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跨越数字鸿沟   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
罗德隆 《情报学报》2005,24(5):631-637
数字鸿沟是当今全球范围内普遍存在的一个社会经济现象。许多有识之士已经撰文,对数字鸿沟进行了政治、人文、教育等方面的探讨。本文从经济学的角度出发,对数字鸿沟“就事论理”,为数字鸿沟的分析提供一个大思路,广阔视野。即用经济学的框架将其他方面的分析整合进来。首先,对数字鸿沟按照市场主体——企业和个人——进行分门别类的说明,区分企业和个人、研发和使用数字技术上存在的所谓“数字鸿沟”;然后,分别考察出这几种数字鸿沟的原因以及这些鸿沟产生的后果。随后,本文考察政府在数字鸿沟面前应该发挥的作用。最后,再根据以上的分析,结合消除数字鸿沟的国际经验与中国的实际情况,对症下药,对跨越中国国内以及中国和发达国家的两方面的数字鸿沟提出政策建议,这始终基于本文对“数字鸿沟”所作的分类。  相似文献   

From May 1982 through February 1984 staff in the Preparations Department of the Louisiana State University Library worked with programmers at Hertzberg New Method, Inc., to develop an on-line communications system between binder and library. This paper details the history of the development, describes the system, and identifies some of its advantages.  相似文献   

As news organizations look toward social networking sites as a way to expand their audience, the present article explores how this trend might impact discussion among users of political news content. A content analysis of user comments left by readers of the Washington Post suggests that when it comes to discussing political news, there are significant differences in the deliberative quality of those who access the news directly through the news organization's Web site and those who access the same news via Facebook. In short, comments left by Web site users exhibited greater deliberative quality than those left by Facebook users.  相似文献   

This study explores how libraries can enhance information literacy in online undergraduate courses at Purdue University, a large Midwestern research university. The article investigates undergraduate students’ perception of the importance and their awareness of libraries’ services for online learning, challenges of using information to complete course assignments, and the ability to gather and evaluate information to complete online coursework. The findings contribute to four aspects of the Libraries’ programmatic efforts to support undergraduate students taking online courses. These include showing a need for IL, helping students stay connected to resources and support, pedagogic strategies, and strategically targeting courses.  相似文献   

数字权益管理技术   总被引:26,自引:3,他引:26  
简要描述数字权益管理的整体机制和技术框架, 介绍权益描述语言、数字内容保护技术、权益管理机制等的技术要求和范例系统。  相似文献   

This paper is based on an Australian government-funded research project looking at the implications of digitization for the book publishing industry, which was originally completed in 2008 and later extended to cover up to the present day. Although Australian-based the project and subsequent research has wider implications for application elsewhere. The paper initially provides a snapshot of Australian book publishing in a global context, and then summarizes our findings on the current and potential future impact of digital technologies. The original research employed an interpretive research paradigm, using a mixed methodology design, including an online survey of book publishers and the conduct of 14 case studies. The extension of the original research project led to its being given a more global dimension. In reporting this new research, the paper discusses in detail the diverse range of technologies, their limitations and the risks and opportunities they offer to the book publishing industry. This includes insights into the business as well as technical issues confronting the industry.  相似文献   

网络文化安全监管的关键技术研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文在分析网络文化安全及其监管技术的基础上,重点讨论了web文本内容过滤、脚本过滤、基于内容分析的色情图像过滤方法,并提出了基于统计分析的黄色网页特征提取技术。  相似文献   

