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前些日子读到北大教授钱理群的一篇文章《当今之中国青年和时代精神》。文中从抗震救灾谈及国民性问题,进而引申到"如何将灾难转化为育人、治国的精神资源"这样一个问题。文章提出:"我们这个时代所需要并正在形成的三大精神:一是以生命至上为核心的仁爱精神,二是以多元社会、文化并存为核心的宽容精神,三是以社  相似文献   

无论是历史还是现实的考察,大学一直具有非凡的社会价值。大学自身发展和区域发展的良性互动,既能充分体现大学的社会价值,也是大学发展的内在要求。大学要理性地审视自身的定位与特色发展,将服务地方视为“身边责任”。  相似文献   

决定主义道德责任观与自由主义道德责任观以各自为阵营展开冲突与对抗,两者分别执着于不同的两端论述了自由与责任的关系。通过决定主义与自由主义道德责任观的理性思考,挖掘决定主义与自由主义道德责任观的未来发展趋势,完善道德责任伦理,延伸道德责任法律介入。  相似文献   

面对高考,总有一些考生会感到很紧张,甚至因此严重影响水平的正常发挥。本文针对十种常见的高考紧张症状给出心理处方,希望能对考生有所帮助。  相似文献   

经济法责任的归责原则和构成要件   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经济法责任是经济法主体对其违反经济法义务或者不当行使经济法规定的权利所应承担的法律后果。经济法责任侧重于无过错责任和公平责任,尤其侧重于公平责任。在法律责任构成要件上,与其它部门法责任相比较,既有相同点,也有不同点。  相似文献   

Open enrollment and walk-in advising at two-year colleges make placement assessment a continual, year-round process, effectively prohibiting the use of placement processes like entrance portfolios. On the grounds of expediency, many two-year institutions have turned to computerized editing tests such as COMPASS for placing entering students into writing courses, even though such tests do not directly measure writing. Forgoing placement assessment entirely through directed student self-placement, such as that described by Royer and Gilles, has also become an attractive alternative for some institutions. Beginning with the premise that assessment is a rhetorical act, the authors describe their reasons for resisting computer editing tests and suggest possible problems with using only directed student self-placement in open access institutions. They then describe a placement process, the Writer's Profile, which they developed. A sample student profile is presented to illustrate the interaction and negotiation among writing teachers as they read profiles and reach an agreement about their placement recommendation. The authors argue that the form of assessment chosen is important because as a rhetorical act assessment affects curriculum, pedagogy, faculty development, and even the surrounding community's expectations and perceptions of college writing.  相似文献   

With changing domestic needs and intensifying foreign competition, American businesses are developing a leaner and more efficient look as they seek to streamline and improve their organizations and operations. Modern higher education can play a constructive and dynamic role in this process by offering corporations an expanded array of both traditional and nontraditional educational services. The development of new courses and instructional modes are helping to meet many of the informational needs of a restructuring private sector. At the same time forward-looking campuses are sharing and assisting in the adaptation of new technologies. A university committed to facilitating technology transfer, exploring innovative ways of disseminating research findings, and promoting information exchange at all levels, can give new meaning to the mission triad of instruction, research, and public service. At the same time such an institution can gain a new relevance in community and economic development. The following article looks at some new initiatives that are proving both effective and welcome as new modern corporate America seeks solutions to some of its most pressing problems.Dr. James T. Kenny is Vice Chancellor for Research and Development at Auburn University at Montgomery. He is the editor of a new Jossey-Bass volume titled ResearchAdministration and Technology Transfer and has been active in a number of cooperative university, business, and governmental programs. He currently chairs a committee of corporate and state leaders who, along with their university counterparts, are developing a research park and a university-based institute for advanced information systems.  相似文献   

The measurement of responsibility in children   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

The public-private division of responsibility for education   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this chapter “private” schools are defined as those that were privately founded and are privately managed; they usually have some private funding, although in some cases considerable funding and control come from the government. The size and nature of the private sector is viewed as stemming from excess demand for education due to limited public spending (i.e., these are students who would prefer to use the public schools but are involuntarily excluded and pushed into the private sector); differentiated demand due primarily to cultural heterogeneity (i.e., these are students whose differentiated tastes along religious, linguistic or ethnic lines lead them voluntarily to choose the private sector even if a public school place is available); and the supply of non-profit educational entrepreneurship (e.g., founders who start schools to maximize religious faith or believers, rather than profits) by competing religious organizations. The impact of public policies, including public educational spending and private subsidies, is also considered.  相似文献   

