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Research on journalists and journalistic work has focused on journalists with permanent, full-time employment. Given the rapid decrease of such employment opportunities, we argue that journalism research needs to pay more attention to those who those who have had to leave their jobs and either stopped doing journalism entirely, or who have switched to a freelance career (sometimes combining journalism with other work). This category of people is at once becoming more marginalized and “the new normal” within the occupation: In this paper, we furthermore focus on local (Swedish) journalists and ex-journalists. Based on a set of semi-structured interviews (n?=?12) with ex-journalists who share the experience of having lost their permanent, full-time jobs, we use the concept of livelihood as an analytical tool. The concept of livelihood highlights the shift from journalism as a job practiced exclusive of other jobs to an activity conducted alongside other income-generating activities and makes it possible to analyse leaving the occupation from a context that incorporates the whole life situation of the respondents. This also contributes to the current wave of studies of journalism and job loss by adding qualitative data about individual experiences of job loss to the existing quantitative survey evidence.  相似文献   

Objectivity has been regarded as a central ideal of American journalism in the early twentieth century. The concurrent emergence of photography in the press is rarely associated with this development. The article explores the photographic legacy of journalistic objectivity by discussing a crucial phase in the development of reproduction media for images, the transition from wood engravings to halftones. The former was the dominant mode of ‘illustrated journalism’, the latter became the dominant mode of reproducing photojournalism in print in the twentieth century. The halftone process introduced an equivalence between photographs and their reproductions, obliterating the mediation that had taken place in a code of reproduction that was almost imperceptible. In the contested adoption of the halftone process, it is argued, a shifting valuation of photographs can be observed that prefigures the formulation of objectivity as a transparent code of mediation in journalism.  相似文献   

当代中国马克思主义新闻观主要由党性原则观念、人民中心观念、舆论引导观念和新闻规律观念构成。其中,新闻规律观念在四大观念结构中居于基础地位。基础观念,是一个观念系统结构中的根基性观念,是其他观念发挥合理作用的出发点或奠基石。新闻规律是新闻活动的内在本质联系、稳定机制,新闻规律观念是对新闻规律的自觉。新闻规律观念的实质就是以新闻为本位的观念,对职业新闻活动来说,规律观念表现为专业新闻观念,体现在新闻工作中,就是坚守专业精神、专业伦理,按照专业原则、专业方法生产传播新闻。在更为广泛的意义上,新闻规律观念要求所有新闻活动主体要承认新闻规律,尊重新闻规律,按照新闻规律办事,不断探索新闻规律;一切期望通过新闻实现的追求都要首先以新闻的基本目的、基本功能为基础。  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(2):199-211
Despite many obstacles, investigative journalism continues to flourish in Australia. A significant part of the explanation for this appears to lie with universities which have journalism programs. Investigative journalism has a strong presence in these programs across Australia, a presence which is increasingly being felt at postgraduate level. As a result, an increasing number of journalism graduates have the skills and understanding necessary to embark on serious investigative work, and several institutions have embarked on projects with innovative approaches to collaborative investigative work. However, the wider context in which Australia's tertiary institutions operate is far from benign, and journalism programs—and thus the teaching of investigative journalism—are subject to many pressures. The paper finds that, although university journalism programs are increasingly taking responsibility for educating their students about investigative journalism, thereby picking up a key responsibility which would once have been borne entirely by the industry, there are also forces at work which limit their capacity to do this.  相似文献   

The television medium has occupied a dominant place in Bangladesh. With the unprecedented expansion of the television industry, questions are being raised about a palpable rise in market-oriented journalism (MOJ) in the country. This article examines the theoretical and empirical relationship between MOJ and credibility of TV news. Three surrogate factors of MOJ including independence, social role, and objectivity, along with TV news credibility are analyzed for insights. The findings suggest that there is a complex relationship between the two constructs. To improve the perception of credibility of TV news, our findings suggest an important role of public journalism as an alternative to MOJ.  相似文献   

