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Several long-standing theories intersect in discussing the impact of community characteristics and of the mass media. The structural pluralism model popularized by Tichenor and his colleagues says that social structure influences how mass media operate in communities because they respond to how power is distributed in the social system, whereas the linear model says that the increasing size of a community's population leads to more social differentiation and diversity and corresponding increases in subcultures with their own beliefs, customs, and behaviors. Recently, there has been a concern about how changes in society have led to a decline in organizational activity and the network of relationships and trust that constitute “social capital.” This article examines the impact of population and diversity (using census data) on individuals’ media use, interpersonal discussion and civic engagement (measured in a national survey), and the relationship among these variables. Analysis of a structural model provides evidence that the “linear hypothesis” can be combined with structural pluralism, with size—measured by population—impacting diversity, which influences the relationships that people have with their community. Concurrently, social categories influence people's communication patterns and community relationships, and communication impacts civic engagement.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(3):122-126
Courses: Public Speaking, Hybrid Basic Course

Objectives: Students will realize the importance of invention and arrangement when developing speeches, use PowerPoint presentational aids, and manage communication apprehension.  相似文献   

Hindi film scholars have been slow to adopt content analysis methodologies. Given the potentially changing social-political-economic context of Hindi cinema, this study utilized content analysis to investigate the prevalence of five globalization dimensions—geographical, cultural, nationalistic, infrastructural, and artistic—in the highest grossing Hindi films of the postcolonial era between 1947 and 2007. The films were coded to address multiple hypotheses theorizing that changing transnational contexts would be related to significant increases in global aspects of content. The findings suggest that the oft-repeated conclusions of scholars regarding the widespread influence of global forces on Hindi film production—particularly in the current era of “Bollywoodization”—are more complex than suggested in prior research.  相似文献   

This study analyzes the determinants of cinema demand in Korea for 1963 to 2004. The study specifies a time series-based simultaneous-equations model and considers some variables that have not been included in other studies of cinema demand at the national level. The estimation results indicate that cinema demand increases with an increase in the variety and quality of movies but decreases with an increase in admission price and television diffusion. Moreover, cinema services are a substitute for trips to cultural facilities and a complement to cable television services. The results also indicate that attendance and income are significant determinants of cinema supply.  相似文献   

许峰 《北京档案》2003,(8):36-38
“九一三”事件发生时,刚刚上任不久的中国驻蒙古大使许文益是最早抵达现场的中国人,成为中共历史上这次重大事件的见证者。本文详述了许大使在处理这一事件中前前后后的工作活动经历,披露了许多鲜为人知的内幕,作为一段历史记忆载入史册。  相似文献   

六分仪是一种测定地平线与天体之间角度的光学仪器,是18世纪末至20世纪中期航海的主要导航仪器,在人类认识地球、利用海洋的伟大事业中发挥了重要作用,在科学史上具有一定地位。本文通过这件藏品,介绍六分仪的构造原理和发明历史,揭秘藏品及其捐赠者背后的故事,为同行研究提供一定参考。  相似文献   

六朝古都南京因长江龙盘、钟山虎踞而天下闻名.江南风雨和历史硝烟共同孕育了这座美丽的城市.江苏省档案馆坐落于城市的中心,南有新街口,北有鼓楼,东有南京大学,西有五台山体育馆和南京师范大学,现址位于青岛路1号,历史上曾是清代文人袁枚的故居--随园.  相似文献   

After a latency period, the American cinema is processing the trauma of defeat in the Vietnam War. In these films, defeat is repressed but the defeated male is present. Central to the texts is a profound loss of self, incoherence at the gendered core of masculine identity, the failure to conform to the heteronormative mythical model, loss of traditional affiliations (representability of the social order, fatherhood, brotherhood), tortured body, and shattering of sexuality. All three models of post-traumatic masculinity subvert the identification between masculinity, patriarchy, and nationalism.  相似文献   

《Communication Teacher》2013,27(4):205-211
Courses: Introduction to Public Relations; Public Relations Capstone

Objectives: After completing this activity, students will be able to apply social expectations theory (DeFleur & Ball-Rokeach, 1989) to film depictions of public relations practitioners in order to: ? determine if portrayals of public relations practitioners are accurate or distorted;

? recognize the patterns of social dishonor and disdain sometimes awarded the public relations field;

? differentiate between professional expectations of public relations practitioners and the images depicted;

? ascertain which public relations practitioners are portrayed to have the most and least power;

? understand media frames for public relations


<正>刚刚过去的2016年,中国电影的发展达到了历史新高,全年生产故事片772部,票房457.12亿元,观众人次13.72亿,实现了产业化改革(1993年)以来连续24年的增长。作为与共和国同龄的人,我和新中国电影一起成长,亲历、见证了它的波澜起伏和革故鼎新。孩提时代的神往在我孩提时代的记忆中,电影绝对是一道抹不去的靓丽风景。上世纪五六十年代,人们的经济条件都很拮据,文化生活也很单涮,电影大概是人们唯一可以和可能享用的"高档"精神娱乐活动。对于我们这些小学生来说,更是如此。学校每个学期统一安排的一两场电  相似文献   

