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Rising sales output of broadcasting has depended upon total hours worked more than new dollars for structures and equipment. Regulatory burdens appear to have had little effect upon stagnating productivity.  相似文献   


Ebooks pose many challenges in library collection development, mostly due to the lack of standards and the many different platforms available. These challenges are faced by both public and academic libraries, but the challenges inherent in collecting popular reading ebooks can be different from the challenges that come with collecting scholarly ebooks. This article describes the purpose and processes behind an academic library, University of Wyoming Libraries, providing popular reading ebooks to its faculty and students, and focuses on the experience of being a 3M Cloud Library early adopter.  相似文献   

The scope and nature of reality television has changed since researchers last conducted a content analysis of the antisocial behavior for this type of programming. This study examines the content of seven seasons of Survivor, one of America's longest running reality television programs, to determine the types, frequency, and context of antisocial behavior presented in the series as well as the possible effects of the program on longtime viewers using social learning and cultivation theories. In the 76.4 hours of programming analyzed for this study, 4,207 antisocial acts were documented in the coding database. Indirect aggression and verbal aggression were found to be the most frequently occurring types of antisocial behavior. The number (4,207) and the rate (45.7 acts per hour) of antisocial acts in the seven seasons of Survivor analyzed in this study is higher than the findings of a previous study of antisocial behavior in reality-based television conducted in 1997. This study clearly demonstrates that longtime viewers of Survivor get a higher dose of antisocial behavior than did regular viewers of news programming and other reality-based programs that aired slightly more than 10 years ago.  相似文献   

张琦 《编辑之友》2016,(8):52-57
电视综艺娱乐节目自诞生之日起便被赋予了宣传主流文化、引导社会舆论的功能.凭借节目本身所具有的强大的声像综合感染力和文艺本身的召唤结构,以情感性、体验态为特征的艺术形态的舆论在公众观看并参与中生成与传播.回首中国内地电视综艺娱乐节目35年的发展历程,其在舆论引导方式上的变革也呈现出从节目本身的内容激发到节目的设计引导、从媒介人物的正面宣传到参与主体的互动挖掘等趋势.  相似文献   

The present research investigated whether co-viewer comments in social TV interactions are able to enhance or weaken media effects. With the example of talent shows, the valence of co-viewer comments (pro/contra/none) as well as the type of content (antisocial behavior vs. conventional performance) were varied in an experiment (N = 117). Results showed that participants’ own comments and their private attitudes about the judges varied in line with comment valence. Findings suggest that social TV viewers are prone to social influence of their co-viewers, which might amplify problems regarding the portrayal of antisocial behavior in reality TV.  相似文献   

[目的/意义]芬兰阅读教育发达,图书馆阅读服务专业人才在其中发挥着重要作用,总结芬兰阅读服务人才培养方面的先进经验,可以为发展我国阅读服务专业教育提供借鉴。[研究设计/方法]以开展图书情报教育并开设阅读类课程的芬兰4所大学为调查对象,通过访问学院的网站,对学位项目与课程、教学方式、师资力量、研究与培训项目进行全面的调查分析。[结论/发现]芬兰阅读服务专业教育呈现如下特点:以本科教育为主,以研究和培训项目为依托,开展跨学科、跨院校、跨国合作,学校与图书馆合作十分紧密。[创新/价值]揭示芬兰图书馆学教育开展阅读服务专业人才培养的模式和特色,并结合我国国情提出相关建议,为我国阅读服务专业人才教育提供参考。  相似文献   

We have promoted a hierarchy of influences model for understanding the complex factors shaping media—particularly news—content: from the individual to social-system level. Meanwhile, technology-enabled changes in the media eco-system have shifted old boundaries and encouraged new, more spatially oriented concepts, such as fields and networks. In this essay we revisit our levels-of-analysis perspective, which in the historical context of communication research was a response to the media effects paradigm, and incorporate within the model examples from recent research. We argue that the hierarchical of influences can still take into account new realignments of media and other forces. Emerging spaces in the network public sphere may not fit as easily into the once familiar professional, organizational, and institutional containers, but the new media configurations supporting these spaces must still be understood with reference to a larger framework of power.  相似文献   