China plays an increasing role in the wars and conflicts around the world with its expanding political and economic interests overseas and its diplomatic role in international affairs. More and more Chinese journalists go to the frontlines overseas to cover distant conflicts for domestic audiences. Based on semi-structured in-depth interviews with 16 Chinese correspondents who have covered conflicts outside China, this study examines Chinese journalists' perceptions and reflections on objectivity in the war zones. The author adopts a term of Chinese-style pragmatic objectivity to mean that objectivity is a convenient approach for Chinese journalists to do war journalism in the field. At the level of objectivity-as-a-value, objectivity is defined as a pragmatic value and a practical ritual for Chinese journalists to do news within the scope they can reach, to protect themselves from criticisms, and to justify their version of the truth. It promotes allegiance and patriotism. At the level of objectivity-as-a-practice, objectivity in war coverage is compromised by China's foreign policies, military constraints, the press's political orientations and editorial polices, and journalists' personal experiences and values. Chinese journalists use Chinese-style objectivity to negotiate their roles in the power struggle with the state, foreign militaries, the newsroom, and journalists.  相似文献   

方晨 《国际新闻界》2020,(4):134-155
以詹姆斯·凯瑞的讨论为源头,兴起于20世纪70年代的新闻史观变革运动推动了美国新闻史研究走出辉格式的、线性的、进步的传统范式。大卫·诺德延续了凯瑞的新闻文化史路径,将其进一步聚焦到以阅读史为代表的新闻机制史的范畴中。他的《新闻的共同体》重新定义了“新闻”与“新闻史”的内涵,从“生产的共同体”和“接收的共同体”两个维度阐发了北美新闻传统中的共同体精神。他的新闻史研究试图将文学批评、历史学、传播学、社会学等融合在一起,建立一种兼顾人文主义和社会科学的新的关于传播的历史。由于他的新闻史观是地方性的,国内研究借鉴时要注意可行性和合理性。  相似文献   

本文基于考察角度的多维性、指标的可操作性、数据的可得性和客观性,提出了的一个较为全面的综合性的新闻传播学学科评估体系。  相似文献   

口述史:新闻史研究的一种新路径   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文把口述史置于新闻史研究的背景下,阐释了口述历史的相关理论,对其应用于新闻史研究的可行性和实际操作时可能出现的问题进行了分析,说明新闻史研究开展口述历史工作的意义及其方法。  相似文献   

The emergence of “fake news” during the Brexit referendum and Trump election campaign sent news organisations scurrying to establish teams of journalists to debunk deliberately misleading stories and verify facts. This paper examines steps to counter false stories and asks whether normative values of objectivity are about to enjoy a comeback. Typical markers of objectivity (freedom from bias, detachment and fact-based reporting) date back to the nineteenth century and, despite being ingrained in the Anglo-American news culture, have always been subject to challenge. Recently, the growth of partisan and populist media has illustrated deep distrust in traditional news outlets and is questioning whether it is time to jettison objectivity. But are we experiencing a backlash? Through interviews with senior UK-based journalists at legacy news organisations and analysis of editorial policy statements prompted by a UK parliamentary inquiry, the paper explores how fake news is rekindling debate about objectivity and its potential to make quality journalism stand out. It argues that legacy news organisations in the United Kingdom have seized the opportunity to highlight the value of normative practices that draw on familiar components of the objectivity paradigm. But few have the financial strength to bolster the rhetoric with additional editorial resources.  相似文献   

This article draws on and radically adapts the scholarship of medieval epistemology to suggest that at its heart, the Juan Williams clash with NPR represents an escalating conflict between two contrasting modes of authority in western culture with which journalism has long been aligned; scientia and probabilitas—in their modern forms, the authority of “disembodied objectivity” and “embodied” expert opinion. Discussing the controversy through the complex of theories surrounding issues of cultural authority, and employing the paradigm of “long journalism,” the article explores the repercussions of the rise of modern variants of probabilitas, not only at NPR but across the breadth of American journalism. In this light, the Williams affair is an illuminating flashpoint that represents this fundamental conflict, as the growing influence of probabilitas in news construction makes appeals to scientia increasingly tenuous ground on which to base journalistic credibility.  相似文献   