为落实联合国2030年可持续发展目标,国际图联与一些国际组织共同发起“图书馆致力数字包容”的共同承诺和“行动呼吁”,国内外图书馆界领导及知名专家学者就“图书馆与数字包容”进行了讨论。饶权指出,随着现代技术的发展,数字鸿沟问题日益突显。中国国家图书馆研究提出建设“全国智慧图书馆体系”的工作思路,以期引领带动各级公共图书馆全面实现智慧转型,在促进数字包容方面发挥更加积极的作用;克里斯汀·麦肯齐阐述了国际图联在支持联合国2030年议程和可持续发展目标方面的工作,特别是目标第16条:“构建和平与包容的社会,使人人享有公正,提高政府机构效率和能力,强调政府和图书馆必须成为数字包容的积极推动者”;杰拉德·莱特纳指出,促进数字包容的任何努力都需要考虑三个方面——互联、内容和能力。缺乏任何一个方面,都不可能完全实现数字包容。图书馆作为社区中心的公共空间、内容的储存空间和门户,以及经验丰富的信息素养教育者,在更广泛的政府战略中都可以发挥自己独特的作用;陈超指出,历史和现实、理论和实践早就告诉我们,公共图书馆肩负着促进人类社会包容性发展的义不容辞的使命。为此公共图书馆必须承担起“弥合数字鸿沟,促进数字包容”的社会责任,让每一个人有机会上网、为每一个人赋能、让每一个人能平等获取信息知识;吴建中认为,我国图书馆界应积极配合国际图联的呼吁与倡议,并发出我国图书馆界强有力的声音。第一,大力宣传我国在保障公民获取基本公共文化服务权益方面的政策及举措。第二,积极推广互联网和数字技术在图书馆的应用。第三,继续提升媒介和信息素养服务的质量;于良芝从个人信息世界的概念出发思考数字鸿沟现象及图书馆的作用,揭示了数字鸿沟的复杂性及社会包容与数字包容的互为条件性,认为这为公共图书馆参与数字包容建设开辟了更广阔的空间;肖珑表示,支持国际图联(IFLA)关于数字包容声明的提出,中国高校图书馆应清醒地认识到信息贫富分化问题的存在,并努力缩小地区差距,保护不同群体利益,促进高等教育的内涵式发展;阿曼达·里德与金·汤普森认为,当危机、变革和挑战来临之际,也是我们努力前行之时,并以一所美国图书馆为例,显示了在新冠疫情这样的危机面前,公共图书馆如何满足当地居民需要,支持社区朝着更加数字包容的社会可持续地发展;金武刚认为,图书馆应当加强科普功能,开发新媒体产品,融入公共传播平台,帮助社会民众辨别网络信息真伪,查询获取正确信息,解决数字包容深层次问题;吴丹与刘静基于技术环境变化的背景,以人与技术的交互为焦点,从“技术→人”与“人→技术”两条路径对数字包容内涵进行扩展并提出了图情领域工作的发展策略。  相似文献   

王润 《编辑之友》2018,(8):61-65
“数字鸿沟”问题引发社会的广泛关注,文章将“数字鸿沟”问题放置于我国具体的互联网实践之中,从人的主体性和技术的社会因素两方面加以认识,以充分理解中国社会背景下“数字鸿沟”问题的现实情境.通过对64名被访者的访谈,笔者发现信息弱势群体试图摆脱社会结构的限制、发挥人的主体性,网络新媒体技术的身体不在场特征、中低端通信市场以及信息化的普及为数字鸿沟的弥合提供了可能性,反映出中国网络社会突破“数字鸿沟”的潜力与独特性.  相似文献   

在对国外143个整合系统进行统计研究的基础上,探讨数字资源整合系统的实现机制。它们可以被概括为数据仓库整合机制、中介器封装器整合机制、代理整合机制和对等整合机制。每种整合机制都涉及一些主要技术。图3。参考文献16。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(79-80):57-65

Digital reference is an important research area with the potential to enhance information delivery to library patrons. The process of digital reference involves the challenges and problems of an interactive computer-mediated reference interview. Related studies of mediated online searching have identified the major tasks during a mediated online search. The search intermediary's tasks included gathering information on the information need, previous searches on the topic by the information seeker, search terms and strategies, database selection, search procedures, system's outputs and relevance of retrieved items, and the number of topics to be searched. The information seeker's tasks include providing information to the search intermediary on their topic, discussing their previous information seeking and evaluating the online search output. Models of digital reference interviews need to include more complex information seeking behaviors, such as successive searching and multitasking. Further research is needed to extend our understanding of digital reference processes.  相似文献   

