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客观世界是普遍相似的,相似现象经常会反映到人们的大脑中来,所以人们总是在自觉或不自觉地按相似的规律不断地去认识世界和改造世界。高中物理相似教学法就是利用客观事物普遍相似性综合联系教师、学生、教学资源三个基本教学要素,进行高中物理教学活动的一切相似教法和学法总和,更有利促进学生相似元群的发展和相似性思维的发展。  相似文献   

以三维向量表现渡工摆渡总理摆渡状态,通过对摆渡过程的分析,给出了可地状态态转移的转移法则并给出反映此问题的数学模型。在此模型下进行求解,与原有结论相一致,本文抓住了状态转移的本质规定,是数学建模技术成功的范之一。  相似文献   

在定义文法的基础上,基于状态转换方法,给出了一种不良信息文本过滤模型。进行文本过滤时,只需检测是否到达终止状态,就可断定过滤文本中是否含有不良信息。因而本模型具有较强的过滤能力。  相似文献   

三角形相似是初中数学探究的重点,与圆有关的相似模型众多,由于涉及圆,相似模型的结构较为特殊,解析时需要充分利用圆的相关性质.  相似文献   

本文对灰色模型预测方法的建模方法和步骤进行了总结,以发动机水温预测为例,研究了基于灰色模型的发动机状态预测技术,预测结果和实际数据对比表明,灰色模型方法能够对发动机的运行状态进行有效预测,为维修体制由当前的事后维修向视情维修转变提供了依据.  相似文献   

建立中厚板轧制压力计算模型,选取不同的应力状态系数模型对轧制压力进行预报,分析应力状态系数模型对轧制力预报精度的影响。结果表明:应力状态系数模型对轧制压力预报精度存在影响,当轧制较厚板时影响较大;中厚板轧制时,相对其他应力状态系数模型,采用模型Ⅱ计算,精度相对稳定,误差相对较小。  相似文献   

为了让学生能更好地理解控制棒在反应堆堆芯中的作用,设计了压水堆控制棒仿真实验。基于集总参数法和状态空间模型,建立堆芯控制棒仿真模型,并利用Matlab/simulink软件搭建堆芯控制棒仿真系统,在不同功率水平下,压水堆堆芯控制棒上移或下插等棒位变化进行仿真。仿真结果表明,堆芯功率水平越低,移动控制棒对堆芯功率的影响越大,堆芯功率稳定所需的时间越长。该实验涵盖了多个知识点,有利于培养学生的思维能力,提高学生运用知识的能力。  相似文献   

客观世界是普遍相似的,相似现象经常会反映到人们的大脑中来,所以人们总是在自觉或不自觉地按相似规律去认识和改造世界.高中物理相似教学法就是利用客观事物普遍相似性的原理,综合联系教师、学生、教学资源3个基本教学要素,进行高中物理教学活动的一切办法的总和.它包括教师教法:相似比喻法、自相似法、原型相似法、计算机仿真法、相似推理法、相似比较法、精确相似法、可拓相似法、模糊相似法;学生的学法:相似注意、相似聚焦、相似映射、相似提取、相似激活、相似重整,相似同化.并注重相似同化关键期,有利于促进学生相似元群的发展和相似性思维的发展.  相似文献   

在教育信息化背景下,个性化教学成为教育领域的研究热点。认知诊断与教育的深度融合能精准获取学生的认知状态,为不同学习者提供个性化的教学准备和学习支持,促进个性化教学的发展。以北师大版八年级上册数学教材中《一次函数》章节为例,开发诊断模型,通过诊断测验获得被试在测验上的作答反应来推测被试不可观察的知识状态,在微观层面分析学生心理加工过程和活动行为规律,对学生作答反应背后隐藏的潜在认知优势与不足做出精确判别。  相似文献   

本文对状态反馈H^∞控制中如何处理不确定性的影响问题进行研究,给出了一种将模型不确定性表示在H^∞优化标准问题中的处理方法 。  相似文献   

Physical Similarity and Young Children''s Understanding of Scale Models   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Young children's understanding of the correspondence between a scale model and a larger space is affected by the degree of physical similarity between the 2 spaces. In 4 studies, children between 2.5 and 3.5 years of age watched as a miniature toy was hidden somewhere in a scale model of a room. They were then asked to find an analogous toy that was hidden in the corresponding place in the room itself. The effects of different levels of 3 types of physical similarity were investigated. In general, the children's retrieval scores increased as a function of increasing similarity, although younger children required a higher degree of similarity to appreciate the model-room correspondence than did older children. Some types of similarity were more important than others: The level of similarity between the objects within the 2 spaces and of the overall size of the spaces both had large effects on the children's performance. Similarity presumably affects accessibility, the likelihood that children's representation of one space will provide access to their representation of the other space.  相似文献   