Opinion on the airwaves, once the province of a select few exceptionally qualified journalist‐historians, is now the domain of strident talk show hosts and callers. Radio opens its microphones to public cranks, but not to those best equipped to offer a lucid point of view. The commentator—the gifted essayist whose function was to extract meaning and context from the day's news—is simply extinct, a relic of radio's Golden Age. The irony is, never has he or she been more needed. A grand tradition of broadcast journalism has been abandoned. This article looks back at three icons of radio news: H. V. Kaltenborn, Elmer Davis, and Raymond Gram Swing; the standards they set. . . and a forgotten legacy.  相似文献   

《Journalism Practice》2013,7(1):47-61
In this article, I call on practice theory to analyze the activities of newspaper journalists who report on homelessness. Practice theory is an approach to understanding the social that sees practice, rather than individual action or social structure, as the basic social phenomenon. This approach provides an alternative to the long-standing division between structure and agency that underpins many social theories. Journalists have good intentions in reporting on homelessness, and hope that their work will help to address the problem of homelessness, but they are enmeshed in a professional practice that works against their personal goals. I examine three aspects of journalistic practice: the determination of newsworthiness, the use of sources, and the code of objectivity. Journalists' reporting activities are carried out within the context of the practice of journalism and these activities in turn reproduce journalism as a professional practice, leading to the production of representations that work against the citizenship and social inclusion of homeless people.  相似文献   

中国新闻学的研究,是从介绍和研究外新史开始的。从1915年3月《申报》连载朱世漆撰写的《欧西报业举要》开始,我国外国新闻史研究已经有近一个世纪的历史。其间可分为三大时期,即1915至1949年、1949至1978年、1978年至今。三个时期,特点各异,涌现了一大批外国新闻史研究专家和研究成果。  相似文献   

"如何建构新闻事实"这一认识论和实践规则问题,不能忽视"基于何种实在建构新闻事实"这一本体论问题,因此新闻客观性研究应该深入新闻事实世界的本体结构。基于批判实在论思想,本研究勾勒出新闻事实在本体论层面上的三重结构(实在范畴、空间范畴、历时范畴),新闻客观性作为新闻业知识生产独特的认识论和实践规则,显然同新闻事实的本体结构密切相关。  相似文献   

2020年中国的新闻传播史研究守正创新,涌现出一大批高质量学术成果,同时各领域展现出新的研究发展趋势:中国共产党新闻传播史研究渐成热点;晚清新闻传播史研究开拓新思路;民国新闻传播史研究扎实推进;新中国新闻传播史研究延续周期性反思特点;新闻传播思想史重视观念、语词研究;新闻传播专题史研究著作成果显著;新闻传播史研究范围持...  相似文献   

新闻史研究的发展困境,是酝酿本文的具体背景;而在传播史的共识下,议题生命史则是台湾知识社群回归新闻专业的一种尝试。作者从集体记忆出发,重新讨论报道素材该如何在历史研究中开展,而从业者又拥有什么样的改变机会。社会中的结构失忆,则是新闻工作者要谨慎面对、并大胆突破的文化瓶颈,藉以找回新闻之于社会大众的积极意义。  相似文献   

网络新闻学历史与定义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
网络新闻学短短几十年的历史却陷入了说不清道不明的尴尬境地。本文在查证大量文献的基础上,总结出了网络新闻学历史研究中所存在的三种主要版本及其理论依据,同时根据网络新闻学历史的外延范围,在已有的网络新闻学定义基础上对其内涵予以了清晰的界定。  相似文献   

世界上的新闻是什么样   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
祝建华 :本文采用跨文化比较以及兼用定性和定量方法来研究新闻传播学中最基本的理论问题 ,实为近年来少见的力作。陈力丹 :现任《传播学研究》杂志 (CommunicationResearch)两主编之一的休梅克 ,几年前访问过我国。她领导的研究小组最近对世界不同地区的 1 0个代表性国家 (包括中国 )的媒体进行了跨文化比较研究 ,从新闻理念入手 ,给人相当多的思考。本期发表的是她研究报告的一部分。  相似文献   

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