娱乐节目与快乐哲学——韩国电视娱乐节目分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
徐国源 《国际新闻界》2009,(3):28-30,40
本文通过对韩国电视娱乐节目的分析,探讨娱乐节目在韩国公共文化生活中的意义。韩国娱乐节目以快乐主义为价值取向,以娱乐为本位,显示了后现代文化的某些美学旨趣。作为在传播中生产的文本形式,娱乐节目的价值应置于传播情景中理解。  相似文献   

澳大利亚的公共图书馆服务享有良好的声誉.其明确的为读者服务的意识、有声有色的虚拟参考咨询服务、有效的用户在线教育服务和个性化服务以及健全的图书馆法律,值得我国公共图书馆学习.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):199-202
Courses: Human Communication and Culture; Communication Law; Argumentation and Debate; Intercultural Communication

Objectives: Students will understand the intricate and mutually influential relationship between communication, culture, and technology by role playing popular news stories about citizens who record public arrests. Through this structured role play, students improve their argumentation skills by learning to craft concise arguments in the face of opposition.  相似文献   

正上海,是中国的时装中心,又是时装表演的发源地,也是改革开放初新中国第一代时装模特初出茅庐的地方……时尚,这个40年前可能还让人看不懂的新词,如今已经成为一种生活方式。据不完全统计:从1980年到现在,全国累计已有1200多万人涉足时装模特职业。如今,模特表演已成为时尚的引领,许多新颖别致的服装款式,通过T形舞台走向市场,走向民间,成为市  相似文献   

在社会老龄化和代际共融倡议不断发展的背景下,探寻公共图书馆促进世代融合的多元路径,是公共图书馆继续服务所有年龄群体、创新服务方式、积极应对人口老龄化的新型途径。美国公共图书馆界促进世代融合的实践主要体现在制定政策指南、开展代际项目、建设代际资源、举办代际会议等层面,同时也暴露出诸多问题。美国公共图书馆促进世代融合的路径包括:加强代际理念和代际项目的教育研究及培训工作,将“代际学习和交流”作为图书馆的服务策略和服务内容;将代际视角融入政策文件,将世代多样性作为图书馆的重要资产;构建和完善包含准确、积极和多元老年人形象的代际馆藏资源,培养儿童对老年人和老化的积极认知;拓展或专门开辟代际共享空间,促进图书馆从单代空间和多代空间向代际空间转变;开展多元主题的代际项目,搭建老年人和年轻人之间互动沟通的桥梁。美国公共图书馆促进世代融合的实践、存在的问题及完善路径可为我国公共图书馆开展相关业务提供参考。图2。表2。参考文献62。  相似文献   

德国科隆公共图书馆在数字时代紧跟时代步伐,在传统业务基础上积极创新,引入新技术打造服务新亮点,提高图书馆知名度和使用率,它的创新服务对我国图书馆开展的业务创新具有重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   

Offering a separate, popular reading collection can be a valuable public service in academic libraries. Popular reading is also known as leisure reading, recreational reading, and reading for pleasure. These phrases are synonyms for an interest in reading bestsellers, mysteries, romance novels, biographies, graphic novels, humor, self-help, or popular nonfiction, among other literature categories. This article examines the survey data of popular reading collections in the public universities of three southeastern states. It also discusses the popular reading collection at the author's library, also located at a southeastern public university, and analyzes the data from both circulation records and a survey of more than 100 patrons who used the collection during the fall 2008 semester.  相似文献   

通过列举中外公共图书馆建立和开展儿童阅读推广活动的实例,探讨儿童阅读推广的理论和方法.结合德国图书馆儿童阅读推广的实践和效果,进行成功案例介绍,分析研究其特点.  相似文献   

美英两国公共图书馆经费筹措机制及其启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美英两国公共图书馆多渠道的经费来源、完备的法律制度及其他筹措资金的办法成为美英公共图书馆事业引领世界的经济保障。研究美英两国公共图书馆经费筹措机制及其实践对解决我国公共图书馆经费短缺问题、探索有中国特色的图书馆经费筹措机制、推进我国公共图书馆建设具有积极的现实意义。  相似文献   

围绕公共图书馆教育、文化、信息服务、促进社会和谐及休闲娱乐五大职能展开论述了我国公共图书馆应开展的基本服务,主要包括培养阅读习惯、扫盲、信息素质教育、支持学校教育、支持终身教育、宣传推广文化、日常信息咨询服务、促进社会融合及为公众提供休闲娱乐等等。参考文献8。  相似文献   

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