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请看下面这一组问句:1.How is he?2. What is he?3. Who is he?4. Where is he? 5.What is he like? 6.What does he like? 7.How does he look?8. What does he look like? 9.What about him?简析:1.“How is sb.?”常用来询问某人的健康状况如何,其回答通常是:“主语+be+fine/OK/all right/verywell.”等。  相似文献   

1.How can you change a lady into a boy?2.When does a motorcycle go exactly as fast as a train?3.What is it that I can see but you cannot?4.What is the most difficult key to turn?5.What can you see with your eyes shut?6.What tree do you hold in your hand?7.What is it that is always coming but never arrives?8.What do you add to a road to make it wide?9.What bird can lift the heaviest weight?  相似文献   

First listening Listen once. Who does Inspector Nottingham Forest have to see at the end of the episode? When is he going to see him? Second listening Listen again. Then, answer these questions. I. How long has Inspector Forest been in the force? 2. What bad news does he receive? 3. How long has he been an inspector? 4. What doesn't Sergeant Hamilton do before coming in? 5. What news does Sergeant Hamilton have? 6. What does Inspector Forest want them to do with the witness? 7. What does inspector Forest want Sergeant Hamilton to do?  相似文献   

1.中国最大的沙漠是什么沙漠?2.瑜伽起源于哪个国家?3.晒太阳能够帮助人体获得哪种维生素?4.人体缺少哪种元素会引起甲状腺肿大,俗称大脖子病?5.川菜“蚂蚁上树”的主要食材是肉末炒什么?6.用来测量钻石重量单位是?7.“信天游”是中国哪个省的民歌风格?8.冬天,树干常常会被刷成白色,这白色液体是什么水?  相似文献   

What you say . How much is it, please? What' s the total amount? Are you going to buy it? How much are you going to spend? How much do you earn a month? How much have you got in savings? How many bank accounts do you have? Did you save any money last month? Shall we go shopping? How much did that cost you? Where did you get that? Was it expensive/cheap? I' ll get this one. / I' II pay for this. Lunch is on me. / I' II get lunch.  相似文献   

1.你认为最完美的快乐是怎样的?答:平淡自然.2.你最希望拥有哪种才华?答:书法.3.你最恐惧的是什么?答:人心向背.4.你目前的心境怎样?答:还好.5.还在世的人中你最钦佩的是谁?答:父母.6.你认为自己最伟大的成就是什么?答:学会感恩.7.你自己的哪个特点让你最觉得痛恨?答:容易生气.  相似文献   

1.什么事睁一只眼闭一只眼比较好?2.哪项比赛是往后跑的?3.一只凶猛的饿猫,看到老鼠,为何拔腿就跑?4.世界上除了火车啥车最长?5.牙医靠什么吃饭?6.一张方桌锯掉一个角,还有几个角?  相似文献   

An attempt 试穿 1. Could you try it on please?How is it?请试穿看看好吗?如何? 2. I like this one. May I try it on?我喜欢这一种,我能试穿吗?  相似文献   

问候(Greetings) 1 . "How are you?" "_____" A.How do you do? B.How are you? C.I' m fine, thank you D.What do you do?  相似文献   

A Servant:Wake up,Sir!Wake up,Sir! Owner:What is happening? Servant:The doctor says it??stime for you to takesleeping pills.B Mother:There are threecakes in the cupboard(碗柜),Jake.But why are thereonly two cakesnow?Jake:Why don??t Isee the two cakes?It??s really too darkin the cup-board.C Father:Who is thebest pupil in your class?  相似文献   

Part Ⅰ Listenand repeat these expressions.What you say . Is there a garage near here? I'd like sixteen litres ofdiese please. I'd like 20 litres of the four-star unleaded, please. Fill it up, please./Fill it with super, please. Could you check the tyre pressure, please? Could you check the water, please? Could you check the oil, please? Is this the road to Birmingham? Which turning do I need totake for Manchester? Which exit is it for Liverpool? What's the traffic like? I think we're lost. Could you tell me how to get here? I think I took the wrong exit. How do I get into the town centre? Is there a motel near here? Can I leave the car here, please?  相似文献   

Reception接待 1.What can I do for you? 你要些什么? 2.Can I help you ? 我能帮你吗?(需要些什么?)  相似文献   

谈到教师读书,便绕不过“为了什么读书”这样的话题.为备课?为应试?为撰写论文?为炫耀知识?为获得财富?为享受乐趣?还是纯粹为了填补空虚、打发时间?相信每个人都会给出不同的答案.  相似文献   

1. What tree is not a tree? 什么树不是树? 2. What log is not log? 什么木头不是木头?  相似文献   

1. Which school are you in?(你是哪个学校的?) 2. How many subjects have you studied in school? Which subject is the most important? Why?(你在学校学几门科目?你认为哪个科目是最重要的?为什么?)  相似文献   

贺梅 《今日中学生》2014,(10):24-24
1.西方的万圣节,人们会用什么植物做成一盏灯? 2.依云水来自哪个国家? 3.网络论坛中,"沙发"是代表第几个回帖的人? 4.五脏六腑的五脏是指哪五脏?  相似文献   

1.口吃的人最吃亏的是?2.什么东西使人哭笑不得?3.身份证掉了怎么办?4.小明的妈妈有三个儿子,大儿子叫大明,二儿子叫二明,三儿子叫什么?  相似文献   

1.What two you everywhere? 2.What kind the longest? animals go with of clothing lasts 3.What changes a pear into a pearl?  相似文献   

1.理性纯洁的精神恋爱又被人们称为哪位哲学家式的爱情位哲学家式的爱情?2.我们常说的我们常说的"一打"啤酒是指多少瓶啤酒啤酒?3.目前我国结婚证内页上印的是什么花花?4.世界上第一家七星级酒店—世界上第一家七星级酒店—"帆船酒店",是在哪个城市是在哪个城市?5.中国的中国的"雾都"是指哪个城市?6.国色天香指的是哪种植物国色天香指的是哪种植物?7.吃多了皮蛋会造成哪种重金属元素中毒毒?8.世界上最大的沙漠叫什么名字世界上最大的沙漠叫什么名字?  相似文献   

教学过程 Step 1. Preparation 准备活动 1. Free talk between the teacher and the Ss. What day is it today? /What day is it tomorrow? /When do you get up?/ What do you do on the weekend?  相似文献   

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