知识产权侵权责任的具体适用归责原则一直是专家学者争议的论题,知识产权侵权责任归责原则应当以是否坚持侵权法和知识产权法的宗旨、是否坚持社会公共利益、是否坚持社会的公平正义、是否有利于社会主义市场经济的角度上考虑,来确定知识产权侵权责任的归责原则是过错责任原则,而非无过错原则或混合原则.  相似文献   

Collaboration between a metropolitan university's college of education and urban and suburban school districts is described via an initiative to support dissemination of effective elementary practices across 7 districts. The effort focused on the creation of 4 booklets that described best practices as identified through the research-based literature. Parent involvement, literacy instruction, multiage classrooms, and brain-based learning were the areas targeted for attention. Two conferences to share the information were also a part of the plan for dissemination. Trust and camaraderie evolved as faculty members, teachers, and administrators worked together to create a product and share it with their colleagues.  相似文献   

刘群 《高中生》2011,(10):4
责任,是一种生活态度。一个人的责任,也就是他对生活的承担,不完全在于行为,也取决于一种世界观。因为人的世界观造就了他生活中的一切。他对生活承担了多少,取决于他对自己与世界了解的程度,也取决于他对如下问题的回答:所有的人  相似文献   

中国在近年来公共基础设施建设中广泛的采用PPP模式。在该模式下,政府既大大节省了财政支出,又为私营、民营企业投资创益创造了契机。但在实际运行过程之中,日益暴露出了很多缺陷,政府在面对责任风险问题时往往会抛出PPP模式理论,试图规避法律责任。本文试着去探究PPP模式下责任风险的最终归属问题。  相似文献   

"有限政府"的能力限度、社会经济发展的历史制约性以及教育产品属性的相对性,决定了政府教育责任的有限性。政府的教育责任主要体现在两个方面:一是政府承担教育发展的基本责任;二是对不同性质的教育,政府承担大小不等的责任。  相似文献   

目前,国家已经下令清除小产权房,这标志着小产权房将要退出历史舞台。小产权房涉及农民、购买者、开发商、村集体这些主体,主体的多样性也使得其关系的复杂性。国家在清理小产权房的过程中合理认定各个主体所应当承担的责任对稳定社会有着重大的意义。本文旨在分析各个主体在小产权房这一行为中的行为动机和获利情况,从而对合理分配小产权房责任提出一些建议。  相似文献   

近些世纪发达资本主义国家经济经历了快增长时期,经济繁荣的同时引发了各种问题,法学界在讨论如何解决经济增长而带来的问题时关注到了社会经济发展的主体——企业,企业承担社会环境责任成为了法学界热点话题之一。  相似文献   

针对我国公司法关于股份有限公司发起人责任的规定,做了三方面的探讨一.阐明发起人团体的法律地位;二.论证我国公司法对发起人责任的规定存在不足之处;三.对发起人责任的重构提出见解.  相似文献   

学会负责与学校责任教育   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
“百名学者评论中国教育”专栏,以教育研究者的角度,就教育理论和实践中的热点、焦点、难点、冰点问题发表各种建设性见解。先期办成开放式的,一事一议,或提出问题,或分析评论,力求形成百家争鸣、百花齐放之势,激活中国之教育学术。待有重点问题时,再分专题讨论。特邀教育界有影响的专家学者参与,以教授和博士为主办成一个高层次论坛。各位同仁可就自己认为教育理论与实践中的重要问题写成评论,每篇2000-3000字为宜,诚请各位同仁在百忙中赐教赐稿。  相似文献   

西晋女文学家左蕖,诗歌、词赋、散文,三者各具特色。诗歌高简质朴,感情真挚,其《啄木鸟》与陶渊明《时运》等作,被后人视为四言诗的代表;词赋则深婉迢递,个性独具,且数量之多,居先唐文学史诸女性作家之冠,并开启了辞赋史上“官怨赋”之先声;散文以宫廷应用体为主,词旨清丽,名播八蕃,影响深远。左棻的文学成就,在先唐文学史上占有重要地位,应引起当代文学史家们的足够注意。  相似文献   

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