger negative associations with degree attainment than they did for white men. Institutional commitment/satisfaction had positive regression weights for all subsamples, but the magnitude was greater for men of both races than it was for women. Within samples, academic integration was a somewhat stronger predictor of degree attainment than social integration for whites but not for blacks.  相似文献   

2006年4月至6月,安徽教育学院以信函问卷和回访座谈的方式对2003—2005届部分普高毕业生及其就业的单位进行了跟踪调查。调查显示,用人单位对我院毕业生的总体印象较好,毕业生对我院的教育教学是肯定的、对教师的评价是积极的,但也存在一些问题。为进一步提升学院普高办学水平,我们必须坚持以人为本的指导思想,注重培养学生的综合素质;以社会需求为导向,努力造就一专多能复合型人才;加强就业指导,促进学生促进尽快成才;积极开展毕业生跟踪调研,使办学更具针对性。  相似文献   

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