作为"美国国家数字图书馆项目" (NSDL)组成部分之一,在线心理学实验室项目是一个用来在高中和大学阶段进行心理学教育的数字图书馆.文章对该数字图书馆的建设、现状及目的进行了综合性的述评,包括项目概述、项目构成和界面、实验提交过程、项目目的以及评估.  相似文献   

论数字图书馆的信息检索技术   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
李敏 《津图学刊》2003,(3):15-17
论述了数字图书馆信息检索的理论基础及基于内容的信息检索技术的特点、检索方法及相关技术和建立检索专家知识库。  相似文献   

现代信息与通信技术的进步使个人信息不可避免地产生了过载现象,而数字化个人信息所拥有的多种格式共存,语义信息丰富等特点,也为其管理和使用带来了许多困难.在这一背景下,近年来人们对个人信息的组织与管理日益关注,相应的个人信息管理(PIM)及系统的研究也成为了信息组织技术领域的一个研究热点.文章评述了与PIM相关的信息组织、存储、管理与应用等关键技术及其研究进展情况,介绍了PIM系统的相关研究成果.在此基础上,分析了个人信息管理技术领域相关研究尚存在的一些问题,并提出了未来PIM相关研究应关注的几个重点领域.  相似文献   

Digital technologies and their uses within museum collections have until recently been explored primarily from a technical viewpoint. Increasingly, museum professionals are moving beyond technologically‐driven reasoning to entertain new ways of conceptualizing both collections and information. This is leading to knowledge models beyond those already imagined. This paper considers the synergy between theoretical ideas in the academy and the computer ontologies that have been brought to bear on collections information. Drawing on user research findings from the Themescaping Virtual Collections project and the work of leading literary and media theorists, the paper examines how user needs and digital technologies are reformulating our understanding of museum collections and the relationships between museums and audiences.  相似文献   

在网络时代,图书馆的各类服务手段都在探索向数字化网络化方式转型,近几年来,上海图书馆通过策划展览一积累藏品一全国巡展一网上展览厅,进行了“复合型图书馆”展览服务的有益尝试。文章详述了上图“网上展览厅”的建设和历史背景,尤其是其运用了Flash技术,编辑制作了近三十个网上展览,实现了读者足不出户,通过互联网,无论在世界哪个城市,都可轻松点击欣赏上图曾经举办过的各种艺术展览,从而达到了展览资源共享,在数字环境下走出了一条探索与创新之路。另外,作者比较了国内其他图书馆、美术馆、博物馆的展览网站,同时也系统分析了网上展览厅的优势和不足以及发展前景。  相似文献   


In library user experience (UX) literature, physical and digital spaces are often studied separately. In academic libraries, different stakeholders often control and operate the logistics of each set of spaces. Additionally, library UX studies seldom consider the physical experiences of users beyond the borders of library websites or buildings. Our survey of 37?U.S. academic library websites found that 97% had some kind of digital representations of physical spaces – predominantly floor plans. A content analysis of those floor plans found that many were poorly designed, and identified two specific themes: non-accessible content and a lack of comprehensive information to facilitate the user journey. This paper offers several recommendations for building more accessible digital representations of physical spaces for the library website. These trends and recommendations are intended to be instructive for managers of library websites and elucidate larger themes about academic libraries.  相似文献   


This article examines what is implied by the term “trusted” in the phrase “trusted digital repositories.” Digital repositories should be able to preserve electronic materials for periods at least comparable to existing preservation methods. Our collective lack of experience with preserving digital objects and consensus about the reliability of our technological infrastructure raises questions about how we should proceed with digital-based preservation practices, an emerging role for academic libraries and archival institutions. This article reviews issues relating to building a trusted digital repository, highlighting some of the issues raised and possible solutions proposed by the authors in their work of implementing and acculturating a digital repository at Rutgers University Libraries.  相似文献   

信息过滤技术在数字图书馆的应用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
信息过滤技术将在数字图书馆个性化服务中起重要作用。可以构建一个基于信息过滤技术的数字图书馆模型。它主要包括信息检索模块和信息过滤模块。图1。参考文献4。  相似文献   

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