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针对当前高校图书馆服务面临的瓶颈,通过调查国内"985工程"院校图书馆使用新媒体情况,总结出当前存在的问题,并结合中国药科大学图书馆实际,建立一套有效的新媒体营销服务体系,引导高校图书馆由被动服务转向主动服务,吸引更多读者关注图书馆和利用图书馆资源。  相似文献   

一这几年来我所从事的一项研究工作是关于本世纪二十年代初上海的报纸文化。〔2〕我的研究重点是一份上海报纸——《商报》。在1921年,《商报》的发行量名列第三,仅居《申报》和《新闻报》之后。从发行量的角度讲,在当时它是一份比较重要的报纸。但是在方汉奇和马光仁所写的两本重要的新闻史著作里,《商报》却很少被提及。〔3〕关于《商报》的材料主要来自于以前记者的回忆录。虽然现在《商报》几乎从历史的记忆里消失,但它于1921年在上海突然出现却是相当引人注目的。张静庐这样写到:“在五四运动以后,上海曾异军突起地出现了一种新报纸……  相似文献   

论文总结了全媒体时代图书馆用户的主体性、主动性和娱乐性特点,发掘了感验营销对图书馆推广的意义,并从感官满意策略、情感满意策略、娱乐满意策略、行动满意策略和文化满意策略等方面对感验营销在图书馆推广中的实践应用进行了分析、归纳。  相似文献   

This study explores sadness-based message choices among comedy, game show, and sad drama that correspond to the three perceived goals of sadness regulation—optimization, distraction, and embracement, respectively. Results from an experiment showed that some sad participants selected sad drama with the expectation of realizing that their situations were not the worst possible, of creating new meanings and values, and finally of regaining a sense of control over the event and life in general. Findings are discussed in terms of the importance of these cognitive gains and growth distinct from pleasurable experience from the use of entertainment messages.  相似文献   

本文从媒介系统依赖理论出发,调查并比较了中国新闻工作者及未来新闻工作者(新闻专业学生)对BBS信息和报纸信息的信任度。结果显示,由网民提供的信息正日益受到信任,这一趋势在学生群体中表现更为明显。  相似文献   

在新媒体时代下传统媒体如何突围   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动互联、智能终端、大数据,代表着新媒体时代的三大特征,它们的融合与交织,共同创造了一个复合型信息消费时代.技术赋权和资本驱动的新媒体展现出巨大的发展潜力,不断对传统媒体进行议程设置.如何在“四面楚歌”的窘境中实现破釜沉舟式的突围,传统媒体应从嫁接新媒体基因的服务理念、迎合“据说时代”的数据开发和渗透新媒体逻辑的模式创新这3个方面寻求重生.  相似文献   

李京丽 《新闻界》2008,(1):78-80
媒介终端化和终端媒介化是两种新的市场现象,也是两种营销模式和媒介发展趋势。对这两种关联现象进行分析和梳理后发现,媒介终端化和终端媒介化是一个双向运动的过程,其实质是在新媒体营销背景下,媒介和终端在经过市场价值裂变过后,各自功能和地位发生变化,从而引发的一场市场话语权的重新分配。  相似文献   

Due to technological development and economic pressures, deregulation of the West European broadcasting market during the 1980s has led to an enormous increase in the number of television channels. The opening of the markets to commercial interests and the demand for TV software (programming material) at the same time give media companies diverse opportunities to become active across frontiers. Being the biggest broadcasting and advertising market in Western Europe, Germany has become an interesting target for foreign companies. The introduction of digital television in the summer of 1996 and further liberalization of ownership regulations have made entry into the German broadcasting market even more attractive. This article describes the development of the German TV sector and analyzes opportunities, restrictions, and consequences of international and particularly U.S. activities in the German market.  相似文献   

While useful in establishing U.S. public media, the Public Broadcasting Act of 1967 is an imperfect instrument for moving public radio to a secure future. Policies governing public broadcasting are insufficient to address the economic, political, social, and technological changes upending media organizations, both commercial and non-commercial. The urgent need is for more flexible structural arrangements as public radio and public television stations merge, partner with non-profit media entities, and seek funding that builds on the strength of the local public radio network as well as responds to the demand for imaginative, on-demand content from national networks.  相似文献   

商业化时代出版人的文化追求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在概述出版误区的基础上,阐述了出版的本质与使命,认为出版人应当有社会责任与担当,有文化追求,有出版家的胸襟,去构建民族精神,塑造文明社会;并从出版者的角度提出了出版人的文化追求体现在办社的发展战略、产品的创新以及出版物的质量上.  相似文献   


Marketing is no longer a sporadic activity undertaken on an ad hoc basis, but rather has become an integral component of every library's day-to-day operations. This article provides an overview of basic marketing principles and then examines effective marketing strategies and promotional techniques in an academic environment. While viewed within the context of the law school setting, a majority of the marketing activities discussed are equally applicable in other types of law libraries.  相似文献   

利用微电影进行资源与服务推广是图书馆营销的新模式.图书馆微电影社会化媒体营销具有病毒式传播、即时反馈、内容简短却饱含深意、潜移默化的感染力、观看的高度便捷性等优势,但同时也存在图书馆信息与故事情节生硬结合,难以权衡信息植入与电影艺术之间的冲突,营销效果难以评估等问题.图书馆微电影应以读者为导向的创意模式、创造良好的互动机制、严把图书馆微电影的质量关、多渠道跨媒体的传播等方式,通过引导读者情感将图书馆信息与服务植入到其内心世界,从而实现图书馆营销信息的推广,丰富和发展图书馆营销模式.  相似文献   

新媒介策略:“长尾”时代的双重博弈   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本研究提出并回答三个问题:在新媒体时代,媒介融合的背后为何存在着媒体分化的反动?在受众对丰富信息要求的背后,是否隐藏着信息需求极简化的真相?如何理解这两组媒介策略之间的博弈?文章应用“长尾理论”,分析了以上两种策略博弈的经济理性,并指出了其均衡性所在。  相似文献   

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