泰山医学院阅读疗法课题组选择了30名因童年创伤引发抑郁障碍的大学生为阅读疗法实验对象。采用交互式阅读疗法、心理咨询法、音乐疗法、群体支持法相结合的立体化治疗方案,并将中医的论治流程、中医方剂学的配伍原则、中医郁证的情志疗法与阅读疗法原理相结合,提出了阅疗治法、选书类别、靶向投书、检测效果及书方配伍的阅读疗法施治流程。通过了解抑郁知识,接受抑郁现实;阅读别人的抑郁症,宣泄抑郁情绪;讲出童年创伤,疗愈内在小孩;学习抗抑郁方法,驱除消极思维的递进式分段阅疗,最终取得了实验对象治愈率达70%以上,有效率80.3%的良好效果。经对疗愈作用大的文献的药性分析,组创了疗愈童年创伤引发的抑郁障碍阅读疗法配伍成方。  相似文献   

文化圈、共同语言、民族国家、地方性等不同意义上的多元文化已经通过电影文本、电影生产与传播等形成了全球电影多元文化格局,建构既具有权利差异又在诉求平等交流的秩序关系。在这种全球电影多元文化格局中,中国电影文化虽然通过大片战略、跨文化合作等方式参与其中,但中国电影文化的主体性、中国电影文化作为多元文化格局中建构者的主体轮廓和主导诉求依然模糊。中国电影文化应从全球电影文化多元格局角度重新审视自己的文化建构战略,以更加积极有效的方式参与多元文化格局建设。  相似文献   

瘟疫游戏是一种以瘟疫或病毒传播为主题的电子游戏。它能够通过灾难场景的再现、逃亡或抗争的叙述情节以及"反人类"的游戏结局建构出一个反乌托邦的通达世界。在这个反乌托邦的世界中,玩家不再是事件的"第三人称"旁观者,而是"第一人称"视角的参与者,在包含着历史隐喻和未来指向的"当下"场景中,获得情感体验和创伤记忆。瘟疫游戏对创伤的表征,并非将创伤事件娱乐化,使其沦为大众娱乐的产物,也不在于重述个体或集体所经历的痛苦和伤害。瘟疫游戏中的反乌托邦想象,是对现实存在的诸多问题和矛盾的投射和隐喻,强调的是人类如何从痛苦的经历中获得启示,进行自我拯救。  相似文献   

文章对宗旨为“通过不断阅读与持续分享,见证推广活动与参与者的共同成长”的东北师范大学图书馆阅读推广案例——“净月·阅读分享会”的开展背景进行了简述,同时对活动的内容与运作方式、成效与影响进行总结,并对现存的问题和未来的运行进行归纳与反思。  相似文献   

红色历史档案真实地记录了中国共产党领导革命取得胜利的实践创新,对其加以研究即能挖掘其真理价值和历史文化内涵。战争年代,中国共产党借用北海币取得的伟大经济斗争胜利,一定潜藏着能够而且可以被解开的真理性认识的经济密码。实践出真知,中共取得货币战争(北海币)胜利的法宝为:实践(发行货币开展货币斗争)→认识(创新货币理论或货币制度)→再实践(统一货币市场)→再认识→再实践→再认识→再实践,循环往复。若是将货币战争(内隐于军事斗争)视为特殊时期发展经济的伟大实践或实验,回看北海银行的“前世”与“今生”及其探索出来的通向真理之路,能够为今日中国应对全球货币市场斗争提供思想启导。  相似文献   

电影作为承载中国梦想、树立文化自信的重要载体,始终在以丰富生动的内容与形式传达着主流意识形态与观念价值.自20世纪80年代末期"坚持主旋律,提倡多样化"的主张被提出以来,数十年间,主旋律电影以宏大叙事建构着国人的国族认同与家国情怀,却同时也面临着市场表现欠佳的窘境.21世纪以来,随着中国电影整体产业化水平的日渐成熟与市场化进程的不断深入,主旋律电影开始了自身的转型与创新,逐步从主旋律影片转化为新主流电影.在商业类型、剧作主题、视听呈现、文化视野等方面,新主流电影在主旋律电影的基础上实现传承、突破与创新.新时代,电影创作始终要将核心价值观融入多种艺术表现形式中,满足多样化社会需求,繁荣社会主义文化市场,实现经济效益和社会效益的有机统一.新主流电影始终在为走向更多元的文化与最广大的人民,做着自身的不懈努力.  相似文献   

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