Structural equation modeling (SEM) is now a generic modeling framework for many multivariate techniques applied in the social and behavioral sciences. Many statistical models can be considered either as special cases of SEM or as part of the latent variable modeling framework. One popular extension is the use of SEM to conduct linear mixed-effects modeling (LMM) such as cross-sectional multilevel modeling and latent growth modeling. It is well known that LMM can be formulated as structural equation models. However, one main difference between the implementations in SEM and LMM is that maximum likelihood (ML) estimation is usually used in SEM, whereas restricted (or residual) maximum likelihood (REML) estimation is the default method in most LMM packages. This article shows how REML estimation can be implemented in SEM. Two empirical examples on latent growth model and meta-analysis are used to illustrate the procedures implemented in OpenMx. Issues related to implementing REML in SEM are discussed.  相似文献   

This article demonstrates the utility of restricted item response models for examining item difficulty ordering and slope uniformity for an item set that reflects varying cognitive processes. Twelve sets of paired algebra word problems were developed to systematically reflect various types of cognitive processes required for successful performance. This resulted in a total of 24 items. They reflected distance-rate–time (DRT), interest, and area problems. Hypotheses concerning difficulty ordering and slope uniformity for the items were tested by constraining item difficulty and discrimination parameters in hierarchical item response models. The first set of model comparisons tested the equality of the discrimination and difficulty parameters for each set of paired items. The second set of model comparisons examined slope uniformity within the complex DRT problems. The third set of model comparisons examined whether the familiarity of the story context affected item difficulty for two types of complex DRT problems. The last set of model comparisons tested the hypothesized difficulty ordering of the items.  相似文献   

写作是用语言表达思维运动的过程,是一个认知过程;英语作为外语的写作还要求反映西方文化所特有的思维模式。所以,建构写作心理模型有助于融语言教学和以思维为取向的文化教学为一体,提高学生的英语组织思维能力和英语表达能力,最终使学生在思维方式和语言形式上趋向于英语族人。  相似文献   

由于渔用网衣属于小尺度多孔网状结构,在波流作用下的动力响应过程比较特殊,采用物理模型试验方法是目前研究网衣水动力特性的主要途径。考虑网衣结构特点、试验条件及试验误差等方面要求,科学合理地进行网衣模型相似设计是开展模型试验的前提。本文针对各国学者在不同时期结合具体研究网衣类型提出的不同网衣相似准与方法,从设计思路、适用条件及优缺点等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

三维模型相似性分析是计算机视觉中的重点问题,如何构建其形状特征和对比函数是难点。随着深度学习出现,通过神经网络自动提取模型特征成为研究热点。构建了双层CNN网络,首先利用热核特征函数分别构建带有颜色的刚性和非刚性训练集与测试集,其次将数据集通过双层CNN网络进行模型训练,第一层实现类别初步判定,第二层实现同一模型刚性与非刚性形变区分。为了提高分类准确度,对初步分类错误的模型引入阈值判定,将其直接排除。通过实验分析,双层CNN网络刚性与非刚性的判别准确率达到99%。实验证明,该方法在模型相似性分析上是鲁棒的,且提取的特征不受人工干扰。  相似文献   

This paper presents a new method for using certain restricted latent class models, referred to as binary skills models, to determine the skills required by a set o f test items. The method is applied to reading achievement data from a nationally representative sample o f fourth-grade students and offers useful perspectives on test structure and examinee ability, distinct from those provided by other methods o f analysis. Models fitted to small, overlapping sets o f items are integrated into a common skill map, and the nature o f each skill is then inferred from the characteristics o f the items for which it is required. The reading comprehension items examined conform closely to a unidimensional scale with six discrete skill levels that range from an inability to comprehend or match isolated words in a reading passage to the abilities required to integrate passage content with general knowledge and to recognize the main ideas o f the most difficult passages on the test.  相似文献   

Two models of attribution were compared in assessing counselors' reactions to clients' initial attributional presentations. Predictions derived from the content model of attribution suggested that certain attributional content in client presentations (e.g., internal and unstable explanations) would create more favorable counselor impressions. The belief similarity model predicted that counselor–client agreement on explanations for the client's problem was more critical. Results partially supported both models: Counselors reacted most positively when they disagreed with the client's internal attribution and the most negatively when they disagreed with the client's external attribution.  相似文献   


Data from Mexico City, Mexico (N = 978) and from Texas, USA (N = 932) were used to test the predictive validity of the teacher professional development component of the Will, Skill, Tool Model of Technology Integration in a cross-cultural context. Structural equation modeling (SEM) was used to test the model. Analyses of these data yielded positive results for the model's validity and reliability, with more than 90% of the variance in classroom technology integration found to be attributable to a linear combination of a teacher's attitude or Will, technology proficiency or Skill, and access to technology Tools. Results also showed a differential effect of predictors on integration, depending on the teacher's stage of technology adoption: At lower stages Tool access appears to be the best predictor; whereas, at higher stages Skill appears to be the best predictor. At the highest stage of adoption Will may replace Skill as the best technology integration predictor. Collective findings regarding the orderings of integration predictors shed light on alternative theoretical views of technology integration. Findings tend to support the view of technology integration as a step-wise, sequential, developmental process, rather than the process of eliminating external and internal barriers that impede the full integration of technology into a classroom teaching/learning environment.  相似文献   

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